Poetry competition CLOSED 4th July 2023 4:25pm
lepperochan (CraicDealer)
View Profile Poems by lepperochan
RUNNERS-UP: wallyroo92 and Kinkpoet

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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616

Poetry Contest

In the Spirit of Unity, Inclusion, and Equality

LGBT pride is the promotion of the self-affirmation, dignity, equality, and increased visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people as a social group. Pride, as opposed to shame and social stigma, is the predominant outlook that bolsters most LGBT rights movements. Pride has lent its name to LGBT-themed organizations, institutes, foundations, book titles, periodicals, a cable TV channel, and the Pride Library.

I am looking for two things:

Firstly, the importance of inclusion and equality for our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters; or,
secondly, a perspective poem about overcoming the challenges of prejudice in today's society.

I will be judging this myself, so the one that moves me the most, or that I feel is the sincerest in regard to the importance of inclusion and equality, or the one who has personally overcome such prejudiced, or watched someone they love overcome while retaining love in their heart gets the trophy.

A few guidelines to note:

1. No bashing our LGBTQ brothers and sisters.
2. 100/150 words max.
3. Multiple accounts welcome as long as you declare them per site guidelines.
4. New writes only.
5. ZERO erotica

Have fun and good luck!

Dangerous Mind
Portugal 24awards
Joined 26th May 2022
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If you don't like pink,
this is not a rhyme for you...
As if pink had anything to do with
my kind of POETRY!!!

If you don't like the subject of SEXUALITY,
It's your problem and not mine!!!
So I ask that: if you want to read, read!
If not, go for a walk... on the net!

The poetry inserted here derives
of years of self esteem
and development of my BEING.

The poetry inserted here was written
for the man I love.
The poetry inserted here may or may not
serve for you or for the one you love.

This is what is important
of poetry inserted here: it's POETRY!
I will be very happy if you read and use it
to be a bridge between you and someone...
I will be very happy...always, always, always!!!

I'll wait for my poetry to be yours, your love's, ours.
I will be very happy...
For me, for my man,
for my poetry, for you, for your beloved, for our poetry
and mainly because of our sexuality,
that at this moment of the planet earth
has nothing to do with being POETIC.

from me and my man to: EVERYONE!!!

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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616

Thank you, PAR. Poetry is indeed a bridge built of words.

I received a question: "Can a straight parent write a poem about their gay child?"

Absolutely. I'll clarify that in the guidelines.

EDIT: I will modify the guidelines to reflect the above when Webmiss corrects the error.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

Triple the Struggle

- Triple the Struggle -

I was born hermaphroditic,
Male and female entwined.
But with three souls!
Two twins, and another.
All three interconnect,
Like a thing alien or divine.
How can one control,
If one is father or mother...
When one is both together?

My gender is most oft fluid,
My preferences of two sorts.
I have known torment!
Been subjected to bigotry.
Some wanted me dead,
Until the pain of it contorts.
So my anger I had to vent,
Weeping for lost dignity...
Screaming for all to see!

I remain true to myself,
My pride stays strong...
Love is my true wealth,
And to love I do belong.
Thee souls, many colors...
And all of it so varied!
Like so many whispers...
Where shadows tarried.
I think of many futures,
Seeing so many paths...
A rainbow bridge secure,
From all hatred's wrath.
From mountain to shore,
So in joy we may laugh.
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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Chloe A. Harper-Ashton
Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 10th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 21

Basically Bi-Gender

I never told anyone...
that I was born a boy.
Because it was safer,
to just say I was a girl.
My daddy abused me,
and my mommy died.
All I have left is Kara!

What I have become...
brings me a lot of joy.
No longer he, but her,
like a little pink pearl.
Precious for all to see,
so I don't have to hide.
I can face tomorrow!

Sometimes, I change,
and call myself Corey.
Being a boy yet again,
if my mood is that way.
But feminine, always...
is how my style just is.
Either way, I am loved!

Some call me strange,
never getting my story.
Which is really a shame,
at least that's what I say.
But Kara's love stays...
and together, we'll kiss.
Beneath the stars above!

Basically, I am bi-gender.
A two for one special!
Girl, and boy, wonder...
Whatever my heart wills.
Written by CrazyPrincess_Chlo (Chloe A. Harper-Ashton)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616

Kou_Indigo & CrazyPrincess_Chlo, thank you for your entries. Selfcare, acceptance, and pride in who you are is so important for overall health.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616

As we embark on Pride month, let’s look at some of the challenges facing those who are LGBTQ.  One of the most noticeable challenges is that of mental health and the lack of access to the existing resources.  It is important to note that all marginalized groups face increased risks for mental illness and health disparities.  First and most importantly, you are not alone, and you have value as a human being.  Second, if you are facing depression, anxiety or some other mental health challenge, then please seek professional help.

The link below is filled with resources at the bottom.  And finally, make healthy choices.  Surround yourself with loving and affirming people.  Seek institutions and organizations that value you as a human being and learn to articulate the struggles you may be facing.  Locally you can turn to a trusted physician or health care clinic.  Organizations like Partners, Phoenix, Kintegra and others can work with you to help make your mind and spirit whole.  Please read the article below and share these resources with others.

“Research suggests that LGBTQ+ individuals face health disparities linked to societal stigma, discrimination, and denial of their civil and human rights. Discrimination against LGBTQ+ persons has been associated with high rates of psychiatric disorders, substance abuse, and suicide”.  


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616

The guidelines have been modified to include the perspective of loved ones as well as prohibiting erotica.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616

It's posts like these that drift across my news feeds periodically. The pruning process seems ongoing. As a former third-world missionary and biblical teacher, I'll clarify that the biblical meaning of the rainbow is not "God's mercy" but his covenant with the "Earth".

I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. - Genesis 9:13 KJV

The rainbow is a symbol of hope and promise.

I would disagree that humanity is confused. And those who post such things are not confused either: they are prejudiced against something they fear because they do not understand it.

Anyone interested in the development of the Pride flag can read the history here:


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616

International Day Against Homophobia Transphobia and Biphobia was May 17; however, I do think it's important to include this article by Robert John Kellogg, my LGBTQ Diverse Advisory Council Member.

You may be wondering why we need such a day of remembrance. Simply put, Our LGBTQ+ community members do not feel safe, and statistics would back that up. Whatever one’s ideological, political or religious beliefs may be, on the very basic level of personal safety...We have some work to do.

A 2002 article from the UCLA Williams Institute School of Law had this startling statistic concerning hate crimes among our LGBTQ+ population.

“About one out of 10 violent victimizations against LGBT people are hate crimes, according to a new study by the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law. LGBT people are nine times more likely than non-LGBT people to be victims of violent hate crimes”.

One does not have to look very hard to see or hear the rise of heated, personal attacks that oftentimes cross the line into hysteria fueled by stereotypes and personal bias. Wishing harm on another or degrading one’s sense of worth or ability to live their life free of psychological or physical trauma, should
be at the core of all people’s values.

Anything else is a deviation of personal rights and societal responsibilities. Surprisingly individuals who identified as Bi-Sexual had the highest rate of victimization.

And not so surprising is the rise of anti-trans rhetoric that has led to very public attacks on these individuals, attacks that often are graphic and fueled with rage. These attacks far too often lead to death, a statistic backed up by almost every crime data collection agency in America. A 2022 ABC News report gave this eye-opening statistic.

"Transgender people are 2.5 times as likely to be victims of violence as cisgender people. And bisexual people were seven times as likely to experience violent victimization as straight people”.

There is something happening in our society, in our psyche as a nation, that is catapulting these numbers and resulting in an already vulnerable and marginalized population becoming even more susceptible to violence. It is easy for those of us who advocate for equity and equality to say the trend must be reversed and it is common for us to point out that our nation was founded on freedoms that guarantee all people the right to express themselves and to pursue life, liberty and happiness.

What is not so easy is to pinpoint where this anger and ultimately the likelihood for violence is coming from.

As an individual who is openly gay, I have in the past, struggled with much of the same fear and rhetoric that is now being heaped upon our transgender brothers and sisters. Being gay or lesbian is not without its struggles for equality and inclusion, but we have far surpassed the ability of those identifying as Bisexual or transgender in our fight for the American dream and quite simply for peace and safety.

I can remember having individuals very publicly wishing me physical harm, one vividly describing how my skull should be ripped open by a bullet. The local newspaper at the time would not remove the comment and said it was not a threat. Although that was a decade ago and I feel relatively safe, those
same words are now being hurled at others in the LGBTQ+ community. I share all of this grim news to say this...

It is time for peace loving people and individuals who value personal freedom and safety to say enough.

Even if there is confusion about what transgender is or what it means, even if one’s personal ideology cannot fathom how someone could feel their sexual identity is in question, even if our political stance frowns on individuals who identify in these terms...Nobody has the right to make another human being feel afraid, traumatized or victimized.

I would hope we as a people could go beyond that and even learn to accept and love one another. I would hope that we can dig a little deeper beyond our own fears and confusion to work towards a better understanding of all people. Isolation and division fuel mistrust and eventually hate. This is where we are in our communities, but where we can be is up to us.

I close with this quote from Harvey Milk about the well-being of our young people and how we have a responsibility to one another. It is my hope that on this day of awareness that we put aside everything we think we know about our LGBTQ+ individuals and get to know those who identify as members of this community. Listening and finding commonality is where healing begins, and it is also where we begin to make this world a safer place for all people including those who are LGBTQ+.'

"All young people, regardless of sexual orientation or identity, deserve a safe and supportive environment in which to achieve their full potential.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616

Thank you for your entry, Jordon. A great portion of the world truly does need to clean their filters.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616

This week for Pride Month, my Diverse Advisory Council Member, Robert John Kellogg, shares the risk of homelessness for our LGBTQ youth. 🌈
The sobering facts about LGBTQ youth and homelessness

“ LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness are at particular risk. Between 20 and 40 percent of all homeless youth identify as members of the LGBTQ community, and for them, homelessness or the threat of homelessness frequently forces youth into survival behaviors that jeopardize their wellbeing and safety”.  -The HUD Exchange.

Most of us do not have to look far to see the visible display of homelessness in our towns and cities.  And yet, I would wager that most of us are not aware of the disproportionate number of LGBTQ youth who make up those numbers.  It is strikingly high and study after study confirms the initial findings, that our LGBTQ young people are vulnerable and make up a large number of our unsheltered youth population.

What is even more striking is how many of our LGBTQ youth become homeless to no fault of their own.  Psychological journals and medical studies point to parental rejection, abuse, bullying and a lack of social support leading to a skyrocketing rate of homelessness.

The Trevor Project had this startling statistic:  28% of LGBTQ youth reported experiencing homelessness or housing instability at some point in their lives — and those who did had two to four times the odds of reporting depression, anxiety, self-harm, considering suicide, and attempting suicide compared to those with stable housing.  

What is even more alarming is once these vulnerable teens become homelessness they are more likely to be victims of further abuse, exploitation, harassment, discrimination and even the victims of physical harm and death.  The answer is to intervene before the wheels of homelessness begin turning.

This is not a happy Pride article, but one that should make us more aware of the needs and vulnerabilities of our young LGBTQ population.  Here in Gaston County, our young people are in  no less of a danger.  The lack of resources and support leaves many seeking shelter in other areas once they become homeless.  Thank goodness for some of our Charlotte resources like Time Out Youth.  Check out their emergency housing program and consider being a host home.  

The need is great all across our nation and certainly here in Gaston County as well.  Please become better educated and look for ways we can assist our younger people who are in crisis.  During this PRIDE month, take a few moments to think how you can support these young people.  
For additional information or if you or a young person you know is at risk, please utilize the Trevor Project crisis line:

Tyrant of Words
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 497


Some worth is established at every birth
as that's the rule of nature on Earth
with viability the keyword there,
and when once the lungs first fill with air
the newborn take their preordained form
with no regard for a genetic norm,
since by double helix twist decree
I will not be you and you won't be me
in the reproductory guarantee
where life itself loves diversity!

And the proof is there if you care to look
beyond monocultural gobbledygook
so often composed by the blasé mind,  
as if confined within its own behind,
and not at liberty to sense itself
as a fascist goblin or spiteful Elf
enslaved to revenge and rapacity
scaled to a monstrous capacity,
and calling that the American way
when GAY is rather affable to say.

So don't hate on folks who you think are weird
when your own sex thoughts have been badly steered
and you don't know what to do on a date
so with gunplay you just proxy masturbate
so ammo sexual Jesus and God
won't think you're shooting your own anxious wad
triggered by thoughts of locker room balls
and the urge repression denial installs
for personal issues some claim they don't get
before shooting the masses in a tragic fret,
which has me thinking straight is no way to be...
unless what you love is more misanthropy!

None of which matters when babies are born
or from their mothers untimely torn;
The DNA will say we're the same...
much like a rose by any other name;
HOMO SAPIENS: Latin for..."man, the wise"...

still stupid in spite of his cranial size!
Written by MidnightSonneteer
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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616

Thank you for your entry, J. Really enjoyed the form, rhyme, and circular nature of the verse. I don't know how you managed to pull of a lyrically humorous aspect and still retain the dire nature of the circumstance, but you did!

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