A Question, a Quandary, Or a Riddle

50 Shades of Pallor
A gatekeeper
ectodermal of layers
nonchalantly soft, tender and smooth
Shades of light
infuse the sublime glow
masking shadows in concocted diffusion
Once adored and revered
a sub-particle of a mass macrocosm
sloughed in expansion of overindulgence
Now on the floor, spewed
in pallor mortis of a fine cocktail
dry and shriveled in dismal putrefaction
Detached from rest
an odorless unrecognizable decay
remaning organs recoil and shudder
A justifiable indignation
rotating hands of the clock, counter-
clockwise. Will it ever rest on the six?
A gatekeeper
ectodermal of layers
nonchalantly soft, tender and smooth
Shades of light
infuse the sublime glow
masking shadows in concocted diffusion
Once adored and revered
a sub-particle of a mass macrocosm
sloughed in expansion of overindulgence
Now on the floor, spewed
in pallor mortis of a fine cocktail
dry and shriveled in dismal putrefaction
Detached from rest
an odorless unrecognizable decay
remaning organs recoil and shudder
A justifiable indignation
rotating hands of the clock, counter-
clockwise. Will it ever rest on the six?
Who Do I Trust?
If Judas betrayed Jesus
Who can we trust to be true?
Keeping our heads on swivels
Is what we all must do
I perused through Micah
Enlightened by chapter 7
Put no trust in a neighbor
Did that derive from Heaven?
Who can we trust to be true?
Keeping our heads on swivels
Is what we all must do
I perused through Micah
Enlightened by chapter 7
Put no trust in a neighbor
Did that derive from Heaven?
Written by da_poetic-edifier
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Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1884
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1884
An Ocean of Time
I don’t know if I should start crying now
Preparing myself for the inevitable…
A kaleidoscope of memories entwining
Passing through every neuron firing
Like every drop of water in the ocean
And with each passing day
They become more precious
My heart beats heavy whenever I hold her hands
Those soft hands that endured hard times
Each wrinkle is like a ring from a tree
Sturdy and beautiful
Showing her strength and resilience
Her recollections are getting a little distant
But her smiles warm my heart
I don’t know what time is given to us
But at nearly 93
I make sure to spend more time with her
I understand it’s the life cycle
We all have to go through it
We all have to accept it
We all have to…
I kiss her forehead
Those beautiful greys
Her small frail frame
Her voice that even in foreign language sounds more angelic
When I say “Jefita, I love you”
And she replies “I love you too”
With everlasting hugs
I fear the day
I fear the pain
I question my faith and my sanity
I dare not speak it or put it out into the universe
I don’t know how much time
How do I prepare?
What can I do to cope?
Do I let myself feel the pain ahead?
These are the days I spend remembering
Wishing I could’ve been better grandchild
So I just hold those soft hands
Because I love listening to her stories
Again and again
I hear that the last second is not really a second
But an ocean of time
One where memories of a lifetime are re-lived
And that one second
Stretches forever
Written by wallyroo92
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
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Joined 15th Sep 2019
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Fire of Insight

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Bull Fighting
Who would wean a walrus cub
or crack a pup seal with a club.
Who would walk a rescued stray
or gamble which dog dies today.
Who would scrub small Indian ears
or pull out tusks for souvenirs.
Who would climb to see them rut
or crosshair sights inside a hut.
Who could drag a scented trail
or let the hounds rip head to tail.
Who would farm and let bulls be
or caustic burns around each knee.
or crack a pup seal with a club.
Who would walk a rescued stray
or gamble which dog dies today.
Who would scrub small Indian ears
or pull out tusks for souvenirs.
Who would climb to see them rut
or crosshair sights inside a hut.
Who could drag a scented trail
or let the hounds rip head to tail.
Who would farm and let bulls be
or caustic burns around each knee.
Written by Razzerleaf
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DU Webmistress
DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.
Thank you to the following members for voting:
AspergerPoet56, nutbuster, Everavalon, monovox128, TIG, Razzerleaf, Phantom2426, Honoria, LunasChild8, Kinkpoet, Marks, ReggiePoet, Tallen, MadameLavender, olivia, DanielChristensen, LunaGreyhawk, James_A_Knight, PAR, Fiftysevenhours, PoetsRevenge
Thank you to the following members for voting:
AspergerPoet56, nutbuster, Everavalon, monovox128, TIG, Razzerleaf, Phantom2426, Honoria, LunasChild8, Kinkpoet, Marks, ReggiePoet, Tallen, MadameLavender, olivia, DanielChristensen, LunaGreyhawk, James_A_Knight, PAR, Fiftysevenhours, PoetsRevenge

congratulations to the winner!!!
Joined 15th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 525
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 525
Congrats Rew and Par, et al