Poetry competition CLOSED 8th January 2023 1:44pm
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RUNNERS-UP: Zaynab_kamoonpury and Jordan


The 24 Hour No-Cellphone Challenge

Guardian of Shadows
United States 91awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5731

Poetry Contest

Literally turn your phone off, for 24 hours, then write about your experience
Let's get another comp going , along the lines of the Silence one, but this one is specifically for quieting our cellphones.

Pick a day over the next 2 weeks when you can stomach, turning off your phone for 24 hours, and write about your experience with that.  How did you feel? What did you do or accomplish? What took the place of your phone in your life? Etc.

If you can't do a "fast" with your phone because it's needed for your job or a situation such as in my case, where it's an emergency healthcare pager for a family member , then find another electronic based device or thing that you can not partake of for 24 hours.  Maybe a gaming console, radio/stereo system, or even just the internet in general.

No porn, erotica or collabs.  Poems or prose , as many entries as you want to try fasting phones & electronics  for 24 hours over the next 2 weeks.

Are you up for this challenge ??  Can you last for the duration?  On your mark, get set-- GO!

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 21awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1214

Oh dear. Well, this is going to be hard, but definitely doable - recently neither my current nor my old phone was working properly, so I was switching between them in frustration. I'm up for it... I'm up for most things that don't involve snakes or heights!

Guardian of Shadows
United States 91awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5731

Wafflenose said:Oh dear. Well, this is going to be hard, but definitely doable - recently neither my current nor my old phone was working properly, so I was switching between them in frustration. I'm up for it... I'm up for most things that don't involve snakes or heights!

I have faith in you!  😉

Twisted Dreamer
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

Related submission no longer exists.

Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Cell Phones

I do not have one
Don't know how I can live and breathe
Without one.
In the métro pretty much every single traveller has one
Holds one to his-her ear
Or has eyes glued to one
Watching a movie, playing a game, looking at the latest trend in clothes, jewelry, fashion
Or Blah-Blah-Blah-ing on the phone
You have to wonder how people lived and communicated before the gizmos.
But then we are a long way from the semaphore days.
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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Dangerous Mind
Portugal 21awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 328

Phone off

had my phone
with me
off for a day

like me
off for a day

I had the phone
I didn't have his hits
I didn't have his functions

I haven't heard from anyone
they were all off
like me
for one day

I was happy
and off
for one day

I was quieter
than on other days
I've been more disconnected
than on other days

wrote more poetry
than on other days
more poetry off

off for a day.

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Fire of Insight
Joined 4th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 69

Mod addiction

The internet is my addiction  
It's my cocaine, in joy and pain
I stick its needles into my head
It's my mania, my marijuana
without it I'm a restless iguana
24 hrs without it would be too hard
I'm caught fast in this world wide web
A social butterfly stuck in its web
I mean binge watching reels and reading,
on Facebook, Instagram,  YouTube  
anything that piques my interest ,
It all reels me in, clickbaits and I bite the byte
The algorithm has picked up my preferences  
so feeds my eyes what I want to see
Yet I need to stroll out more and scroll less
for sedentary lives are not healthy.
I tried other things, painted and planted flowers  
Yet at the end of the day I missed it like nicotine
over my cup of coffee, with my feet up
I needed to connect online, even WhatsApp.  
I just can't imagine going off all internet
cold turkey, oh can't quit cold turkey.
Don't even want to taper off this drug.
Real bear hugs replaced by virtual hugs.
Tis a pity, addiction is addiction.
Hope to rehabilitate in heaven.
Written by Zaynab_kamoonpury
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Guardian of Shadows
United States 91awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5731

Congrats to all and thinks for writing!

Dangerous Mind
Portugal 21awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 328

THANKS! It was fantastic to participate.

Strange Creature
Joined 24th May 2021
Forum Posts: 2

I think there's nothing worse than the month of November, when guys have to abstain from masturbation and sex completely for a month.

Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

I will certainly be a winner because I don't even have one of those gizmos............

Strange Creature
Joined 25th May 2022
Forum Posts: 1

I remember encountering a similar experience when my phone broke. It was cool because no one was calling you, no one was bothering you, and in case anyone had questions about why I wasn't picking up the phone, I all had the "phone is broken" answer. That's how I went for about a month, but I ended up buying myself a new phone and also changing my number. I switched it to a VoIP number from https://www.mightycall.com/ because it interested me with its business-focused functionality.

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