Poetry competition CLOSED 13th April 2021 8:14am
View Profile Poems by Eerie
RUNNERS-UP: buddydog and Josh

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Villanelle Hell

Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 18th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 374

Poetry Contest

Write a villanelle

One entry per poet or poetess
Do not enter a poem with a previous win
Any subject
Two weeks
No collaborations

This will be an open vote competition.

Have fun!

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 5th May 2015
Forum Posts: 93


I had a dream, you were there  
We met in a familiar place      
As the sound of seagulls filled the air    
The wind gently blowing your hair  
We walked along the shore without a trace    
I had a dream, you were there

We reminisce of the secrets we share      
Holding each other like leather and lace  
As the sound of seagulls filled the air 
I was captivated with this affair     
Hanging on to memories without disgrace    
I had a dream, you were there

I was awakened in despair    
I searched for the light in your face
As the sound of seagulls filled the air   
Dazed and confused, no one to care    
You faded away with an Angels grace
I had a dream, you were there  
As the sound of seagulls filled the air
Written by buddydog
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Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1817


poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

I’ll be back

Tyrant of Words
Canada 12awards
Joined 18th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1228


It starts at dusk with quiet simple strum.
‘It’s campfire time!’ the gleeful kids exclaim.
Lost souls align with rhythm of the drum.

Melodious solo bids the campers come -
marshmallow sticks are shared as well as names;
It starts at dusk with quiet simple strum.

They might come happy, or they might feel glum:
with eyes obscured by flickering of flames,
lost souls align with rhythm of the drum.

The more reserved in sotto voce hum,
while others unleash harmonies untamed.
It starts at dusk with quiet simple strum.

Who knows just what this evening might become?
Confessions flow as laughter eases shame;
lost souls align with rhythm of the drum.

In darkness, ballads mingle with the rum,
and drinking songs set merry hearts aflame.
It starts at dusk with quiet simple strum;
Lost souls align with rhythm of the drum.
Written by brokentitanium (k.)
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Remington Lancaster
Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 28th Feb 2021
Forum Posts: 119

Lost Thinker
Joined 2nd June 2020
Forum Posts: 16


Do not be gentle in the Passion race
Where all the demons wear the angel's vest
For the end is always an evil mess

Hath thou ever been in an evil chase,
As thou walked away from the devil's nest?
Do not be gentle in the Passion race

Should her tongue be just like gelatinase
May you not get lost in her cunning jest
For the end is always an evil mess

Like father of lies, her lie is a mace
Who's sole aim is to destroy all your rest
Do not be gentle in the Passion race

If there exist a chance to take a race
Do not cling to the hope of what is best
For the end is always an evil mess

Even tho one comes with an angel's face
And just like a righteous saint one is dressed,
Do not be gentle in the Passion race
For the end is always an evil mess
Written by Gentle
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Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16250

Ribbed Music of Bone ( Villanelle )

Centuries manifesting Sound  
Charting trajectories in blood  
'twixt ribbed music of bone  
Through generations thereof  
themed variations of chord  
Centuries manifesting Sound  
Resonate vibrations of note  
intervals reverberating thirds  
'twixt ribbed music of bone  
Defining the rise of scale
double bass through treble clef  
Centuries manifesting Sound  
Melodic intervals in tone    
Adagios restful and slow  
'twixt ribbed music of bone  
Vessels creating their song  
tintinnabulate as One;  
Centuries of manifesting Sound  
'twixt ribbed music of bone  
Written by Ahavati (Tams)
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Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1817


We’re still not sure what Einstein said
despite he’s quoted quite a lot
and we can’t ask him since he’s dead

he never gave a talk on TED,
his you-tube clips are doctored rot
so how to know what Einstein said?

and what went on inside his head
is relative — (or was it not?)
… we can’t ask him since he’s dead

iconic hair with lots of cred
a mystic too, so what’s the plot?
we’re still not sure what Einstein said

his “E is M.C squared” has led
to atom bombs and God knows what …
but we can’t ask him since he’s dead

the kosher truth has upped and fled
his legacy has gone to pot —
don’t ask me what Einstein said
I never met the man — he’s dead!

Dangerous Mind
South Africa 3awards
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 80

Born blessed

I was born Black
Dark tone,
Extra melanin  
And an  afro  
I was born blessed  
Born with nothing
Enslaved, taken taken for granted  
But like a Pheonix I rose from ash  
I was born Black  
Personified art,
Poetry and style
Wrote history from scraps
In this concrete world I rose between cracks  
I was born Black  
Crafted miracles from empty hands  
Made a home from a shack  
Made Vogue from rags  
Leant to cohabit with rats
I was born Black  
Adversity means opportunity,
Segregation meant unity  
Black is beauty  
I was born Black,
I was born blessed  
Written by poetOftragedy
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891

Related submission no longer exists.

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 41awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 843

Leanings (villanelle)

Yours was the heart on which I leant
the arbour calm, you were my spring
we two, each other, would ever compliment

Our beings torments never rent
in harmony like melodies that cling
yours was the heart on which I leant

In passions arms, lies our intent
the ecstasy of love, be the ever suffering
come strings of lute play my lament

The summer sun it came and went
burned sweet affection, as my whim
yours was the heart on which I leant

Dusk's kiss of autumns long moments
the fall, tied garments from each limb
with bodies wrapped, to lie content

As unity will ever be, romances sweet present
 we were balanced, like perfection pinned
yours was the heart on which I leant
with bodies wrapped, to lie content
Written by slipalong
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