* The Meditation Room *
Forum Posts: 17225
Tyrant of Words
Joined 11th Apr 2015Forum Posts: 17225
It's the first day of Lent! We're going with the Sacred Rebels deck ( 'cause we need all the strength we can get in the days ahead! ).
Fan-fucking-tastic card!
It is safe for you to become naked with life. This doesn't necessarily mean stripping off and running wild in public. It does mean stripping back your beliefs, strongholds and mental or emotional security blankets so that you can live with less obstruction than ever before. Iagine the conditioning that has kept life away fro you, just kept it dropping out of your hands like keys, coins, or clocks. Conditioned beliefs about money, time, security, having, locking away, holding and controlling can be surrendered and allowed to fall away. What would it be like to feel as though you were on holiday every day? Perhaps there would be a softening in yoru way with life, and implicit trust in its flow and a faith in the ability of time to bend and stretch as needed so that all may be accomplished. It is at an advanced stage of our spiritual relationship with life that we are able to feel held within it sufficiently enough to surrender our defences layer by layer, and to nakedly accept what is.
Don't misunderstand this message; sometimes we need our defences. At other times, however, it should become clear that you're outgrowing them. There is something you have outgrown, and it revolves around your current ideals about productivity, time, control and money. It has to do with abundance, trust and living with the fundamental belief that everything is going to turn out okay. You are ready to be much more vulnerable and exosed in life. You don't have to hide behind being organized, perfect, in control, or financially secure and stable. Nor do you need any other 'acceptible' social face. It is tie for you to loosen the strings of your own controlling nature. They are too tight and too restrictive for you anyway. You were born to live in a much freer way. When you live as you innately are, rather than how you have been conditioned to be, you will experience greater joy, freedom, and support. When you are not resisting yourself or resisting life, there is less resisting what you need as it comes to you.
Let go f that skin which is attmepting to shed from the old you so that you can fully experience the new you waiting to burst forth.
^ It's like the Universe handed you an MRI scan of my brain.
Forum Posts: 3367
Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013Forum Posts: 3367
colouring therapy
Forum Posts: 17225
Tyrant of Words
Joined 11th Apr 2015Forum Posts: 17225
I love that, Anna. I have one that I colored using nature and stones as inspirations. Here is English Ivy.
Forum Posts: 3367
Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013Forum Posts: 3367
i challenged myself to use the first colour i picked out and so on and so on
colouring helps my inner child come out
colouring helps my inner child come out
Joined 30th Apr 2020
Forum Posts: 10
Strange Creature
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Devil's-Son-Odalist-Theology Only Is The Solution.
Forum Posts: 17225
Tyrant of Words
Joined 11th Apr 2015Forum Posts: 17225
Truepremise said:Devil's-Son-Odalist-Theology Only Is The Solution.
Hi, "Truepremise". Unfortunately, I couldn't locate the literature you're referring to. While all are welcome here, please keep in mind this thread is for the sharing of light. No dark practices are allowed.
Do not misunderstand this as a judgement. I am sure there is a place and use for everything; however, just not in this thread. Thank you.
Hi, "Truepremise". Unfortunately, I couldn't locate the literature you're referring to. While all are welcome here, please keep in mind this thread is for the sharing of light. No dark practices are allowed.
Do not misunderstand this as a judgement. I am sure there is a place and use for everything; however, just not in this thread. Thank you.
Forum Posts: 3367
Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013Forum Posts: 3367
butterfly yellow
butterflies are known for being pollinators but they are also vital to decomposition, as they feed on the juice of rotting carcasses. certain species migrate halfway around the world to chase the sun and breed.
when you complete a mundane repetitive task like showering, colouring or washing up your brain becomes less stressed and you are more able to think of creative solutions to problems. the challenge is to remember those solutions later
Forum Posts: 17225
Tyrant of Words
Joined 11th Apr 2015Forum Posts: 17225
Happy February to all you Pisces out there ( as of 5:44 AM, the sun drifted dreamily and will remain in Pisces until March 20 - at which time it will charge full speed into Aries! ).
I posted February's Birthstone rhyme for Aquarius, but will repost first for Pisces, followed by March.
The February-born shall find
Sincerity, and peace of mind,
Freeedom from passion and from care,
If they the Amethyst will wear
Who in this world of ours, her eyes
In March first opens, shall be wise.
In days of peril, firm and brave,
And wear a Bloodstone to her grave.
Modern: Aquamarine
Zodiac: Amethyst
Aquamarine:♥ Compassionate energy ♥ Awareness ♥ Enhances Psychic Abilities ♥ Intellectual Reasoning ♥ Flexibility ♥ Moderation ♥ Reduces Dependency on Drugs ♥ Illiminates Fluid Retention ♥ Purifies the Body ♥ Reduces Swelling
Amethyst: ♥ Increases nobility ♥ Spiritual awareness ♥ Psychic abilities ♥ Inner peace and healing ♥ Healing of body, mind & soul ♥ Positive transformation ♥ Meditation ♥ Balance ♥ Relieves stress ♥ Communication
More about Pisces:
Dates: February 18 – March 20
Symbol: The Two Fishes
Mode + Element: Mutable Water
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
House: Twelth
Mantra: I Believe
Body Parts: The Feet, Lymphatics, & Liver
Colors: Purple & White
In Feng Shui Astrology, Pisces is associated with the Tiger until the 19th, at which time it switches to the Rabbit through March 20. Traits of the Tiger are:
Spiritual ♥ manly ♥ passionate ♥ brave ♥ ambitious ♥ energetic ♥ optimistic ♥ trustworthy ♥ philanthropic ♥ righteous ♥ open ♥ upright ♥ dignified ♥ confident ♥ resolute ♥
♥ longevity ♥ discretion ♥ good luck ♥ kind-hearted ♥ friendly ♥ intelligent ♥ cautious ♥ skillful ♥ gentle ♥ quick
The next year of the Rabbit is 2023!
A bit about Pisces:
Because Pisces is in the 12th House ( the final sign of the Western Zodiac ) it compiles many aspects of tits previous signs. Pisces are typically very focused on their pathwork in life, demonstrating a selflessness and dedication to their spiritual endeavors.
For the most part, feelings ( or emotions ) can define a Piscean mood. It's fairly common, due to their highly evolved intuition, to allow the burden of such emotions to weigh them down. Many cultures attribute the sign to dreamlike and secretive states, and it's an accurately equated attribution, as Pisces do love an illusionary escape over the weight reality often brings.
These being are dreamers and often find themselves caught up in their own dreamlike thoughts with such escapes as books, music, writing, and visual arts.
Forum Posts: 17225
Tyrant of Words
Joined 11th Apr 2015Forum Posts: 17225
anna_grin said:butterfly yellow
butterflies are known for being pollinators but they are also vital to decomposition, as they feed on the juice of rotting carcasses. certain species migrate halfway around the world to chase the sun and breed.
when you complete a mundane repetitive task like showering, colouring or washing up your brain becomes less stressed and you are more able to think of creative solutions to problems. the challenge is to remember those solutions later
It's lovely. I LOVE Orange. xo
Butterflies are also symbols of immortality, or, the soul. Very intersting in light of our conversation in regards to your little treasures, particularly the durablity of plastic, in that everything plastic ever made still exists in some form. Butterflies also represent reincarnation, rebirth, resurrection, love, and the Goddess Eros in Greek mythology.
butterflies are known for being pollinators but they are also vital to decomposition, as they feed on the juice of rotting carcasses. certain species migrate halfway around the world to chase the sun and breed.
when you complete a mundane repetitive task like showering, colouring or washing up your brain becomes less stressed and you are more able to think of creative solutions to problems. the challenge is to remember those solutions later
It's lovely. I LOVE Orange. xo
Butterflies are also symbols of immortality, or, the soul. Very intersting in light of our conversation in regards to your little treasures, particularly the durablity of plastic, in that everything plastic ever made still exists in some form. Butterflies also represent reincarnation, rebirth, resurrection, love, and the Goddess Eros in Greek mythology.
Forum Posts: 3367
Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013Forum Posts: 3367
yes, i think a butterfly was used to represent hope in Pandora’s box? ive tended to associate them with death and spirit as well as spreading new life. a very springtime animal
Forum Posts: 17225
Tyrant of Words
Joined 11th Apr 2015Forum Posts: 17225
I need to do a Moonology reading, but first, can we just revel in this 14" antique obsidian ancient Egyptian obelisk replica for a bit?
( And perhaps pray I find a frame that fits my vision board! 😂 )
Forum Posts: 17225
Tyrant of Words
Joined 11th Apr 2015Forum Posts: 17225