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Coronavirus ( Covid-19) Part II

Fire of Insight
Joined 3rd May 2018
Forum Posts: 1216

That's funny lol
Even though the reality of it is very sad.
Where i'm at we haven't dressed the manequins with masks..yet.  But i'm sure that will be coming soon cause each brand that we carry at our store have come up with their own masks which is kind of interesting since it takes a year of planning for any merchandise to be manufactured and sent to the stores.
Just shows how fast companies are trying to cash in with what's going on.

One other thing I'd like to mention that I noticed over the weekend when I was sent to another store about 35 min away from my home base store, to pick up some hours there which is primarily White (whatever that means lol) and asian or pacific asian community.
The asians coming in the store were super cautious, hats, masks, some had double masks, gloves and everything they had selected to buy, they had it in plastic bags and at the register they kept their distance from the cashier even though there was a glass sheild, very scared to approach the credit machine in payment.  Pumping hand sanitizers before and after, and when offered receipt they didn't want to touch the receipt and told the cashier to drop it in the bag.
Even at one  point one of them was trying to pay with his credit card which was in a ziploc bag, and his hands had gloves on and when he tried to enter his pin number he had trouble hitting the right keys and kept entering the wrong number and when advised to be careful for the 3rd try cause credit companies lock the card thinking it may be fraud, i saw him sweating with fear and taking his glove off to enter the keypad with his pinky finger, scared, terrified, the sweat drops were rolling down his face.
I felt so sorry for him..i thought he was gonna have a heartattack from fear itself.
At the end of the weekend, i was so happy to return to my home store, where half the customers didn't give a shit as long as in appearance everyone was doing according to state guidelines.

But it did make me think why they would have such heightened fear, perhaps because in their own countries they've already been exposed to dealing with viruses, masks and taking it seriously.

Ahavati said:Layla, I thought you would find this interesting.

Coronavirus: Face masks and coverings to be compulsory in England's shops


Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

.... In one improvised hospital at the Navy Training Station in Great Lakes, IL., the  [influenza] infection rate was higher among those corpsmen and volunteers who wore masks than those who did not!



Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17586

Yes. it was only a matter of time that labels of couture facial dressings would emerge with matching handbags and shoes.

I think it's a way of life for them in Asia, particularly China. Every news article I seemed to see long before covid-19 showed the Chinese wearing masks about their daily lives. With the exception of restrictions, I don't think this is anything new for them. And you never really know about that man; he may have lost someone close to him from covid, etc.

That's the thing, we don't know a stranger's story regarding their personal experiences. There were two more deaths here or somewhere because a man refused to wear a mask when asked to. Ended up stabbing the clerk and the police fatally shot him.

It's freaking surreal. Over a mask. A freaking mask.  

North Carolina's Gov Cooper just announced this afternoon that schools would open this fall under Plan B (  alternating days, etc. ).

3:00 PM: North Carolina schools will reopen under ‘Plan B,' Gov. Cooper announces

By 5:00 PM the headlines read:

North Carolina School Districts Will Have Option To Be Entirely Remote In Fall, Governor Says

Here we go. . .

Layla said:That's funny lol
[ . . . ]
But it did make me think why they would have such heightened fear, perhaps because in their own countries they've already been exposed to dealing with viruses, masks and taking it seriously.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17586

Kirsten Verhofstadt poses some good questions in regards to school openings:

Questions for School Openings:

• If a teacher tests positive for COVID-19 are they required to quarantine for 2-3 weeks? Is their sick leave covered, paid?

• If that teacher has 5 classes a day with 30 students each, do all 150 of those students need to then stay home and quarantine for 14 days?

• Do all 150 of those students now have to get tested? Who pays for those tests? Are they happening at school? How are the parents being notified? Does everyone in each of those kids' families need to get tested? Who pays for that?

• What if someone who lives in the same house as a teacher tests positive? Does that teacher now need to take 14 days off of work to quarantine? Is that time off covered? Paid?

• Where is the district going to find a substitute teacher who will work in a classroom full of exposed, possibly infected students for substitute pay?

• Substitutes teach in multiple schools. What if they are diagnosed with COVID-19? Do all the kids in each school now have to quarantine and get tested? Who is going to pay for that?

• What if a student in your kid's class tests positive? What if your kid tests positive? Does every other student and teacher they have been around quarantine? Do we all get notified who is infected and when? Or because of HIPAA regulations are parents and teachers just going to get mysterious “may have been in contact” emails all year long?

• What is this stress going to do to our teachers? How does it affect their health and well-being? How does it affect their ability to teach? How does it affect the quality of education they are able to provide? What is it going to do to our kids? What are the long-term effects of consistently being stressed out?

• How will it affect students and faculty when the first teacher in their school dies from this? The first parent of a student who brought it home? The first kid?

• How many more people are going to die, that otherwise would not have if we had stayed home longer?

30% of the teachers in the US are over 50. About 16% of the total deaths in the US are people between the ages of 45-65.

What a hornet's nest this all is.

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:Kirsten Verhofstadt poses some good questions in regards to school openings:

What a hornet's nest this all is.

It truly is.

If only there was a way to temporarily divert funding for schools to pay parents and guardians to home school their own.

I think that would at least be a step in the right direction until the 2022-23 school year.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17586

JohnnyBlaze said:

It truly is.

If only there was a way to temporarily divert funding for schools to pay parents and guardians to home school their own.

I think that would at least be a step in the right direction until the 2022-23 school year.

I absolutely agree. I am sure there are dynamics to that we haven't thought about, but it's a good step.

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:

I absolutely agree. I am sure there are dynamics to that we haven't thought about, but it's a good step.

It could really help out those who are already sidelined from working.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17586

JohnnyBlaze said:

It could really help out those who are already sidelined from working.

Right. So many do NOT have childcare for their children.

poet Anonymous

Walmart will start requiring customers in US stores to wear masks


"To help bring consistency across stores and clubs, we will require all shoppers to wear a face covering starting Monday, July 20," Walmart US chief operating officer Dacona Smith and Sam's Club chief operating officer Lance De La Rosa said in a blog post Wednesday. "This will give us time to inform customers and members of the changes, post signage and train associates on the new protocols."

This is huge, because maybe 1 out of 10 people are masked in my area despite the recent surges.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17586

JohnnyBlaze said:Walmart will start requiring customers in US stores to wear masks


This is huge, because maybe 1 out of 10 people are masked in my area despite the recent surges.

I can only hope they have armed guards at the doors so people don't get killed by fanatics screaming about personal rights and freedom ( while not realizing the contradiction of private businesses to operate as they choose as long as it's not discriminatory ).

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:

I can only hope they have armed guards at the doors so people don't get killed by fanatics screaming about personal rights and freedom ( while not realizing the contradiction of private businesses to operate as they choose as long as it's not discriminatory ).

Oh, yeah. I watched a woman flip out a few weeks back when something was said to her about not wearing a mask by the "Cart Sanitizer". She did a 180° and stormed out of the store ranting and raving.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

The surge in c-19 cases is fake!?


“Countless labs have reported a 100 percent positivity rate, which means every single person tested was positive,” Fox 35 News reported Tuesday. “Other labs had very high positivity rates.”

Orlando Health, for example, reported a 98 percent positivity rate. Lee Memorial Hospital Lab, PanCare of Florida, Inc and Advance Medical of Naples all reported 100 percent positivity rates; no negative results were included.

That rate implies every person tested had a positive result.

Fox 35 News said it investigated the numbers by contacting every local location listed in the report. Orlando Health confirmed to Fox News that the 98 percent figure is incorrect and the positivity rate is actually 9.4 percent.

"Orlando Health understands this is confusing," a spokeswoman for Orlando Health said, in an emailed statement sent to Fox News Tuesday. "As you look through the entire Department of Health 'testing by laboratory' site, you will see multiple Orlando Health hospitals listed."

It is not clear how the discrepancy between the two numbers emerged. An Orlando Health spokeswoman told the Orlando Sentinel that the organization is looking into how the 98 percent figure was reported.


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17586

JohnnyBlaze said:

Oh, yeah. I watched a woman flip out a few weeks back when something was said to her about not wearing a mask by the "Cart Sanitizer". She did a 180° and stormed out of the store ranting and raving.

Right. This happened this week:

Michigan Man Fatally Shot by Deputy After Stabbing Fellow Customer Who Asked Him to Wear Mask


What is wrong with people?!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Ahavati said:

Right. This happened this week:

Michigan Man Fatally Shot by Deputy After Stabbing Fellow Customer Who Asked Him to Wear Mask


What is wrong with people?!

So... who gets a pass when they are oppressed and have phobias?
Maybe he was dying inside from being treated like a horse.

Maybe Jessica was a little belligerent. Maybe she caused herself to be attacked by triggering an oppressed gang of gun-slingers.

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:

Right. This happened this week:

Michigan Man Fatally Shot by Deputy After Stabbing Fellow Customer Who Asked Him to Wear Mask


What is wrong with people?!

Sigh. That is extreme. Stabbing is a sign of a lot of pent up rage.

To me, it is an excuse to vent some craziness already seeking a path of least resistance. I see many of these "anti maskers" as being already unhappy with their lives looking for someone or something else to take it out on.

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