A Circle Of Goddesses.

Poetry Contest Description
Write a thankful poem for a special woman in your life.

The August show is coming up folks, and we would like to again offer up the hallowed end spot of the show to feature your poetry on the podcast. The podcast goes out on multiple platforms including Spotify and Apple Podcasts, so it’s great exposure.
If you've not heard the podcast yet you can listen to past episodes here: https://deepundergroundpoetry.com/podcasts/
August is the month which celebrates equality for women, so we would like you to write a thankful poem about a special woman in your life, it could be a relative, a friend, a work colleague, wife
or a girlfriend, absolutely anybody as long as it is a woman you have free reign on how the poem is written. 😊
Obviously we would really love if you would be able to read and record the poem yourself for us, but please do not feel pressured. We (or a member of the reading team currently being formed) will be able to read the poem out for you if you don't want too. We understand.
Need help with creating a video? Head on over to The Loud-Speaker poetry group for help and advice on your audio / video submissions: https://deepundergroundpoetry.com/groups/loud-speaker-poetry/discussion/
*You have two weeks
* New poems only
* Audio / video / songs accepted
* Up to 2 entries per lady
* No extreme content / extreme erotica / a little swearing is fine.
* Winner agrees to have their poem read on The Poetcast Project August podcast.
* No word count, just don't go mad
* Any questions, please feel free to ask.
Good luck!
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1903
Endless Night
May i
Touch you
To know
You are real
Feel your
Ever racing pulse
feel the thunder
Of your heart
Cover you
With my skin
As goosebumps
Tingles spread
Holding you
As if a delicate rose
In the morning dew
Kiss your soul
As lips impart
Their soft
Palpable connection
May i be lover
In the physical sense
For spiritual
Is not enough
The flame
Burning ache
Inside of me
Wants more
Than a thought
Needs more
Than a dream
Your flawed beauty
Is like a breath
I require
To exist
If i were
To die
Without regret
Hold me
Love me
One time
Like i was the light
That filled your darkness
Touch you
To know
You are real
Feel your
Ever racing pulse
feel the thunder
Of your heart
Cover you
With my skin
As goosebumps
Tingles spread
Holding you
As if a delicate rose
In the morning dew
Kiss your soul
As lips impart
Their soft
Palpable connection
May i be lover
In the physical sense
For spiritual
Is not enough
The flame
Burning ache
Inside of me
Wants more
Than a thought
Needs more
Than a dream
Your flawed beauty
Is like a breath
I require
To exist
If i were
To die
Without regret
Hold me
Love me
One time
Like i was the light
That filled your darkness
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1903
Beginning Of Existence
To be
In your soul
To feel
The deepest need
In you
A rare fruit
Those desires
Of your heart
It would be
The beginning
Of existence
A connection
I've sought
Since my first heartbeat
To know
The harminy
Of love
The soft enbrace
Of your arns
In your soul
To feel
The deepest need
In you
A rare fruit
Those desires
Of your heart
It would be
The beginning
Of existence
A connection
I've sought
Since my first heartbeat
To know
The harminy
Of love
The soft enbrace
Of your arns
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Joined 10th May 2020
Forum Posts: 149
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 149
Here it is the time
Of climbs
By the side
Of men who reach
With clank
Of armored
gruff suits of musk
And little afterthought
But you reach
Through the smoke
As if it were only dusk
And the twilight of it
Would be spread by
(We breathe it in and your grin)
I might shower in your perfume
Have it sprinkle like rain
To think of you often
(Again and again)
And remember
To not hide my heart away
No shelter from life
could be worth
Avoiding its pain
I have seen you take life
Its shrapnel
Again and again...
again and again
And breathe even deeper
Through the daggers dig
And stand higher
To take the fall
What balance hides in those cheeks
And the tender time
Slung below your eyes
They show your age
Your beauty and wisdom
With each blink
That sets you down
I rise comfortably there
And prepare myself to hold you
As you have held my journey in your care
You grant me this
By your grace
You teach me this
In your every way
(A chorus because it would please you)
My Mother you’ve sung
Of love and death
Mother you’ve rocked me to sleep
My Mother you’ve whispered my shame away
And allowed me my secrets to keep
(An afterthought and prayer)
I lay down tonight
A vision of you
Moonlight on your knees
A soft touch of breeze
To ease you from the remnants
Of this long summers day
And know I would care
To hear you strum your guitar
Sit beside you and sing
A song of the hills
And would know its worth
The scars I might find there
The pain they might bring
And watch you whistle out to the black dog
His pant as he heels at your side
His sniff of home
Un loitering
And I would understand his condition
His look of peace in chocolate eyes
That transcends mere loyalty
Of climbs
By the side
Of men who reach
With clank
Of armored
gruff suits of musk
And little afterthought
But you reach
Through the smoke
As if it were only dusk
And the twilight of it
Would be spread by
(We breathe it in and your grin)
I might shower in your perfume
Have it sprinkle like rain
To think of you often
(Again and again)
And remember
To not hide my heart away
No shelter from life
could be worth
Avoiding its pain
I have seen you take life
Its shrapnel
Again and again...
again and again
And breathe even deeper
Through the daggers dig
And stand higher
To take the fall
What balance hides in those cheeks
And the tender time
Slung below your eyes
They show your age
Your beauty and wisdom
With each blink
That sets you down
I rise comfortably there
And prepare myself to hold you
As you have held my journey in your care
You grant me this
By your grace
You teach me this
In your every way
(A chorus because it would please you)
My Mother you’ve sung
Of love and death
Mother you’ve rocked me to sleep
My Mother you’ve whispered my shame away
And allowed me my secrets to keep
(An afterthought and prayer)
I lay down tonight
A vision of you
Moonlight on your knees
A soft touch of breeze
To ease you from the remnants
Of this long summers day
And know I would care
To hear you strum your guitar
Sit beside you and sing
A song of the hills
And would know its worth
The scars I might find there
The pain they might bring
And watch you whistle out to the black dog
His pant as he heels at your side
His sniff of home
Un loitering
And I would understand his condition
His look of peace in chocolate eyes
That transcends mere loyalty
Written by Calamityofgin
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Forum Posts: 3572
Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018 
Forum Posts: 3572
Very confusingly written :
First you say :
"August is the month which celebrates equality for women, so we would
like you to write a thankful poem about a special woman in your life,
it could be a relative, a friend, a work colleague, wife or a girlfriend,
absolutely anybody as long as it is a woman you have free reign on
how the poem is written. 😊"
Yet then :
"Up to 2 entries per lady"
So are you saying men can not write about the Goddess ?
That is bullshit , respectfully said...
Looking forward to your defining answer...Thank You...
( It pisses off my inner Goddess )
First you say :
"August is the month which celebrates equality for women, so we would
like you to write a thankful poem about a special woman in your life,
it could be a relative, a friend, a work colleague, wife or a girlfriend,
absolutely anybody as long as it is a woman you have free reign on
how the poem is written. 😊"
Yet then :
"Up to 2 entries per lady"
So are you saying men can not write about the Goddess ?
That is bullshit , respectfully said...
Looking forward to your defining answer...Thank You...
( It pisses off my inner Goddess )

<< post removed >>
Fantasy Lady
Gonna run my fingers over your skin as a blind man does braille
Reading all of the secret, sensual fantasies your mouth won't tell
I'll then fulfill them, one by one, 'til the rising of tomorrow's Sun
Rocking you into a deep sleep then peak to prepare for more fun
You're the only one that I want to arise to each and every morning
I'll treat you like a Queen in every scene of romancing that I'm recording
Promising to never sever or impair my character by being parsimonious
Trust that roads under our bus will lead us to places harmonious
Synonymous of love with purity of a dove flying above is my heart
Going to lock you in there so that it's clear that we won't ever part
Let's start a family so our legacies continue to breathe via our babies
Who'll declare their inner love for you like The Spinners did Sadie
You're an amazing lady who makes my mind hazy from your high
Beauty's in the eye of the beholder and you've garnered both of mines
These stanza lines derived from my mind, body and spiritual soul
Letting you know that, wherever you go, holding your hand is my goal
Reading all of the secret, sensual fantasies your mouth won't tell
I'll then fulfill them, one by one, 'til the rising of tomorrow's Sun
Rocking you into a deep sleep then peak to prepare for more fun
You're the only one that I want to arise to each and every morning
I'll treat you like a Queen in every scene of romancing that I'm recording
Promising to never sever or impair my character by being parsimonious
Trust that roads under our bus will lead us to places harmonious
Synonymous of love with purity of a dove flying above is my heart
Going to lock you in there so that it's clear that we won't ever part
Let's start a family so our legacies continue to breathe via our babies
Who'll declare their inner love for you like The Spinners did Sadie
You're an amazing lady who makes my mind hazy from your high
Beauty's in the eye of the beholder and you've garnered both of mines
These stanza lines derived from my mind, body and spiritual soul
Letting you know that, wherever you go, holding your hand is my goal
Written by da_poetic-edifier
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Garrett Asa Hughes
Joined 17th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 88
Garrett Asa Hughes
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 88
It Cannot Be Done
This sentiment is doomed to fail.
I already possess the wisdom of knowing such.
There's never been a language invented to hold the words,
That could perfectly express the love of your touch.
The glory of your hands, with each of your caress,
That reaches in and through my chest.
How could i possibly express?
That which and all you've blessed.
For even a metaphor to divinity,
Has been so overdone it loses strength.
Which you yourself have never lost,
It would need a meaning beyond amazed.
Strength through all your endurement.
There's nothing more gorgeous that I could claim.
So when i say there is no proper way,
That could express the perfection that is your name.
Your name alone describes it,
Defines it like advertisement.
As you caught my eye and i immediately realized it.
Your name alone holds who you are.
And while you're held inside my arms,
I'd still press tighter, feeling too far.
For in your aura comes my baptisement.
It would have to be one-of-a-kind, this phrase.
A unique no one else could create.
To open vulnerability despite the teachings of manhood,
And simply flow the energy to my soulmate.
One soul.
One heart.
One flow.
True art.
And in the eclipse of lips...
One kiss.
It's just quite difficult to express the meaning,
And try to pour in ink that feeling,
Of the reason i am breathing.
While simultaneously your perfection,
Leaves me breathless.
Your jaw inside my palms.
Your eyes inside of mine.
Just the memory of doing so,
Has made me cry.
And the enduring suffering to think,
That if in that moment i might have blinked.
The endless torture of missing moment,
To the only deity i shall ever bow to for atonement.
Foreheads rested together...
As, right before they met.
I knew there was nothing i could do...
To be worthy of that.
With hands, wandering higher.
Fingers lost, gripped within your hair.
Tears of passion from this holy stare,
I'm there, aware.
Holding so near, to your sacred brain.
Being so close, to your mind...
While it holds my favorite things,
All of your thoughts, and creative beauty.
-As all i can do is blissfully sigh.
In what ways could i explain to the stars, their insignificance?
As i watch them all align above, in hopes to get a glimpse.
And if they missed you once, they'd be remissed.
I know the Sun itself, would complete its shine if you were gone.
And i would sacrifice myself and not be wrong.
You are my favorite sculpture,
Favorite painting,
Favorite song...
The honor and glory of your giggle, my favorite tune...
You are my favorite person,
Favorite spirit,
Favorite soul...
Worshipping my Goddess,
You are and will forever be, my Moon.
I already possess the wisdom of knowing such.
There's never been a language invented to hold the words,
That could perfectly express the love of your touch.
The glory of your hands, with each of your caress,
That reaches in and through my chest.
How could i possibly express?
That which and all you've blessed.
For even a metaphor to divinity,
Has been so overdone it loses strength.
Which you yourself have never lost,
It would need a meaning beyond amazed.
Strength through all your endurement.
There's nothing more gorgeous that I could claim.
So when i say there is no proper way,
That could express the perfection that is your name.
Your name alone describes it,
Defines it like advertisement.
As you caught my eye and i immediately realized it.
Your name alone holds who you are.
And while you're held inside my arms,
I'd still press tighter, feeling too far.
For in your aura comes my baptisement.
It would have to be one-of-a-kind, this phrase.
A unique no one else could create.
To open vulnerability despite the teachings of manhood,
And simply flow the energy to my soulmate.
One soul.
One heart.
One flow.
True art.
And in the eclipse of lips...
One kiss.
It's just quite difficult to express the meaning,
And try to pour in ink that feeling,
Of the reason i am breathing.
While simultaneously your perfection,
Leaves me breathless.
Your jaw inside my palms.
Your eyes inside of mine.
Just the memory of doing so,
Has made me cry.
And the enduring suffering to think,
That if in that moment i might have blinked.
The endless torture of missing moment,
To the only deity i shall ever bow to for atonement.
Foreheads rested together...
As, right before they met.
I knew there was nothing i could do...
To be worthy of that.
With hands, wandering higher.
Fingers lost, gripped within your hair.
Tears of passion from this holy stare,
I'm there, aware.
Holding so near, to your sacred brain.
Being so close, to your mind...
While it holds my favorite things,
All of your thoughts, and creative beauty.
-As all i can do is blissfully sigh.
In what ways could i explain to the stars, their insignificance?
As i watch them all align above, in hopes to get a glimpse.
And if they missed you once, they'd be remissed.
I know the Sun itself, would complete its shine if you were gone.
And i would sacrifice myself and not be wrong.
You are my favorite sculpture,
Favorite painting,
Favorite song...
The honor and glory of your giggle, my favorite tune...
You are my favorite person,
Favorite spirit,
Favorite soul...
Worshipping my Goddess,
You are and will forever be, my Moon.
Written by DCLXVI_1989
(Garrett Asa Hughes)
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<< post removed >>
Joined 9th May 2020
Forum Posts: 50
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 50
Blumkins for Breakfast
Behold this shit sandwich
Rise and fuckin’ shine
Sipping my morning java
At business time
I can multitask, sweet baby
And I’m not a patient man
I demand my satisfaction
When I’m sitting on the can
Come hither lips that will not wait
To hear a flushing sound
This love cannot (WILL NOT!) be contained
Like your septic system underground
You’ve got me coming and going, girl
Was it just as good for you
I’ll see you this afternoon
‘Round lunchtime for round two
Rise and fuckin’ shine
Sipping my morning java
At business time
I can multitask, sweet baby
And I’m not a patient man
I demand my satisfaction
When I’m sitting on the can
Come hither lips that will not wait
To hear a flushing sound
This love cannot (WILL NOT!) be contained
Like your septic system underground
You’ve got me coming and going, girl
Was it just as good for you
I’ll see you this afternoon
‘Round lunchtime for round two
Written by Jermainesplain
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Wise Conscious
Forum Posts: 62
Wise Conscious
Fire of Insight
Joined 3rd June 2020
Forum Posts: 62
My Earth
There is nothing that I wouldn't do
For my Earth She's my Girl
If bad energy violates then imma have
To drop that world
Every thought has a want
Every passion has an offer
I respect my Ocean
She's a Goddess and a
Daughter Her grounds are deep
She has the Sweetest Water
Where do I began
Her eyes are twin
Identical to mine she
Has the most beautiful skin
I honor the soul within
Even though the Moon compliments her reflection
She has her own sacred light
She's half human and half universe
My Love for her becomes
My loyalty has become
A relationship
She's always with me when
I wake up
Could she possibly be my new Love
Who was sent from above
We are in harmony like two Doves
Her energy has returned
With a stronger flow she's just Like a visitor she comes and she goes
In Summer she springs in Winter she blows
There is nothing that I wouldn't do
For my Earth She's my Worth
and the oak tree that grows with me
She will never have to compete with any other flowers
Even the strangest gems
Diamonds, pearls ,rubies will never compare to her power
stories will be forgotten
but they will remember ours
Tomorrow morning whenever I awaken once again I will taste Her dew drops for She's medicine for my mind's body and my spirit's soul
The mountains are her bones and the rivers are her veins
There is nothing that I wouldn't do for my Earth
I will protect her from neglect and pain
For my Earth She's my Girl
If bad energy violates then imma have
To drop that world
Every thought has a want
Every passion has an offer
I respect my Ocean
She's a Goddess and a
Daughter Her grounds are deep
She has the Sweetest Water
Where do I began
Her eyes are twin
Identical to mine she
Has the most beautiful skin
I honor the soul within
Even though the Moon compliments her reflection
She has her own sacred light
She's half human and half universe
My Love for her becomes
My loyalty has become
A relationship
She's always with me when
I wake up
Could she possibly be my new Love
Who was sent from above
We are in harmony like two Doves
Her energy has returned
With a stronger flow she's just Like a visitor she comes and she goes
In Summer she springs in Winter she blows
There is nothing that I wouldn't do
For my Earth She's my Worth
and the oak tree that grows with me
She will never have to compete with any other flowers
Even the strangest gems
Diamonds, pearls ,rubies will never compare to her power
stories will be forgotten
but they will remember ours
Tomorrow morning whenever I awaken once again I will taste Her dew drops for She's medicine for my mind's body and my spirit's soul
The mountains are her bones and the rivers are her veins
There is nothing that I wouldn't do for my Earth
I will protect her from neglect and pain
Written by Pimp2ThaFuture04
(Wise Conscious)
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Tanzen Lilly
Joined 18th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 14
Tanzen Lilly
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 14
Watching Grandma Paint
A wild tempestuous ocean
Or soft meadow lined with trees
She painted nature's beauty
And now like nature, she is free
Ask her any question she'd find the reason why
The wisdom of her years was infinite
As stars in the night sky
A goddess among women
I cherished every stay
Spending childhood Summers
Watching Grandma paint
©Tanzen Lilly July 2020
Or soft meadow lined with trees
She painted nature's beauty
And now like nature, she is free
Ask her any question she'd find the reason why
The wisdom of her years was infinite
As stars in the night sky
A goddess among women
I cherished every stay
Spending childhood Summers
Watching Grandma paint
©Tanzen Lilly July 2020
Written by TCLilly
(Tanzen Lilly)
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Forum Posts: 3572
Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018 
Forum Posts: 3572
Witch Is Goddess
Enchante And Yet Respondu
I Am Woman's Woman Now Coming Through
This The Body , So Thus The Mind
Encircle Eye To Eye Not Blind To What We Do
Weave The Spell The Story We Tell
And Spirit Be Set In Motion Now Renewed
And Thus We Are Goddess All Of Us
For If You Mention Even One We Must All Come
For Dance Of The Goddess Is Ensued
When We Take Full Stance And Rightful Attitude
And Do Not Allow The Numb Ineptitude
Of Those So Rude And Crude With No Gratitude
To Delude Our Sisters Shrewd Multitude !
Omnes unum sunt !
I Am Woman's Woman Now Coming Through
This The Body , So Thus The Mind
Encircle Eye To Eye Not Blind To What We Do
Weave The Spell The Story We Tell
And Spirit Be Set In Motion Now Renewed
And Thus We Are Goddess All Of Us
For If You Mention Even One We Must All Come
For Dance Of The Goddess Is Ensued
When We Take Full Stance And Rightful Attitude
And Do Not Allow The Numb Ineptitude
Of Those So Rude And Crude With No Gratitude
To Delude Our Sisters Shrewd Multitude !
Omnes unum sunt !
Written by Blackwolf
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Forum Posts: 3572
Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018 
Forum Posts: 3572
I Am The Serpents Den : Sacred Serpentorium
Slink And Kink Goddess Of Seduction
Send Me To The Brink Of Extreme Unction
Slither And Lather My Sweat Is Dripping
Speaking With Writhing Not A Lip Thing
I Say Serpentine You Know What I Mean
Pose And Preen Some Would Call Obscene
Queen Of Heaven And My Mistress Of Hell
Do I Hear So Clear Earth's Wedding Bells ?
Send Me To The Brink Of Extreme Unction
Slither And Lather My Sweat Is Dripping
Speaking With Writhing Not A Lip Thing
I Say Serpentine You Know What I Mean
Pose And Preen Some Would Call Obscene
Queen Of Heaven And My Mistress Of Hell
Do I Hear So Clear Earth's Wedding Bells ?
Written by Blackwolf
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