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All very well blaming the cops

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

U R Here (map of the universe)

Torture is truth
at the edge of
our political  
Just knowing how  
far we came
after the Big Bang  
shot Lincoln  
is formless slime
Your map printed
inside a  
woven mask
To hold a  
growing bug
made of  
imaginal magic
Puffing on dreams
to bust out
a butterfly  

...I’m part of a  
You will never
see again
like you did  
Written by EdibleWords
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Blackwolf said:... rough , but not my reality !

You are from an interesting universes. 😉

Had to edit and add a poem you helped inspire.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

You are admitting that alcohol is your vice
Alcohol is the baddest boy on the block
It destroys lives, families, and claims the lives of countless victims from drunk drivers.
I feel inclined to tell you that it would behoove you to end your judgemental ways .
It would be wise if you were to open your eyes and see the world as it really is or I'm afraid that someday soon you will have your eyes opened for you
Open your heart and gain some empathy .
You will experience a life changing episode if you don't change your perception
I apologize, I am sorry to know this about you and I mean you no harm this is not a threat. Just pure insight and I wish you the best

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 15th June 2020
Forum Posts: 36

Blackwolf said:Just so you know , Arcanus...

We don't have gun happy cops where I am...if we did ,
some one would make sure they would not be around ;

Not me , but people here don't put up with that...

Drug dealers , here...nicest folk you would ever meet...

I am delighted to hear you live in a place without gunhappy police and where the local drug dealers are sweety pies.

It's clearly not the USA or Mexico. Maybe Amsterdam?

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

Damn! Surrounded by the Spelling Police................. A typo defence is always best

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

Arcanus said:

I am delighted to hear you live in a place without gunhappy police and where the local drug dealers are sweety pies.

It's clearly not the USA or Mexico. Maybe Amsterdam?

Actually , you are quite incorrect...

Yet that is not important...

This is :


On that , you are incorrect...

Perhaps where you are it is spelled
differently or incorrectly...

And Valeriya is quite eloquent in her language ,
especially her poetry onsite , yet some people have
medical issues which can cause a lack of focus ;

So some understanding on your part would be a good thing ;

As well , your attitude is rather obnoxious...

As Per :

"Now go away and keep your worthless opinions
and santimonious garbage to yourself."

Perhaps you can re - screw your head on a different way...

You would not want the moderators in here , would you ?

Thank you...

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668


Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Alcohol destroys lives, families, and claims the lives of countless victims from drunk drivers

Your number one choice if you are looking for a free, online grammar check

No errors were found

SANCTIMONIOUS is the correct spelling
Behoove is the correct spelling

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

Valeriya ;

On this very strong position regarding alcohol , I understand your feeling ;

However , I would posit a very large population of this site
drink , and take quite a range of different drugs...

I myself like my beer...so on this , please relax just a bit...

If Arcanus likes his wine , or I , with my beer , or a number
of others I know you have been friends with on here , like
other forms of alcohol , or other substances , as long as
they can hold their mental state and post with some decency
and decorum , let all of us on the site indulge in what we choose...

We must remember...poets , and artists of all forms , have long
been world famous for imbibing as they will , and enjoying the
alterations of consciousness , and expressing it through creative
and often eloquent forms...

We all choose our path , and this site is most definitely not an A.A. meeting...

Can we leave that outside of this site ?

Write a poem , if you need to , about it...Thanks !

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Blackwolf said:Valeriya ;

On this very strong position regarding alcohol , I understand your feeling ;

However , I would posit a very large population of this site
drink , and take quite a range of different drugs...

I myself like my beer...so on this , please relax just a bit...

If Arcanus likes his wine , or I , with my beer , or a number
of others I know you have been friends with on here , like
other forms of alcohol , or other substances , as long as
they can hold their mental state and post with some decency
and decorum , let all of us on the site indulge in what we choose...

We must remember...poets , and artists of all forms , have long
been world famous for imbibing as they will , and enjoying the
alterations of consciousness , and expressing it through creative
and often eloquent forms...

We all choose our path , and this site is most definitely not an A.A. meeting...

Can we leave that outside of this site ?

Write a poem , if you need to , about it...Thanks !

Agreed BW I am fully aware of the percentage of the population that drink alcohol
That's not even my concern I could care less
My comment to the archaic anus is that alcohol is far more deadly than drugs
I have spoken my point clearly and let it blow on past me
As far as I was concerned it was over

The point in my last comment is that my spelling and grammar are correct whereas his was incorrect
I'm done wasn't going to reply on this subject and more
Except to you Sir
Logging out
Talk to you soon
Much Love V

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

Love back at you , my friend...;)

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 15th June 2020
Forum Posts: 36

Only a fool would use an American-dialect dictionary like Mediocre-Webster's.

The best and most accurate (and also the best-selling and most respected) English dictionary is Oxford which lists the alternative US, Australian etc etc usages and (mis)spellings.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Hey, at least you can spale gud.....

(Don’t make yourself so fun!)

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Val is a sweet person.

Sum uv us don’t kare if you can spale right ever time...

Jess sayin...

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

I shall give him one more chance to modify
his actions , and apologize to any he has insulted...

If he does so , I shall let it go...if not , then we can take full action...

Nice to see your care and support , Nikkimoe

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

Congratulations , Arcanus...

Your multiple rude posts to myself and others ,
since you arrived on this site , have been reported ,
and I am sure you shall dutifully be reprimanded
or at the very least , notified...;)

Have a great day !

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