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Coronavirus ( Covid-19) Part II

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17249

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

I wonder if there is a list of patients who died of COVID 19 after being infected by other residents when the Mayor of New York signed an executive order to mandate that these homes had to take in confirmed COVID infected cases instead of using the hospital Ship?

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

David_Macleod said:I wonder if there is a list of patients who died of COVID 19 after being infected by other residents when the Mayor of New York signed an executive order to mandate that these homes had to take in confirmed COVID infected cases instead of using the hospital Ship?

Moved to COVID Hoax thread

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

it turns out that official information states the testing kits show false positives for COVID19 for those that have had the seasonal flu vaccination I wonder how many people have COVID19 on their death certificate that really were?

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

I am sure of it - too much anecdotal evidence of figures being fudged and doctors being told to falsify the death certificate - I could take the test, I had the seasonal flu vaccination - it would be interesting to see

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

David_Macleod said:

I am sure of it - too much anecdotal evidence of figures being fudged and doctors being told to falsify the death certificate - I could take the test, I had the seasonal flu vaccination - it would be interesting to see

In March after returning from a trip to Vegas I had fever 102  5 days and coughing
I have COPD so I had the oxygen generator machine I used everyday
Not your usual machine very simple one
It's motor generated  It helped alot

Those were my only symptoms besides feeling like shit and the sensation of something crawling through my bloodstream
One month later I got it again fever 102 lasted three days this time and headache bad headache

I have not been tested I don't go to town very often  I pretty much stay on the mountain
I do wear a mask when I go out in case I'm a carrier
My husband who is in very poor health with a heart condition HBP and stroke history hasn't caught it wondering if he could be an asymptic  

Or the whole thing is BE and it is the flu
Before this I hadn't been sick in 10 years

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

Yes, as the numbers clearly show...the areas that had the highest levels of lockdowns had the highest numbers of deaths...areas that didn't have a nazi shut down have the lowest numbers... thankfully, as you stated, we had non nazi areas that didn't result in more deaths....logically, if you continue to pack people into houses together more will get sick...but logic is not what he media is concerned with when continuing to push the panic button...the democrat pushed panic will continue until after the election when the virus will conveniently disappear...

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Ahavati said:Reposting image and link because Memorial Day.


Very thoughtful
But, this is Memorial day for military service men and women who have died
Sacrificed their lives for our freedom VOLUNTARILY  or the draft
These poor people are victims of human negligence as much as I feel for their families and their loss they ate not martyrs or didn't die defending this country The newspaper is after a big publication day by doing this

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

So as not to seem like a total POS shitting on someone post
Here you go

From isolation to inclusion,
from separation, to oneness.
By divine universal intelligence 
I am led,
 into the pathways of well being

I am surrounded by beauty,
at one, with all, that there is.
I am no longer weak, or sick
I have no sense of lack, insecurity
or unworthiness.

With joy, I am transformed
 Into that which is enduring, 
and true, the vast all,  in all
I accept my freedom, today
and forever with supreme
I declare my spirit is free,
my soul is free,
I am free
completely, positively and 
eternally free.

Do not grieve for me
Continue to be the best 
human being you can be.
Strive to leave a legacy of love, 
and understanding

Exercise your free will 
with wisdom
Carry my smile in your heart, 
share it, with your children
your grandchildren,  and all
that I leave behind

Do not be weary,  nor 
stand in the darkness 
let the memory of my pursuit 
of life, liberty and freedom 
 be your shining light
Take it with you 
wherever you go

To those who have died of the Wuhan Virus

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2277

y Jeffrey A. Tucker, editorial director for the American Institute for Economic Research. He is the author of many thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press and eight books in five languages, most recently 'The Market Loves You.' He is also the editor of 'The Best of Mises.' He tweets at @jeffreyatucker.
The lockdown measures implemented across the US – and failing to save us from either Covid-19 or economic ruin – have roots in a 2006 schoolgirl’s science project. They became law despite several academics’ resistance.
Now begins the grand effort, on display in thousands of articles and news broadcasts daily, somehow to normalize the lockdown and all its destruction of the last two months. We didn’t lock down almost the entire country in 1968/69, 1957, or 1949-1952, or even during 1918. But in a terrifying few days in March 2020, it happened to all of us, causing an avalanche of social, cultural, and economic destruction that will ring through the ages.
There was nothing normal about it all. We’ll be trying to figure out what happened to us for decades hence.
Read more
Anti-social distancing: The darker side of a remote world, from execution orders to digital governance
How did a temporary plan to preserve hospital capacity turn into two-to-three months of near-universal house arrest that ended up causing worker furloughs at 256 hospitals, a stoppage of international travel, a 40 percent job loss among people earning less than $40,000 per year, devastation of every economic sector, mass confusion and demoralization, a complete ignoring of all fundamental rights and liberties, not to mention the mass confiscation of private property with forced closures of millions of businesses?  
Whatever the answer, it’s got to be a bizarre tale. What’s truly surprising is just how recent the theory behind lockdown and forced distancing actually is. So far as anyone can tell, the intellectual machinery that made this mess was invented 14 years ago, and not by epidemiologists but by computer-simulation modelers. It was adopted not by experienced doctors – they warned ferociously against it – but by politicians.

poet Anonymous

Back to the actual topic at hand .....

runaway-mindtrain said:Yes, as the numbers clearly show...the areas that had the highest levels of lockdowns had the highest numbers of deaths...areas that didn't have a nazi shut down have the lowest numbers... thankfully, as you stated, we had non nazi areas that didn't result in more deaths....logically, if you continue to pack people into houses together more will get sick...but logic is not what he media is concerned with when continuing to push the panic button...the democrat pushed panic will continue until after the election when the virus will conveniently disappear...

Isn't it great to broadcast opinions so freely on the Internet?!

Speaking of logic, families that weren't infected that "self quarantined" themselves in their own homes magically didn't become infected.

Are you trying to say that infected persons were forced to stay in their homes? Rather than being allowed the option to go to hospitals? Yet somehow either way more people became infected as a result? Because logic would dictate that you couldn't infect more than your family or the uninfected people at the hospital, but you could create a chain reaction of hundreds of people becoming infected if you were mingling about in public without any precautions ( how the virus spread to so many people so fast in the first place ).

And of course the areas with the highest number of infections and thus deaths due to circumstances not found in other areas ( such as subway systems ) required the firmest lockdowns.

P.S. Trump's son called - he wants his father's election night conspiracy theory back.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17249

In today’s more normal news:

“A troop of monkeys in India attacked a medical official and snatched away blood samples of patients who had tested positive for the novel coronavirus, authorities said on Friday."

I, for one, welcome our new monkey overlords.


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