Poetry competition CLOSED 23rd March 2020 11:15pm
View Profile Poems by snugglebuck


Observational Eavesdropping

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

Write a poem inspired by an overheard conversation.

This competition is all about the observational.

Carry your notebook with you for a day (or make notes on your phone) as you go about your daily tasks and write down interesting things you overhear.

Could be in your house from other family members, on the bus, in a shop etc

At the end of the day, go over the snippets of conversation you wrote down and, see if you can form them into a poem.


* No more than 2 entries per human being.
* New entries only
* No restrictions on length, just don’t go mad.
*Audio / video / visual poems welcome

Good luck!

Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 17th Dec 2019
Forum Posts: 17


Bell rings I’m in hell
smiles enter the class
My heads down,
But can still recognize
each one by
A signature laugh
Begging the clock,
it taunts me back
Like it’s teaching me a lesson,
Like I haven’t already learned
Or listened to every word
The Things they said to me
just 2feet back while I sat quiet
with white bricks To stare at

But I see the beauty in all that
They’re smiling and laughing
So what
it’s only a panic attack
So what
if I don’t get over that

I’m lost
I can’t feel anything
Besides a aura that surrounds
My feelings
I pretend to have
They have feelings
I wish I had

But I see the beauty in all that
They’re smiling and laughing
So what
it’s only a panic attack
So what
if I don’t get over that

Bell rings I’m in heaven
I found myself,
I can’t feel anything
Besides a aura that surrounds
My feelings
I pretend to have
Their feelings
are all I’ll ever have
So I’ll let them have their fun
I pray someone would
Written by 0UTPUT_a_AURA (rushing._RUMOR.s)
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poet Anonymous


Bell rings I’m in hell
smiles enter the class
My heads down,
But can still recognize
each one by
A signature laugh
Begging the clock,
it taunts me back
Like it’s teaching me a lesson,
Like I haven’t already learned
Or listened to every word
The Things they said to me
just 2feet back while I sat quiet
with white bricks To stare at

But I see the beauty in all that
They’re smiling and laughing
So what
it’s only a panic attack
So what
if I don’t get over that

I’m lost
I can’t feel anything
Besides a aura that surrounds
My feelings
I pretend to have
They have feelings
I wish I had

But I see the beauty in all that
They’re smiling and laughing
So what
it’s only a panic attack
So what
if I don’t get over that

Bell rings I’m in heaven
I found myself,
I can’t feel anything
Besides a aura that surrounds
My feelings
I pretend to have
Their feelings
are all I’ll ever have
So I’ll let them have their fun
I pray someone would
Written by 0UTPUT_a_AURA (rushing._RUMOR.s)
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0UTPUT_a_AURA said:

Hello. I’m afraid that the comp rules state new entries only. Please can you replace with a newly written entry to make your entry valid. Thanks.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004


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Lost Thinker
United States 2awards
Joined 20th Aug 2016
Forum Posts: 53

Corona... Not again!

Of course the first word I hear this morning is
"Coronavirus" Great! The day can only go
up from here. Everyone panicking and such, but
that's understandable, don't think I'm tired of
hearing about it from everyone including the repair
man that came to fix my heater. I was hot when he
said he thought it was a hoax as if the hundreds
dead are some kind of manufactured entities. Oh
well, that's just how it goes, I'll just move on with my
life and grow thicker skin for times like these. My
neighbor can't stop coughing, and talking at the
same time, but he's old enough to not care or
understand a lick of everyone's ales. Eww! Said my
niece when she saw Mr. Porter grab a dirty rag from
the ground and rub the sweat from his brow. Wow!
Well, like I've said before, that's just life. I guess.

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Spanish Suspicions

They're speaking Spanish behind my back
They're planning something clandestine
I'm certain of that
You can call me a paranoid old fool
But if you could hear their whispers
You'd be worried too
So, don't scold or condemn me
Because I won't turn a blind eye
To either of the scheming guys
While these two make plans
In a language I don't understand
Inspired by my evil bilingual nieces who drive their old uncle to pieces!  How I suffer so. 😓
Written by snugglebuck
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This photo of my tormentors was taken a couple of weeks ago.  The night before, I was asked, by text, if I liked Corona beer. I sad, "yes."
Consequently, this is how I was geated the following morning.

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878

Resentful Hearts

I can still remember it like it was yesterday,
They sat on the couch across from him,
I can remember her saying “we’re doing ok”
“And we don’t need you” my cousin told his father.

I remember I stood in the kitchen,
Angry and sad at the same time,
Although my cousin and I weren’t as close growing up,
I was very attached my uncle.

Those words embedded themselves in my memory,
Divorce can play a harsh tune in resentful hearts,
I know my uncle was a good man,
After all, he was there for me more than my own father.

Then as a grown-up I had the same struggles,
I feared hearing those same words,
Then I sympathized with my uncle’s memory,
At how those expressions must have felt.

It’s been over thirty years since that day,
A father lost his son in the heat of a bitter divorce,
I miss a cousin who never gave us a chance,
Because adults sometimes aren’t civil.

The one time I eavesdropped on a conversation,
Was the worst exchange I could have heard,
The time has passed yet the recollection
Seems faded but still hurts.
Written by wallyroo92
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Urchins II

A total lockdown hasn’t happened yet  
In southern Cali where, like other towns  
Up and down the state, homeless youth  
Forage & huddle to keep dry from the rain.  
“Stay healthy, stay safe, and stay home.  
So how do you think we’re doing, man?”  
“Heh.  I’d say we have a leaky roof.”  
“Yeah, and we suck at social distancing.”  
“Oh yeah?  Uh I dunno, it’s only us here.”  
“Bro’, you call this being six feet apart?”  
“Hey man, keep your corner of the tarp up.”  
“Naw, dude, let’s toss it over the dumpster.”  
“Hell. what for?”  
“We gotta sleep somewhere tonight. 7/11?”  
“Naw bro’, they’re closed, can’t break a bill.”  
“So??  Anyway, we ain’t got no money.”  
“How we gonna eat then?”  
“In the dumpster, man. There’s pickings.”  
“Aaawww, Jesus, dude!”  
“Hey, com’on, we’re the lucky ones.”  
( Urchins )  
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Miss Sub thank you so much.  My nieces will be thrilled to hear that I’ve won a poem inspired by their clandestine ways.  

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