Poetry competition CLOSED 29th February 2020 4:05pm
0UTPUT_a_AURA (rushing._RUMOR.s)
View Profile Poems by 0UTPUT_a_AURA
RUNNERS-UP: wallyroo92 and Heart_symphony

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Tell me your pain

Kathy Rivers
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 23rd Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 29

eswaller! OMGeeeeee!!!!! amazing job!!!! wonderful work of art! i love how i can feel the pain and heartache poured into the poem!!!! and that quote... i love it!!! good luck in the competition!!!

Kathy Rivers
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 23rd Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 29

nancy! once again wonderful job!! however, i believe you keep forgetting the 2nd requirement for the competition... the quote that relates to your poem?

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 2nd Aug 2019
Forum Posts: 8

devil inside her


What's really going on  
life is one big blur  
ppl come and go  
it's always just her.  
If you said something was off  
Id have to concur  
I already know  
there's a devil inside her.  
she has no control  
she fights and begs it please  
it never listens  
it never does truly leave.  
its there if you ever care to look  
it hides behind her eyes  
it's that dull look of pain  
it's the times you never know she cries.  
she never can truly trust  
there's always doubt and fear of more pain  
it's the way she hides her smile  
afraid someone might pretend to love her again.  
its the rage she keeps pinned up  
she won't ever admit  
it's the way she feels about love  
the way it makes her sick.  
how did this happen  
she walks around as if all is well  
but its there if you care to see  
She's living in her very own  personal hell  
caused by disappointment  
unfulfilled promises and broken hearts  
it is from every person who walked out on her  
and ripped her soul apart.  
it wants to come out  
it wants to rear its ugly head  
she never escapes it  
it even follows her to bed.  
it haunts her in the worst way  
it invades her dreams  
she wakes up constantly throughout the night  
shes forever cursed it seems.  
she doesn't want to admit it  
but can't hide it anymore  
it has become too obvious to deny  
there's a devil inside her.  
she will give no excuses  
and show mercy to no man  
she wants to rip out their hearts  
as many as she can.  
what happened you ask  
maybe there's a way she hasn't considered before  
shes tried everything but still  
there's a devil inside her  
it didn't happen all at once  
no, not overnight  
it's from years of disappointment  
and giving up on her fight.  
Her fight for love  
its been a brutal war  
she will never be the same  
everywhere u look there's a battle scar.  
what is left to fight for  
will anyone try to save her  
shes down pretty bad  
just check the score.  
never actually came out on top  
never really won  
she given up already  
but he has just begun.  
when you look what do u see  
look past that fake smile  
you know its there, what could it be  
but its been there quite a while  
she doesn't care if it wins  
she doesn't wanna resist anymore  
it is what it is  
there's a devil inside her.  
better run  
head for the hills  
there's no escape  
no remedy or pills  
there's nothing left to say  
never leaving no matter what  
its here to stay  
forget everything u have heard before  
just know, yeah.....  
there's a devil inside her.

"The demons you have are what motivate you to make your art. This is what drives the detective, this is what drives the painter, this is what drives the writer: a conflicting urge to forget pain and at the same time remember it and fight for some kind of justice. I know these powerful things are inside of me and everyone in some way or another". Tom Reiss
Written by Addi82 (Addi)
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Kathy Rivers
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 23rd Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 29

Spectacular job!!! you truly encompassed what my competition is about! bravo Addi82!

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 31st Oct 2019
Forum Posts: 4

Love me, Crush me

I cant believe I fell for it  
I fell for you again    
I hate the way you make me weak    
The way you make me sin    
You draw me in with wisps of love    
You wrap me in your warmth    
And when you feel the love returned    
You mock me into scorn    
You sold the lie you always sell    
I bought it without  thought    
Off guard you caught my heart again    
 And crushed me on the spot    
"What a fool, I am to think    
Your love was ever real    
You'd never love someone like me    
Cause love is not ideal"    
I get it, I'm your favorite game    
You like to watch me wither    
Always pretend you feel the same    
Then drop me for another      
I must admit I always know    
I'm walking in a trap    
But for you I'd die anew    
For you I'd cross all maps    
I understand you can not stay    
You can not bare the weight      
The hurt I always let you see    
Is hurt you can't escape      
Addictied to the pain I think    
It's what it has to be    
I like the pain you make me drink    
And you like hurting me    
Written by Unredeemed (Vickie)
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Kathy Rivers
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 23rd Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 29

bravo!!! absolutely terrific Unredeemed! a beautiful masterpiece!!! i wish you most luck in the competition!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2326


She ~
bench pressed me
into obsession,
lifting me  
too high.
Evidently ~
i was too HEAVY;
the weight of our lust
crushed us,
smothered us, both. . .
when she let go
of the apparatus  
that held our vested years
only a nonsensical equation:
1 x 1 = zero
became our divided remainder
& common denominator
Written by Tallen (earth_empath)
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“Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.”
 ― Kahlil Gibran

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


Kathy Rivers
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 23rd Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 29

great job everyone

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Walking the Tight Throat

Life's a splitting  
fraying tight rope  
There's nobody  
to blame although  
with all the beasts  
of complication
we're all feeling  
under fire from  
all directions  
There are so many enemies  
it's hard not to imagine  
a few extra
Knowing this I could hardly blame  
anyone who aims a few rounds  
in my direction  
I also can't deny how much it hurts...
Blame should rest with those who  
warped our paranoid culture  
into stiffer self protection
Written by EdibleWords
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Kathy Rivers
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 23rd Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 29

beautiful! I totally agree!

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 3awards
Joined 17th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 60

the emptiness

the emptiness is like a rainstorm  
it violently pours down
soaking my clothes  
chilling me to the bone
the emptiness is like a dark night
desolate streets
with one lamp post flicking  
illuminating vacant pavement  
the emptiness is like a cage  
trapping me in my own torment
i stick my arm through the bars  
clawing for freedom
the emptiness is like nothing
it’s the absence  
it’s the unnatural loneliness  
it’s the null thudding
it’s the quiver in my voice  
it’s the voidness behind my eyes
it’s painted behind my smile
it’s the truth in all the lies
Written by Heart_symphony
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“To live is to suffer; to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.”  - Friedrich Nietzsche

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 31st Oct 2019
Forum Posts: 4

Love me, Crush me

I cant believe I fell for it  
I fell for you again    
I hate the way you make me weak    
The way you make me sin    
You draw me in with wisps of love    
You wrap me in your warmth    
And when you feel the love returned    
You mock me into scorn    
You sold the lie you always sell    
I bought it without  thought    
Off guard you caught my heart again    
 And crushed me on the spot    
"What a fool, I am to think    
Your love was ever real    
You'd never love someone like me    
Cause love is not ideal"    
I get it, I'm your favorite game    
You like to watch me wither    
Always pretend you feel the same    
Then drop me for another      
I must admit I always know    
I'm walking in a trap    
But for you I'd die anew    
For you I'd cross all maps    
I understand you can not stay    
You can not bare the weight      
The hurt I always let you see    
Is hurt you can't escape      
Addictied to the pain I think    
It's what it has to be    
I like the pain you make me drink    
And you like hurting me    
Written by Unredeemed (Vickie)
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Unredeemed said:" And you don't want to be here in the future, so you say the present's just a pleasant interruption to the past."  
-Andrew McMahon

Kathy Rivers
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 23rd Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 29

love it! i too, have felt the emptiness... and sometimes it scares me so bad

Kathy Rivers
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 23rd Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 29

i'm glad you added the quote so you could qualify unredeemed :)

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