Poetry competition CLOSED 11th October 2019 9:21pm
Josh (Joshua Bond)
View Profile Poems by Josh
RUNNERS-UP: poetOftragedy and AspergerPoet56

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Show me the Government

Itty Bitty
Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 26th Feb 2019
Forum Posts: 14

Poetry Contest

I want to know what governments have done to affect the masses in history as well as presently. It can be a direct or indirect move the government made and it doesn't have to be the government that currently governs you. This comp is open to all systems.

Brief example:

You all keep saying we're vagrants, just savages
Gangstas coming to your hood rampaging and ravaging
But do you want to know real gangsta love
Try getting knocked out while everyone hides their gloves

Pumping our streets with Coke and illegal guns
Taking funding from a system that's been broke since before 81
Along with all the hope, this useless knowledge also runs
And these babies learn to play with fire under a burning sun

Oh wait, are we talkin about gangstas, Or the government
Shit I can't tell the difference
Its a cycle full of shit
And it's shoveled around to make us look like the culprits
So we don't see the gleaming coming from their precipice

* Be as creative as you'd like, vulgar as you like, we're not tyrannical in the least with this. We just love to learn
* Old work accepted, though I hope this inspires you to do something fresh
* Two entries allowed, no more than that. Don't flood this thread or I'll call you out and I won't be diplomatic about it.

Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 366

Another Suitcase

Another grand speech in a boring town hall
Won’t solve the world’s problems today  
We’ve grown too enamored of media brawls  
And corruption inside the beltway
Another news pollster committing his fraud
He convinced me to love what I hate
But I’ve learned that our media is just a facade
For elites in control of the state
Another suitcase in another hall
So what happens now? Do you care?
I’ve come to care more that his government falls
Than I did for our doomed love affair
Call me in three months, and I’ll be fine
After Hill’ throws her hat in the ring
When I'll drink all the Kool-Aid that I’ve been assigned
Cowering under an angel’s left wing
Written by ReggiePoet (Reggie)
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Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 366

Related submission no longer exists.

Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 6awards
Joined 13th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 45


A man approaches the stand
Like a snake in a suit
His hair slicked back
Unlike his elbows.

There's pomp in his stride
And his grin is like cheddar
The people there are waiting
In anticipation of what he's about to say.

His words cause unrest
The people aren't happy
He dodges their questions
Like bullets,
And fires them back
In the form of lies and empty promises.

His speech is over
The man takes his chauffeur car home
And sips champagne in the back seat
Which he will later claim on expenses,
A job well done.

The people leave,
Readying themselves for another day
Of toil and struggle
Meanwhile, the elderly make a choice
Between food or warmth.

The man gets home
And sheds off his Armani skin
Like a snake
He looks in the mirror
He's smug,
For tomorrow he gets to do it all again.
Written by Adzy
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Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

I'm gonna wonder round
these strange lands
my head
I'm gonna check these out
these thoughts
that I represent
I'm gonna stick around
to see
who's laying in my bed
I'm gonna work it out
how I arrived
when I was dead
coz government
keeps telling me
I'm just a machine
born to breed
work and believe

I'm gonna wonder round
these strange forests
inside my head
I'm gonna check em out
these shadows
I've never met
coz the government
keeps telling me
I'll suffer regret
If i look deep down inside
What's in my head

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

Is it
the government
that you blame
for your entertainment
that you claim
when you watch
the truth
on the news
that seems
so near
so far away
in your own personal world
that you live everyday
where your one source belief
happily creeps in
when you speak
about your streets
that seem
so far away

When you live this way
so shall you
this way
like a real
walking ape
with a limited mentality
of a chimpanzee
blaming our government
when the problem
has always been
with thee
with we
with us

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1878

Villanelle Nr.04 — Wildest Dreams

Josh (Joshua Bond)
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No, nothing’s truly as it seems    
despite what you’ve been told to think  
it’s way beyond your wildest dreams  
the modern world is stuffed with memes    
which float around and interlink    
and nothing’s truly as it seems    
the media gobs amazing scenes    
that make you rub your eyes and blink -  
it’s way beyond your wildest dreams    
and if you check the stats and beans    
it won’t add up, it’s out of sync    
for nothing’s truly as it seems    
and everywhere you look it steams    
with lies, corruption - smell the stink -  
it’s way beyond your wildest dreams.  
And those who run this foul regime?  
They really should be in the clink    
for nothing’s truly as it seems    
it’s way beyond your wildest dreams.

An older poem but with audio-vid recently added
(I'll now try and write something new by 4th October to compliment it)   :))

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 3awards
Joined 17th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 868

Tyrant of Words
United States 159awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1897

Mad Demons

I’ve seen bodies splayed out in the street,
Serving as a warning for any of those who took opposition, 
I’ve heard the artillery fire at will, 
And oh so close, 
Like mad demons let loose from hell. 

I was a child so I didn’t really understand, 
Why the situation only got worse, especially for the poor, 
They were slaying guilty and innocent altogether, 
In order to save democracy. 

I only knew that once you heard the first shots go off, 
An instant curfew was immediately in effect, 
It didn’t matter if you were a man, woman or child, 
If you were still out and about, you were a suspect. 

And those who fought back for their rights, 
Were met with indignation, like a disease of the earth, 
Sworn to cleanse the land, with blood, 
With no conscience or concept of people’s worth. 

So death squadrons made examples of rebels, 
And while they were at it, threw in some babies as well, 
Serving as a warning for any who took opposition, 
Like mad demons let loose from hell. 

And the rebels fought back just as dirty, 
Punishing soldiers for crimes against humanity, 
So they too were made examples for their fury, 
The way they were displayed, it was total insanity. 

In a civil war, brother fights brother, 
With false ideologies of corrupt governments, 
So they wash each other’s brains and try to blame, 
Those who speak their voice as radical opponents. 

When everyone takes sides and arm themselves, 
Know that you’re about to experience hell, 
Because in war men will lose their humanity, 
And they fight like mad, mad demons. 
Written by wallyroo92
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Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1878

Villanelle Nr.16 — Dictator's Blues

Josh (Joshua Bond)
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DICTATOR’S BLUES (a villanelle)

It’s ever so hard to be a dictator
stressfully vigilant, watching your back
constantly having to prove you’re the greater

sifting through masses of personal data,
listening to peasants whinge on about lack -
it’s ever so hard to be a dictator

throwing opponents to bored alligators
firing bad staff who have given you flack
constantly having to prove you’re the greater.

I am the nation’s supreme educator
ensuring this country’s ahead of the pack -
it’s ever so hard to be a dictator

paying for fuel to run excavators
to bury the traitors living in shacks
constantly having to prove I’m the greater.

And what do I get? Called Terminator
after all I’ve done for you - cut me some slack!
It’s ever so hard to be a dictator
constantly having to prove I’m the greater.

Dangerous Mind
South Africa 3awards
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 80

the inauguration

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Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1904

Did They Really Not See It Coming

It was when the shadows  
Stepped out into the light  
Monsters of dreams  
Given a form of reality  
The popularity of diseased minds  
Behind friendly smiles  
That deceived a country  
Who wanted someone to blame  
Promising a thousand year reign
Breathing poison into those willing to listen
Those that didn’t, started to disappear  
 The silent beginning of a final solution  
A culture was to be wiped from history  
Just because they were hated by some
Power corrupts ultimate power kills  
Innocents persecuted under a banner  
The whispers, the rumours  
Never prepared the world  
For the real horror revealed  
A horror that is never forgotten  
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 2awards
Joined 5th Oct 2015
Forum Posts: 109


Lies blended into truth
Old forced upon the youth
Money made believe as wealth  
No concern about you're health
Monsanto feeding us our end
Pharmaceutical companies giving us all the mend
Taxes keeping us poor
Right and left wing crying out for more
Divide and concour that's the plan
Racism puts man against man
All the while the bankers earn
Just remember  
Dont believe what you learn
Written by cheesa
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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 2awards
Joined 5th Oct 2015
Forum Posts: 109

don't trust

Don't believe the BBC don't believe the tv
Don't believe the BBC look how they coverd for jimmy
Don't believe the media they choose what you see
Asif no one knows what happend to maddie
Politicians presidents tell new lies by the hours
Wake up everyone remember the twin towers
All based on mind control Santa and the Pope
Don't be such a fool donr be such a dope
The royal family are inbreds who stole all there land
And we just have to bend over to take there every demand
Oh yeah one last thing
Watch out you god botherers because this might sting
The bible and karan are full of shit
There I've said it people get over it
Written by cheesa
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