Poetry competition CLOSED 28th September 2019 9:52am
View Profile Poems by wallyroo92
RUNNER-UP: eswaller

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You Cant Break Me

Lost Thinker
Joined 22nd July 2014
Forum Posts: 43

Poetry Contest

Tell us why you are unbreakable
I know that life loves to throw curve balls.  Tell us all  some of yours.   Tell us how life tried to beat you dawn and break you.  Now revel in the the silver lining and share what kept you strong and remind us why you are unbreakable.

Lost Thinker
Joined 22nd July 2014
Forum Posts: 43

You Cant Break Me

Another swing another miss and once again life will drain away my bliss.  Life has never been easy for me. I grew up rough, so much so as child i tried to call it enough.  As a child I was let down by the man should of admired most. For me me growing up  my dad was my darkest fears host. I'll spare the details and just say because of him I can empathize with most.  IF you have been neglected beaten raped and abused.  To you I can relate after all that's how my dad seemed to be amused. Anther swing another miss.  I got older and I grew up got married and had a child. After that things really started to change and my wife got really wild.  
She got hooked on meth and long story short my marriage was no more.  Another swing another miss strike three I should be out. Lest face it though life keeps throwing pitches its relentless it that there is no doubt. So my mother and I get into a fight. the last words  I said to her was   grow and do as the doctor says as i walked out the door that night. See My mom swore something was wrong and for the most part I had her back. The n another doctor said again there is nothing wrong its all in her head. they said I was enabling her that she needed tough love and I needed to step back.  I did as the doctor wished much to my regret not three days later I saw her lying in comma she was brain dead with no hopes of any life other then that of a vegetative state if she ever came out. so I sad i was sorry and i loved you i held her hand as i had to pull the plug and she took her last breath.  I can only hope the cruel words i told her were not the last she heard before her death.   Another swing anther miss this game just keeps going. It's only end will one day be deaths sweet kiss. I have three kids now and they are the light of life.  Yep you guessed it another curve ball. So my ex of many years decides we should be apart. to tell the truth it was long overdue. So I opened my tattered heart and gave it to some one new.  that we will save for the end. As a parting gift from ex she lies to my kids and tries to make them hate me. well my two oldest boys for right now do and my youngest my daughter refuses too. So She tells more lies and now i have to wait because now i can't even see my kids until next months court date. So to say the least id say to me life is unfair. Sometimes i ask myself dose anyone even care. there are i times i wonder if I'm a test, one to see just how much a man can take. But i hold my head up high. I work hard and i love harder still.  I'll never stop looking for the silver lining i know is always there. So no Matter what life throws at me I know one thing to be soundly true. If I keep my head up I'm UNBREAKABLE and you can be too.  
Written by HowlingHeart
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poet Anonymous

Lost Thinker
Joined 22nd July 2014
Forum Posts: 43

Thanks for your Entry Miss_Sub and shearing with us  i hope it also helps you to share and wish you the best of luck Keep hoping and keep looking up it can be hard to see but that silver lining is always there.

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Dear Host, my entry was more light-hearted for what you were expecting so I’ve deleted.


Tyrant of Words
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 3672

Walk into the arena  -Love it

Lost Thinker
Joined 22nd July 2014
Forum Posts: 43

Thanks for your entry and I enjoyed your poem Jade however it's a little off mark for my competition isn't just about being strong its also about what makes you strong what struggles you overcame what you have had to endure through  Keep writing though I liked your work

Lost Thinker
Joined 22nd July 2014
Forum Posts: 43

Archetype Thanks care to share a little more tell us about arena experience

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 6th June 2019
Forum Posts: 69

The Friend I Never Knew

A persons life is measured in years or achievements
Some in possessed personal things,
But the true mark of anyone’s time on this world
Is the help and happiness his memory brings.
Though brief and seldom my experience was
Still an impression he left on me,
For I witnessed true courage, the kind I’ve only heard of
And few will ever see.
The pain his family and friends must feel
For a loss like this is great,
But I feel blessed to be near even at this sad time
The need was more for me than fate.
Before I arrived I was preoccupied
Feeling life had become too tough,
To discover where the essence of strength dwells within
Power of will that was more than enough.
Most people can not be counted on or be trusted
They say and act untrue,
Rare quality in how good he made you feel about yourself
He’s the friend I never knew
Written by midevil
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Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th July 2019
Forum Posts: 932

poet Anonymous

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anthony andrea
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom
Joined 22nd Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 38

Things Happened
But I got over them
As You do.

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 19th May 2013
Forum Posts: 16

Walk into the arena. Really well read very uplifting

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 31st May 2013
Forum Posts: 656

Stand Up & Fight

I've tucked tail and run
Like a beaten puppy
To a corner to hide
I've put on a poker face
Perfect as a mask in a robbery
Just to conceal a sinner's pride

I wander like a lost hoodlum
Too numb to even stake
A light post on a corner as my home
They tell me I need to learn myself
But truth is I know all too well
Just what comes when you find yourself alone

I find new ways to destroy whats killing me
A gauntlet made of my own demons
Their jeering faces laughing at every move
I dodge and run, nurse wounds and cry
I lie down and wither inside
When there's only one thing left to do


I want to scream like a fucking maniac
Till the windows rattle and your heart breaks
Till you crumple in the floor crying out my name
I want to splatter you on the concrete
Broken and bruised for the mess you made
I am tired and ready to rain tenfold the pain

Bow down and take this
I can do this no more
Two decades of anger rising
1... 2... 3... 4...
Written by KittyFromHell
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Its however you take this, I suppose... but to me this is just a pure stubbornness to keep going. Some people have every reason to survive and don't... so what it really boils down to getting fed up and fighting.

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