Rage, Rage Against the Dying of the Light
Daniel Long
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 220
Daniel Long
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 220
Poetry Contest Description
Show your struggle, or that of another with death.
This competition is inspired by Dylan Thomas' poem Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night. Written for his dying father. Please read for inspiration hereinbelow:
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on that sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Dylan Thomas
One entry
New writes only!
No word max, just no epic sagas
Any style
PM me for questions
Two weeks!
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on that sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Dylan Thomas
One entry
New writes only!
No word max, just no epic sagas
Any style
PM me for questions
Two weeks!
Daniel Long
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 220
Daniel Long
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 220
Mother's Hushed Eyes
Passages of my childhood arise within my mother’s death gaze,
bringing reminiscences of olden days.
When in sadness in childhood we would speak in silent gaze.
No mother left to envision me now, now within those quiet eyes.
Mother, you have gone away;
oh, dear mother let the memories rest beneath your eyelids.
But never close your eyes!
The imageries still dance in them as if you’re still alive!
While vibrancy in your quiet eyes remains, I'll save
this voiceless reflection I saw from a mother's hushed eyes.
Mere images from when I was a child,
and often when I'll be sorrow-hearted, these reflections will then give me joy;
so, while life does remain in cycle, the memories she has protected;
those reflections I saw from a mother's hushed eyes.
Oh, I remember the life of my mother's glossy eyes,
my reception of joy to her when I returned home,
always gently did her eyelids come to a rest
as she used to sit and wait for me to speak,
but now are not closed, and silent;
though they have left me for the cold of death,
but while mute voices do persist, in those images I'll remember
this vivid reflection I saw from a mother's hushed eyes.
bringing reminiscences of olden days.
When in sadness in childhood we would speak in silent gaze.
No mother left to envision me now, now within those quiet eyes.
Mother, you have gone away;
oh, dear mother let the memories rest beneath your eyelids.
But never close your eyes!
The imageries still dance in them as if you’re still alive!
While vibrancy in your quiet eyes remains, I'll save
this voiceless reflection I saw from a mother's hushed eyes.
Mere images from when I was a child,
and often when I'll be sorrow-hearted, these reflections will then give me joy;
so, while life does remain in cycle, the memories she has protected;
those reflections I saw from a mother's hushed eyes.
Oh, I remember the life of my mother's glossy eyes,
my reception of joy to her when I returned home,
always gently did her eyelids come to a rest
as she used to sit and wait for me to speak,
but now are not closed, and silent;
though they have left me for the cold of death,
but while mute voices do persist, in those images I'll remember
this vivid reflection I saw from a mother's hushed eyes.
Written by gothicsurrealism
(Daniel Long)
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Non-entry poem by author of the competition.
Joined 16th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 24
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 24
Decay Of The Grave
I am hypnotized by the sight
Of the cross that identifies your grave to me
On the night you died, it blew my mind
When you held me close
Then whispered these words to me
On the verge of your death
With your very last breath
You made me promise
To honor your memory
Until the end of my
Life I will try
To live with no regrets
And cherish every heartbeat
Your words live even though you're dead
No rest for the weary
No solace or sanctuary
Another broken body buried
Underneath the decay of the grave
No rest for the weary
No solace or sanctuary
Another broken body buried
Underneath the deep, dark, dank decay
Decay of the grave
I am like a marionette without strings
But still somehow I managed to let
Your death control me
This is something
That goes against all of my beliefs
To say that I am simply upset is insanity
Punish me...
Make me an example
Sentence me...
To death I don't give a damn
Put me out of my misery my friend
I wouldn't care If you make me suffer
Can't you see that me and pain
Walk hand in hand
Not that you would understand
No rest for the weary
No solace or sanctuary
Another broken body buried
Underneath the decay of the grave
No rest for the weary
No solace or sanctuary
Another broken body buried
Underneath the deep, dark, dank decay
Decay of the grave
I am like a marionette without strings
But still somehow I managed to let
Your death control me
This is something
That goes against all of my beliefs
To say that I am simply upset
Undermines these...
Feelings that I feel for you
I am filled with such self-contempt
There is nothing I can do
Or say to change the ways of ignorance
But still I hope for better days
When I no longer feel so insignificant
I will submit to fate
And bow before the certainty of the grave
I will submit to fate
And bow before the certainty of the grave
No rest for the weary
No solace or sanctuary
Another broken body buried
Underneath the decay of the grave
No rest for the weary
No solace or sanctuary
Another broken body buried
Underneath the deep, dark, dank decay
Decay of the grave
Written by TLM5150
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Joined 3rd Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 86
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 86
Have you ever been trap within an image while you are trying to fall a sleep but yet it interrupts your true ability to fall silently to sleep with peace in your mind and soul, but yet your mind seems not to want to turn itself off for your perspective becomes an illusion of disillusion of a powerful anticipation giving you a glimpse of nothing but the end of darkness at the end of the tunnel.
For as you go deeper into shredded strips of metals of elements of your most darkest moments of your life and world with its viciousness of its seductive thoughts, teasing you into believing that which what you see is only a mere illusion of your mind reflecting the true images and feelings of your mind and heart and soul.
For you are deeply confused as the overwhelming feelings slowly begins to takes even a deeper hold of your inner spiritual soul for your sanctuary has no longer become your own cause sleep wont come to you, for darkness has roam through your silent thoughts gripping you and holding you within a deep trance shackling your mere ability to think and massage the deepness of your inner thoughts.
For the end of darkness is truly a journey and travel and walk through the tunnels were the end of darkness controls your most mind deepest thoughts, were dreams become real and life becomes your mission unbound by space or time for you are the the survivor of your own destination of your own life.
For as you go deeper into shredded strips of metals of elements of your most darkest moments of your life and world with its viciousness of its seductive thoughts, teasing you into believing that which what you see is only a mere illusion of your mind reflecting the true images and feelings of your mind and heart and soul.
For you are deeply confused as the overwhelming feelings slowly begins to takes even a deeper hold of your inner spiritual soul for your sanctuary has no longer become your own cause sleep wont come to you, for darkness has roam through your silent thoughts gripping you and holding you within a deep trance shackling your mere ability to think and massage the deepness of your inner thoughts.
For the end of darkness is truly a journey and travel and walk through the tunnels were the end of darkness controls your most mind deepest thoughts, were dreams become real and life becomes your mission unbound by space or time for you are the the survivor of your own destination of your own life.
Written by Stoney223
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Joined 13th May 2019
Forum Posts: 27
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 27
The Final Battle - - competition piece - -
at least we got the chance to say our proper goodbyes
we got to line up outside your room and have you to ourselves for a few minutes more
this is a luxury, I know many aren't blessed enough to have
but how do you thank someone for teaching you right from wrong and what unconditional love feels like?
how do you tell them it's okay to close their eyes and put their tired body to rest when all you really want is for them to be there when you graduate, get married, have children?
how in the hell did I stay so strong when I felt like a single gust of wind would knock me to the ground?
You fought long
You fought hard
You've fought enough.
even now you teach me valuable lessons
and in the end there was no dramatic cries of grief
no praying to a God of any form
only peace and an empty space in our hearts no one will ever be able to fill.
we got to line up outside your room and have you to ourselves for a few minutes more
this is a luxury, I know many aren't blessed enough to have
but how do you thank someone for teaching you right from wrong and what unconditional love feels like?
how do you tell them it's okay to close their eyes and put their tired body to rest when all you really want is for them to be there when you graduate, get married, have children?
how in the hell did I stay so strong when I felt like a single gust of wind would knock me to the ground?
You fought long
You fought hard
You've fought enough.
even now you teach me valuable lessons
and in the end there was no dramatic cries of grief
no praying to a God of any form
only peace and an empty space in our hearts no one will ever be able to fill.
Written by delanee
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Pariah Shadow
Joined 31st Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 1633
Pariah Shadow
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1633
A Rage Against Death
The reaper follows
Stalking quietly
Among nights
It is my own hand.
This rage burning within
Starkly contrasted against
Morose days spent awake
For fear of sleep
The reaper follows
He frequents my home
Guide me towards release
Only for me to back away
I'll suffer this terrible night
Alone, alone, go away
Reaper, deathly guide
I'll not go to the light
Not yet, though lately
You hardly startle me.
Stalking quietly
Among nights
It is my own hand.
This rage burning within
Starkly contrasted against
Morose days spent awake
For fear of sleep
The reaper follows
He frequents my home
Guide me towards release
Only for me to back away
I'll suffer this terrible night
Alone, alone, go away
Reaper, deathly guide
I'll not go to the light
Not yet, though lately
You hardly startle me.
Written by anonymouslyhere
(Pariah Shadow)
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Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 864
Banging on the coffin lid # Dylan Thomas
For all we had said our amen to life
The evensong came and, in its broken snare
No comfort the weakness and all strife
Faiths candle burned its taper short
The welcome mat to find it bare
Belief the insurance you have bought
The resting place a family plot
A colour chart of greying hair
Executors are nesting "leave them not a lot"
The funeral plans finance decease
Just a few more days God can you spare
The undertakers tape be siezed
A stubborn will not lie in shrouds white sheet
To shout and scratch to escape from that nightmare
Bang on the coffin lid, not rest in peace
For dark angels above, beneath
As I hold on to one last prayer
Cry for me no tears of grief
For I am my ghost and I will not sleep
written as a villanelle poem as was the original
The evensong came and, in its broken snare
No comfort the weakness and all strife
Faiths candle burned its taper short
The welcome mat to find it bare
Belief the insurance you have bought
The resting place a family plot
A colour chart of greying hair
Executors are nesting "leave them not a lot"
The funeral plans finance decease
Just a few more days God can you spare
The undertakers tape be siezed
A stubborn will not lie in shrouds white sheet
To shout and scratch to escape from that nightmare
Bang on the coffin lid, not rest in peace
For dark angels above, beneath
As I hold on to one last prayer
Cry for me no tears of grief
For I am my ghost and I will not sleep
written as a villanelle poem as was the original
Written by slipalong
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Forum Posts: 3054
Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3054
Darkening of the light(Carpe's therapy sessions)
The coffee cold undrunk
Cigarette still awaiting flame
Thinking least not chain smoking as much and less caffeine..
sun's warmth
just a distraction
head in hands
resting on legs(heavy)
dreads moving about
dancing in the gentle breeze
Concrete Blonde plays (are you there, are you there)
I don't know...
perhaps the ant does, about its day with purpose
I feel (days and days.... Into daze)
failing amongst all this debris
that was......
now is....
Holding on by finger nails
clouds circling
sharks out for blood
Close my eyes......
Think ill let go
It's dark out tonight
Written by Carpe_Noctem
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Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1408
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1408
Monsoonal Reindeering, The Rising Soul Lanterns
ripples…. are they parting or merging?
there is silence of the pools
between a harshly fallen drop & its
splashing diehard circumferential
the building up sound …as it explodes
diffusing traceless into much of thirsted
of the parching earths now in
an uncomfortable silence....that
that may be
a jerky manipulative mould
in that’s so
stuffed upon in frilly layered lies
one after another after another… its
hardened boldening holds that’s
s t r a n g u l a t i n g
the touched soiling base unto a sudden
shockingly shrunken clot- pressurized
& pulled up
in a temporal levitation..only
to be freefalling suicidal
out of the already
loosening grips... now
in a crackdowning
in clutching protuberance
in some ossified decades
now blow out in a famine’s erosive
severity …its unsettling turbidity
of deathly dusts in darkly rise
penning thumb
a bloodied line of cease-fireless
violence..swollen to be a
blown out benumbing
……..distorting aghori-fications
still an adamant stud of frontline
rebellion daring naked degrees
-its pillowed facades
press against the ghastly printing
rollers-their bladed & bundled
stemming entirety in catalytic thrusts
flowing fuelling as the burning
midnight oil…..in a wanton orgasmic
squeeze desirous of its craved
paining needs it paints.... in
its splashes of pure exuding
….is a
legendary irony, breaking
any recorded limits & shackles
of your defining rigours… this, this, this
…is what is the red of freedom & love
in a spectacle- a rarity spotted reindeer
ah, this reindeering again & again now!
--with its sparking firebulbous eyes---
[in yogic calming mixing
fixtures of unifying streams
unto this aching soul
----their branching horns’
a firmly networking silence
enmeshing in an ageless grip
of earthly brown
rootedness..tagging skies &
souls, amidst rapid-fire chaos
of monsoonal flooded flows
-----symbolical signs of a hiccupping
absential presence, a nostalgically
kicking out radicalized radicle
in arrival]
----their eyes
of sparking ignitions rise
above as lanterning fireflies…taking
on the sinking down darkness oddities
by their minutely infinite winged kites
in blindingly lamplit- a holy incensing
light(ness) uprising
struck thunderous--
a robustizing ephemerality
downpours..... thinning as
drizzly electrifying streaks
over the deeply stagnating
blackened cavities-
with their camouflagingly mapped
slanting adjacent slopes…diffusing
as creased platinal electroplatings
in partial winking blinking kohl-eyed
mystical glistens
---in the trying blanket
smothering of the reindeering's
fire-eyed luminescence---
of the mind—a thickly
stirring in viscous solidities
in the limitless breaking… by
infusing penetrance—of
the entwining brilliance, the
light(ness) & their partial
---all in the churning of eternal sun's flaming
elixir, Devaamirtham of souling depths
Written by summultima
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Forum Posts: 69
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 6th June 2019
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Back And Forth
A final breath then came sight so focused and so clear.
Gone were all the ghosts of thought and the grave of fear.
Moments filled my clouding eyes each breaking through a haze.
Cherished memories going back to long forgotten days.
My beloved’s hand was of the first in passion clenching tight.
And like a prayer came the words, “All will be all right.”
A body frail makes lazy days with time’s slow ebbing tide.
Shown was my soul’s retreat with my love still at my side.
The children of my children each sat upon my knee.
My nighttime tales hushed them quiet as they slept so dreamily.
Then born to my son and daughter came children of there own.
Holidays filled with laughter rang through out my happy home.
I saw again the wedding vowels of two that once were mine.
How sad and proud I had become at this special time.
I smiled at a happy memory with a friendly familiar face.
At chores I’ve done and of scenes of a far-flung distant place.
My children went from on there own back into waiting arms.
How carefully I cradled them and protected them from harm.
Again my thankful eyes were filled with my children’s birth.
I gazed once more at the face of angles here on earth.
Vows of love by joined young souls sharing a single life.
I watched as my beloved and I became a husband and a wife.
Childish scenes came in a flurry of school and some of play.
My fathers smile and mothers hug were more than words can say.
At last a bed of final rest lays a peaceful form.
Scars from toil lines from worry upon its face are worn.
The hand once clenched now feels soft but never lost its grip.
Hand in hand are an eager two resuming their eternal trip.
Written by midevil
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Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1878
Cross the Bridge
Those demons wouldn’t let you go,
No matter how hard you tried to fight,
It was tough for you and I know,
In the end it all came to light.
I didn’t know you were home alone,
But your last thought was to make a call,
And though no one picked up the phone,
I can’t conceive the pain of that fall.
Did your life flash before your very eyes?
The roar of the crowd while on the pitch,
Or the love for all those family ties,
And how you used to want to be rich.
Maybe the first time you laid eyes on her?
Oh your smile on your wedding day,
The way you held your babies in pictures,
I can still hear your voice when you prayed.
Take all the joy you felt all your life,
Each and every single reverie,
And the love for all your kids and wife,
Wrapped into one distinct memory.
Go on ahead and cross the bridge,
They’re calling you from the other side,
As you stand there at the very edge,
Don’t look back across the great divide.
Don’t suffer anymore, this is goodbye,
Your faith and love has your soul redeemed.
Go on home, to that gate in the sky,
To that paradise you always dreamed
Those demons wouldn’t let you go,
No matter how hard you tried to fight,
It was tough for you and I know,
In the end it all came to light.
I didn’t know you were home alone,
But your last thought was to make a call,
And though no one picked up the phone,
I can’t conceive the pain of that fall.
Did your life flash before your very eyes?
The roar of the crowd while on the pitch,
Or the love for all those family ties,
And how you used to want to be rich.
Maybe the first time you laid eyes on her?
Oh your smile on your wedding day,
The way you held your babies in pictures,
I can still hear your voice when you prayed.
Take all the joy you felt all your life,
Each and every single reverie,
And the love for all your kids and wife,
Wrapped into one distinct memory.
Go on ahead and cross the bridge,
They’re calling you from the other side,
As you stand there at the very edge,
Don’t look back across the great divide.
Don’t suffer anymore, this is goodbye,
Your faith and love has your soul redeemed.
Go on home, to that gate in the sky,
To that paradise you always dreamed
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

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