I chant my pain

Poetry Contest Description
Express your pain in verses

Write a poem speaking of your pain due to real life experience, either suffered by you or by someone you care about. Only one poem per poet/poetess and only new entries allowed. One week time limit. All styles allowed.
Forum Posts: 3059
Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3059
I literally published before seeing this comp can I enter if not just remove it
Forum Posts: 3059
Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3059
The cruelest thing
Went over my old poems here
like flicking through an old photo album
mostly shit, some deeply profound
many about you, my love and intent
clear as fucking day
Starting to question yours though
sure feeling played the fool
orchestred like only you can
what you trying to do paint me a monster, fucking erase me,
what was I to you nothing more than a sperm donor something to be cast aside
erased, as if an immaculate conception occurred, rather than the love that was there, from my perspective anyway
what you want to piss five years away just like that... Poof gone up in smoke
No joke leaving me hanging in debt and despair, your silence evident, you don't give a fuck any more if you ever did.. Well done the social worker treats me like a cunt, never gets back to me and let me tell you, I'm sick of chasing those that don't care, never have, never will.
Fuck that heartless incompetent bitch
still trying to decide, if she's in the right profession or if she's perfectly suited to the role of tearing families apart
You sure killed me here,
metaphorically of course and a little literally
I'm strong though, I'll get back up
figure out what next
I forgive you, pray you find forgiveness
maybe get in touch with your son, who is worried, loves and misses you. Just as your family feels the same
What's it been years now, never understood why
you cut people off like that
Talk about dysfucktional
How easy it is for you though, do you even have a conscious, what you going to do when she starts asking questions.. Cut her off too
Leave this hanging with no closure, send the divorce papers first class through the post. Technically we are still married...
So pull your fucking head in, this only hurts our daughter
This is the cruelest thing to deny a father time with his child, especially at the age she is now.. How do you sleep at night? Soundly I imagine believing you've won a prize or something
Written by Carpe_Noctem
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Joined 3rd Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 348
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 348
Unfettered urges
not satiated
always vexing
never abated
Overflow of blood
alcoholic veins
despite purge
affliction remains
Troubled, tormented
wretched plight
wings of shame
taking flight
Bound to guilt
the deeds done
no annulment
self-inflicted shun
Alone, isolated
penance assigned
chained evermore
fate resigned
not satiated
always vexing
never abated
Overflow of blood
alcoholic veins
despite purge
affliction remains
Troubled, tormented
wretched plight
wings of shame
taking flight
Bound to guilt
the deeds done
no annulment
self-inflicted shun
Alone, isolated
penance assigned
chained evermore
fate resigned
Written by mel44
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Not Alike
Burned letters compared to a broken computer
washing ashore and rotting aside along some road
I’m disappointed but a line in the sand has to be drawn seriously
Had one note specially prepared for the world
no one is ready to hear it
Do you need ears? It goes way beyond you now
Telling me I’m not even supposed to be here
I see nothing of you anymore
but a ghost of someone from you I don’t know
At least I’ve tried to explain every moment
a diary just catching dust
so I’m constantly getting bugged by my Nan to have something done about it
Depression, like you want the company but you don’t
with my luck and cursing myself
It’s okay to doubt me
especially feeling like a dybbuk
every time a spliff is smoked
But with alcohol you’re more careless and slow
I’m glad me and him are not alike
Burned letters compared to a broken computer
washing ashore and rotting aside along some road
I’m disappointed but a line in the sand has to be drawn seriously
Had one note specially prepared for the world
no one is ready to hear it
Do you need ears? It goes way beyond you now
Telling me I’m not even supposed to be here
I see nothing of you anymore
but a ghost of someone from you I don’t know
At least I’ve tried to explain every moment
a diary just catching dust
so I’m constantly getting bugged by my Nan to have something done about it
Depression, like you want the company but you don’t
with my luck and cursing myself
It’s okay to doubt me
especially feeling like a dybbuk
every time a spliff is smoked
But with alcohol you’re more careless and slow
I’m glad me and him are not alike
Joined 3rd Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 86
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 86
As the early dawn comes over the horizon I sit here as I look out the window of my cell of a four by four room as I reemerge from a night of restless sleep, for as the thoughts continue to flow through my mind exhausting me of all my energy I feel my aura is draining me of my strength to even think clearly. For even when I try to fall asleep I can't seem to release the thoughts that keep running in the depth and deepness of my mind, for even the sounds of the screams that echoes through the halls of steel and stones can't shut out the sounds around me. For I know its a process as much as it is a constant struggle each day I am here behind these gray walls of steel and stones, but it is not withstanding that I alone placed thyself within this situation but yet I have no doult that I will make make it for the fact is I have to do my time and not let my time do me on a mental and emotional level.
Written by Stoney223
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Joined 27th Mar 2019
Forum Posts: 2
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 2
Behind The Mask
Hold back the tears to procrastinate your cries,
remember your fears for tomorrow who dies.
Wipe the sadness from your face, shield the sorrow in your eyes.
Endure; embrace the pain, help them believe the lies.
Force a laugh to escape the dry throat that has no will.
Ignore the tight knot in your stomach that makes you anxiously Ill.
Engage your eyes in conversation to act as if you truly care.
So long as no one knows your thoughts are wandering elsewhere.
Replace the depressing frown with a glassy smile to ensure a happy appeal;
And that deathly glare to a joyful gleam, so the synthetic emotion can only seal.
Evaporate all the sadness within to allow no weakness to beam,
Seize your uncontrollable emotions so then soon your mask shall redeem.
remember your fears for tomorrow who dies.
Wipe the sadness from your face, shield the sorrow in your eyes.
Endure; embrace the pain, help them believe the lies.
Force a laugh to escape the dry throat that has no will.
Ignore the tight knot in your stomach that makes you anxiously Ill.
Engage your eyes in conversation to act as if you truly care.
So long as no one knows your thoughts are wandering elsewhere.
Replace the depressing frown with a glassy smile to ensure a happy appeal;
And that deathly glare to a joyful gleam, so the synthetic emotion can only seal.
Evaporate all the sadness within to allow no weakness to beam,
Seize your uncontrollable emotions so then soon your mask shall redeem.
Written by Shanty
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Joined 9th May 2019
Forum Posts: 1081
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1081
Related submission no longer exists.
The Silence
The clearing in the center of the ancient forest
My world, where I danced and sang my words
Flying free to the highest heights unrestrained
Each letter, intonation, a product of divine soul
Freeing sparks of holiness from below to Above
This was my Garden of Eden, sweetest eternity
What happens when Heaven falls to The Silence?
Silence viciously smothered Words and Music
Brought Paradise to desolate, apocalyptic ruins
Frozen ashes fell from the gray, opaque heavens
Impossible to run, each step weighted with pain
Such as to make a soul beg for its’ eternal rest
Perhaps it is better to surrender, to just fall down
Victorious, The Silence reigned unchallenged
As Words, Music and I lay dormant under grief
Purest sorrow transversed all universes
There was no world, timeline, heaven or hell
The Silence did not savagely violate, shatter
Strangled, unable to sing a single note of song
Where words flowed free, now vast emptiness
The Silence choked every breath, stole my life
The skies spun gunmetal relentlessly, hopelessly
Dawn to dusk I died wide awake, automaton
Nightfall was my saving grace, I was so alive
Words and Music visited me, colors so brilliant
Letters soared, arranged with melodies sacred
Mine til my soul reunited with me, then vanished
Nothing remained of me- I became The Silence
My world, where I danced and sang my words
Flying free to the highest heights unrestrained
Each letter, intonation, a product of divine soul
Freeing sparks of holiness from below to Above
This was my Garden of Eden, sweetest eternity
What happens when Heaven falls to The Silence?
Silence viciously smothered Words and Music
Brought Paradise to desolate, apocalyptic ruins
Frozen ashes fell from the gray, opaque heavens
Impossible to run, each step weighted with pain
Such as to make a soul beg for its’ eternal rest
Perhaps it is better to surrender, to just fall down
Victorious, The Silence reigned unchallenged
As Words, Music and I lay dormant under grief
Purest sorrow transversed all universes
There was no world, timeline, heaven or hell
The Silence did not savagely violate, shatter
Strangled, unable to sing a single note of song
Where words flowed free, now vast emptiness
The Silence choked every breath, stole my life
The skies spun gunmetal relentlessly, hopelessly
Dawn to dusk I died wide awake, automaton
Nightfall was my saving grace, I was so alive
Words and Music visited me, colors so brilliant
Letters soared, arranged with melodies sacred
Mine til my soul reunited with me, then vanished
Nothing remained of me- I became The Silence
Written by inechoingsilence
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Tanzo Ellis
Joined 25th June 2019
Forum Posts: 2
Tanzo Ellis
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 2
The house
In the house we sat in the middle where nothing but a table sat in front of us. We couldn’t move. We had to sit & be forced to look at each other. Cuffed by chains we tried to break free. Over time we knew why this was our prison. We finally understood why this kind of torture was needed. We never took the time to talk & we always ran away. We had no other choice but to lay it out on the table. You cried & said “why did I stop loving you?” I realized I helped with your hurt. I looked with pain in my eyes & asked “why did you put me in a position to do so?” Whats hurts more being bound by chains? or being bound by your hatred for someone?
(Put it all on the table or be bound to do it.)
(Put it all on the table or be bound to do it.)
Written by Quizzy29
(Tanzo Ellis)
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Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1885
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1885
Frank and Me
It’s only been a few months but there’s a pain there,
I should have been stronger because I still feel the loss,
But dad didn’t want to stop drinking, like he didn’t care,
I didn’t stand up to him, I blame myself so I bear this cross.
Instead I got angry at him because I didn’t want to feel,
How could he say he loved us when he didn’t love himself?
I said goodbye to him getting ahead of time so I could heal,
As he went on a downward spiral faster than anything else.
Now I see the phone calls and texts may not have been enough,
Dad was an alcoholic and a melancholic with a broken heart,
As I’m still learning to be a dad when raising boys gets tough,
I miss the lessons he could’ve given me before I fell apart.
I feel guilt for my prediction he’d lose himself in the addiction,
From time to time I’ll call his number just to hear his voice,
But the line is disconnected and it’s just like I had suspected,
I’d come to feel at fault for not fighting him against his choice.
Now he’s a part of me, every other day I hear the flattery,
Walter you look just like your father in all the pictures you take!
In disbelief I stroll through every photo album and gallery,
Even mom smiles at his gestures I now unknowingly make.
I'll tell my kids the stories, share memories of Frank and me.
It’s only been a few months but there’s a pain there,
I should have been stronger because I still feel the loss,
But dad didn’t want to stop drinking, like he didn’t care,
I didn’t stand up to him, I blame myself so I bear this cross.
Instead I got angry at him because I didn’t want to feel,
How could he say he loved us when he didn’t love himself?
I said goodbye to him getting ahead of time so I could heal,
As he went on a downward spiral faster than anything else.
Now I see the phone calls and texts may not have been enough,
Dad was an alcoholic and a melancholic with a broken heart,
As I’m still learning to be a dad when raising boys gets tough,
I miss the lessons he could’ve given me before I fell apart.
I feel guilt for my prediction he’d lose himself in the addiction,
From time to time I’ll call his number just to hear his voice,
But the line is disconnected and it’s just like I had suspected,
I’d come to feel at fault for not fighting him against his choice.
Now he’s a part of me, every other day I hear the flattery,
Walter you look just like your father in all the pictures you take!
In disbelief I stroll through every photo album and gallery,
Even mom smiles at his gestures I now unknowingly make.
I'll tell my kids the stories, share memories of Frank and me.
Joined 5th May 2015
Forum Posts: 93
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 93
On The Edge
Walking on the edge
Of life's highway
Sometimes the good
Brings the bad our way
Failures are reminders where we went wrong
If we learn, they make us strong
Livin' on faith is never a compromise
You'll find the truth without surprise
You're only paralyzed
If you lay by the pool and wait
You can't count on a friend
To let you in
At thirty-eight it's never too late
Listen to the voice, pick up your mat
And walk
Just walk on
They'll try to tell you
You're wrong
Just stay strong
Find the place where His children pray
Out of the crowd will come a better day
Of life's highway
Sometimes the good
Brings the bad our way
Failures are reminders where we went wrong
If we learn, they make us strong
Livin' on faith is never a compromise
You'll find the truth without surprise
You're only paralyzed
If you lay by the pool and wait
You can't count on a friend
To let you in
At thirty-eight it's never too late
Listen to the voice, pick up your mat
And walk
Just walk on
They'll try to tell you
You're wrong
Just stay strong
Find the place where His children pray
Out of the crowd will come a better day
Written by buddydog
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Forum Posts: 74
Fire of Insight
Joined 4th Dec 2017 
Forum Posts: 74
Suicide ain't no solution folks
(This poem actually helped a few to rethink suicide and dissuaded them from committing it. So I like to post it, you never know who it might help)
When life
seems all hopeless
still don't you loose
all scope of hope
for there's
this thing
in the air,
Reach out
for God's sturdy rope.
For how
sure can
you be
death will
take you
to a better fate
What if [font=Verdana]
you are
into a
where there's no turning
back at any rate!
In times of trials and tribulations invoke Him
Or your chances of contentment remain slim
You too haven't been infallible and above all blame,
that you wish for a perfect rosy life
The excuses for suicide are usually so lame,
Better enjoy your share even so in strife.
friend, plan to commit this act
just to invoke another's pity and regret.
The pity and regret will come and go
Besides it soothes no decomposed,
and a large slice of your life
May lie in waste, your soul disposed
Why rush for thy grave,
It may further gloom.
Suicide's ain't a way out
fellow human friend.
Pray a godless way ,not send
you unto this doom.
You haven't right to bring
any life to its end.
And it's probable that all
those years
that you now wish to recklessly
discard in dust
have something bright ahead,
got to be a ray of
Extinguish it not if in God
you trust!
When life
seems all hopeless
still don't you loose
all scope of hope
for there's
this thing
in the air,
Reach out
for God's sturdy rope.
For how
sure can
you be
death will
take you
to a better fate
What if [font=Verdana]
you are
into a
where there's no turning
back at any rate!
In times of trials and tribulations invoke Him
Or your chances of contentment remain slim
You too haven't been infallible and above all blame,
that you wish for a perfect rosy life
The excuses for suicide are usually so lame,
Better enjoy your share even so in strife.
friend, plan to commit this act
just to invoke another's pity and regret.
The pity and regret will come and go
Besides it soothes no decomposed,
and a large slice of your life
May lie in waste, your soul disposed
Why rush for thy grave,
It may further gloom.
Suicide's ain't a way out
fellow human friend.
Pray a godless way ,not send
you unto this doom.
You haven't right to bring
any life to its end.
And it's probable that all
those years
that you now wish to recklessly
discard in dust
have something bright ahead,
got to be a ray of
Extinguish it not if in God
you trust!
Written by Zaynab_kamoonpury
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Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873
Dangerous Mind

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