Poetry competition CLOSED 3rd June 2019 4:12am
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Darkest Poem

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909


As forgotten land to rise in minds willing of false wisdom
Desert sorcery blows updraft within middle-age kingdom
John Dee's medium scrying dark vision of an age to come
This next race of Torah golem made from the nether one,

So usurped law brought energy from matter prime power
Raising a god of reason upon a pedestal as our ego tower
Into five centuries this global cabal to link all task at hand
The dark arrangement of demonic force across our lands,

First piece solved being atomic trinity fire into 2nd war sky
Such a child of this dawn suddenly let their black sun hide
Now dream a darkened sleep the mind perception to flow
To cause matter from energy their global scheme into tow,

A net of consciousness in a binary spelling the magic going
Here artificial nervous system was given blind soul sowing
Each cloud of thoughts on file flying through the mental lie
Network lines to a false body as digital link to a hidden ride.
Written by runaway-mindtrain
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Dylan Farmer
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 12

Misery Lives In Me

Misery lives in me.
It claws at my lungs as I try to breath.
It closes my throat as I struggle to scream.
It blinds my eyes to the truth all can see.
That love can be found, but never by me.
The tears shed in anger, the tears shed in fear.
The tears shed for the loss of one once held dear.
It tears at my heart to bloodied to beat.
It closes me off from the good in all that I meet.
Shut out from the light, no will left to fight.
I look in the mirror, into my eyes.
And feel pity for the man who everyday dies.
But in a life filled with fear, I am finally free.
I find comfort in the thought, that misery lives in me.
Written by Miserylives (Dylan Farmer)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2161

I..... Am.....Witch

I have no dripping honey for you today
Join me in the abyss of immortally where two hearts seductively play
Dark loving as the night stalks
Drops of sacred blood unto thee as the clock slowly tick tocks

Drink of me, sink into the legendary of my seductive sins
Shredding of our inhibitions as wicked passion for us begins
At the throne of enlightenment our souls never end

The moon spellbinding in its illustrious grace
Captivating you into the night with love potions found in the honey of my taste
Veil of a sexual ancient witch, invading your bed space
Tempting you with red silk, black lace

I am the Lilith of the dark, Jezebel by sight
Fulfilling your sexual delicacies until dawn’s early light
Through a passage you become mine ordained by cosmic rites
Soar with me as ecstasy awaits
The benediction of your desired fate
Touch me tenderly, whispered spells to compel

Coveting your earthly soul
As my male concubine you will obey as ecstasy of us consoles
United spirits as one, on earth I shall control

My famished tongue feasting up and down your skin I hungrily patrol
Under my spell, no heart will ever be devoid
Locking you within my sweetest lair, bowing down
Sweet love lashes engraved deep into your skin, with every thrusting pound
My signature moon with my haloed crown, inner thigh it shall be found
Marked submissive unto me, without making a fuss or sound

Harken unto my most sacred, clandestine, and forbidden desires
As we burn in rapture lust giveth, breathlessly to retire
Interwoven souls consumed within an internal lake of fire
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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poet Anonymous

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17138

The Killer Killed

the back alley
to where she was
the path a domain
of evil

from inky darkness
emerged he, a shadow
swift as light
clamping her mouth
she felt his hardness

straddling her
he pulled out His manhood
stabbing her
in her Venus, dry
as fear

banging her head
on the tarmac, hard
as he pumped furiously
silent scream, he cum
bringing his knife down

eight inch steel
embedded on her chest
she looked into sad eyes
of her rapist, and killer
her eyes bled

roar of a she-wolf
shredded the silence
he froze
as she rose gigantic
no longer a fresh beauty

her claws ripped
his abdomen upwards
spilling his guts
on hard pavement
he screamed

frantically pushing them in
he stumbled gobbling
in pain, fear, bewilderment
she clawed his back
as he fell on his face

none to see
none to free
she pulled off his head
stared into his handsome face
and sighed

She walked home
stilleto heels ringing
on the lonely path
her new clothes shredded
but none bore witness

She wished she was something
or somewhere else.
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Fire of Insight
Canada 6awards
Joined 11th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 514


Old kids who really like music we play
Over your body my knees trying to tame
It's love, but it's like being told
Put me through it's okay I forgive

Babies out of reach, yeah revenge is bitter
Allies turn rivals in times
Out I'll fight the urge to explore the vastness
Of your sun hold on, hold tight parker

And from now on a sinking ship
Still alive just incase everything is fine
We'll start it was your honesty
A gold digger where there's gold, there's a voice

Were meant to induce acts of likewise behavior behavior
It's just enough for you
Right I, and I crave your holiday
This my way to find waters run my peace

And from now on a sinking ship
Still alive just incase everything is fine
We'll start it was your honesty
A gold digger where there's gold, there's a voice

Disappear break it I don't mind it anymore, 'cause
It makes sense to me I waste concrete
The fridge, from the bed sit back, let the
Chemicals find their place before desperate heroes

And from now on a sinking ship
Still alive just incase everything is fine
We'll start it was your honesty
A gold digger where there's gold, there's a voice
Written by mcjay
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Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903

Death Is A Pedophile

Tip toes
Like a pedophile

With dark intent

Broken souls
Like sweet perfume

Evil seducer
An icy touch

The innocents
Are such
Easy prey

Tastes fear
In that
Last breath

Written by AspergerPoet56
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


Blood and flesh, flesh and blood
Time to feed the devil
And watch him fuck

Virgin pleading, see her bleeding
Satan’s grinning, his stomach’s churning
She is so tender and succulent

The master has feasted, and is sated
For a taste we’ve patiently waited
May we have bite, or a bone to suck?

A virgin meal, sweet as veal
Uncorrupted flesh, par broil till ideal
Evil cannot eat enough, of flesh untouched

We are encouraging, girls who are listening
Preserve your purity, for the more worthy
Hell values virginity, more than the Holy Trinity

So keep that hymen intact
On all Hallowed Eve
We’ll be back, for a snack!
Written by snugglebuck
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Lost Thinker
Joined 18th Nov 2017
Forum Posts: 3


Writhe with the maggot horde, gass expands the flesh taut, sunken eyes inside the dissolved grey matter.
Lips peel back for a better view of the vermin condition,
the rotting religion,
cathedral made of putrid hemorrhage,
the hymn's sung with the notes of foul depravity,
rotting tongue licks the wind with new found atrocities,
pulsating puss bursts from the anal licentiousness.
Written by Flayed_And_Display (Flayed_And_Displayed)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2676


come at me fast and hard

Secret deadly lust
force your way in
make it hurt so bad
loudly I beg of you

wrap your insanity around me

we both know
this is fucked up
razors and blood
this makes me so hot

slither your tongue this way, baby

guns and knives
hidden sinister freaks
carve your hard lust
deep into my cracked scars

use your sharpest blade on me

flip my switch
watch the demented in me
ooze from every pore
and you'll lick it all up

let me fucking use you

Ill let you own me
together we are damaged
one mess of the minds
2 lunatics in love

waited my whole life for you

you can never hide
whats deep within your soul
hot sweaty sexy pain
love all of whats inside
of me, especially the

Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625


I see them all lined up, the ghosts of the past
Waiting for me beside the guillotine
Their unforgiving eyes boring into mine
As they usher me unto my own doom
The wolves are salivating
As they pull on rusting chains
Haunted howling at my door
Gnashing against freezing rain
Hallowed be thy torture, grotesque be the saint
Find myself at home beside the sinners
There’s not enough blood to drown away my woes
I find it a struggle to stand up straight
The spirits are diluted
As they feed beds of roses
I cannot lay down to die
My body decomposes
At home in Perdition
Cradle from the grave
Sacrifice another
Eidolon to honor me
And cast a stone
Eonian is eternal
A frigid wind cutting from the lowest depths
Scattering the embers and the ashes
The devil listens to all my confessions
Because God just doesn’t care anymore
Writing the gospel of Hell
Upon your marble tablets
My hands bleed from the chisel
Necromantic my laments
At home in Perdition
Cradle from the grave
Sacrifice another
Eidolon to honor me
And cast a stone
Eonian is eternal
i pull myself across glass, volcanic
as the ground siphons my blood, vampiric
suffering is an art form, poetic
malice becomes salvation, sadistic
Murder and the thunder
Echoes on my grave
The Rose of Perdition
Eidolons awaiting me
To curse my name
Purgatory is infernal
Carrion calling my name
Maggots pulsating my shell
As I crawl towards the flame
The devil of my own Hell  
At home in Perdition
Cradle from the grave
Sacrifice another
Eidolon to honor me
And cast a stone
Eonian is eternal
Place another rose on my grave
In Perdition
Written by HadesRising
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Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625


Her eidolon haunts me with screaming nightmares
Scouring the deep where angels fear to beware
The fate of celestial godless martyrs
Awash in hymns of true love and slaughter
Lovestruck Valentines nail their broken hearts to her door
Lamenting their woes to the Heavens that I abhor
Among the would-be suitors is but a clueless fool
I fail to grasp her heartstrings, frigid and cruel

Midnightmare masquerading profits of doom
Her Lovecraftian obsessions mirror possessions
Obscenities performed beneath bewitching moons
Morbidly desecrating troglodytes and cenobites
Ritual devilry came on dark sheltered tombs

Hellish rites in her hallowed name
Roses on a bed of the dearly dead

I spin the doomsday clock before the foot of her grave
Eternity passes with scorn every fucking day
Her likeness painted with warm blood and vanity
Cursed on the canvas and enthroned on pure tragedy

I twist in dreams at images of vestal sin
Damned from the start desiring dominating things
Her witchcraft worships the darkness and malice
When the dawn grows black with the cruelest of practice
Pinned to the pentagram with crucifixion nails
Grant me grandiose visions of the deepest pits of Hell
The shrine to her beauty resides in Laudanum skies
Betwixt our realities where love never dies

Midwinter marauding dead prophets of gloom
Her Draconian aggression sever oppressions
Decimating the weak at the demise of June
Her heart rests within the Reich of playwights and parasites
Where I left it to sleep in a chrysalis womb

Hellish rites in her hallowed name
Roses on a bed of the dearly dead

Please forgive my trespasses at the gates of pain
Long are the lists written in blood by our brother Cain
We will burn in embers of pure insanity
On the cusp of the inferno and blasphemy

i despise the hope whispered among vespers
for it dies in this heart every single night
when my phantasmorgasmic necrography
fails to thrive in my most abysmal delectation
without her i am so from black stygian shores
i will pursue the pleasures of torments galore
her haunting facade is but a mirage of smoke
sift through the ashes of another betrayal

Hellish rites in her hallowed name
Roses on a bed of the dearly dead

I spin the doomsday clock before the foot of her grave
Eternity passes with scorn every fucking day
Her likeness painted with warm blood and vanity
Cursed on the canvas and enthroned on pure tragedy

Hellish rites in her hallowed name
Roses on a bed of the dearly dead

Please forgive my trespasses at the gates of pain
Long are the lists written in blood by our brother Cain
We will burn in embers of pure insanity
On the cusp of the inferno and blasphemy

Written by HadesRising
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Kera Daniels
Strange Creature
United States
Joined 20th May 2019
Forum Posts: 6

In the dead of the night

Her time was stolen
Her heart was broken
around and around
she always fell to the ground
Then one night
she saw her light
she rose from the ground
she didn't make a sound
In the light of day
You'll never see her play
In the dead of night
She'll rise and fight
Written by Bluefall44 (Kera Daniels)
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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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