LIGHT weaving
Forum Posts: 364
Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 364
Light 'em Up
In darkness floats a lonely orb
Inhabited by lonely folk
Their universe is harsh and cold
An existential dirty joke
Find a candle!
Little sparks through history
Philosophers and sages, bold
Dismissed, as feeble sophistry
And so, the dark retains control
Light a candle!
Even though their hearts cry out
They choose the darkness, cold and dank
They mock the light, as too devout
And chase the things most foul and rank
Light your candle!
Alone, you can’t illume the world
Yet, you can light a single heart
The light of love, when once unfurled
Two candles’ brightness now imparts
Light your candles!
Trust not in principalities
And rulers who in darkness reign
Light your own locality
Your love and light will break those chains!
Light more candles!
With all these billions candles lit
Our universe, so bright and warm
Then, bearing out the holy writ
Love’s light becomes a fire storm!
Light ‘em up!
Written by ReggiePoet
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Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1884
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1884

From Within
Lenses reel in light so the eyes are designed
To believe what we are seeing is real,
Senses feel that between the heart and mind
We perceive the idea that all is revealed.
But to a blind person who has never seen,
Light is an emotion that comes from within,
They’re the true seers of the world who are keen
When they feel the warmth on their skin.

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Forum Posts: 17138
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17138
Light of the Moon
Light of the Moon reflecting on crashing waves
like silvery water on bowls of darkness
standing alone looking into the horizon
she knew the coldness was her destiny
she walked into the crashing waves
recounting the steps she had made
imprinted on the sands of time
never was there succor from pain
as cold water kissed her lips
she closed her eyes to sip
coldness like remembered daiquiri
and she saw stars on shimmering skies.
like silvery water on bowls of darkness
standing alone looking into the horizon
she knew the coldness was her destiny
she walked into the crashing waves
recounting the steps she had made
imprinted on the sands of time
never was there succor from pain
as cold water kissed her lips
she closed her eyes to sip
coldness like remembered daiquiri
and she saw stars on shimmering skies.
Written by Grace
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Joined 20th May 2018
Forum Posts: 297
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 297
Moonlight splinters
through the trees
soft sprinkles
on my cheeks
through the trees
soft sprinkles
on my cheeks
Written by Ely
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Joined 20th May 2018
Forum Posts: 297
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 297
Sun Spots
The Sun feels good
upon my back.
It warms the chill away.
But should I venture
out at noon...
the Sunshine beating
down in June
will quickly turn my
tender hide to
chicharrones on the side.
Now, Mother swore that all my spots
were Angel kisses... not the pox...
That I was blessed with Camouflage
to hide the zits... conceal the flaws...
and hide a million sins, they say.
They've pride of place both night and day.
Mine show up best, though, late at night...
They flu-o-resce beneath black light!
The Sun feels good
upon my back...
It warms the chill away...
upon my back.
It warms the chill away.
But should I venture
out at noon...
the Sunshine beating
down in June
will quickly turn my
tender hide to
chicharrones on the side.
Now, Mother swore that all my spots
were Angel kisses... not the pox...
That I was blessed with Camouflage
to hide the zits... conceal the flaws...
and hide a million sins, they say.
They've pride of place both night and day.
Mine show up best, though, late at night...
They flu-o-resce beneath black light!
The Sun feels good
upon my back...
It warms the chill away...
Written by Ely
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Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 765
Morning Light
The light kisses your skin like morning dew,
And weaves intricate patterns across window
Panes. It leaves imprints on your soul as you
Smile, following its soft climax and crescendo
With your delicate fingertips, watching it dance
Across the hazy horizon like a majestic flamingo.
It is like life gives me a gift and a second chance
To enjoy the simplest pleasures. In these seconds
I am enjoying this peacefulness before the trance
Wears off and goes into the wispy clouds. Weapons
All forgotten about as the light calls me and beckons.
And weaves intricate patterns across window
Panes. It leaves imprints on your soul as you
Smile, following its soft climax and crescendo
With your delicate fingertips, watching it dance
Across the hazy horizon like a majestic flamingo.
It is like life gives me a gift and a second chance
To enjoy the simplest pleasures. In these seconds
I am enjoying this peacefulness before the trance
Wears off and goes into the wispy clouds. Weapons
All forgotten about as the light calls me and beckons.
Written by eswaller
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Joined 31st Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 190
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 190
night and day
I wish I could just
dip my hand into the light of early morning
and spread it evenly
across you deepest and darkest shadows
these are the parts where you hide
and everything is tucked away neatly
all the world you want to set free
but all that remains caged
behind the deep soft darkness
don't you know that these things multiply
the only get stronger behind the bars
and someday they will spill forth
made savage by time
they will crawl about this town
this sad and pitiful town that it is
where night and day are one and the same
but couldn't be more different.
dip my hand into the light of early morning
and spread it evenly
across you deepest and darkest shadows
these are the parts where you hide
and everything is tucked away neatly
all the world you want to set free
but all that remains caged
behind the deep soft darkness
don't you know that these things multiply
the only get stronger behind the bars
and someday they will spill forth
made savage by time
they will crawl about this town
this sad and pitiful town that it is
where night and day are one and the same
but couldn't be more different.
Written by emo1
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