Poetry competition CLOSED 24th December 2018 3:06pm
RUNNERS-UP: takis1917 and gothicsurrealism

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the elegance of decay

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

Poems about aging
Write a poem about how you feel about or experience the process of aging. This can be written as your own experience of aging or witnessing that of others. You can use metaphor or be literal. Write under any genre as long as it pertains to aging. Humor is welcomed but not required.

*1 entry only
*2 weeks
*New writes only
*No epic sagas please – keep it to 30 lines or less
*I'll be leaving comments on your entries within your own pages

An example:

as petals slowly fell
from the once beautiful bloom
the trail of her essence
drifted away on the wind
and she grew melancholy
she would not see them again
the blossom never cherished
left to fade on its stem
not selected
nor longingly kept
never to be pressed
held in memory
where her tantalizing aroma would linger
despite the passing of years
nostalgia feeding the hypnotic scent
just another forgotten flower
waning untended in the garden
hidden from all notice
any beauty that remained
a mere shadow
all but forgotten now
and aging with grace

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Summer Solstice of My Life

In the summer solstice
Of my young life
Everything was beautiful
And all was bright

My spirit was free
My mind filled with dreams
Of what I might become
And what I would be

If only I could flee
Life’s wretched winter
The causes my bones to ache
And my skin to shiver

And go back to those days
Of my summer solstice
When I was carefree,
Happy and precocious
Written by snugglebuck
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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2678

youth's rose

I turned around I saw my reflection
star gazing in your eyes I didn't notice the time
the sun had gone down on my beauty

grey streaked my hair
lines creased my face
still, you found me beautiful

you held my youth
a pressed rose in your memories
a flower you picked in the summer
my gift to you my one and only

time tempered my wild nature
I was found even lovelier in your adoring gaze
looking at me in my maturity
you were star gazing too

I saw my reflection mirrored in artic blues
my heart melted and I was warmed
as one with your soul, I was home

Written by crimsin (Unveiling)
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Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1409

the essence of absence (everything & nothings of newness~nothingness)


sanctum's reminiscing memory papillae
still stuck hard in revolting astringencies
of million brewing theobromine crisis

had but just caved in again and again
to indelibly imprinted submissions
of passion smeared wine red lipsticks
over and beyond the woven ranges
of once fluttering fabric herbarium
in pleated cottons to crinkly punks

now idly under hermetic enclosures
that do dare out a little here & there
in hung remnants of trivial traceability

whilst the basic principle of the active you..
yes you.. “where are you, where are you..’

infinitely kills me with its mystical daggers
this deadly silence..this incalculable distance
this lengthening elusiveness..amidst twilight’s
slants of an ecstatic peacockish resplendence
stilts as ignorance to narrowed worldly visions

feels destined these deaths of separation held
high with obligate fidelity, these virtuous rebirths

now nevermore in any desirous expectations
even the lightly wind chimes to its slightest
of lowly utterances if not its sonorousness

silently implodes the sterile doormat & brittle skins
shall never be preoccupied with your organic grips

when all is (un)said & (un)done to deathly eternity

waiting is just a proverbially dangling existence
extraneously lilting to a dissolving spacetime

Written by summultima (uma)
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Daniel Long
Thought Provoker
United States 10awards
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 220

The Elegance of Our Sunset

Death shall have a dominion.
Dawn’s birth to day’s life,
Dusk’s decay to the death of night:
Tis’ not our mortal decision.

Youth’s innocent juvenility,
Vitality’s vibrancy,
The elegantly decaying morbidity,
A corpse in the clay of its grave perishing –

The funeral of darkness at moonset.

Morning’s nativity bears us,
Afternoon’s perennial years,
Evening’s eve of death,
Night’s mortality.

Our flowering... we beautiful cherry blossoms!

The senescent years of our ripening,
The weathering of our childhood babyface,
The decay of our innocence,
The maturation of our witticism.

Oh, the serenity of the eventide.

Now our setting, crimson sun
Trickles hue of gold onto our long-trodden path.
Oh, how immortal is the hand of the clock
That shining ball in the sky run.

Tis’ the hour of nightfall, twilight in our shutting eyes.

…And soul’s fresh, immortal rebirth.
Written by gothicsurrealism (Daniel Long)
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Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1877

Related submission no longer exists.

Laura Jean
Fire of Insight
Luxembourg 3awards
Joined 2nd July 2018
Forum Posts: 273

Ageing 2*

(Listening to CONNECT.OHM - Snow Park)    
has made      
more Apt      
to go out      
in Public      
less vain      
in areas      
Life will      
Settle you down;      
laugh lines*    
Appeasing the      
Parts of Me      
just didn’t      
make it      
Into the Gene pool for      
some idealized fulfillment,      
dark eye circles*    
my own      
a jacket that’s*    
adulthood with the      
We’ve been      
Tucked neatly      
In their      
And a purse*    
to Clear      
the turnstile      
Of Scurried emotion;      
telling off on everybody.
Written by Nari (Laura Jean)
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Fire of Insight
United States 1awards
Joined 10th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 29


Of sway from limbs to side,  
in hula leaf palm,    
fries the moisture of a grin    
by fluorescent butter stripes.    
The patrona cradled her golden eye.

Clients' broken frisk hands healed by the lustless lumps on the spine.    
As my hip fell to the base of the trunk,    
appetite of a sex diverged in toll of the Christmas silver bell.    
Though, the mirror in fluorescent lather    
paved the scabby face    
and I danced in hula leaf palm,    
swayed varicose appendage to lopside.    
The nickels in peppered lime deflected me from the starlets of the roof    
and the cabaret vomited their harlots which roam the heated spoons.    
Nubile is bread of drizzling oil —    
sweeter, but bloomed of fungus by grace of lesser paralytic serums than New York sixties of minute hand twines.
Written by DecipherMe
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Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 364

Related submission no longer exists.

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864

I am tinnitus

complex old  
childhood a long time ago
all is heard are closing doors
life just ground floor chores
of yesterdays in faded print
anecdotes to make friends yawn not grin
the walking sticks relentless tap
when age blind panic tips its hat
the maze that is dementia's way
with good reason drives a wedge
disabled and infirmed with gout
to toast before the gas runs out
retirement flyers and knowing looks
an epitaph of empathy carried like a corpse
loneliness its cancer without cure
its visits are so regular
tempis fugit a slippery slope
last memorial on a suicide note
self administered euthanasia's last step  
a dose that hangs on a cliff edge
to step upon deaths welcome mat
I am the me of future years mishaps
side step and dance to fates sharp claws
and jam the spring on deaths trapdoor
Written by slipalong
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Dangerous Mind
United States 29awards
Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749

A Late Walk (A Love Of Late)

Walking up to Autumn’s gate
Blocked in part by blooms of late
Bowing heads to shortening days,
Scattering seeds on stony stays,

I step to reach the yellowed maze
Of crumpled stalks and fallen blooms
Eaten by hungry birds and hares,
No longer alive, it seems too soon.

Even a tree looks downward on
Its summer splendor faded, gone;
It sends a branch that cracks to fall,
Its windswept story told to all.

Written upon the winds of time,
Never fully telling its earthly rhyme,
A story of late foretold in aster blue:
That in my final hour, I would give my heart to you.


Written by PoetsRevenge
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Fire of Insight
Joined 6th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 133

Time Adverbs

Every now and then
he lifts his eyes towards the window
trying to bring in sight
the commotion outside...

On other occasions
he coughs and spits and the saliva rolls out,
hangs from his lips
oscillating at length before it reaches the floor...

When he hears footsteps
fainting away from his door
gathers every ounce of strength
and hisses impatiently...

he argues with the electric appliances
chiding them for failing to reproduce
memories of questionable value...

- lost, but unaltered,
within time's absence -
determined, always, by time adverbs...
Written by takis1917
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Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 9th July 2013
Forum Posts: 160

With what words
Lingering unspoken, unremembered
Which would ring tinny in my ears
Could I describe the joys and sorrows
And how much of each
Blending and diminished with years

I loved once, or more than once,
Or many times through my days
When heartbeats firmly called out to lovers.
Answers sighing on the wind.
Through sunrises and sunsets
Hands held and whispered breaths

I once was strong, unyielding
Confident in myself
Now, back bent I shuffle
Softly spoken, but not asking for help

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