Poetry competition CLOSED 3rd December 2018 1:25pm
case28 (Alexander Case)
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Gunney Recon Jack
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 18th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 4

Opinionated Expressions of Not a Nullifidian or a Libertine But of a Freakin' Agnostic!!

For my lack of faith in God or religious texts is not a neglected run-down shanty.
So, there, isn't any reason for it to be extirpated to the ground or incinerated into cinders.
I refuse to be the wounded patsy which sanctimonious Christians put upon the cross and then use their self-righteous disapproval blasphemy like nails to crucify me.
Simply because I'd rather believe in the irrefutable logic of rational pedantry that has been repeatedly proven to be absolute.
Instead of irrationally leaping into blind faith into believing in an intangible deity of inexactness that isn't as definitive as actual vindicated knowledge.
And because I refuse to accept the force-fed religious hearsay of my heathenry lifestyle. 
Or be brimmed with guilt-ridden shame because I do not follow the path of the pious holier-than-thou beliefs. 
Or because I decide to question and doubt the hoary God-fearing rantings of the numerous unknown authors who transcribe the sacred writings. 
Or maybe it's that I am an outspoken non-sanctimonious individual who has been enlightened not because of any divine reason. 
But I became cognized from the brutalized ugly truths of embracing them as the genuine reality which has been ignored and casted in the shadows.
So, whatever the case may be the pietistic church-goers shall continually always look upon me with judgy eyes and spout words of polite disparagement at me, merely for the fact that I am not a devout believer in their piously blind faith. 
But instead, I steadfastly put my trust in a firm rational unambiguous analytical logic... 

For I relish in the beauty of thunderstorms the same way lightning admires the tops of trees as it streaks across the skies, each and every time it gets tired of being pent up in an unforgiving sky. 
And I know why such natural weather phenomenon exists unlike those who might tell their children the foolhardy assumption that it is God’s belly rumbling or it's the Angels bowling up there in heaven. 
Although there might be a handful of rational Christians who actually believe in the scientific rationalization of the hydrologic cycle. 
And unlike the Christians who are dead set in the belief that if one it's not devout and does not follow the path of Jesus Christ they or most certainly condemned to burning in the lake fires of hell for all eternity. 
I believe that neither Heaven or Hell exist separately but rather they both exist as one and the same. 
And after one sheds their mortal coils they spend what seems like an eternity there but instead, it is only a fleetingly brief moment before they are reborn in a different incarnation. 
For I do not have the same mindset or mentality that many Christians have that one needs to be cleansed of one's sin in order to be close to Godliness. 
For my mindset and mentality is that sins cannot be simply washed away by being dunked under three feet of water and risen out of it. 
I believe that sins are just a misleading foible the church-goers use to guilt-trip feeble minded people into believing in something intangible - 
Instead, I believe sins are nothing more than a subconscious self-conscientious catalyst that either propels us forward and instigates our potential capabilities or anchors us down and hinders our will to live. 
But for having such an ethos or frame of mind that is so outspoken tends to bring about unwanted attention and kvetching palavers amongst the congregants. 
Nevertheless, I still go about spouting forth and exchanging ratiocinative perspicacious dialectics unto whoever wishes to listen and have a confabulation with me...

Furthermore, I am vexatiously miffed whenever a bevy a Bible-thumping individual's comes a knocking at my door wielding religious pamphlets and words of conversion like crossbows. 
And I refuse to let myself fall prey to becoming another one of the idiotic sacerdotal dupes who willfully allow themselves to be bludgeoned by their nonsensical irrationality. 
So, instead, of letting them pierce my weakened emotional state I'll let their damning arrows stick into my shield of unwavering truthism. 
When and if I ever do attend church I am appalled by the repetitious reiteration of nebulous parables they're used as a means of trying to instill an affirming life lesson. 
But they are not useful or encouraging to me instead they bring about confusing quandaries about the parallel differences between then and now and how they correspond in correlating with one's life in actuality. 
Another problematic unanswered quandary about the Bible is; 
If the book is supposed to be an authentic representation of devotional inspiration of how sinners were converted into saints which society is supposed to emulate, then why is there are so many chapters and verses that have blasphemous charlatans, harlots, purloiners, debauchers, murderers, evildoers, prevaricators, superpatriots, and zealots?
This expression is not slanderous opprobrious vituperation unto the religious church-going folks. 
Nor is it a laudation to the believer I was and quite possibly could've been in such ecclesiastical devotion. 
No this is my battle cry to the believer I always have been in undeniable truths, vindicated knowledge and solidarity beliefs in the plausible and tangible validations of actualities.
I am the unpopular virtuoso of factual verity who paints beautiful sunsets, and of new mornings after old nights of one spending their time drowning in despair. 
For I am a believer who is smitten with the entirety of knowledge rather than the bits and pieces of it.
And just because my beliefs align themselves on a different spectrum does not mean they are on the wrong wavelength or color of others.
Even though I refuse to blindly leap into religious devotion or remain on the fence about believing in God Almighty or Jesus Christ doesn't mean I do not follow the path of a Christian or person who does not seek out the truth in such things. 
Or if I find it hard to believe that God created the universe with some sort of magic dust shooting from his fingertips. 
Doesn't mean that I am not awed or spell bounded by the magnificent inexplicable macrocosm that is all around me or is above me in the cosmos. 
It just means that I am a logical theorist rather than an obscure believer. 
And I put my faith in validated facts rather than flawed fallacious beliefs. 
Also, I am not one who is easily swayed by such scrupulous blandishment words of my alleged religious depravities. 
So go ahead you sanctimonious self-righteous pious church-going folks stand there on your pulpit soapbox and call me a profane heathen, a lost soul, a lost cause, a skeptic, a non-believer or whatever you like and go ahead cast those stones of judgment at me. 
Because know this you're being antithetically blasphemous and cynically unrighteous as well as contradicting your own beliefs on being non-judgemental upon one you're supposed to bring the flock of masses of religiously devout believers, which in turn makes devotees the true heathenry sinners and not me...
Written by ArcanceOdist (Gunney Recon Jack)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17642

Sacred Contracts XXX: God

Ahavati (Tams)
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The shifting shapes of forest      
were kaleidoscopic beneath the sun      
The marching of water grew distant      
The Spirit of the Wood honored      
our presence, accepting obeisance      
at the base of its venerable root        
What I had always known manifested      
in the exchange, and the branches moved –      
revealed a realm known only to Native      
Foregone history remembers itself      
when boiled clean of present – rises      
through its epidermis, lights the surface      
Everything I ever thought I knew      
was released before God’s presence      
but, not the god who demands sacrifice      
That god of men’s heads (I should pause      
here and say, “Yes; both”) That god of ego      
of insatiable alteration of Truth      
Not that god, no. But, God      
Yes; God      
Have you ever imagined what earth      
would look like drained – if some      
celestial hose pipe was released      
Washed away the green and sediment      
dissolving beds of rock, pushing oceans      
and lakes to the bottom of the Universe      
What would remain would be interlocking      
webs of root holding space for all that was      
to conceive everything that will be again      
That is God, interconnecting roots      
of Life bringing forth breath and fruit      
It’s gravity pulling everything together      
keeping it solidly affixed, grounded      
so it isn’t torn apart like paper      
There are Dryads in every forest      
you tread. They whisper your name      
in their natural language of tree      
To understand is to believe magic      
isn’t a black bag of secrets to learn      
but an olden way of Life to carry on      
A realization of what happens NOW      
could never diminish what was THEN –      
On the contrary, it fulfills Prophecy      
It solidifies All that is to come from All      
that was when all is said and done      
and we realize we, too, are Gods –      
Clauses in the other’s Sacred Contract      
fulfilling all that is divinely sacrosanct      
in this fragile, yet holy human experience          

Nature is my church, love my religion.

Dangerous Mind
Mexico 6awards
Joined 20th May 2018
Forum Posts: 297

a question of faith...

Another Pagan celebration...
absconded with by papist monks.
The buggers screwed with Easter too...
or so the rabbit said...
Ripped off the Pagan Planting Rites...
claimed Jesus rose from dead...instead.  
So eggs and rabbits are the remnants...  
the proof that cocks get bunnies pregnant.  
The Pagan faithful still divine... the forest
Mother Nature's shrine.
Written by Ely (E.A.Rothwell)
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Fire of Insight
Joined 4th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 74

Suicide ain't no solution folks

(This poem actually helped a few to rethink suicide and dissuaded them from committing it. So I like to post it, you never know who it might help)
When life  
seems all hopeless
still don't you loose  
all scope of hope
for there's  
this thing  
in the air,
Reach out  
for God's sturdy rope.
For how  
sure can  
you be  
death will  
take you  
to a better fate
What if [font=Verdana]

you are  
into a  
where there's no turning  
back at any rate!
In times of trials and tribulations invoke Him
Or your chances of contentment remain slim
You too haven't been infallible and above all blame,
that you wish for a perfect rosy life
The excuses for suicide are usually so lame,
Better enjoy your share even so in strife.
friend, plan to commit this act  
just to invoke another's pity and regret.
The pity and regret will come and go  
Besides it soothes no decomposed,
and a large slice of your life  
May lie in waste, your soul disposed
Why rush for thy grave,  
It may further gloom.
Suicide's ain't a way out  
fellow human friend.
Pray a godless way ,not send  
you unto this doom.
You haven't right to bring  
any life to its end.
And it's probable that all  
those years
that you now wish to recklessly  
discard in dust
 have something bright ahead,
 got to be a ray of  
Extinguish it not if in God  
you trust!
Written by Zaynab_kamoonpury
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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Having Faith

When you are standing on the other side of the mountain and are thinking
To yourself that you will never make it, but then you have heard this voice
That rings louder than anything else in your head. My darling, stop sinking

Even if you are facing a big army and all the naysayers.
You have a choice
To make, but do not waste it on that negativity and drama that gets you
Nowhere fast. Someday all of your hope, happiness, faith, and the rejoice

Is going to multiply, growing stronger with every breath you. Your blue
Sky will become brighter. You climb that mountain with faith, knowing
Someone of a higher power has your back and will never let you get too

Far down. You sometimes have to question faith, even when it is showing
Itself to you right before your doubtful eyes, but it will never stop glowing.
Written by eswaller
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Fire of Insight
Joined 4th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 74

Suicide ain't no solution folks

(This poem actually helped a few to rethink suicide and dissuaded them from committing it. So I like to post it, you never know who it might help)
When life  
seems all hopeless
still don't you loose  
all scope of hope
for there's  
this thing  
in the air,
Reach out  
for God's sturdy rope.
For how  
sure can  
you be  
death will  
take you  
to a better fate
What if [font=Verdana]

you are  
into a  
where there's no turning  
back at any rate!
In times of trials and tribulations invoke Him
Or your chances of contentment remain slim
You too haven't been infallible and above all blame,
that you wish for a perfect rosy life
The excuses for suicide are usually so lame,
Better enjoy your share even so in strife.
friend, plan to commit this act  
just to invoke another's pity and regret.
The pity and regret will come and go  
Besides it soothes no decomposed,
and a large slice of your life  
May lie in waste, your soul disposed
Why rush for thy grave,  
It may further gloom.
Suicide's ain't a way out  
fellow human friend.
Pray a godless way ,not send  
you unto this doom.
You haven't right to bring  
any life to its end.
And it's probable that all  
those years
that you now wish to recklessly  
discard in dust
 have something bright ahead,
 got to be a ray of  
Extinguish it not if in God  
you trust!
Written by Zaynab_kamoonpury
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Tyrant of Words
United States 156awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1885

A Question of Faith

I can’t being to remember how many times,
I lost my faith and then found it again,
And I as grew older it became redefined,
Only to have qualms every now and then.

There were days when I faced hard times,
Downhearted I felt like I was all alone,
And there was not a spec of faith or hope,
When I had ventured into the unknown.

I have questioned my existence many times,
When I was lost without a purpose or a goal,
I suspected what religion had taught me,
Afraid that I was doomed to damn my soul.

And still every time I came back to my belief,
There was some relief but with a tinge of doubt,
But then again I hadn’t explored the universe,
As if my spirit had experience a long drought.

But what I finally came to realize and understand,
Is that faith first starts in the heart with a thirst within,
Believing in the good of mankind and the universe,
In yourself,    
Then in whatever creed you need or choose to believe in.

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

MAGI (voiced by Savaja)👄

Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864

Falling Man

The art of gravity defined
for some on life that teniuos grip
the loss of faith  
the backwards  into unknown place  
the mountineer that scales the face
the risk they take
the footholds on reality  
quakes in our minds vibrate
life flash before your eyes
a hotizontal scream
a flailing mind  
the top of life you left behind
for gravity as Newtons laws relate
centers us keeps us straight
but concequence can override
to trip and fall and downward fly

the arch that could be the last goodbye you screamed
impact your "whatever" future disappears
and hopes you had the safety rope
suspended time to clutch and grope
 the falcons dive upon the mouse  
to grasp at straws the world snatched back
to know that it was all just faff
for you were wrecked before the crash
a crucifix on a silver chain
was heaven waiting for your broken remains
the purgatory rebuild you to walk again
sent you back to break addiction's chain
Written by slipalong
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Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

To have
in Thyself
I must first try
to understand
to begin
with faltering steps
to look within
the faith
of Thyself
to strip away
the pretence
of being
to Thyself
to finally see
what it means
to be

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

Does not belong
to the one
or the many
does not need
a book a House a flame
or a Special kind
of uniform
has never asked
for a sacrifice
of a life
for you
to be calm
as you slowly
become aware
there is more
out here
then what was ever
out there

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

This challenge brought out the best of DU.  Congrats to Alex and a big thanks to the sponsor.

Dangerous Mind
Mexico 6awards
Joined 20th May 2018
Forum Posts: 297

Thanks for hosting this comp...there was some great poetry made...Hope we can do it again...Ely

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