Poetry competition CLOSED 14th September 2018 00:13am
ImperfectedStone (The Gardener)
View Profile Poems by ImperfectedStone
RUNNER-UP: archetype23

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Tyrant of Words
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 3672

I am very intrigued by this challenge, and would like to know when the deadline is. Thank you, Miss_Sub

poet Anonymous

archetype23 said:I am very intrigued by this challenge, and would like to know when the deadline is. Thank you, Miss_Sub

14th September 00.13am GMT

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864

Fallen diva

Perched in a peacock pose
feather fascinator,  the net in holes
gin bottles in her line of sight
the tonic lost in her hidden plight
The darken end of fame exposed
stage make up the cracks and flaws
the mascara like black lace daubed  
mirror reflects the self absorbed
If she could order a round of applause
the effervescence of yesterdays clothes
time with its passing shows all your warts
again the highball that drew the encore
Eloquence that her fingers speak
a beckon scripted in endless repeats
cost of that old fashion tipple  
champagne ego its bubbles  so fickle  
But i would like to toast an ageing poster
the Broadway star now just a ghost "her"
an anecdote her life condensed
 flickering diva, bar flys, decent
Written by slipalong
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Dr. Jack Daniels

A thirtysomething woman she took a seat at the bar. I could tell by her face that she was troubled.
She called the bartender.  “I’m not feeling to well, so, give me a double shot of Dr. Jack Daniels.”
As he poured her the drink he asked concerned, “what’s ailing you?”
Taking off a diamond engagement ring, she held it with one hand, as she took up her whiskey with the other.  Placing the stone between her lips she washed it down with a quick massive sip, then answered.
“My fiance forever just told me has a new younger lover.  There’s no better medicine for a broken heart than a whiskey on a three-carat rock.”
“Do you really think this will make you feel better,” the bartender asked.
“You bet it will,” she answered after draining her glass.  “Because that bastard wants his ring back, and I’m going to give it to him, but he’ll have to dig through my shit to find it.  Now bartender if you please, give me another hit of Jack Daniels Rx.”
Written by snugglebuck
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Tyrant of Words
United States 157awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1892


Polaroids decorate the walls and halls of the bar,
Memories of patrons and regulars from years past,
And if you look closely you’ll notice many pictures,
Of a beautiful woman who seemed to have a blast.

The snapshots graced the entire barroom,
A recollection of good times like smiling ghosts,
Where the libations never stopped pouring,
Everyone having drinks and sharing toasts.

But of all the images hers seemed to stand out,
With an appealing aura of splendor and delight,
As if all eyes tuned into her charm and loveliness,
Like some old ritual that took place every night.

And yet there she was, sitting across the bar,
Sitting there all alone at this late hour,
Gazing at the drink waiting for the last call,
Slumped just a bit, like some wilted flower.

Her short skirt rode up just a little too high,
Her top low enough to show a heart tattoo,
As if exposing her inner self under the light,
Waiting for her prince to come to her rescue.

She was the shadow of those photographs,
Time seemed to have slipped away from her,
She looked as if she was waiting for someone,
Like expecting another camera flash to occur.

“Give me another one” she said out loud,
Her voice echoed tautly across the room,
And as the bartender serves her she smiles,
Like a small ember in the melancholic gloom.

Ten Years Gone plays softly in the jukebox,
Like a theme of the lovely figure lost in a glass,
Like a dream of a lonely whisper gone cold,
Reminiscing about days old now at an impasse.

There she sits, looking at her past in the drink,
Trying to forget and remember at the same time,
Sipping slowly, as if every memory had been unholy,
Recalling the flattery and compliments in her prime.

“Last call” the bartender finally blurted out,
To the two lonely souls across the smoky room,
She gave the stranger that Polaroid smile,
The secret magic and appeal made him swoon.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Thoroughly amazed by the entries so far. Wow. Thank you so much.

Keep ‘em coming!

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2685

Last Call

Shes beautiful
yet full of sadness

Shes sits alone
yet she is intriguing

The smoke is her soul
soon it will be disappear

The glass of life awaits her lips
whens she ready...

Her mind is full of apologies
yet she has no regrets

A life well lived
mistakes painfully made

She can still smile
yet none are for me

Bartender, send her another
for last call and old times

And dont tell it was from me
She already knows

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 5th May 2015
Forum Posts: 93


In this smokey room
The atmosphere can’t let it be
A prison where only addiction is set free
Love and death are to blame
I’ve seen that look before  
Whiskey can’t close the door
I guess life is just this way
So we stare into eternity  
Lost in our own sanity
I wished I had the courage
To call you by name
Rescue me, I feel the same
Written by buddydog
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Tyrant of Words
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 3672


I never knew the time of day or night
when I would walk in to see her over there
on display without sending out a single seeming care
never far alone at the end of the bar over there

washed within the liquid lair of the liar
laid down to dream of tainted truth dissolved
and discarded upon the revolving evolution
of swirling saints departed
upon a sea of pearly painted honesty
for all to witness and few to see

I never ever really was entirely sure why
time was an illusion in the den of delusion
as she was kissing the crystal lip of her lover
dismissing the hazy halo hovering above her

Soft swirls of smoke danced in a trance upwards
without words into watered down
dreams of abandoned regret
twirling within an eternal ethereal moment of stillness
while held within the arms of an unjudging ghost
to the soft subtle hum of an invisible choir

Silken silhouettes of milky mangled marionettes
remembering dismembered members
and memories of past pets of last regrets
cast flickering shadows upon dimming embers

She's not a caterpillar crawling like the rest of the worms
She's a butterfly with wings plucked, fucked by her own terms
climbing up a barren tree to see and to be within
what she's always been within past passed steady sin
finally forgotten and forever free
in a way not unlike you and me

an uncaught distraught dissected insect
refusing to die within a new way to fly
---Decision precision perfect---
-----wingless butterfly-----


Written by archetype23
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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17150

Congratulations to all winners! Awesome.

Tyrant of Words
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 3672

Thank you for posting the competition. I love the idea and the submissions. Wonderful reads to all.

The Gardener
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 28awards
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347

Thank you Missy. Very, very honoured. Well done everyone, the entries were superb!

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