Poetry competition CLOSED 2nd September 2018 2:22am
RUNNER-UP: AtoMikbomb

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Lord of the Poems: the Fellowship of the DU

Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

Poetry Contest

Write a poem based off Tolkien's work

Hello everyone! I'm a huge fan of Tolkien's work, and I've noticed a few people here are as well. I invite you all to write based off of this incredible world, either for a specific character or an event that occurred in the lore. The rules are the following:

1. Maximum 3 poems per participant
2. No collaborations (ironic on my part, but it's for the sake of choosing a winner easily)
3. Please clarify on who or what you're writing about
4. No word limit, but please don't make it terribly long (that's what short stories are for)
5. Have fun!

If you have any question, feel free to message me.

poet Anonymous

poet Anonymous

poet Anonymous

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


Swathed in drifting mist and fires' smoke,
Thunderous drums as daylight fades.

Songs of ancient clans drown whispers
Of their women's woolen skirt hems,

While the dance builds, a moon eclipsed,
Blood rises this summer solstice.

A melodic cauldron is stirred,
Dulcimer strings and fidd’ler's bow,

Quickened bravado of their feet
Sway bare across long wooden planks.

Black-wing’d souls spin o’er village roofs,
Their calls carry the hearts & minds

Of warriors in the clannish hills,
Forging new swords, bathing the blades

In the falls’ crest cascading down
Toward the rolling emerald valley,

Where dragons, circ’ling low, await
The feast they know will come tonight.

Starlit eyes stare long at their flight,
Yearning a journey ‘cross the sea.

Where friends seek, darkness is at bay,
Wizards, unaware of night's crawl,

Travel through ages of magic
To summer nights, when fireworks

Shaped as the shadows of dragons,
Are the only sorcery seen.
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878

Dawn at Helm’s Deep

The attack went on throughout the night,
Neither man or dwarf, nor elf got sleep,
And as they endured the drawn out fight,
They started losing hope at Helm’s Deep.
Then many orcs broke through the doors,
When the onslaught came in a great heap,
The enemy advanced by great scores,
Hope seemed lost defending Helm's Deep.
But then Aragorn remembered the words,
"On the fifth day, at dawn, look to the east,"
At first light they gathered their strength,
Hope had revived to defend Helm’s Deep.
"Ride out with me" Aragorn told the king,
"Ride out and meet them" without retreat,
For the people the king agreed with faith,
For the horn will sound again in the deep.
Theoden king and many of his companions,
Charged outside the doors in a great leap,
Slaying the enemy at the gates,
Taking one last stand at Helm’s Deep.
And as they counterattacked at the bridge,
The glimmer of hope became complete,
For in the distance stood a beacon of light,
Coming to the aid of Helm’s Deep.

Gandalf arrived on the back of Shadowfax,
Eomer gathered the Rohirrim in a great fleet,
"For the king!" they thundered,
Coming to the aid of Helm’s Deep.
And as they charged down the hill to fight,
The sun rose behind them blinding the enemy,
Led by the wizard Gandalf, clad in white,
Dawn and hope had come to Helm’s Deep.

A wizard is never late…nor is he early.
He arrives precisely when he means to.

Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

[quote-429872-wallyroo92]Dawn at Helm’s Deep

Thank you for your entry! I enjoyed reading it.

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
poet Anonymous

Are we allowed 3 entries per account or just 3 entries per human being with multiple accounts?

I do have more poems I could post, beyond the 3 I have already posted.

Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

Magnetron said:Are we allowed 3 entries per account or just 3 entries per human being with multiple accounts?

I do have more poems I could post, beyond the 3 I have already posted.

Hi Magnetron. It's 3 entries per account.

poet Anonymous

LunasChild8 said:

Hi Magnetron. It's 3 entries per account.

Commence awesome sauce slathering.

poet Anonymous

poet Anonymous

Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 1st Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 141

A Halfling's Might

Less comely they, than some    
the ruddy folk from Anduin      
curled on end and end    
grown by stream and sweeping hill    
full and free    
and round with song    
A loamy undertone - a softness    
of ferns in spring and thawing home    
ever veiled from unknown stone    
and war    
and thrones    
and blood      
and bone    
A strange way to bend one's toes    
padding past peril    
upon wind raped hills      
chill with wraiths - pale plateaus    
a lilting flute amongst roars    
a plucked fiddle string amongst screams    
a glacial blue blade      
hewing through the dead and matte    
Breaths of red in lungs of green    
hearts like hauberks hastening fast    
a rope    
a pan    
a pottage set      
The compass eastward treads in tattered trousers    
Amon Hen and marshes dead    
an eyebright might when all lights perish    
finer in valor than kings of old    
A firm footing over flame      
sigils flicker hellish as darkness burning    
emerging as magics converge    
a flash of blinding white      
a lunge and plunging into night    
cries follow from the smallfolks' souls 
Far from friend      
or farm    
or frond    
deep in draught and oaken arms    
creaking through a murky dusk    
a dream of hoary meetings speak      
a green leaf gleaming on the grass    
A hope in gray    
cloaks fasten as fellows fail; and fall    
adrift in gifted elvin grace    
with faces staunch, black from havoc    
ringlets snarled atop such low, but noble heads      
A sting in sallow-soft death      
over stairways slick in oily evils    
passing under shrieking spies    
defiance of the lidless eye      
Assailing smoke in shrouds of shadow      
ascent beneath the stare of death    
a will of gold    
a hero's toil    
to cast that ceaseless stranglehold    
into Sauron's endless boil    
Written by AtoMikbomb
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Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

First off, a huge thank you to everyone who participated in my competition! I'm so glad to see other Tolkien fans here, and it was quite difficult for me to choose a winner. Alas, here's my explanation:

MaryWalker: Your entry, "Eowyn's Song", is absolutely brilliant. Eowyn is strong and respectable, not afraid to defy the social norms of her time and country. The descriptions you've used provide a fantastic imagery of the battlefield as Eowyn slays enemy after enemy, finding the will to continue on even though her kin die around her. She was meant to fulfill her destiny prophesied by Glorfindel centuries before. For you, shield maiden, I offer thee a shield trophy.  

AEMelia: I adored your poem about Melian the maiar and the most notable events of her long life. I felt the magic that occurred when she first met Thingol and the love they instantly felt for one another. The love and grief that Luthien brought them in life and with her death. Melian's life is bittersweet, and you've captured that element excellently.

AtoMikbomb: Hobbits are such innocent and cute creatures. I personally think that they've been grossly underestimated, and the LOTR trilogy proved it. It's a shame the trauma that Frodo had to go through to the point that he had to sail to Valinor just to life out his life in peace. Gandalf said it best in the first Hobbit move; "Saruman believes it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. I have found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay... simple acts of kindness and love. Why Bilbo Baggins? Perhaps it is because I am afraid, and he gives me courage."

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