Poetry competition CLOSED 25th July 2018 5:35pm
crimsin (Unveiling)
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ODE - DU Poet

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2705


in my innocent days I dreamed of you
hardliner, rough rider layed it out heavy
I was told not to breathe on the glass
my steam was leaving smudges
on the windows of your hemi
two bit masochistic groupie in lust over a man
who was real enough to be honest
I learned where the real fuckers burn
it's in the trenches
where men rise and are broken everyday
you manage to do it
and lord only knows how you do
I'm just glad the men who live off the land
have a man who understands their way of thinking
who takes no pleasure in the doing
just mans up and does it
I wonder if they can see it in the lines
furrowed in your brow
that it pains you to do whats right
even if you're damned for it
but I know better you don't let them see it
that you carry a piece of them in those furrowed brows
it didn't come from smiling
you give them dignity on the page
and I know you do in person
doesn't make things easier
I don't dream about you anymore
a woman like me has no place in your world
only as much as this poem will allow
because I have great respect for you
Written by crimsin (Unveiling)
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Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405

and when i see flowers

i think of you
for they do the same
what you do
for both you
and they
know not except
to bring
to the
and soul

and when i see flowers
i stop
the pause is felt
for an eternity
between the breaths

something happens
like a slow motion scene
the world stops in its tracks
for my lips to make their upward movement
at the edges

and then it's back
to normal
the only change
the lasting grin
when i see flowers....
Written by cold_fusion
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Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405

an ode to the rainbow soul

once upon a time
was a rainbow in the sky

dark grey and the black
conspired together to hide
obscuring it all
by denying it the light

rainbow kept her smile
staying patient all the while
dark grey and the black
the resilience they did lack

they charged and thundered
rainbow never surrendered
anger made them melt
and their absence no one felt

welcomed was the light
rainbow could not be denied
she brought light to life
her colors to lands of strife

Written by cold_fusion
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 52

Larger Than Life

I desire to be a better writer
or harder person
more girly
a better lady
someone who reaches you
but I'm fresh out of that grade of bourbon
I'm hard but not in the right ways
girly enough to scream  
when the spiders prowl the outback
too much of lady to let you do that
a better writer hmm
I think I can create the woman you'd like
but she'd be a paper doll
not solid enough to fuck
maybe it's my perception of you that is off
could be you're less man than I think is that possible?
more boy then I'd ever dreamed
too soft, damn it no way
you'd never let me walk over you
cos fuck, that's the one thing I can't stand
a man I can easily manipulate
because when it comes to that I'm Queen
a woman who is low down
will drink you under the table
so you won't mind I'm better at sex on paper
cutthroat I think that's both of us
love is a figment of the imagination
meant for suckers and fools
we're not buying into it
so why do I still look at you through downcast dewy eyes?
it's cos I'm a sucker for a hard man
who is larger than life

Written by smackdownraven
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geoff cat
Dangerous Mind
United States 33awards
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028

RENGA: Jade Tiger

deep blankets            
leaves whisper under feet              
poet's words              
darkest night              
single candle glowing              
the world itself              
alley cat's song              
the poet's open window              
notes on pages              
virgin block, green stone    
Master Carver's vision craft      
prized above worth  
Written by Hepcat61 (geoff cat)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1817

Excellent Odes here poets!!
Write on!!!!

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

An excerpt with the DU poet this entry is featuring for the ODE - DU Poet = our wonderful Shadow Guardian Grace who appeared in Part Five in “The Trial” scene:

THE GHOST CLUB: Hemlock Jones & the Mystery of the Purloined Bones
(Part Five – The Final Spell)

‘Twas then the sister crones raised eyes and saw a chimney belching smoke from courthouse rooftop – it was a sign, the signal that the trial would soon commence – so citizenry, come one, come all with haste, no time to waste! And so, all the people of every shade and walk of farmer, seamstress, bottle-washer, servant, maid & cook, and conjurer came in hopes to get a seat inside to hear and view historic case by such a famous judge: the Honorable, High Chief Justice Grace.

( The Trial )

From rafters high above to the floor below before the judge’s bench set on high to overlook the audience and those to be heard at trial.  The clock tower outside was heard a-tolling the hour, it was time! With that, there came a rustling of unrest in the rafters; the public was stirring. Then sudden through the ceiling, drifting down, numbering in dozens, appeared diaphanous visions of spirits, ghostly creatures in flowing images as if were angels with wings extended. And with them came the very much alive and solid Chief Justice Grace – her lovely face framed by her black hair kept in place by a golden skullcap.  The air was filled with gasps of awe and delight, at the honor of seeing such personage as one did not often get to see in their lifetime.

Everyone settled down once the spirits faded out as High Chief Justice Grace took her place at the mahogany “bench” where many at the front had to lean back in their seats, so high up did the judge sit observing.  She cleared her throat to speak:

"The ones who come today to ask of me
what I may grant once I hear their request,
will kindly please step forward and be heard.”

A little rattled trying to be stout, the Warlock and the Witch approached the bench. They nervous both did try respectfully, to keep clear-headed, free of any doubt. But Toxin leaned to Hemlock, whispered:

“I never knew a judge so beautiful.”
But Hemlock raised her eyes as if to moan  
“we’re lost.”
“I beg your pardon, miss?” said Justice Grace.
The comely Witch with shifting feet began:

”I hope Your Grace will understand my nerves.
I’ll come directly to the point and say
The reason for our presence here today:
To have an expert do a ritual,
to raise a victim, killed, back from the dead.”

The rafters shuddered with a single gasp. Chief Justice Grace rose up an arm to gentle wave for calm. She slowly panned the audience below and up above:

“I’m well aware that justice must be served.
And so it has; now recompense is paid.
The victim in this case will soon be spared.”

Chief Justice Grace reached to consult her Book of Shadows, looking for a spell of assemblage. The courtroom fell dead quiet, a pin drop could be heard, as pages from the thousand-year-old Tome were slowly turned. And all who sat before the judge on that day, watching as the Witch and Warlock mouthed the words to pray, would ne’er forget the verdict that the judge was soon to say.

poet Anonymous

I need more please! This is rich enough in imagery—even more so in innuendo! Perfectly placed each detail to build suspense! Brava!

Dangerous Mind
Mexico 6awards
Joined 20th May 2018
Forum Posts: 297

Ode to a Bard

Time wounds all heels but
                 ...you don't fit the mold...  
You've such a way...  
                 ...with the words you say  
that you'll never...  
                 ...leave them cold.  

(inspired by and dedicated to Dartford)
Written by Ely (E.A.Rothwell)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17160

For Jessica

Existing in minds, the poets imagery
gentle flow the images divine
of twinkling stars and chimes
in the proclamation of arrival
as the figure sublime
dressed in gossamer gown
and a knight’s armour
swept in with a warrior’s stride
lights of silver through white gauzy gowns
full of loving and love
the heralds’ trumpets sounded

sounds of hollow bamboo
full blown by soft lips
ululating melody
reaching for the snow-capped mountains
reedy sounds divine
woke the warrior’s slumber
smiles blushes and kisses
touches soft and fluttery…
distant sounds of fisher folks
mingled with soft sighs
as ecstasy supreme were reached

Walking through rose-scented gardens
striding over famine wracked lands
riding on horseback through the western plains
swimming naked in blue lagoons
picking shells at an isolated beach
making love under foreign white skies
green grassy land of before
holding hands under flower laden trees
picking a sakura from the garden
These imageries and more remind me of you
My Jessica

A tribute to Kou_Indigo
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Omgosh, Grace, I haven’t seen Kou around for ages!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17160

Jade-Pandora said:Omgosh, Grace, I haven’t seen Kou around for ages!

She comes around once in a while.

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Ode for Crimsin

Your endless love and strength that bleeds
All over the pages. You are planting seeds
And watering them so that the dry ground
Turns into wildflowers, heading westbound
For adventure. It is like feeling sunshine on
My face with my eyes closed and I have gone
Beyond the horizon, up into the clouds. It is
Like I watch someone else’s life with the fizz
And fade outs, but then you are reborn from
The ashes and I am mesmerized by you. Some
Might say it is all just a front, but deep down
You are just as beautiful like the shining crown
On your head and you walk like there is fire
Right behind you everywhere you go. Desire
For you to say, “fuck off” and mean it because
You are no one’s pawn or doll. You are the buzz.
Written by eswaller
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Fire of Insight
Joined 3rd May 2018
Forum Posts: 1216


poet Anonymous

Layla said:Please disregard this since I am late by fraction of closing time but I wanted to share this tribute for a wonderful Poet and a friend.

It`s only 15 mins, Lady ... Entry Accepted

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