Are You An Evolutionary Revolutionary Or Just A Wimp ?
Forum Posts: 3572
Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018 
Forum Posts: 3572
Poetry Contest Description
Give Me Your Best Anti Trump Anti Cabal Anti Governmental Anti Authority Rant With No Recant
Come On Now , If I Can Write What I Write...
You All Can Do Better , Write It As A Letter ,
As A Note , Who You Gonna Call Out , Who
You Gonna Quote ?
One Entry Per Member
One Month
Collabs Allowed
No Holding Back Motherfuckers
This Is Up Against The Wall ;
( if you live in America you should understand )
Old and New works accepted , but the more up
to the minute the more bonus points !
Go For It Tear Down The Walls !
You Don't Want Me To Declare You The Wimp Of
This Competition Do Yah ?
You All Can Do Better , Write It As A Letter ,
As A Note , Who You Gonna Call Out , Who
You Gonna Quote ?
One Entry Per Member
One Month
Collabs Allowed
No Holding Back Motherfuckers
This Is Up Against The Wall ;
( if you live in America you should understand )
Old and New works accepted , but the more up
to the minute the more bonus points !
Go For It Tear Down The Walls !
You Don't Want Me To Declare You The Wimp Of
This Competition Do Yah ?
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134

Related submission no longer exists.
*non-anti it seems but fun none-the-less*.
*non-anti it seems but fun none-the-less*.

<< post removed >>
Alistair Plint
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257
Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1257

Fuck Polony Tax - But I'll Bet A Majority Vote For It.
So they had a fucking room
-suited up
smoke ridden shit;
you couldn't see
the Simpson's poster
framed, on the wall
through the soot of it
One slapped a
guess on the
Mrs. Jones syndrome
the clapping began
A stupid fucking
ovation for the just of it
But it's you and I
who live through
the hell of it
Fuel tax
Sugar tax
Sin tax
Well fuckedy fuck fuck
If eco tax
isn't on that list too
I blurt out
Why don't they charge
us to eat?
For fuck-sake if the daily bread
doesn't load a VAT
ticket on the bottom
of the slip
Next thing they'll charge
some stupid tax
for having a shit
got my rates bill today
true as fuck
they've loaded
ablution tax
Wait that's not the end of it
Those suits
grey haired, yellow teeth
are waiting
so they can eat, your share
when you work-
- die
(They don't give a rats ass
as to which comes first)
Fuck em!
Joined 30th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 40
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 40
The Emperor And His Prickdom
Many emperors have come and gone
all the same to me those exploiters and crooks
the latest one is here to spawn
more hatred and suffering to be written in books
The orange Caligula has taken the power
he thrones in his prickdom like a fat toad
dark times are coming and late is the hour
you better get your show on the road
More war to come
More innocent lives taken
More people in prisons
More bones will be breakin'
Annointed by the deep state he took command
his minions will follow obedient
if nobody is there who will take a stand
free reign will he have, this deviant
fresh roasted out of a tanning booth
seeds amongst people fear and division
his mouth like a sphincter spews words uncouth
propaganda is spread with deadly precision
More lies to be hatched
More children taken
More brains will be washed
More freedom forsaken
No grassroots movement is in sight
this Astroturf is by no means enough
most folks just settle for their plight
no matter if life gets increasingly tough
while child prostitution rings steadily grow
to feed the elitists decadence
from Honduras, Columbia and Mexico
wiped out will be all evidence
More drones in the sky
More souls ripped asunder
More poverty spread
More rape, pillage, plunder
If people keep living in lala land
not wanting to know, not wanting to see
the reality that is so right at hand
which looks completely insane to me
Then all I have truly left to say
Is "go ahead and dig your own grave"
cause come around the end of the day
all you have left is your life as a slave
all the same to me those exploiters and crooks
the latest one is here to spawn
more hatred and suffering to be written in books
The orange Caligula has taken the power
he thrones in his prickdom like a fat toad
dark times are coming and late is the hour
you better get your show on the road
More war to come
More innocent lives taken
More people in prisons
More bones will be breakin'
Annointed by the deep state he took command
his minions will follow obedient
if nobody is there who will take a stand
free reign will he have, this deviant
fresh roasted out of a tanning booth
seeds amongst people fear and division
his mouth like a sphincter spews words uncouth
propaganda is spread with deadly precision
More lies to be hatched
More children taken
More brains will be washed
More freedom forsaken
No grassroots movement is in sight
this Astroturf is by no means enough
most folks just settle for their plight
no matter if life gets increasingly tough
while child prostitution rings steadily grow
to feed the elitists decadence
from Honduras, Columbia and Mexico
wiped out will be all evidence
More drones in the sky
More souls ripped asunder
More poverty spread
More rape, pillage, plunder
If people keep living in lala land
not wanting to know, not wanting to see
the reality that is so right at hand
which looks completely insane to me
Then all I have truly left to say
Is "go ahead and dig your own grave"
cause come around the end of the day
all you have left is your life as a slave
Written by Angelast1
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When society doesn't respect you it makes you vexed
Like you're hanging from a tree with a noose around your neck
Born in the projects can produce products of their environment
Sometimes a lack of guidance can make many violent
Yet the government won't do shit to help change those conditions
Conditions that seem to lead many to fill up for profit prisons
Transmissions being received by me is that they don't give a fuck
Let's start at the top with that racist and heartless ass Trump
He dumps all of his hate all over the place
Proclaiming that he'll make America great
Wait, so is he basically saying America ain't shit?
Y'all elected him but then get mad at Kaepernick
Ain't that about a mothafuckin bitch? Hypocrites!
Can't they see that he only cares about the rich?
The stinch from his mouth without a doubt is hate filled
But y'all want to blame division on kneeling on a football field
How would you feel knowing that your anthem celebrates the death of your ancestors?
How would you feel when cops kill and we still have no one to turn to for answers?
How would you feel knowing that the food in your hood is toxic and can cause cancer?
How would you feel seeing more love for a cloth than a life lost by the gun of an officer?
Well sir, the oval officer feels that they're sons of bitches
He even has the audacity to be encouraging more stitches
I don't get this! Does America once again view us as 3/5th's of a man?
Does America want us in chains again to be treated subhuman?
Help me understand, that as a black man, African (American?), why I should sing that song
With the knowledge of all of this if I didn't resist it'd must be because I was high from a bong
Salaam is what I'm expected to say even though you hate my race?
The actions and inactions of factions of this nation is such a disgrace
I've served my country (supposedly), been to war overseas, and this is how you thank people like me?
By complacently watching our lives being taken by the powers that be
Like you're hanging from a tree with a noose around your neck
Born in the projects can produce products of their environment
Sometimes a lack of guidance can make many violent
Yet the government won't do shit to help change those conditions
Conditions that seem to lead many to fill up for profit prisons
Transmissions being received by me is that they don't give a fuck
Let's start at the top with that racist and heartless ass Trump
He dumps all of his hate all over the place
Proclaiming that he'll make America great
Wait, so is he basically saying America ain't shit?
Y'all elected him but then get mad at Kaepernick
Ain't that about a mothafuckin bitch? Hypocrites!
Can't they see that he only cares about the rich?
The stinch from his mouth without a doubt is hate filled
But y'all want to blame division on kneeling on a football field
How would you feel knowing that your anthem celebrates the death of your ancestors?
How would you feel when cops kill and we still have no one to turn to for answers?
How would you feel knowing that the food in your hood is toxic and can cause cancer?
How would you feel seeing more love for a cloth than a life lost by the gun of an officer?
Well sir, the oval officer feels that they're sons of bitches
He even has the audacity to be encouraging more stitches
I don't get this! Does America once again view us as 3/5th's of a man?
Does America want us in chains again to be treated subhuman?
Help me understand, that as a black man, African (American?), why I should sing that song
With the knowledge of all of this if I didn't resist it'd must be because I was high from a bong
Salaam is what I'm expected to say even though you hate my race?
The actions and inactions of factions of this nation is such a disgrace
I've served my country (supposedly), been to war overseas, and this is how you thank people like me?
By complacently watching our lives being taken by the powers that be
Written by da_poetic-edifier
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Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 909
they are lying about relative truths
Many a dark minded reason to light a new sun
Knight on the side will never spiritually abide
Thoughts circle where ancient reasons spun
Off center the chess minds two soul slide...
Fire and scorching wind this whirling snake
Gratuitous rhyming crossed wheel of time
With thumb on the scale as serpents take
Shiny information on an overpriced dime...
Calm compassion through a sighted palm
Shows mirrored false crystal diva-nation
Nearsighted mind's eye Osiris embalm
Through slanted dreaming meditation...
This moon knitting mid-knighted tower
So quiet remembering never foreseen
As mushroom Luna undercover power
Sew sensitive harden shadow serene...
These silver sympathetic heretofore
On prophet voyage of the blind sea
Intuition is lost and waiting ashore
That guides their ship to final see...
Original heart shaped pine cone
Geometric soul on bend'd knee
Pineal back door to inner zone
Mind travel you closer to me...
Faked priest class dismiss
As shaman carbon copy
That un-perfecting bliss
A comforting myth...
Knight on the side will never spiritually abide
Thoughts circle where ancient reasons spun
Off center the chess minds two soul slide...
Fire and scorching wind this whirling snake
Gratuitous rhyming crossed wheel of time
With thumb on the scale as serpents take
Shiny information on an overpriced dime...
Calm compassion through a sighted palm
Shows mirrored false crystal diva-nation
Nearsighted mind's eye Osiris embalm
Through slanted dreaming meditation...
This moon knitting mid-knighted tower
So quiet remembering never foreseen
As mushroom Luna undercover power
Sew sensitive harden shadow serene...
These silver sympathetic heretofore
On prophet voyage of the blind sea
Intuition is lost and waiting ashore
That guides their ship to final see...
Original heart shaped pine cone
Geometric soul on bend'd knee
Pineal back door to inner zone
Mind travel you closer to me...
Faked priest class dismiss
As shaman carbon copy
That un-perfecting bliss
A comforting myth...
Written by runaway-mindtrain
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Joined 4th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 49
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 49
You portray yourself
as a real man
a strong man
a pillar
You try to come off
as having your shit together
taking care of business
You walk around like
your shit don’t stink
and your farts smell like roses
You act like your special
God’s Gift
You try to portray yourself as a
Strong Phallic symbol!
When you’re really just a
as a real man
a strong man
a pillar
You try to come off
as having your shit together
taking care of business
You walk around like
your shit don’t stink
and your farts smell like roses
You act like your special
God’s Gift
You try to portray yourself as a
Strong Phallic symbol!
When you’re really just a
Written by Lyrically_Inclined
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Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 3304
The Bill for those Rights
Dear Sir,
In looking back at the discussion at Monday’s Professional Development there were a number of issues that left me, frustrated, angry and confused.
My confusion lies in our use of the Bill of Rights as a springboard for a discussion on morality and ethics …? At the core of it, we’re talking about a document that was written by a group of murderous, slave owning thugs (aka lawyers) with rules that were written to protect their criminal, and morally devoid enterprises. Is there any wonder why the words “morals” or “ethics” are not to be found anywhere in the Bill of Rights? Nor is there any mention for protections for women or children; or any mention of proper health care, or education for the masses.
As for the issue of slavery not being signed into the Bill; history has repeatedly said Jefferson wanted to include an amendment but he kowtowed to the South. The southern delegations basically told him, “Look Jeff, we know you’re getting your salad tossed by that Sally Hemmings gal, but don’t fuck with our territory, and how we run it!” (The classic negotiation tactics of gangsters.) So, is it any great wonder that the great majority of the BOR deals with the rights of the accused in criminal activities, and not the fundamental welfare of “the people”?
And while there is no provision for education in the BOR, even at a fundamental level, we as a country must keep “a well-regulated militia”. With these founding “principles”; there’s no wonder in the fact that this country only spends 2 – 3 % of its’ revenue on education, and some 15 – 20% of its’ budget on the military. Likewise, since November 2016, the stock value of the three largest U.S. defense contractors has risen by 20 – 80%. So, while it may be nice to “write a new constitution” that gets rid of assault weapons during a PD, that shit ain’t gonna happen, because we as a country would rather spend money on bombs and bullets, rather than backpacks and books (as written in 1791).
Just needed to vent.
In looking back at the discussion at Monday’s Professional Development there were a number of issues that left me, frustrated, angry and confused.
My confusion lies in our use of the Bill of Rights as a springboard for a discussion on morality and ethics …? At the core of it, we’re talking about a document that was written by a group of murderous, slave owning thugs (aka lawyers) with rules that were written to protect their criminal, and morally devoid enterprises. Is there any wonder why the words “morals” or “ethics” are not to be found anywhere in the Bill of Rights? Nor is there any mention for protections for women or children; or any mention of proper health care, or education for the masses.
As for the issue of slavery not being signed into the Bill; history has repeatedly said Jefferson wanted to include an amendment but he kowtowed to the South. The southern delegations basically told him, “Look Jeff, we know you’re getting your salad tossed by that Sally Hemmings gal, but don’t fuck with our territory, and how we run it!” (The classic negotiation tactics of gangsters.) So, is it any great wonder that the great majority of the BOR deals with the rights of the accused in criminal activities, and not the fundamental welfare of “the people”?
And while there is no provision for education in the BOR, even at a fundamental level, we as a country must keep “a well-regulated militia”. With these founding “principles”; there’s no wonder in the fact that this country only spends 2 – 3 % of its’ revenue on education, and some 15 – 20% of its’ budget on the military. Likewise, since November 2016, the stock value of the three largest U.S. defense contractors has risen by 20 – 80%. So, while it may be nice to “write a new constitution” that gets rid of assault weapons during a PD, that shit ain’t gonna happen, because we as a country would rather spend money on bombs and bullets, rather than backpacks and books (as written in 1791).
Just needed to vent.
Written by LobodeSanPedro
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Forum Posts: 2880
Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880
ABC's of the Corporate Politics
An American dream
Buried inside a third world mind
Captioning the imagery with a
Delusion of leadership and protection,
Emphasised to rule over the
Free world.
In front of your eyes but a
Jester steals the show.
"Kill or be killed?" NO!!!
"Love to be loved"
Men and Women
Nations to Nations
Organised and brainwashed to
Penetrate realism to an idealism.
Questions unanswered,
Rebellions unacknowledged,
Silence is the solution in the
Top management.
Unscripted acts become
Violence in the facts.
Whites turn into a
Xanthic shade when it's printed.
You won't find the difference even when you
Zoomed it in with a microscope.
Written by dejure
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Joined 20th May 2018
Forum Posts: 297
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 297
The Perfect Tool
POTUS has created... and then maintained
a degree of Tension unrestrained,
smothering us
with "Victim Dust."
Our World is becoming a
Dystopian Wasteland...
"Throw that six-year-old girl in jail.
She built her an illegal Lemonade Stand..."
Oh puh-leeeze!
We have descended into Bureaucratic Hell.
Oligarchy is what we've got,
when just a small group rules...
Not for the people, but to fleece the people... to play us all for fools.
Our roads are crumbling beneath our feet, bridges fall down but words are cheap.
Suicide rates are rapidly climbing...
Cancer and heart attack too on the rise
POTUS whines and dissembles, disses the neighbors, stomps on their toes and calls them bad names.
Such a spot-on example of self-aggrandizement hasn't been seen since Caligula reigned,
in Rome, that is.
It hurts me to see my country in tatters... led? by a low-life, recidivist fool.
I now gotta wonder what dirt Putin has on him. 'Cause one thing's for sure... he's "The Perfect Tool."
a degree of Tension unrestrained,
smothering us
with "Victim Dust."
Our World is becoming a
Dystopian Wasteland...
"Throw that six-year-old girl in jail.
She built her an illegal Lemonade Stand..."
Oh puh-leeeze!
We have descended into Bureaucratic Hell.
Oligarchy is what we've got,
when just a small group rules...
Not for the people, but to fleece the people... to play us all for fools.
Our roads are crumbling beneath our feet, bridges fall down but words are cheap.
Suicide rates are rapidly climbing...
Cancer and heart attack too on the rise
POTUS whines and dissembles, disses the neighbors, stomps on their toes and calls them bad names.
Such a spot-on example of self-aggrandizement hasn't been seen since Caligula reigned,
in Rome, that is.
It hurts me to see my country in tatters... led? by a low-life, recidivist fool.
I now gotta wonder what dirt Putin has on him. 'Cause one thing's for sure... he's "The Perfect Tool."
Written by Ely
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Forum Posts: 133
Fire of Insight
Joined 6th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 133
A Short Concise History From The Paris Commune To The Present
Collective vision
attempts actualization
A 'happy-go-lucky' "I" triumphs
gets cooked thoroughly
Served is the alienated 'self', unsustainable
shredded in a thousand pieces
each piece a tear
A thousand tears of a thousand flavors
splitting speedily to sand atoms
Closing the window to freedom
opening the gate to nothingness and less...
attempts actualization
A 'happy-go-lucky' "I" triumphs
gets cooked thoroughly
Served is the alienated 'self', unsustainable
shredded in a thousand pieces
each piece a tear
A thousand tears of a thousand flavors
splitting speedily to sand atoms
Closing the window to freedom
opening the gate to nothingness and less...
Written by takis1917
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Forum Posts: 3572
Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018 
Forum Posts: 3572
For Your Inspiration !
Precision Decision
With My Poetry I Made A Player's Play Decision
I Like My Way No Halfway It Be Passion Precision
It Be My Stylie Highly Wily With A Dark Face Smilie
I Got An Inquiry Nicely Wisely Politely Phrased Precisely
What Gave You A Right To Tell Me You Be The One's Rightly
And I Be Wrong In Your Estimation While You Ration
Our Influence In This Nation While You Tell Us What To Say
And What We May Or May Not Do I Got Some Words For You
But You Better Strap In , Time For Rapping , If You Want To Survive
We Got An Inner Drive This Is Why We Thrive , We Won't Be Denied ,
We Are Your Goodbye Your Surprise The Reason For Your Suicide
When You Realize We All Know You Lied And You Don't Apologize !
( To Be Continued , Like Some Raging Venue )...Word !
Precision Decision
With My Poetry I Made A Player's Play Decision
I Like My Way No Halfway It Be Passion Precision
It Be My Stylie Highly Wily With A Dark Face Smilie
I Got An Inquiry Nicely Wisely Politely Phrased Precisely
What Gave You A Right To Tell Me You Be The One's Rightly
And I Be Wrong In Your Estimation While You Ration
Our Influence In This Nation While You Tell Us What To Say
And What We May Or May Not Do I Got Some Words For You
But You Better Strap In , Time For Rapping , If You Want To Survive
We Got An Inner Drive This Is Why We Thrive , We Won't Be Denied ,
We Are Your Goodbye Your Surprise The Reason For Your Suicide
When You Realize We All Know You Lied And You Don't Apologize !
( To Be Continued , Like Some Raging Venue )...Word !
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
Visualize Whirled Peas
Your food has a message for you,
unless you're where a famine exists
and you're thin, with sad breasts
of dried milk, and your despondent
child displays an extended belly,
and can no longer cry.
And even so, your dying cattle
speak to you in a sign language
of their protruding bones, or the
savanna waterholes that no longer
let go their dormant cocoons, and
no other generations will emerge
from the dung of buffalo & elephants
that have all migrated away, or lie
dead and gutted by well-fed poachers.
So, if you're blessed with bounty that
comes to you from others' efforts, from
fields, rice paddies, fruited groves or
markets, super or family-run from boats
in Beijing, Damnoen Saduak & Chiang Mai,
take pause when you sit in your home at
table, staring down at your dinner plate
if you're lucky to have a roof, and food,
and read the message it says to you;
It goes beyond what's in your belly,
bloated by less importance than starvation.
The photo of a billboard in Hollywood on Barham Rd. near the 101 Fwy, was taken by me, Jade Pandora, when I was age 14.
Damnoen Saduak & Chiang Mai (floating markets in Bangkok)
Written by Jade-Pandora
(jade tiger)
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