"I Am"
Joined 15th Apr 2016
Forum Posts: 236
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 236
I am a sister I am a brother
I am a father I am a mother
I am a daughter I am a son
I am the many I am the one
I am a worker I am an employer
I am a creator I am a destroyer
I am righteous I am a sinner
I am a loser I am a winner
I am a hater I am a lover
I am obvious I am under cover
I am a hitter I am a receiver
I am a doubter I am a believer
I am truthful I am a liar
I am frigid I am fire
I am saved I am savior
I am thought I am behavior
I am in orbit I am low
I am a victim I am a foe
I am a peering crowd in a face
I am a fractious human race
I am a father I am a mother
I am a daughter I am a son
I am the many I am the one
I am a worker I am an employer
I am a creator I am a destroyer
I am righteous I am a sinner
I am a loser I am a winner
I am a hater I am a lover
I am obvious I am under cover
I am a hitter I am a receiver
I am a doubter I am a believer
I am truthful I am a liar
I am frigid I am fire
I am saved I am savior
I am thought I am behavior
I am in orbit I am low
I am a victim I am a foe
I am a peering crowd in a face
I am a fractious human race
Written by Northern1
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Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 765
I Am...
I am like the air on a warm summer day.
I am that cold drink of water when you
Need to cool down. I am that one ray
Of sunshine when you see that blue
Sky becoming cloudy and grey. Your
Eyes on the horizon because that is
Where I will be. The slam of the door
Because we both know what that says
To the whole world. The tears that form
Because we know that we are not built
To be perfect or to be a part of the norm.
I am love that is soft and safe as a quilt
During all of those cold winter nights.
I am that strong warrior that will cause
You to think of everyone who fights
And who the real enemies are because
At the end of every day we are only
Human. I am the thoughts that keep
You sober at 3 AM and a little less lonely.
It is life around us that we sow and reap.
I am that cold drink of water when you
Need to cool down. I am that one ray
Of sunshine when you see that blue
Sky becoming cloudy and grey. Your
Eyes on the horizon because that is
Where I will be. The slam of the door
Because we both know what that says
To the whole world. The tears that form
Because we know that we are not built
To be perfect or to be a part of the norm.
I am love that is soft and safe as a quilt
During all of those cold winter nights.
I am that strong warrior that will cause
You to think of everyone who fights
And who the real enemies are because
At the end of every day we are only
Human. I am the thoughts that keep
You sober at 3 AM and a little less lonely.
It is life around us that we sow and reap.
Written by eswaller
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Joined 29th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 69
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 69
Reasons Inside
The older I become my morals harden.
So those constantly crossing it become enemies.
Tell your parents discipline is not my job for you.
Disrespectful and rude some are content with that.
In no way can I be present for those with mixed emotions all the time.
Not perfect but I try to remain consistent to those with care.
Winning is a lifelong drive.
It may drive me away from some.
So those constantly crossing it become enemies.
Tell your parents discipline is not my job for you.
Disrespectful and rude some are content with that.
In no way can I be present for those with mixed emotions all the time.
Not perfect but I try to remain consistent to those with care.
Winning is a lifelong drive.
It may drive me away from some.
Written by ClearmindedVillain
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Joined 28th May 2018
Forum Posts: 29
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 29
I can hear the people talking all about their greatest fears
Reflecting on their relations with some ice cold vodka tears
If time’s the greatest healer, it’s only right that I rephrase
Nobody lives forever may be the crassest of cliches
I need to take flight, but for now a wounded wren
Tell me, “Are you drained from the company of men?”
Reflecting on their relations with some ice cold vodka tears
If time’s the greatest healer, it’s only right that I rephrase
Nobody lives forever may be the crassest of cliches
I need to take flight, but for now a wounded wren
Tell me, “Are you drained from the company of men?”
Written by Chimaera76
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Joined 30th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 40
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 40

Related submission no longer exists.

Joined 21st June 2018
Forum Posts: 13
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 13
I AM pt 1.
I am that slithery sloth
Sleeking through
This dirty sewage
Of gung gunk punk repugnant funk
Black Sponge
I am that spiteful
Hateful or
Encourage full
I am
The juice
Waste it
Spill it
Spit it
Choke it
I am that sticky bubble gum
Chew it
Unstick it
Pluck it
Unwrap it
Wrap it
Tack it on walls
For fun
Blowing this bubble bubble gum
Throw it in the chum
Pull out another one
From where you tucked it
I am the line
Cross it
You brave enough
To scratch through it
No other marks can be made
Because I am
Self made
I am that cave
You run to in darkness
Escaping to the dogs barking
Whips ,chains, blood and pain
Only to find that I am the darkness
I am that mark
Pull the trigger
Push to start
That Joe
That blow
Come closer
I am that host
Inside your body
The incisions you cant close
The Holes you can't fill
Can't drill
The spirit Holding you against your will
I am the last will
and testament
Wasn't the devil who himself was once an angel
heaven sent him to hell
I am not that hell
I'm only the story here to tell
I am the ride
Stand in line
I am that Ghoul ,
That monster
An amityville horror
If you piss me off
I am that bitch on her
I am.
(Silent period)
(Spoken word poetry.
Copyright of Red Curtain$ 2018)
Sleeking through
This dirty sewage
Of gung gunk punk repugnant funk
Black Sponge
I am that spiteful
Hateful or
Encourage full
I am
The juice
Waste it
Spill it
Spit it
Choke it
I am that sticky bubble gum
Chew it
Unstick it
Pluck it
Unwrap it
Wrap it
Tack it on walls
For fun
Blowing this bubble bubble gum
Throw it in the chum
Pull out another one
From where you tucked it
I am the line
Cross it
You brave enough
To scratch through it
No other marks can be made
Because I am
Self made
I am that cave
You run to in darkness
Escaping to the dogs barking
Whips ,chains, blood and pain
Only to find that I am the darkness
I am that mark
Pull the trigger
Push to start
That Joe
That blow
Come closer
I am that host
Inside your body
The incisions you cant close
The Holes you can't fill
Can't drill
The spirit Holding you against your will
I am the last will
and testament
Wasn't the devil who himself was once an angel
heaven sent him to hell
I am not that hell
I'm only the story here to tell
I am the ride
Stand in line
I am that Ghoul ,
That monster
An amityville horror
If you piss me off
I am that bitch on her
I am.
(Silent period)
(Spoken word poetry.
Copyright of Red Curtain$ 2018)
Written by Red_CurtainS
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Forum Posts: 3112
Dangerous Mind
Joined 19th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 3112
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5405
Joined 1st July 2015
Forum Posts: 543
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 543
I'm, The
I'm the truth without the lies.
The C.I.A without the spies.
The earth without capitivity.
The future without the past.
The show without the cast.
The beginning without an ending.
The video without the buffering.
I'm the hero without a villain.
The murderer without a killing.
The crack without cocaine.
The mind without a brain.
The track without the runner.
The rain without the thunder.
The eye without a vision.
The text without a mention.
I'm the girl without a face.
The victim without a case.
The cake without the icing.
The picture without the photo shopping.
The skin without no color.
The grey without its dullness.
The bitch without its dog.
The rumors without a blog.
I'm the dragon without a flame.
The actress without the fame.
The king without a queen.
The donor without a spleen.
The fake without the real.
The iron without the steel.
The stripper without her pole.
The naughty boy on Santa's list without the coal.
I'm the sparkle without the glitter.
The bat without a hitter.
The tears without the water.
The mother without her daughter.
The diamond without the rut.
The poet without her systematic flow.
The 80s girl without her bow.
The sun without its shine.
I'm the boat without the paddle.
The farmer without its cattle.
The pool without chlorine.
The orange without its flavor.
The killer without a motive.
The pro without the active.
The life without death.
The crystal without meth.
I'm the perfect without the imperfect.
The cause without an effect.
The key without the ignition.
The performer without a standing ovation.
The song without a melody.
The comedy without a parody.
The horse without the hay.
The lion without its prey.
It's true that I am automatically these things.
The and I'm is what I represent and bring.
My imperfection defines me in a way of uniqueness.
I define meekness and weakness.
Just remember this piece shows you that I cant be what you want me to be.
Only when you see me you get what you see.
I lack perfection and gain admiration.
This is truly my declaration.
The C.I.A without the spies.
The earth without capitivity.
The future without the past.
The show without the cast.
The beginning without an ending.
The video without the buffering.
I'm the hero without a villain.
The murderer without a killing.
The crack without cocaine.
The mind without a brain.
The track without the runner.
The rain without the thunder.
The eye without a vision.
The text without a mention.
I'm the girl without a face.
The victim without a case.
The cake without the icing.
The picture without the photo shopping.
The skin without no color.
The grey without its dullness.
The bitch without its dog.
The rumors without a blog.
I'm the dragon without a flame.
The actress without the fame.
The king without a queen.
The donor without a spleen.
The fake without the real.
The iron without the steel.
The stripper without her pole.
The naughty boy on Santa's list without the coal.
I'm the sparkle without the glitter.
The bat without a hitter.
The tears without the water.
The mother without her daughter.
The diamond without the rut.
The poet without her systematic flow.
The 80s girl without her bow.
The sun without its shine.
I'm the boat without the paddle.
The farmer without its cattle.
The pool without chlorine.
The orange without its flavor.
The killer without a motive.
The pro without the active.
The life without death.
The crystal without meth.
I'm the perfect without the imperfect.
The cause without an effect.
The key without the ignition.
The performer without a standing ovation.
The song without a melody.
The comedy without a parody.
The horse without the hay.
The lion without its prey.
It's true that I am automatically these things.
The and I'm is what I represent and bring.
My imperfection defines me in a way of uniqueness.
I define meekness and weakness.
Just remember this piece shows you that I cant be what you want me to be.
Only when you see me you get what you see.
I lack perfection and gain admiration.
This is truly my declaration.
Written by LibraSoul96
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Joined 20th Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 2
Strange Creature
Forum Posts: 2
Confession of a Sociopath
You tell me things I don’t want to know.
I don’t want to know because I don’t want to be tempted.
Tempted to use it to my advantage,
Tempted to revert back to a time where people’s emotions were a game I played so fucking well.
I time where I said just enough,
At just the right moment,
To destroy lives.
While comforting my own.
Your existence sings at the person I really am.
The person who fucked a married man,
While his wife,
Cooked us dinner in the next room.
The person who fucked his wife.
While he was upstairs,
Bathing away his sins.
Guilt swirling down the drain.
The worst part is,
I never once felt guilty.
Not even,
When they left each other for me.
Not even,
When I was on a plane,
Leaving them both behind to deal with their crumbling family.
Oh yes, they had kids. I was their nanny.
You don’t want this,
I can see the fantasies swirling around your curious eyes.
But everything about me,
Is delicately tailored to lure you in.
You might be looking for a decent fuck,
And a laugh.
But that is not what’s going to happen.
It will start out subtle,
I’ll make dick jokes,
And tease that I’ve had more pussy than you,
Cuz I have.
I’ll help change your spark plugs with a full contour.
Your friends will love me,
Because I am the ultimate wingman
I’ll check out girls with you,
Play sports with you,
Drink beer,
Down a burger with a side of fries.
I’ll get so close,
You can smell the warm vanilla on my skin,
Then walk away,
Without a touch.
I’m edgy, but sweet
Loud, but funny
Sexy, but classy
Your best friend, but unobtainable.
And all of this will be real.
If there is one thing I can tell you about a sociopath,
It’s that we are honest,
I know which parts of my personality to showcase for each victim.
The playboy loves that I don’t feel jealousy,
Just like the poet loves my way with words.
Cruel isn’t it?
You think it’s cute that I “let things slip”,
I let you believe that.
“I love you” didn’t “slip”,
It was carefully timed.
So was the quick exit.
I planted the seed,
And left to watch how it plays out.
From a distance of course.
You’ll feel it too.
You’ll feel the warmth of love drip down and cool the lust.
You fantasies will change,
From carnal power thrusting on the back of a Camaro to cuddling in bed with our fingers lacing in and out of one another’s.
You’ll fight it,
Especially since I have been avoiding you,
Avoiding eye contact.
Pretending you’re not there.
But eventually,
You will give in.
And I will get what I want.
Because for me,
This WAS “a decent fuck and a laugh”
I’m telling you this because,
I know it won’t matter anyway.
You’ll still play into my game.
But I am hoping,
Just once,
It won’t work.
I don’t want to know because I don’t want to be tempted.
Tempted to use it to my advantage,
Tempted to revert back to a time where people’s emotions were a game I played so fucking well.
I time where I said just enough,
At just the right moment,
To destroy lives.
While comforting my own.
Your existence sings at the person I really am.
The person who fucked a married man,
While his wife,
Cooked us dinner in the next room.
The person who fucked his wife.
While he was upstairs,
Bathing away his sins.
Guilt swirling down the drain.
The worst part is,
I never once felt guilty.
Not even,
When they left each other for me.
Not even,
When I was on a plane,
Leaving them both behind to deal with their crumbling family.
Oh yes, they had kids. I was their nanny.
You don’t want this,
I can see the fantasies swirling around your curious eyes.
But everything about me,
Is delicately tailored to lure you in.
You might be looking for a decent fuck,
And a laugh.
But that is not what’s going to happen.
It will start out subtle,
I’ll make dick jokes,
And tease that I’ve had more pussy than you,
Cuz I have.
I’ll help change your spark plugs with a full contour.
Your friends will love me,
Because I am the ultimate wingman
I’ll check out girls with you,
Play sports with you,
Drink beer,
Down a burger with a side of fries.
I’ll get so close,
You can smell the warm vanilla on my skin,
Then walk away,
Without a touch.
I’m edgy, but sweet
Loud, but funny
Sexy, but classy
Your best friend, but unobtainable.
And all of this will be real.
If there is one thing I can tell you about a sociopath,
It’s that we are honest,
I know which parts of my personality to showcase for each victim.
The playboy loves that I don’t feel jealousy,
Just like the poet loves my way with words.
Cruel isn’t it?
You think it’s cute that I “let things slip”,
I let you believe that.
“I love you” didn’t “slip”,
It was carefully timed.
So was the quick exit.
I planted the seed,
And left to watch how it plays out.
From a distance of course.
You’ll feel it too.
You’ll feel the warmth of love drip down and cool the lust.
You fantasies will change,
From carnal power thrusting on the back of a Camaro to cuddling in bed with our fingers lacing in and out of one another’s.
You’ll fight it,
Especially since I have been avoiding you,
Avoiding eye contact.
Pretending you’re not there.
But eventually,
You will give in.
And I will get what I want.
Because for me,
This WAS “a decent fuck and a laugh”
I’m telling you this because,
I know it won’t matter anyway.
You’ll still play into my game.
But I am hoping,
Just once,
It won’t work.
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Joined 1st Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 141
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 141
She's someone...
who takes her coffee many ways
but the filter will brim with grounds
since she detests directions
She's got a dark sense of wit
when caffeinated
she crafts beyond vanilla facts
She's got boy shoulders
& a wicked cowlick
whorling around her pixie head
& so do her thoughts
but only inside
people assume she's got little there
beside twisty hair
surmisng her mind is made of air
To them...
she can't be bothered to share
She's got a frame for swimming
a gift not lost on her
she's tender to music
& sways in grace
but it will never be seen
shyness a screen
she flows through water
& dances like she's part of it
She serves jokes cold
with a side of smirking
She's got freckles that flirt
& a subtlety for picking shirts
& a body where trends go to die
She has a way of pushing out
the very things that people tout
She's bad at staying in touch
thinks too heavily
drinks little
aores craft beer
has all of two & wonders where she fucked up
but truly has few enemies
She wishes for more
than her own soul
for bonfire bonding
crisp constructive as nights burn down
She hates being out with people at high noon
plodding through pretension
she aches for long converstations
& connections formed on driftwood logs
She's snark
& spice
& salt
she's firs & ferns
she's lakewater
& teal
& lungs of frosting winter moss
She's tears springing from blackhole nights
knowing children on her globe die destroyed
that men are the mutants
so she's clutching her own
she loves them more than all the stars
She's sick of seeing
& knowing
people & their hellish hearts stand bare
signs on freeways
she reads like a computer
before she can choose to look away
she's got old eyes set in a teenager face
She's got a cavern for a soul
but it's moot
nobody adventures anymore
she's light down there
it keeps falling
on treasure she's never shared
She's a small person
on the outside
I'm resubmitting this after a pretty brutal edit. I usually don't, but it was substantial enough to change this poem significantly. Feel free to ignore this one, it's rather old, a writing challenge regarding oneself
Written by AtoMikbomb
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Forum Posts: 3572
Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018 
Forum Posts: 3572
Who Me ?
I Am More And Less Than Human ,
I Am A Moving Movement Fusion ,
I Am A Chaotic Psychotic Symphony
My Only Demand Is Just Listen To Me
I Am One Pissed Off At The Injustice
By The Ruling Elite At The Rest Of Us
I Am Sexy Sensual I Am Orgasmic Central
I Am The Infinite And Death's Hourglass
I Live In The Moment As Each Second Is Past
I Am More Than You Know Or Could Ever Imagine
Being Inscrutable Is Just One Of My Passions
I Am An Animal Prowling In A Cowl In Your Dreams
One Who Helps When More Deadly Than It Seems
I Am One Who Defends The Weak , Who Dares To Speak
Some Call Me A Freak , I Am Not Meek , I Shall Always Seek
Any Question Most Dare Not Think Let Alone Answer Or Mention
I Am One Who Does Not Settle For Pretension Or Incomprehension ,
I Am A God And I Am A Demon , Without Sleeping I Still Am Dreaming
Just Because I May Be In Agreement Does Not Mean I Am Not Scheming
I Am A Freeman Doing All That I Can , Both The Sacred And The Profane
Just Don't Ever Think You Really Know Me , Let Alone My True Name !
I Am A Moving Movement Fusion ,
I Am A Chaotic Psychotic Symphony
My Only Demand Is Just Listen To Me
I Am One Pissed Off At The Injustice
By The Ruling Elite At The Rest Of Us
I Am Sexy Sensual I Am Orgasmic Central
I Am The Infinite And Death's Hourglass
I Live In The Moment As Each Second Is Past
I Am More Than You Know Or Could Ever Imagine
Being Inscrutable Is Just One Of My Passions
I Am An Animal Prowling In A Cowl In Your Dreams
One Who Helps When More Deadly Than It Seems
I Am One Who Defends The Weak , Who Dares To Speak
Some Call Me A Freak , I Am Not Meek , I Shall Always Seek
Any Question Most Dare Not Think Let Alone Answer Or Mention
I Am One Who Does Not Settle For Pretension Or Incomprehension ,
I Am A God And I Am A Demon , Without Sleeping I Still Am Dreaming
Just Because I May Be In Agreement Does Not Mean I Am Not Scheming
I Am A Freeman Doing All That I Can , Both The Sacred And The Profane
Just Don't Ever Think You Really Know Me , Let Alone My True Name !
Written by Blackwolf
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