Poetry competition CLOSED 2nd June 2018 11:47pm
View Profile Poems by Angelast1
RUNNER-UP: Chimaera76

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Blade Artist
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 6awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 84

Poetry Contest

Compose are rhyming verse that relates to new romantic, gothic, electronic, synth of the 80s
For inspiration consider:


....any more you can think of..

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

All We Decree !

You Sell Your Soul For Some Knowledge Forbidden

You Now Come Out Of Some Darkness Once So Hidden ,

Yet Now Revealed , You Got Your Own Pain To Heal ,

Not So Imaginary Yet So Real , And All That You Feel ,

When You Are So Lost I Ask At What Your Great Cost ,

With What Your Shadows Do You Dance On What Cross

Are You Nailed , Every Try Failed , And Is This The Knife

That Cuts Until You Bleed . And Feed , All That You Need ,

Or Is There More , What Came Before , This Sanctuary ,

Don't Answer So Quick I'm Not In A Hurry , I Know You Know ,

Been Where You Are And Don't Want To Go , Take It Slow

The Razor's Blade Bared My Breast , I Confessed It Was A Dream

It Never Seemed Like We Would End , Don't Defend Why You Did

What You Could Do Then Hid Amid What Is And What It Seems

I See What Is Comin' Runnin' I 'm On Your Horizon , Some New Dawn

Some Moon Beam Riding , I Been Inside You , The Tides Of You ,

Do You Hear Me Do Not Fear Me , It Is No Mystery , No Blasphemy ,

My Words Burn , And You Turn In Your Future Grave With Me ,

I Am Cult Of The Dead Blood Red , And You A Corpse , Of Course

Of All My Wishes , So Delicious , My Lusts And Desires , Funeral Pyre

My Dark Missus , My Dance With Some Destiny , My Chained Break Free

And In This Dominion , It Is My Opinion , Burning In This Dark Fire

I Shall Take You Higher , Through All  Dire Straits To All We Shall Decree !
Written by Blackwolf (I.M.Blackwolf)
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Lost Girl
Fire of Insight
United States 36awards
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 435

Mama's Night Out

(This poem is about when my daughter was very young and at the time I was screwed up emotionally, partying all night at clubs and doing drugs... It concerns the guilt I felt and how eventually it led me to change.)

my reflection in your Christmas portrait
little thing of peaches and cream sighs
Mama a ghoul, around her eyes
fuming a grave deliberately drenched in blue

dancing on the catafalque
like a resurrected banshee
stink of corpses, Camels, and Cuervo
on her clothes
back at home an erratic heartbeat
thought she’d sizzle come sunrise
pulled out a trembling piece of paper
and wrote you a note
to toss another pinch of flaming eye-of-newt
into this witch’s brew of betrayal

I should have been with you
inhaling your essence
instead of snorting bitter sugar
from plastic spiders’ eggs
that made me talk starry-eyed
of things best left in dreams
Written by toniscales (Lost Girl)
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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
Mexico 6awards
Joined 30th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 40

Memoirs of a suicidal teen

We are waiting for the night to fall
awake are the sleepers in Metropolis  
Hollow streets we walk  
razor wire  
of hopeless things we talk  
The passion of lovers is for death  
And the tears we cry will rain on walls  
Flickering flames in the dark  
holding on to the spark  
In this rosegarden funeral of sores  
we seek an escape from this labyrinth place  
there is no time to cry  
holding hands  
as blood runs dry  
All we ever wanted was everything  
what we got was cracked pleasure  
driven together  
and ripped apart  
for ever....and ever  
and ever...........
Written by Angelast1
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Tyrant of Words
United States 156awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1883

Beneath the Surface

Beneath the surface, I am an infernal nihilist,
Sinking slowly to the bottom below the ground,
I find myself there floating drowned in silence,
Under the weight of the loud music all around.

With every breath I take I feel the internal conflict,
My eyes have seen too much, I won’t look again,
The pain is like blades going through my veins,
Spelling out your name in the way that I intend.

With every beat there’s an external resistance,
The rhythm goes reticent when it hits my ear,
All my fears turn to reality right in front of me,
As with each sway I fade away and disappear.

Beneath the façade lies an eternal broken heart,
The brief infinity swallows up all space and time,
And yet the music goes muted and unnoticed,
But I still dance to the measure inside my mind.

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 28th May 2018
Forum Posts: 29

Confessional @ 1am

I'd have you in for tea, but you've seen just how I live
So I ask you, “Night, tell me, is that really all you've got to give?”
Spastic inclinations formed by drastic elations
You’ve got me talking in quotations as I lay in exudation
I can’t pinpoint just when it was that I lost power
But this once bittersweet has all but turned to sour
I swallowed up my dignity and glanced upon your shadow
Then I woke up in France inside a rundown chateau
As she twisted her head to the side with a quirk
"How have you been?" she said with a smirk
I can see right through your eyes as if they’re made of glass
That award winning grin, she angles with class
I've left it, as they say, inside the hands of fate
So the next time I choose teams I'll be sure you participate
This difficult climb, not for the faint of heart
Let me stop you right there before you even start
I've run away again, till I’m lost out of sight
Holding on for one more day, and maybe one more night…
So here is my confessional, I’m well aware it’s 1 A.M.
But my eyes just will not close and my thoughts refuse to mend…
Written by Chimaera76
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Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 28th May 2018
Forum Posts: 29

The Queen of Hearts

Here comes that feeling once again, the one I thought was real
With patterns of symbolic senses, I still can touch but cannot feel
Every aching phone call made, a pleasure point that starts to fade
The Queen of hearts, the King of spades, a virgin girl, never laid
A relationship that smells of hate
Exploring girls, I'd never date
What was once so unbelievably kind
A perfect angel she is not, but she's the closest thing you'll find...

Years slip away and I get older, but never wise beyond my years
I woke up and my eyes were swollen shut, from all those late night tears
Displaying symptoms that would make you cringe
Hold tight to that blankets worn out fringe
Yesterday's and yesteryears
An angry youthful, women's fears
Nightmares that became too real
Made me miss the way you feel
Blood red Summer's turn to cold
Understanding I'm too fucking old
So here's my encore, my finale, my last song
I've been pushed aside it seems for too damn fucking long
Like a spirit in the night, she came to me inside a dream
I walked on top of life's perpetual highest beam
But I've out smarted you my love, because your ignorance is bliss
I guess you wanted one last face to face, perhaps just one last kiss...

Starry, starry nights, you paint with brushes of guilt
The earth is standing still but now my head's a constant tilt
Hold the wheel while I'm driving, make sure to hold it steady
You see right through me angel, as if I'm dead already
You can't take back the things you've seen, nothing good at all
Yeah you taught me how to stand, when I tried so hard to crawl
You couldn't wait till I was gone, can't you wait till the bed is cold?
As I hold my head up high, and do just what I'm fucking told?
I detest this time of year, like a goddamn sickness
Hoping that this season, will just pass with the quickness
There's nothing left for me to do, to hold, to feel, to say
Waking with the thought of ending all of this today
I force a wakened smile, and pick myself up just to go outside
With a broken soul, and a wounded, soulless pride
The phone just will not ring, and if it does I'm just not here
I don't know how to make it anymore abundantly clear
Stranded in my head, I somehow make my way down the stairs
I'll face the world, once again, avoiding all the stares...
Written by Chimaera76
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Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 1st Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 141

Rhymes For The Hindsight Before My Time

Honey bee
honey bee
homely bundle
bounce with me
sunny meltdowns gum our humming
sticky hickeys on the wings
We weren't worth drafting
light is passing
clung to our backs
they send us packing...
such a sickly mock of spring  
Soviet shots; what counts as roulette?
Wetting warm pumpkin laminate
plaster on the kitchenette  
Leave the windows open babe
be sure your neighbors won't forget
Would-be panties lace
the floorboards;
forsaken layers - foregone routine coquette  
I'll picket for your fresh explicits...
March with me
march in me
your little bitchin suffragette
It fades on Wednesday
Friday's blue
A screaming dream
a Chernobyl tune
My mind's made yellow  
exposed and used
a full frontal jumbled console
a pixelated arcade tube
I'll eat you baby
my french fry - sea salt - browned and tasty
a yawn-jawed fondue carry through
Sunsets fret upon your eyelids
a nightfall in those sweet taboos
Written by AtoMikbomb
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Inspired by 'Last Day Of Summer' by The Cure

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 28th May 2018
Forum Posts: 29

Confessional @ 1am

I'd have you in for tea, but you've seen just how I live
So I ask you, “Night, tell me, is that really all you've got to give?”
Spastic inclinations formed by drastic elations
You’ve got me talking in quotations as I lay in exudation
I can’t pinpoint just when it was that I lost power
But this once bittersweet has all but turned to sour
I swallowed up my dignity and glanced upon your shadow
Then I woke up in France inside a rundown chateau
As she twisted her head to the side with a quirk
"How have you been?" she said with a smirk
I can see right through your eyes as if they’re made of glass
That award winning grin, she angles with class
I've left it, as they say, inside the hands of fate
So the next time I choose teams I'll be sure you participate
This difficult climb, not for the faint of heart
Let me stop you right there before you even start
I've run away again, till I’m lost out of sight
Holding on for one more day, and maybe one more night…
So here is my confessional, I’m well aware it’s 1 A.M.
But my eyes just will not close and my thoughts refuse to mend…
Written by Chimaera76
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Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 28th May 2018
Forum Posts: 29

The Queen of Hearts

Here comes that feeling once again, the one I thought was real
With patterns of symbolic senses, I still can touch but cannot feel
Every aching phone call made, a pleasure point that starts to fade
The Queen of hearts, the King of spades, a virgin girl, never laid
A relationship that smells of hate
Exploring girls, I'd never date
What was once so unbelievably kind
A perfect angel she is not, but she's the closest thing you'll find...

Years slip away and I get older, but never wise beyond my years
I woke up and my eyes were swollen shut, from all those late night tears
Displaying symptoms that would make you cringe
Hold tight to that blankets worn out fringe
Yesterday's and yesteryears
An angry youthful, women's fears
Nightmares that became too real
Made me miss the way you feel
Blood red Summer's turn to cold
Understanding I'm too fucking old
So here's my encore, my finale, my last song
I've been pushed aside it seems for too damn fucking long
Like a spirit in the night, she came to me inside a dream
I walked on top of life's perpetual highest beam
But I've out smarted you my love, because your ignorance is bliss
I guess you wanted one last face to face, perhaps just one last kiss...

Starry, starry nights, you paint with brushes of guilt
The earth is standing still but now my head's a constant tilt
Hold the wheel while I'm driving, make sure to hold it steady
You see right through me angel, as if I'm dead already
You can't take back the things you've seen, nothing good at all
Yeah you taught me how to stand, when I tried so hard to crawl
You couldn't wait till I was gone, can't you wait till the bed is cold?
As I hold my head up high, and do just what I'm fucking told?
I detest this time of year, like a goddamn sickness
Hoping that this season, will just pass with the quickness
There's nothing left for me to do, to hold, to feel, to say
Waking with the thought of ending all of this today
I force a wakened smile, and pick myself up just to go outside
With a broken soul, and a wounded, soulless pride
The phone just will not ring, and if it does I'm just not here
I don't know how to make it anymore abundantly clear
Stranded in my head, I somehow make my way down the stairs
I'll face the world, once again, avoiding all the stares...
Written by Chimaera76
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Blade Artist
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 6awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 84

Thanks for all you folk getting involved. All awesome wordsmithery. But the site forces you to choose. Had to get help with my bro choosing the words and there was much debate between us, trust.

"In this rosegarden funeral of sores"

Amazing verse...

"We’ll make the words irrelevant"

Again amazing syntax....

"You’ve got me talking in quotations as I lay in exudation"

Awesome rhymes, great adjectives....Tears yeah?

Blade Artist
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 6awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 84

"In this rosegarden funeral of sores"

mr lizard says.......beautiful turn of phrase, built a picture in my head

Dangerous Mind
Mexico 6awards
Joined 30th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 40

First of all I want to thank you, but since you cast your vote because you liked the line "rosegarden funeral of sores", which we have to credit to the band " Bauhaus" not to me, I can not accept the trophy. I tried to change the parts that are parts of song lyrics into another font, but it got real messy, so I explained it in the authors note. This you can see on my site. I really wanted to make a point to include and pay homage to my favourite 80s bands and so I chose to include some of their lyrics mixed with my words. I want to thank for inspiration to this poem:
Depeche Mode, Anne Clark, Sisters of Mercy, Bauhaus and Joy Division
Sorry guys,  wish I could have made this more clear. I thought you would catch it.
Here is the song with the lyric you like so much


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