Poetry competition CLOSED 20th March 2018 2:22am

and nightbirdblue
Blade Artist
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 84
Blade Artist
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 84
Poetry Contest Description
Stories about mental health.
Rhyme, any rhyme scheme
Your life or someone you support or care for
Show respect for other poets shares
Support each other with your words
Collaborate or be as concise or longwinded as you desire
Do not dismiss the previous wordsmiths share
Your life or someone you support or care for
Show respect for other poets shares
Support each other with your words
Collaborate or be as concise or longwinded as you desire
Do not dismiss the previous wordsmiths share

Related submission no longer exists.

Related submission no longer exists.
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
1. No Recall
I didn't see or feel or hear it coming.
And then I came to after the
Annihilation of all I thought I knew
Once I tumbled down the rabbit hole.
2. Morning Glories
The whispers of clean linen
Float across narrow beds of
Brutality, and reflections
Of a summer's early morning,
As melodic rapid chatter
Of Tagalog plays through the halls
While pairs of girls in their scrubs
Disappear into recessed rooms,
To the sound of greetings weaving
Between a woman's cries of pain.
3. Under the Snow
Triple digits of the season
Pass week after week outside,
Unnoticed by those doing time;
This asylum with arctic air.
Who are they kidding?
I've been here long enough to know.
I actually died that day,
And this, this is my hell!
Hell is not fire & brimstone.
It's a parallel world from which
No locks exist, yet no escape
To return to where you came from.
Patients, whose eyes you look into,
And no one is there!
It's where all fear goes at night,
Their voices are heard through the walls.
But those with their vacant stares
That I can't penetrate have their truths
Forever frozen in time
In cages where they walk in place.
The cold numbs hands & feet & thoughts,
But I feel alive because of it.
Like a mouse foraging under the
Snow while an owl listens above.
I know the pounce will come
Through the snow at any moment,
Bathing me with morning light
As owl talons sever my breath.
4. Night Terrors by Day
Sooner or later it would come.
A wide-spread power outage hit
Just before dusk with its heat,
Just as dinner was being served.
I had learned to live on scant fare,
Being a diabetic
And having only one kidney:
My weight loss, lost in my blue gowns.
I was restless and felt cold air
As I walked with my cane to the hall,
Aqua socks with tread on my feet,
Toward the nurses' station.
Thick orange extensions snaked
Everywhere, and the "regulars"
Emerged to sit in their wheelchairs
To watch while I sat with ice water.
But all the hustle & bustle
Would agitate some patients,
Making them unpredictable
While staff was racing all about.
There was an old man known for being
Loud, and most disagreeable.
He wanted out of his wheelchair,
To go where he wanted, right?
Nurses would stop to secure him
As he protested and cursed.
The regs who knew him rolled their eyes.
I continued to sip my ice water.
Then I noticed the white-haired lady
I was chatting with was looking up
And said softly, "He's behind you."
I stiffened and hunched my shoulders.
I tilted my head just enough
To see the old man, his gnarly hands
Gripping the backrest of my chair,
Glaring down at me with eyes bulging.
"Get out of my way!" came the frost.
I bent lower against the chill.
"I'm sorry, I'm not in my wheelchair."
(Being stranded in a stiff wooden one)
I felt the spray of his spittle
On the back of my hand holding the cup.
"I don't give a God damn," came the blast,
"Get on the floor and crawl out of the way!"
5. No One Will Know
Every evening, the asylum
Gives up its creatures of the night:
The stalkers who haunt the halls,
Who try all the doors to get in, or out.
And homeless creatures on two legs
Who I would often walk in on,
Using the toilet meant for me,
And watch the TV while I slept.
But no, in that place I could never sleep,
I used to be nocturnal years ago.
But all I could do now was listen
To the jungle cries and siren calls.
I'd stagger out to the empty lobby,
Hearing a man far off in his room
Calling out for someone to please,
"Dear God, TAKE ME HOME!"
The man in the next room in bed A
Hollered out from the open door,
And I screamed, "YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!"
Once I was back in bed, that same voice
As all slept while I laid awake, plotting, said
"Hey, give me some more Demerol.
Don't worry... no one will know."
For those who knew that I was gone (which was due to a terrible accident), here's some of what my time away was like - just a taste of it.
Image: An original drawing: one of my oldest "mouseworks", by me.
Written by Jade-Pandora
(jade tiger)
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Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 909
A beautiful distraction
Hard-headed as soft-hearted
Be sodded but bewitched
Hypnagogic in sheer panic
Cure and killer on a switch...
By Lucifer the light bearer
Satan falls into the dark
The devil mind swings bipolar
Split heart may sway apart...
Their sigil of ancient delusion
Casting to the hearts of men
By symbolic ring of truth
Lie from the pit they send...
They're too large to have query
And too nuanced to quantize
Cry me a river of your sorrows
Says the dry heart hypnotized...
Now our germ of immortality
Spread across illusion's time
The principalities under powers
They write deceit upon the line...
So things must always break
As entropy will reign supreme
A king of shadows blocks the light
Our world is not as it may seem...
Written by runaway-mindtrain
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Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2278
is it my fault
i look like this
no baby
it's not your fault
is it your fault then
partly baby partly
why mommy
we walked a road
we didn't know
where common sence
had no meaning
where we stand at the graves
of the ones that we gave
but a short life of grieving
when we allowed
to twist
the living
is it my fault
i look like this
no baby
it's not your fault
is it your fault then
partly baby partly
why mommy
we walked a road
we didn't know
where common sence
had no meaning
where we stand at the graves
of the ones that we gave
but a short life of grieving
when we allowed
to twist
the living
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2278
yes baby
I don't feel good
and i keep getting
bad thoughts in my head
I don't want them pills
please mummy
I hurt
im sorry baby
but that nice man
the physiatrist
you have another mental problem
so you have to take
these other pills
what that man who smiles
like a shark mummy
what shark baby
you know the one
that one on the dvd
who wants to eat the jelly fish
no he doesn't baby
he is a nice man
he knows everything
about childrens problems
so you have to take
these other pills
but mummy
before you made me
take pills
I never hurt like this
its for your own good
because you keep daydreaming
and you don't sit still in class
but mummy
I get bored
that's why
you have to take the pills baby
but mummy
my friends mum says
its normal
for children to daydream
to not sit still
to be bored sometimes
to shout or cry for no reason
my friends mum says
its all part
of growing up
did grandma make you
take pills
when you were bored
no baby
so why
do you make me
yes baby
I don't feel good
and i keep getting
bad thoughts in my head
I don't want them pills
please mummy
I hurt
im sorry baby
but that nice man
the physiatrist
you have another mental problem
so you have to take
these other pills
what that man who smiles
like a shark mummy
what shark baby
you know the one
that one on the dvd
who wants to eat the jelly fish
no he doesn't baby
he is a nice man
he knows everything
about childrens problems
so you have to take
these other pills
but mummy
before you made me
take pills
I never hurt like this
its for your own good
because you keep daydreaming
and you don't sit still in class
but mummy
I get bored
that's why
you have to take the pills baby
but mummy
my friends mum says
its normal
for children to daydream
to not sit still
to be bored sometimes
to shout or cry for no reason
my friends mum says
its all part
of growing up
did grandma make you
take pills
when you were bored
no baby
so why
do you make me
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1873
Outside is not for Outsiders
Dedicated to those who suffer from agoraphobia
Outside is no place for an outsider
Best stay inside where they leave you alone
Outside love and friendliness is not condoned
Especially for those who are not of this zone
Out there they just stare at one who is not their own
Beware of the outside when you’re an outsider
What might happen to you out-there is unknown
Inside is far safer than outside for an outsider
Outsider, you’ll never hear, “Hi, Hello, or Shalom”
‘Lonely,’ is the name of this city they call their home
So outsider, best heed my sincere reminder
Don’t go outside when you an outsider
Stay inside, be content with being on your own
Outside is no place for an outsider
Best stay inside where they leave you alone
Outside love and friendliness is not condoned
Especially for those who are not of this zone
Out there they just stare at one who is not their own
Beware of the outside when you’re an outsider
What might happen to you out-there is unknown
Inside is far safer than outside for an outsider
Outsider, you’ll never hear, “Hi, Hello, or Shalom”
‘Lonely,’ is the name of this city they call their home
So outsider, best heed my sincere reminder
Don’t go outside when you an outsider
Stay inside, be content with being on your own
Written by snugglebuck
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Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 765
Fixing and Fighting Mental Health
The demons and shadows pretend to be your friends,
But they only talk down to you like you are a child.
You are not good enough and why are you still here?
You are no one. Why are you trying to make amends?
You have been portrayed as an outcast and exiled.
All you want is to be understood and in the top tier,
But nobody gets that when you drag your feet around.
Nobody gets that you are really lonely and that you do
Not want to exist anymore because they never ask
You. The truth is that you have already drowned
Too many times, but people never pay attention to
That anymore because you walk around with a mask
On. A smile that says I am okay, but you are really
Screaming in your head that no, I am not okay and
I need help. Stop believing that you are helpless.
Your thoughts are running wild like an untamed filly.
You try to calm and silence them, but every strand
Keeps slipping through your hands. You are anxious
And high strung, but if you speak out people would
Think that you are crazy or weird, but know that
You are never truly alone with the closed door.
People have to realize we all come with the good
And bad parts. Life sometimes gives us a flat
Tire and expect us to fix it when there are more
People out there who need our help. We cannot
Ignore the silence or people who think too much
In their heads. We cannot simply avoid the masses
Who feel alone and completely isolated. They fought,
But all they need is just a gentle reminder or touch.
Someone to help them take off their eyeglasses
And trust that we are all fighting this together
While holding on strong through the weather.
But they only talk down to you like you are a child.
You are not good enough and why are you still here?
You are no one. Why are you trying to make amends?
You have been portrayed as an outcast and exiled.
All you want is to be understood and in the top tier,
But nobody gets that when you drag your feet around.
Nobody gets that you are really lonely and that you do
Not want to exist anymore because they never ask
You. The truth is that you have already drowned
Too many times, but people never pay attention to
That anymore because you walk around with a mask
On. A smile that says I am okay, but you are really
Screaming in your head that no, I am not okay and
I need help. Stop believing that you are helpless.
Your thoughts are running wild like an untamed filly.
You try to calm and silence them, but every strand
Keeps slipping through your hands. You are anxious
And high strung, but if you speak out people would
Think that you are crazy or weird, but know that
You are never truly alone with the closed door.
People have to realize we all come with the good
And bad parts. Life sometimes gives us a flat
Tire and expect us to fix it when there are more
People out there who need our help. We cannot
Ignore the silence or people who think too much
In their heads. We cannot simply avoid the masses
Who feel alone and completely isolated. They fought,
But all they need is just a gentle reminder or touch.
Someone to help them take off their eyeglasses
And trust that we are all fighting this together
While holding on strong through the weather.
Written by eswaller
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Blade Artist
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 84
Blade Artist
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 84
Much love for everyone who has shared. Honest wordsmiths brave enough to expose themselves. A difficult topic to be sure.
geoff cat
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028
geoff cat
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1028
(a sonnet)
A plague of fetid blood so I’ve become
Who vomits only bile and drywall dust
In horrid little squares whose added sum
Is so much sewer pipe and iron rust
A blood that has no purpose left to serve
But poison heart that nothing should remain
A black oil crust that’s shredding every nerve
Like shards of ground glass coursing through my brain
I wish that I could open veins and smear
Cute rounded flowers everywhere I see
But even then would square on square appear
My blood coagulates in squares of scree
To vomit bloody squares is all I can
Which takes me back to where my shit began.
A plague of fetid blood so I’ve become
Who vomits only bile and drywall dust
In horrid little squares whose added sum
Is so much sewer pipe and iron rust
A blood that has no purpose left to serve
But poison heart that nothing should remain
A black oil crust that’s shredding every nerve
Like shards of ground glass coursing through my brain
I wish that I could open veins and smear
Cute rounded flowers everywhere I see
But even then would square on square appear
My blood coagulates in squares of scree
To vomit bloody squares is all I can
Which takes me back to where my shit began.
Written by Hepcat61
(geoff cat)
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Joined 1st Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 141
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 141
Biopsychology - Depression's Doxology
Nebulous neurons shiver
lucent little snakes
synapses weary of transporting life
aching of staying awake
Flares fire
aggressive & finite
from firefly transmitters
only moaning to die
So stranded - effaced & snapping
aimless little astrocytes
wailing for sunrise
or just one...
euthanized night
lucent little snakes
synapses weary of transporting life
aching of staying awake
Flares fire
aggressive & finite
from firefly transmitters
only moaning to die
So stranded - effaced & snapping
aimless little astrocytes
wailing for sunrise
or just one...
euthanized night
Written by AtoMikbomb
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Big Pharma
Labels here cast
as defined from
their textbook:
Diagnosis #1-
major depressive
this horror
she must overcome
Here let me just
inspect your scars too:
Diagnosis #2-
self mutilator;
it’s her sacred
tapestry curator
the lines are drawn
And so we see
further cataloging:
Diagnosis #3-
bloodshot delirium
portrays what she
remains voiceless
to speak
But are you ready
for more?
Diagnosis #4-
behavior of blade
only indicator
anxiety laced
Then at the weigh-in
they notice too:
Diagnosis #5-
so thin
counting calories galore
gaunt & gorged
Escalating me to
hospital status:
Hypothesis #6-
tricks intertwined
of the mind
further abound:
Hypothesis #7-
of conflict
layered frowns
Conclusions now drawn
on their quiet pawn.
Close the curtains
on their subject
to prepare
for the next round.
Many labcoats casually
inspected and processed me,
so quick to write a script
of SSRI’s and Benzos alike.
Oh how I did wish;
put-me-to-sleep RX!
So that I may dream
most vividly tonight.
Except still, I would lie awake
nightmares screaming wild in my face...
There was no missed reality;
the only Truth is that I am Me
Poetic expression, my only reprieve.
Written by nightbirdblue
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