Poetry competition CLOSED 25th December 2017 4:04pm
Foxface (Aewyrn)
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RUNNER-UP: snugglebuck

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Drug Abuse

Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

Drug use is Bad
By rabbitquest

Firstly, Drug use causes hang overs.
Hang overs are when you are ache and pain.

Secondly Drug use is bad because it is bad for the economy.
When workers miss work because they took to much drug.

Finally, Drugs are bad because they cost a lot of money.
A mother on drugs has to re- use a babys dipers.

In conclusion, you should not take drugs, because they
give you hangovers, miss work and spend diper money.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2275


is it not
when one slowly
just to be

So that your commonsense
can become
with your
bitter stunted feelings
with your
hammering on your door
it can no longer
be ignored
that deep down
deep down within
you know
all those thoughts
you tried to kill

Still live

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2275

Self help

When you desperately
cry out silently
in your
emotional pain
when you cry out
while holding on
by the skin of your teeth
at the end of your
own personal
crying out
is there anybody
out there
can anybody
help me
but all you hear
is an echo
of your feelings
crashing against
these jagged rocks
of your despair
it will be then
that you will understand
if you cannot
even TRY
to begin
to help your self
no one else

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2275

Training addicts

yes baby
I don't feel good
and i keep getting
bad thoughts in my head
I don't want them pills
please mummy
I hurt
im sorry baby
but that nice man
the physiatrist
you have another mental problem
so you have to take
these other pills
what that man who smiles
like a shark mummy
what shark baby
you know the one
that one on the dvd
who wants to eat the jelly fish
no he doesn't  baby
he is a nice man
he knows everything
about childrens problems
so you have to take
these other pills
but mummy
before you made me
take pills
I never hurt like this
its for your own good
because you keep daydreaming
and you don't sit still in class
but mummy
I get bored
that's why
you have to take the pills baby
but mummy
my friends mum says
its normal
for children to daydream
to not sit still
to be bored sometimes
to shout or cry for no reason
my friends mum says
its all part
of growing up
did grandma make you
take pills
when you were bored
no baby
so why
do you make me


Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 7th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 57

The Dream

Missing the life that I wish I knew
Away from the nightmare that's all so true
Sling long enough just to fill that list
Or die trying so the dreams just don't exist
Everyday I pray just to see it through
Just one more bag till it all come true
Peddling poison and stacking the green
Ruining lives and all their dreams
The truth be told I will never exceed
All the plans my parents had for me
So don't take me as heartless or void of hope
Got no skills no love no life just dope
So if you're chasing the fix while i'm taken your green
Than I'm your pusher you're my addict
You're just funding the dream...
Written by LBV
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Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 1st Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 141


Vitreous starlight  
rollin' holy  
through the hay  
snappin' Wednesday's lid  
2 compartments til' payday  
Pop a pearl of patience  
a whitewash    
pressure washed  
silver snowdream  
bunnies & black diamond  
alpine high    
Shanghai bay  
China white ice cream  
Derelict Industry  
woolie white horse  
roxy cheats  
pocked pocket cheeks  
push by proxy  
bleachy sleeve
wait-line window  
shopping spree  
RX annex  
multiplex me  
mailman deadpan  
spares the streets  
Written by AtoMikbomb
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Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 11th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 10

Riding me.

Not again riding with you, beast,
nostrils  blowing putrid heat, your stinking breathe telling your stride, crushing stirrups guide my stumbling stance as I ride my future straight along these lines, oh fuck..

Oh yes..
Take the reins once more my weary fool, ride along with me until til just my canter sickens you, wait for the rush of the steed who rides like the God I am, worship me, taste me, again filling you to the marrow, then say that word again. No... I think not.
Written by xXPaRADoXx
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Bradley J
Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 6th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 372

Dead Machine inst. by CrypMind

gazellemon (Bradley J)
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going through the motions  
yet i move so slowly  
subtle it may be  
as i reach for the holy  
even God doesn't know me  
I got lost    
i got low  
in the frost  
in the snow  
I pay the cost  
so let me go  
i want something different  
but the past has left imprints  
isn't it crazy?  
one day awake  
the next a fake  
to scared to take    
a leap of faith  
to kneel and pray  
i feel i sealed my fate  
i wanna start over  
but i just get older  
pinned behind a boulder  
can't keep myself sober  
as death moves closer  
I welcome the closure  
as death moves closer  
I welcome the closure  

poet Anonymous

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1871

Chasing the First

There is nothing like that first time,
It’s like touching the clouds,
Soaring above the crowds,
Then crashing back down to earth.

Nothing compares to that first time,
Because the second, nor the third,
Or any times after that won’t match the first,
So we’re left chasing that initial feeling.

There is nothing like it,
Arms stretched out and diving into the abyss,
The bliss from the first leaves us with a thirst
Because it doesn’t feel the same anymore.

There is nothing like
 Escaping all the problems in the world,
Even though you’re told it’s wrong,
Nothing else matters.

There is nothing like the last time,
Because after seeing the emptiness inside
You truly realize,
There is nothing.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 51

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 51

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 51

The Meth Diaries

I believe Meth is a conduit
a connection to alien beings
it allows you to reach space
touch the ether
communicate mind to mind
I think that's why it's illegal
the government doesn't want super humans
this could be argued as delusional
I could really care less
I relish the powers I possess while high
a mind change
snort a line & I am super woman
deities talk to me
they whisper secrets of the universe
my imagination opens up
the mudane muddied windows of thought
become pristine portals I can view through
I say I want to quit using
but really I just don't want to get caught
don't want to let people down
I believe if they could just understand
what it's like to be me they would accept it
today is day two without using
& i'm going to drink some whiskey
which to a meth user  
is like Narcane to a heroin addict
i'm coming down  
& the whiskey will add to that feeling
if this seems all over the place it is
my emotions have been all over today
up & down an emotional rollercoaster
I want it but told my friend I was quitting
he is holding me to it
so I can't get any
I know I can chase it down
i'm trying to avoid that
I hate feeling desperate it reeks
i've yet to become a Meth whore
& don't plan on ever being one
we'll see what happens
i'm at the point of rationalizing my drug use
a little depressed
it's a mind game
a mind fuck
Written by smackdownraven
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