Poetry competition CLOSED 15th December 2017 4:16pm
RUNNER-UP: eswaller

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Love In Disguise

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 2awards
Joined 18th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 231

Poetry Contest

A girl you've been in a relationship  with for 6 months told you after the 6th month that she wasn't intersted in you and does not love you. What will your reaction be?    Put it down in a poem not more than 25 lines,depicting the hurt she has caused y

Fire of Insight
United States 9awards
Joined 1st Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 87

Wasted In Falsehood

Six months you wove your deceit around my heart,

Strumming the strings of thoughtfulness throwing roses at my heart,

piercing my hope with your thorned lies.


you strategically chose to feed my wants.

I was a fool too your beauty,
lost in the green abyss of your irises, exploring a future you never planned to give me.

So short the time,
so long the damage holds it's hand over my mouth suffocating me in your laughter at my unraveled impressions.

And I sit here still giving you the satisfaction of knowing my hand still reaches for your hand across this life;
a table all its own.

Your lies imprison me in this hurt, knowing I meant every word I ever uttered in response,
knowing you led me on.

Our truth was wasted....heart given to falsehood.

I gave in ignorance to your knowledge what you never intended too.

Tyrant of Words
United States 156awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1883

One Eighty

She did a one eighty in one eighty,
She toyed and played with his heart,
She had confused love with lust,
She was wrong and still played the part.
But the real question is her motive,
How long did she know the truth?
Was it a prank or some silly game?
That’s just plain crude and uncouth.
The pain she caused is deep and broad,
Bottomless in to the depths of the soul,
Because when those words are told,
There’s hardly anything that can console.
But karma tends to put things in order,
With people who use love as a disguise,
Because when the real emotion hits,
Then destiny’s vengeance will rise.

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 2awards
Joined 18th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 231

Thanks for contributions,Eroctic and wallyroo92. More entries are appreciated.

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


Among the spring morels
Sprouts a deadly poison mushroom
So beware little brother
One kiss mistaken
Of an imposter's love
Will contaminate your heart
For all others forever 
Written by snugglebuck
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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

6 Months of Pained Love

6 months of waiting around and hoping that
You would love me the way I loved you, but
I thought wrong. You squished me fully flat
Like a bug. You always knew in your gut
That you did not love me, but you loved
The idea of our relationship and the idea of
Us together in your head. Darling, your gloved
Hands were protected as you ripped the love
Right from my heart and stomped all over it.
Mine were not so clean anymore as I tried
To stop the bleeding. Two puzzle pieces that fit
Together do not anymore. Your tears dried
Up right away as it took a while longer for mine
To do the same. Maybe you never cared at all.
You unwrapped the cords and every vine
That held us together. My solid and brick wall
Went right back up after you destroyed it brick
By brick. It is you that got your fresh start
Somewhere else. I am going back to being thick
Minded and protective of my heart.
Written by eswaller
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Gregory Rain
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 28th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 50

Is it the Rain (written by... well... me... duh)

Feel the heavy air, dose of atmosphere....
Winds argue through trees, like words used to....
Searching for the light, that almost disappear....
I see the eyes of heaven, and salty water fall through....

And so i wonder.... please tell me my Darling....
Is it the Rain.... what is coming?

note: one of my first works, yey! ^^ also, inspired by same situation you seem to be in.... feel with you man :/

Tyrant of Words
Australia 28awards
Joined 20th May 2014
Forum Posts: 2082

A Closed Door

At a slow pace
she moves away
her body heavy with
unreasonable hope

with a slight turn
of her head
sad eyes
unveil the truth

An indecipherable
heard only by her
bullish heart

just a slither of an opening
a sign…
to stay, to linger

Instead there is nothing
nothing but
silence and
a closed door

© Kate Adams 21/9/17

poet Anonymous

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William Colten Sorrells
Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 23rd Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 133

Nah, fuck that

My dear,
should I compare thee
to a Summer's Eve?

Nah, fuck that,

the essence is cleaner,
and far more temperate

...ya nasty slut,
go make me a sandwich
Written by 0bs3ss3dp0ss3ss3d (William Colten Sorrells)
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Strange Creature
United States
Joined 5th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 2

A Breeze Amidst the Storm

“Why?” One might ask, upon hearing the words, so remonstrative yet unerring, of another whose very existence had seemed their sole reason for their patience and persistence.

It seemed a pleasant breeze, light and untethered, like the carrying of a fledgling finch’s feather on the wind in a sky of clear weather.

Yet, like the wind, this time was fleeting, marching forth to the unyielding beating of drums whose sounds signal impending war.

This War, with casualties: one, brought about the burning flames which shatter even the strongest bonds.

And rain and wind cannot quench or douse these flames, for their burning unleashes that which leaves love naught but to strain, and eventually wain.
But at least, with this conflict short, the shards of love lost can be returned and re-forged to a form which can better withstand the flames of War, and life’s long, unyielding storm.
Written by jmoon1020
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poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United States 14awards
Joined 21st July 2012
Forum Posts: 240

That Thing

Love poured it
smelled it designer throw
blow it my low price.
Kisses handed
no job real life no
tears only smiles
in scene smoke of weed
for the Bonnie and Clyde.
No more and it hurts to
see it all drown. Power
in the couple yet nothing
stays the same. How odd.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17621

They will say

you lied to get what
you wanted at the time;

but, I know better

The space between moments
are seconds; nothing lasts forever
except gutted promises;

who knows what great Love
will surface from mist
and which choke in mire

Because you cannot say
"I am in love with you still"
doesn't mean you weren't

Our days were winter, skeletal
leaves moving in scarce light

Shall I dishonor our growth
carve Fuck You! from ash
strangle your breath
with disemboweled need

They will say

you lied to get what
you wanted at the time

But, I thank you instead;

and Love enough to let
you go, despite my pain

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 2awards
Joined 18th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 231

With all due of respect to all poets who took their time posting their poetry in the honour of this competition,i say a big THANK YOU.

A poet knows and can tell better of his/her work than any critique or learned folk.
But with the little knowledge of mine and base on the requirement of the competition.

Troublesome_98 kicks the ball into the net. In her poetry,she took her time to carry along the audience. Throwing question at the jilter,making us realise the fault and feel the pain she has been caused. Being in love is pleasant but loving the unloveable is like a bile in the cooked meat'... And that's exactly whatTroublesome_98 help us realise.

Eswaller and other poets shows their maturity in the use of their word. A big thank you to all.

And CONGRATULATIONS to troublesome_98.

Watch out for more.


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