Joined 13th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 194
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 194
Poetry Contest Description
Write a descriptive poem of what was it like to live-and-breakout of your circle
We are all entangled in different circles of life, living in cycle-patterns hard to break free from. Whether we live through an addiction, domestic violence, controlling relationships, etc., we all, for whatever reason, fall trapped in these circles.
Write a descriptive poem of what was it like to live and breakout of your circle.
Sample Poem:
Leaving The Circle
Round and round in the potter's wheel
I spin and spin and dizzy I feel
The family wanting me to fit their mold
Since very young, the days of old.
No regards that I am my own being
Just fit the mold and stop believing
That being your own person is suffice
To get by in the world where we reside.
For a great many years, they tried and tried
To get me to follow and abide.
A mold of me living in their tightly-squeezed box
While the real me buried under piles of rocks.
Training was no training at all
Dictatorship describes it best of all.
Like little robots programmed to do and undo
Based on commands and their tight-fitted rules.
Living the suppression
Only caused us great depression.
But they thought they were doing us a favor
We'd one day grow up to savor
The sweet fruit of their doing
Not knowing it was leading up to our undoing.
Minds so closed and hearts so broken
Behold their hard-work token!
Living in a bubble for those many years
Only reaped for me bitter tears.
Like a butterfly
Ready to fly am I
But I was forced to remain sheltered in my cocoon.
Enclosed in a hard shell like a crab ragoon.
Leaving the circle came with a price
But to win my freedom, I didn't think twice.
They never understood I was ready to fly
So I bid them all a sudden goodbye.
And moved right along to my next life's stage
Which has them all in bitter rage.
They don't understand, those still in the circle,
There is a time to grasp a healing miracle
And when a golden opportunity comes around
You must ignore the scorns of everyone around
And take that leap with positive strength and good faith
Lest you die spinning in the endless circle....that's the fate...☠️
Ready? Set....Write....✍️
Write a descriptive poem of what was it like to live and breakout of your circle.
Sample Poem:
Leaving The Circle
Round and round in the potter's wheel
I spin and spin and dizzy I feel
The family wanting me to fit their mold
Since very young, the days of old.
No regards that I am my own being
Just fit the mold and stop believing
That being your own person is suffice
To get by in the world where we reside.
For a great many years, they tried and tried
To get me to follow and abide.
A mold of me living in their tightly-squeezed box
While the real me buried under piles of rocks.
Training was no training at all
Dictatorship describes it best of all.
Like little robots programmed to do and undo
Based on commands and their tight-fitted rules.
Living the suppression
Only caused us great depression.
But they thought they were doing us a favor
We'd one day grow up to savor
The sweet fruit of their doing
Not knowing it was leading up to our undoing.
Minds so closed and hearts so broken
Behold their hard-work token!
Living in a bubble for those many years
Only reaped for me bitter tears.
Like a butterfly
Ready to fly am I
But I was forced to remain sheltered in my cocoon.
Enclosed in a hard shell like a crab ragoon.
Leaving the circle came with a price
But to win my freedom, I didn't think twice.
They never understood I was ready to fly
So I bid them all a sudden goodbye.
And moved right along to my next life's stage
Which has them all in bitter rage.
They don't understand, those still in the circle,
There is a time to grasp a healing miracle
And when a golden opportunity comes around
You must ignore the scorns of everyone around
And take that leap with positive strength and good faith
Lest you die spinning in the endless circle....that's the fate...☠️
Ready? Set....Write....✍️
Joined 1st Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 87
Fire of Insight

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Road To My Soul
Often left my heart and soul ,laced with my emotions tucked in tightly, snug in my bed while my body crawled across the frigid air to bed the night's musings.
Love was a nightmare I cursed and eluded walking empty corridors of broken bottles, shackled walls in walking coma, unlistening but eyes wide open.
Shades were pulled to hold me to my earnings, was a time when I was an ugly, uncaring, brutal person, moving mountains, as I stayed cascading the waves of sex and death, a victim of everything, a prisoner of my own making.
Words they spoke to parts of me wounded by my troubles, I returned coldness to openness, but fate had all ready started the slow tedious task of unraveling my mistakes and regrets from a web of mangled lifeless ghosts of memory.
He wasn't running as so many before him had scurried like rats at sight of lights, relentlessly punctured my charade of bitterness, uncovering my mysteries with finger tips strumming similar tune.
Bared me so suddenly, granting me feelings thought dead and gone. In opening me I am caving, falling to entangle myself with my soul.
I beg in the heat of something undefinable, everything words fail to explain properly, for another dose of him feeding my starved heart passion, acceptance.
I was fearful of this, though I often dreamed of connection in layers unfolding, the baring in broken, someone loving me wholey.
Kisses placed precisely to each flaw drawing beauty to their form. Fading black skies release torrential rains of stars to dance around our heads leaving us dizzy to the touch.
All once thought to be to burn is what heals my staggering breath, but my knees are weak my love, and I await your arms to hold me to your chest and carry me to where there is no space, no secrets between us two, only a heart built by fates hands pressing you to me as we belong as one and one alone.
You have always belonged....
You are my soul that I hid closely in broken.
What words I spoke from dry cracked lips that waited the life in you to kiss life to my pieces. Fine lines we walk so tenderly over this world, for we are not of this world, but the extraterrestrial life existing on the outskirts.
You holding me, I holding you so tightly, so close.
Your breath is my reason to inhale, taking in the taste of loves scent in my lungs. We are carved from the same stone, built to be pieced together gently by our own artistic hands.
I bare no reason for how simple it was to trust your unknown glance, say for the freedom I gained in giving you a chance. More then a friend, more then entangled forms allowing our demons tussle in sheets, but everything, anything, all that a heart can conjure up.
To say I love you, to say you love me is the logical thing, but to limit our love to words when we are indefinable is to set limits when limits together are endless.
I can only hope mere words can do us a small amount of justice.
Written by Erotic_Goddess
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Joined 22nd Dec 2015
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Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 765
Repaired Love
The same cycle of broken hearts
And broken love, but maybe it is
Time to break the mold. Truth darts
Out to meet us halfway. The lies fizz
And fade out only to be replaced by
Honesty. I have to stop thinking this
Is all my fault when I stop asking why?
Love does not always go with bliss
Because it takes a lot of work to
Break the cycle we have gotten so
Used to living. You one of the few
People who understands that. We go
Ahead like none of that truly matters.
The past can be broken. We always
Know love is going to make splatters
And messes. Darling, with a gaze
From you, the person I know I will
Always love, I feel that fake love from
Before fading. You keep things chill
And slowed down when the drum
Beat keeps trying to speed up.
You are the reason for a full cup.
And broken love, but maybe it is
Time to break the mold. Truth darts
Out to meet us halfway. The lies fizz
And fade out only to be replaced by
Honesty. I have to stop thinking this
Is all my fault when I stop asking why?
Love does not always go with bliss
Because it takes a lot of work to
Break the cycle we have gotten so
Used to living. You one of the few
People who understands that. We go
Ahead like none of that truly matters.
The past can be broken. We always
Know love is going to make splatters
And messes. Darling, with a gaze
From you, the person I know I will
Always love, I feel that fake love from
Before fading. You keep things chill
And slowed down when the drum
Beat keeps trying to speed up.
You are the reason for a full cup.
Written by eswaller
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Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 625
Act your Age
I am now eighty; my life should perhaps be sedate
And when I say what I want to do, my family berate
'Act your age'
I have taken to do many things on the quiet;
If they knew what I get up to, it would cause a riot,
'Act your age'
They do not know I write poetry that is erotic;
They assume my aged brain has become sclerotic
'Act your age'
When it comes to my sex life, they assume it is gone,
Little do they really know how I carry on.
'Act your age'
I know that they really care about my well being,
They tell me how I ought to live, they think I'm agreeing,
'Act your age'
As long as I maintain my health and remain active;
I will continue to do things that I find attractive,
'Act your age'
If I become unwell crippled and infirm
Perhaps I will be forced to accept the term
'Act your age'
I am now eighty; my life should perhaps be sedate
And when I say what I want to do, my family berate
'Act your age'
I have taken to do many things on the quiet;
If they knew what I get up to, it would cause a riot,
'Act your age'
They do not know I write poetry that is erotic;
They assume my aged brain has become sclerotic
'Act your age'
When it comes to my sex life, they assume it is gone,
Little do they really know how I carry on.
'Act your age'
I know that they really care about my well being,
They tell me how I ought to live, they think I'm agreeing,
'Act your age'
As long as I maintain my health and remain active;
I will continue to do things that I find attractive,
'Act your age'
If I become unwell crippled and infirm
Perhaps I will be forced to accept the term
'Act your age'

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Forum Posts: 2880
Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880
i was a pessimist blamer
I grew up alone, parents abandoned me
was always the song, in my playlist
I spoke a language, in a different society
been mocked, and forgot my mother tongue eventually
so much hatred, bottled up inside me
so many to blame for the anger thrived in me
I blamed my parents, blamed my teachers
blamed my church and blamed some preachers
while I was busy being a pessimist blamer
my life was heading towards a hot glowing flamer
five days just sit and staring at a screen
two days to wash and burn all of the green
the cycle rolled on for a long fifteen years
you wake up one day you have to face your fears
and you make amends, and ask for forgiveness
then you forgive yourself as your father does no less
you see the light again as the rain clouds pass by
brighten your path to walk even under the night sky
there is a white cloud over your head always
to save you from all the troubles in your way
I grew up alone, parents abandoned me
was always the song, in my playlist
I spoke a language, in a different society
been mocked, and forgot my mother tongue eventually
so much hatred, bottled up inside me
so many to blame for the anger thrived in me
I blamed my parents, blamed my teachers
blamed my church and blamed some preachers
while I was busy being a pessimist blamer
my life was heading towards a hot glowing flamer
five days just sit and staring at a screen
two days to wash and burn all of the green
the cycle rolled on for a long fifteen years
you wake up one day you have to face your fears
and you make amends, and ask for forgiveness
then you forgive yourself as your father does no less
you see the light again as the rain clouds pass by
brighten your path to walk even under the night sky
there is a white cloud over your head always
to save you from all the troubles in your way

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jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
It was inflicted and endured
In the most chilling of ways
In exchange for anonymity.
Feeling apprehensive,
Disorienting me,
Arms already lost to me.
Out of my depths, I had
Inhaled the moment when
The wave washes over me.
At the mercy in this pregnant
Darkness, determined to resist
And unable to.
Clawing at the arching sky,
A prisoner of my gag reflex.
A vertical expression of
A horizontal desire,
I wanted to go to the heart
Of suffering, to navigate
Deep within its undergrowth.
The search for clarity takes courage.
Gently sloping, a bay of
Exquisite symmetry;
those perfect curves.
Dancing among the whitecaps
I had the sensation I was
Swimming through moonlight.
I didn't just lose my modesty,
I lost my heart.
The low moon rode across
A cloud casting a net with
A slow-motion gesture.
So elegant, stretching like a goddess
The color of pale porcelain,
It was love at first sight.
Where nothing seemed to exist,
I was overcome by feelings of
Arrival when I surfaced.
More than an escape,
It was a way of going home.
Written by Jade-Pandora
(jade tiger)
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Joined 13th Dec 2016
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Thought Provoker

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Thank you all for your participation and submitting your entries! I truly enjoyed reading through the submissions and found each entry valuable and insightful. Selecting ONE winner to be awarded was a bit challenging, as every entry had its unique touch and were very enjoyable and interesting reads!
Though TRULY tempted, I didn't want to leave this competition up for a PUBLIC VOTE because sometimes it takes TOO LONG to award a winner...(as not everyone votes) and I can understand how the anticipation, while waiting, can build when a CLOSED competition takes a while to name a final winner.
Therefore, after reading through a couple times....logging out of DUP...logging back to DUP and reading through all entries again a few times with "fresh eyes," I conclusively narrowed down the 3 winners of this competition.
Thanks to all...:)
Though TRULY tempted, I didn't want to leave this competition up for a PUBLIC VOTE because sometimes it takes TOO LONG to award a winner...(as not everyone votes) and I can understand how the anticipation, while waiting, can build when a CLOSED competition takes a while to name a final winner.
Therefore, after reading through a couple times....logging out of DUP...logging back to DUP and reading through all entries again a few times with "fresh eyes," I conclusively narrowed down the 3 winners of this competition.
Thanks to all...:)
Joined 1st Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 87
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 87
Wow! I honestly wasn't expecting to win this one, all of the submissions were awesome! Congrats to the runners up and thank you to our lovely host!
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
My thanks to our host Miss Cyndi for the opportunity in this competition, and for allowing me the honor to place alongside the winner Erotic_Goddess & fellow runner-up sister Melia! Having been a comp host myself I know exactly how hard it is to judge and place just one trophy winner. Hope to see all again soon, and congratulations! ~~Jade

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