Poetry competition CLOSED 16th November 2017 00:54am
View Profile Poems by eswaller
RUNNER-UP: Poetryman

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Mending Broken Bonds

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 13th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 193

Poetry Contest

Write a letter in poem format about a broken bond you wish could be mended again
Fall-outs with people happen.  It's human nature, unfortunately.  Think of that family member, that friend, that significant other, that person who once you bonded with so well and, for whatever legitimate or dumb reason, that bond was broken.  

If you never recovered from the loss of that friendship/relationship bond you once shared and you wish you had the opportunity to MEND THAT BOND AGAIN, write a letter IN POEM FORMAT to that particular person.   What would you say?  How would you say it?  Share your thoughts and feelings in this write!

Competition is set for one (1) week only, but subject to change in accordance to participation turnout.



My heart is aching for you
My soul longs to meet you again
If just to share a laugh or a simple chat
Like we once shared in times past.
Distance in mileage doesn't keep us apart
What's holding me back is how we had our last goodbye

You being angry and possibly hating me like never before.
But even broken bonds don't stop me from thinking of you
Remembering times shared and memories made...
I want to reach out, not as a person in need because I'm OK
But as the circle we once formed with what we shared.

Do you think of me as I think of you or even just a little?
Will you hate me forever? Will your anger last eternity?
I could be bitter and I could be cold with all good reasons
Just like you...and perhaps even more so!
But here I am....thinking of you and aching to meet amicably again.

But the fear of possibly discovering that your hate toward me
Will forever burn for all eternity against me
Creates a thousand-mile distance between us
And I'd rather ache and long for you
Hope you are doing ok without my reaching out
I'd rather roam amidst the shadows than step into the light
And discover the hard way my fear of you proves true.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 13th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 193

Thank you so much, Cloventongue89 and Troublesome_98 for your entries!!!  

I have extended the competition just one more week to provide extra time to anyone who may need the extra time to create and submit their entry.

Thank you for the consideration and submissions!  Write now for your chance to win...✍️

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


I wanted you
I took you
I used you
Then I spurned you

Now I need you
Because I miss you
And I’ve come to realize
How much I love you

"Oh baby, please come back to me!"  

Gregory Rain
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 28th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 50

Letters for Emily (written by God is in the Rain)

When rain pours on your cheek...
And crystal tears from your eyes leak...
When storm is knocking on your attic...
And all you hear is dial tone and static...
When uninvited tide opens your door...
And rises through your floor, and you can not take it any more...
When memories of darkness obstruct your wiev in light..
And you hug your pillow tight,  and hope seems no-where on sight...

Remember - that somewhere....
Remember - im still there...
Remember - I still care...
Remember that wherever there is you..
I will be there too...

Fire of Insight
United States 9awards
Joined 1st Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 87

My Beloved

A sacrament given in blood
My fate is that that is sewn up...

Between the heart and the soul where few have braved to go...I know you love me, but it was best that I go.

It is pain to bleed for you on this crumbled page, your tears are mine to bare and should be hushed to your cheeks and worn tattooed on my brittle bones.

Cracking under pressure, more then meets the eye, but what burrows in my depths the infection that troubles my path.

Notions spread their thoughts, simply I am one with chaos and my mind is ship wrecked, breaking and drowning with age, awaiting time to bare yesterday's with you held gently and loosely in my arms.

The nicotine in me draws you to my door step, I am solely addictive, but a habit best kicked.

I feel in moments, when a heart echos sound to my emptiness.

Quickly it comes... the want...the love...the slipping away just the same.

Some things are meant to stay a memory and not an illusion in your mind.

I can not find my stable ground with an unstable thought.

There are parts of you I hold dear, embracing them, pressing them to my thirsting lips.

The scent of you ever present on my skin, listening to as we were in the silent words written and forgotten to the spoken.

In my own way I loved...love you. You are always my sweetest and most prized remembrance.

One I moan and sway too in my lonely, hungry hours.

My soul dances with yours in our parting, we are never truly parted...
My beloved.....
Written by Erotic_Goddess
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Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 6th Oct 2017
Forum Posts: 215

Way back when,
"we" weren't a dream...
Past before then,
when you and I were one;
such warmth filled my heart
your sun shined my days

Your company and presence-
making me whole,
making me yours...

I was complete

Watching you;

Became the joys of my days,
sweetening the bitter and salt of my life

Spending my time when;
darkness ascended
gloom consumed me-
with you they fled

Such tender love I felt...
in your eyes I saw affection

But now I've lost my light...
not a lamp nor a moon to shine my days

The heated summers of your warmth,
is now  winter;
with cold and icy winds

You lost your love for  me...
threw my heart away

Pieces of my soul,
now lies on the hardwood floor

Is there a way to save it?
Bring back life?
into our garden of love...

The familiar days of your presence,
My flashlight to scare the shadowy sorrows...

I guess we were only tangled,
not knotted to stay;
the rope which kept us connected-
rotted and burnt off

I'd do anything to keep you,
but you'd do anything to keep away...

All I can do is dream..
All I can,
is only wish

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 13th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 193

Thank you, Snugglebuck, God-is-in-the-rain, Erotic_Goddess, and Sour Melon0313 for your entries and participation during the extended competition week kick-off!

This competition will remain open for exactly one more week (ends next Wednesday).  So, there is still time to accept new entries until then!  

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1541

"Staying silent makes it fantasy"

You once said "saying it out loud makes it real"
I reply, staying silent forces veiled fantasy!
Hoping you will be my friend again hurts too much
The reticence in-between was painful enough
Although the not knowing felt completely unfair
The brief moment of relief while you were there
Was only an artificial injection of pleasant deception
Followed by a deep fall even further into depression
After you swiftly flew away without replying once again
Without so much as a hint of hello or goodbye to ease the pain
While in selfishness to read your heart spilled out on the page
I have ignored the feelings within that you've been going through
It is unfair to us both that I continue feeling this thing for you
So if in eighteen more days or four years and eighteen days
The time comes for an entombed friendship to be reborn
I will still be here, willing to thaw cloaked frozen emotions
But in the here and now my soul shivers transparent and alone
Wondering if a kindred spirit can exist forever on it's own
Thin ice blankets me in sheets of frost, covering your bite
I must insulate myself with lies to stop thinking of your light
I will imagine you as a figment of my muse's forbidden folly
Only then can I survive the bitter chill that aches within my bones
Be free of me so that I can be alone in my merciless misery
At least it provides consistency in the soup of my existence
I always know my bowl will be filled with the swill of emptiness
My tarnished silver spoon encrusted with dust and dried saliva
From all the meals I have imagined flowing across my tongue
Seasoned with bittersweet tears to wash down each grain of truth
That if I'm being honest will turn out to be bullshit in disguise
But what the Hell, pretending is easier than making it real

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Bond That Cannot Be Healed

My heart wants to reach out to you,
But the truth is that I do not know how
When things have already begun to
Heal. I wish that being sorry will allow
The pain to subside and be replaced
By something other than sorrow,
But I know that we have already faced
Honesty. There is a new tomorrow
No matter what today brings. I know
That we have tried, but some things
In life do not work. Darling, you show
Me that life is not always like wings
And everything good in this world
Because there are some things that
Are meant to be left alone, curled
Up. Relationships lose their matte
Finish like photographs that sit in
The darkness and light too much.
That space where you have been,
It is something I cannot clutch
Onto and I have to set it free
As something not meant to be.
Written by eswaller
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878

A Hundred Miles Away

Here’s my attempt at a witty gritty bitty but short little ditty,
Not for your pity but because I really want to be sincere,
Even as I’m living further away in a different city,
My love for you is so strong it will never disappear.

Dear son, I can’t be there like you’ve wished or dreamed,
But I think about you when I wake up and when I go to bed,
With that said, even though I’m not there like you’d like,
I pray that you understand the struggle in my head.

I feel frustrated and flustered as if I failed you as a father,
It bothers me because there can be so much potential,
That I haven’t spent time with you, quality hours with you,
Because you fulfill a void in me that’s essential.

My shortcomings are in no way a reflection of my love,
But any time you want, I’m a phone call or a text away,
In simple terms I’d like to affirm, I miss you so much,
You’re close to my heart even if I’m a hundred miles away.

Well, the map says it’s one hundred and five,
But I don’t mind taking that quick drive.

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 2awards
Joined 18th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 231


Yes,my sin swallowed me;
Like the toad-the adder's meal.

When first you summoned me:
Even of your love to feel.

Loan was your Love and assests;
You'd siad; 'Maybe he'll be an asset'.

But after the Lent love laced with life,
Pride weighed me down with strife:

Pulling me off your standard.
Scourging me even with your absence.

Thy soft palm seasoned with fragnance,
Elating my heart,ushering me into a trance.

The smiles of your face glazed with honey,
Sweetening my soul,costier than money.

The lyrics of they words,
Ringing yet,whipping my ears for the odds.

How can i get back on the stairs;
I'm made equal with tears.

Even if not to fill the former field.
Just let the torn soul again mend be.

Come again,ho my princess:
How long will you scold me with your absence.

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 13th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 193

Only a few remaining minutes (approx 24 min) before this competition comes to a CLOSE.  

There is still limited time left for submissions...If not, this comp will wrap with the latest submissions written by Poetryman, eswaller, wallyroo, and Joshua Berry.  Thank you for your entries / participation!

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Oh wow. I’m truly honored and amazed because I thought there were so many other great poems/pieces in this competition. Thank you so much. Congratulations to the runner ups Poetryman and cloventongue89. And thank to you to Cyndi for hosting this competition!!

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