Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd October 2017 4:36pm
Pathospassion (c.d.latin)
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Screwed Me Up

poet Anonymous

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Strange Creature
United States
Joined 19th Oct 2017
Forum Posts: 1

really deep..i like

Fire of Insight
United States 11awards
Joined 11th Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 273


Anonymously I, in the back of your head
Shouting a name that you’d sooner forget
Instead, pushed further into the depths
This is the forfeit of your ignorance

Anonymously there, as a face would stare
Through abandoned homes in disrepair
When our destination we declared
Is this your dream or your nightmare?

Anonymously here, as you always feared
Memories are not so easily sheared
On those pages, always will be a smear
On a name that’s anonymously clear

Anonymously yours, playing the next game
And in their beds, there is only shame
But don’t ask yourself who is to blame
You are the one that kindled the flame
Written by UbiquitousVoid
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Tyrant of Words
Kiribati 21awards
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3559

My Junkie Lover

The rules            
were always:            
Don't party            
in the ashtrays               
& please, please
no needles            
to clean up            
off the floor               
But they were            
my rules               
never yours            
I realized                
you were zoned               
when I called             
on my way home               
Your voice          
screaming stray cat  
decibel overload                           
And then the lights               
flashing slowly              
at the corner of our block              
blues and reds  
looming closer               
until I knew              
it was all for you            
Pale limbs                
stiffening too soon               
just a baby under a blanket                
stretchered out      
through a hush in the crowd              
while Death's surprise              
grinned triumphant    
riding high
on his bubble of air               
So no more                
final chances              
no more last goodbyes                
shit promises of rehab            
brittle as the wind            
not even a kiss goodbye            
to ease the chill of wasted life      
only memories frozen forever      
with the ugly ache of alone  
twisting its cruel knife      
through the heart of a summer night
Written by Abracadabra
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Strange Creature
United States
Joined 19th Oct 2017
Forum Posts: 1

Alex in wonderland

Down through the rabbit hole,
The last call, the last time
Id ever hear her voice
The time had come
She'd made her choice
Pull the plug, yank the tube
She's ready to go
Say goodbye
And I love you too
Deeper past the tiny shelves,
Two weeks has passed
In two weeks late
Not joyous or happy
Driving down the interstate
To tell him the news,  
At one in the morning
Because I couldn't wait
Empty jar of marmalade,
There's a car at his house
Parked right next to his
In my spot, but not mine
There's a pair of ripped skinny jeans
Strewn across the passenger side
The beat quickens my heart races
The world is spinning around me
As my stride paces
Sticks and leaves at the bottom,
I mouse around the corner
I tiptoe to his sill
I hear the sound of a voice
It's high pitched and shrill
It lowers into a sigh
A laugh, that's not mine
Drowning in a pool of my own tears,
I call him, I announce my presence
Here we are
The moment I've dreaded
His face pressed against mine
angry words
Turning time
I've lost it
This is the end
Nothing will ever mend
The caucus race,
I speed home
Racing like a charging hawk
Think about what's to come
Remember I'm the mouse
Remember the last talk
Remember the last talk
Remember the last talk
I am the mouse he was the hawk
I'd got it all wrong
But the pills are now gone
Swallowed its too late
Still running in his race
Go fetch my gloves and fan,
I'm in a building
That was never my own
The nurses they check me
Take my blood
I'm in no zone
I am no one  
I am nothing
I am a name on a chalkboard
Outside of a room
Drink me
I fell for the same tricks again
I am lost, not found
I am unrequited love
Forever bound
I walk alone
Skin and bone
I am all the muscles that make me
Sewn together with good intentions
Stitched loosely like the fabric
Of my life
Being torn apart
Being rifled with strife
Into wonderland
I seek help
I know I need  
Everything I can get
drink it in, let it wet my lips
So dry and parched
Like my lungs screaming
Sound of nothing
White noise streaming
Over the loudspeakers  
In my head
With these pills
At least I won't end up dead
How fitting it seem
That when I left
My head was messed
And Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Lay open on my desk
Written by Alxh07
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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 29th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 3

The taking of my Innocents

The taking of my Innocents
We were young and in love.
We were together everyday.
You loved me for me.
You were my best friend.  
I loved you with the purest of heart.
We married, it made perfect sense.
Having children was a natural step.
What is happening?
Your growing bored.
You keep me locked in the house.
We dont talk anymore.
I cry myself to sleep.  
I hear hour phone ring at odd hours.
Please dont leave!
I wake in the wee hours to your voice.
To say you no longer love me were your words of choice.
You send me away with a ticket and chump change.
I am broken!
Where will we go?  
How will we live?
Im cast into this new world alone.
Its cold.
I grab my boots by the straps.
I learn to hate.
I hate you. I hate me.
Never again.
I am new.
I look damn good.  
Oh now you miss me?  
I am no longer the innocent one.
You broke me. Im done.
Your fruitless attempts to get me back,
You make me laugh.
Where is your whore?
Is she now a bore?
Have you moved on?
No? Sad. I dont care.
You left me to the wolves.
I came back their leader!
Go waste someone else's time.
Not mine. You can't.
I'm over you and your game.
Your plays are old and redundant.
My strongest wishes are with you now.  
I wish you the strongest pain.
I wish you the strongest suffering.
I strongly wish you angish.
Welcome to my world.
Your too weak for this place.  
In this place no one loves you.
No one cares.
No one is listening.
No one is there
Written by HarleyQuinn80
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Nicci Tanney
Strange Creature
United States
Joined 15th Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 4

I really can relate to what you are saying in this poem your choice of words have caught my heart and my eyes fill with water as I think about someone I once loved more than anything else in this world.
You have captured well....

Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 1st Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 141

The Ones Who Kept Away

  Chlorine saturated our skin
Mine so sunned
So suited to it's smell
Yours a pasty boy's - seashell
My summer freckles brown, at play
Your eyes were pennies in the day
They drank my swimming sunlit form
You never moved
I was too warm
Left-sided smirks after bright afternoons
Popping chilled cans
In the cool of your room
Almost too charged to stand
Caffeine kicked closeness
And we'd never land
Although you feigned stoic
There was sweat on your hands
And your heartbeat betrayed you
You cool boy
You had heat too
The racing pace of the beating truth
And your expressions toward me
From those incog eyes
Erupting loose
I was a nestling
Freshly bold
Chasing loves to give me hold
And though you saw beyond my shape
My soul
You stood so cold
You stayed so cold

Written some months ago, about a boy some many years ago....
Written by AtoMikbomb
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