Poetry competition CLOSED 5th October 2017 8:08am
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Father are you there

Nicci Tanney
Strange Creature
United States
Joined 15th Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 4

Poetry Contest

Was you father ever there did he ever actually car?
If you can describe into words what role in your life your father played than this is the place where it should be shared.

Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470


To all his former classmates, he was that man who only had  one folded notebook inside the back pocket of his pants, the school bully, a teacher's nightmare - for as much as he was a delinquent, he was also a genius who never fails.

To all of Quezon's political leaders, he was a King Maker. A doer who makes thing happen, a man they can count on... the man to go to, a trouble shooter, a writer, a negotiator, a deal maker.

He was a demon on-air. A preacher, a commentator, an opinion swayer.

He was a generous man who gives everything he owns despite his own struggles.

He was a man who rules his house with an iron hand but turns out to be a putty in his grandchilds' hand.

He was Javierto Reazo Curia...

An announcer
A writer
A mentor
A leader
A legislator
A public servant
A friend
A foe
A son
A brother
A lover
A husband
A grandfather

My Father.
Written by OxyMoronicMe (G.L.)
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Guardian of Shadows
United States 91awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5731


He was there when light
formed molecules from
His fingertips, and
in all my dark nights of
the soul.

I saw Him in dreams
and mirrors,
while little storms grew
on horizons from clouds
the size of a man’s hand;

I cried and He caught
each tear, watering
meadows with them,
so that I might marvel
at the lives created—blooms
brushing my skin, as
I traversed unknowns.

He spoke through winds, and
I listened….
I am not of this world, but
I live in it, accepting gifts
from Father, that
only I understand.

it is not yet finished;
eternity never ends and
time is but a speck
between worlds.

poet Anonymous

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 20th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 10

My father was a selfish alcoholic who was abusive and controlling of my mom,  completely removed from my life and we almost never spoke. If we did talk it was functional not conversational. I played baseball and football and I think he was at one baseball game only.  My mom ran away when I was 13 and I went with her. Bounced between both parents and. 5 high schools. He committed suicide when I was 25

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

BASTARD FATHER  - - For the ‘Father are you there?’ Comp

My father was always there
He did not pretend to care

The loving way that parents should
He preferred evil more than good

A guilt free crazy psychopath
Would try to drown me in the bath

For hours and hors locked in the coal shed
With blood dripping from my mouth, nose and head

Putting out cigarettes on my back
The leather belt was used to smack

The slapping, the punching, the poking
The kicking, the thumping, the choking

Hit me on the hand with a hammer for stealing
Laughed as he did it; no guilt like feeling

It was too hard to struggle as he lay on top
His hand down my pants; when I cried for him to stop

Then I’d have to suck; to get the poison out
Told I was a healer, it’s what God’s work was all about

I learned not to scream, crying not allowed
I had to keep this secret, and keep my head low bowed

He sold me as a sex slave to members of the church
Their holy reputation easily besmirched

So much poison to remove in the main with mouth and hand
More secrets I would keep, all resistance was now banned

Back at home fatherly love; the rapes had surely stopped
But the torture and beatings without warning I still copped

There was no salvation or rescue from my fate
It only served to teach me how to hate

I thought I’d solved the problem to the screaming in my head
I had a celebration when he turned up dead

With all these flashbacks and the reliving of that pain
He still left his mark; now my mind is insane

There is no cure for what I’ve got the past can not be mastered
Despite my hate; his death; I still live with that old bastard

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1875

Wait Out the Days

You were so absent minded so many times,
I wasn’t sure what you were going through,
Then we found out about your addictions,
Then I came to understand why you flew.
I knew there was love in your heart,
You just made so many bad choices
And no matter how much you tried to lie,
We knew the truth came in hard doses.

For that whole decade we didn’t see you,
I pondered about the man I once admired,
So full of life and love for his kids and wife,
I wondered what in that time had transpired.
And when we were finally reunited,
The man I once knew was there no more,
But a beaten old stranger stood in your place,
With a saddened face I’ve never seen before.

You asked for forgiveness and compassion,
And the Good Word always told me to forgive,
Still I loved you and gave you sympathy,
Because you only have a few years to live.
But when I find out you still have old habits,
It hurts me to see you like that all over again,
Maybe you haven’t really hit rock bottom,
Maybe you’ll live like this to the very end.

Until then, I can only worry for you so much,
You’re still in denial and still spitting lies,
It’s just that you don’t care about yourself,
So we’ll wait out the days until your demise.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880

dear father


I love you.

you wanted to
hear this from me
for twenty five years

I wanted to tell you
when your wife
unfolded your

how we
were alike
crazy misfits
fun loving

how you
for your wife
and your

and you
kept saying
stop smoking
stop drinking

today I
say the words
you wanted
to hear

you won't hear
you're not here

I say
I miss you
and that
I do

Written by dejure (vick)
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Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 30th June 2017
Forum Posts: 9

Are you there? written for the "Father are you there" competition

Second son,
second best.
I always fell short of  
my brother's attempts.
Wanting so badly to live up  
to the strict standards of my Dad.  
I think I did,  
hell I know I did until I crashed,  
but never as well  
as the elder did.
The one place I excelled  
was the one place which broke me.
The best and the worst  
of a squandered childhood,  
all of it in ashes.
A man through Scouts  
answering a child's needs  
for his own perverted ends.
But through it all  
I wanted one thing,  
I want it now  
as much as I ever did,
approval, love.
A child's mind  
does not work  
as an adults.
It is so easy now  
to look back and know,
he loved me so very much.
But a child sees  
his own shortcomings,  
his failings,  
he doesn't recognize that  
love sent to his brother  
could also be sent  
to him.
That a father doesn't love  
him less because he does  
more with an older son.
Of course  
the older son gets  
everything first,  
but a child's mind  
doesn't understand.
And six years later  
I finally cry out in pain  
for everything that broke me.
Though my father's anguish  
was sincere,  
it was short lived,
I was left alone with  
my broken, childlike pain.
My life moved on,  
college became too hard,  
and I married and  
moved on and away.
I wanted so bad  
to earn his love,  
I didn't understand,  
I still don't think I truly do.
Years passed and  
we talked on and off,  
saw each other occasionally.
The adult in me  
who knew he was loved  
was still ruled by  
that little boy's fears.
Eight years ago  
congestive heart failure  
took him away from me  
and for months  
I struggled with one question.
One question and  
all of its implications.  
"Are you there?"  
and if you are  
what do you think of me.
That reality took  
the man I was  
from a hatred of God  
and his corrupted religions  
to a truth that  
faith is for those that  
can't handle the life  
they live.
But to this day,  
in the dark of night,  
when I am all alone,  
that little boy still
looks up and whispers,  
"Are you there?"
Written by Sunwolfe1745
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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 11awards
Joined 3rd Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 342

Always a Child

Much of my life
You were a ghost
When wanted the most
My blood yours
But from a distance
Feeling resistance
Unsure of self
I tried moving on
Believing it wrong
So I chose
Preferred to pursue
Began to ensue
Something was easier
Improving from nil
To my heart’s will
As time does tell
My faith revealed
No longer concealed
With resilience
Portraying care
Always there
Evolved as my father
Of that I defend
You emerged as a friend
Written by mel44
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Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 3awards
Joined 14th Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 12

Daddy's Disappointment

From the day I was born I was always your disappointment;
I was a girl and not a boy.
I tried so hard to please you,
Took an interest in your hobbies and likes etc,
But it was never quite enough.
I could never do anything right!

As a kid I got the slipper,
And you said I could be fitter.
At the table you'd slyly puff your cheeks at me,
All before Mum could see.
As the years went on,
I just did my own thing.
I went abroad and got married,  
Even then you could not come.

You are always right,
It's your way or the highway
So in the end I did it my way!

I have made mistakes in life,
You always remind me of them.
But I love you Dad & always will.
All I ever wanted was your love,
Your time and certainly not your money...

Too late now don't you think?!!

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

*Biohazard Bagged Lunch

My dad & I have commonality  
We both survived the dread capital C.  
But what was years ago for him & me  
Is back for him as his reality.  
They didn't catch it till the tumors grew,  
And then they made him wait for more than two.  
By then the surgery would have to keep  
To see what months of chemo sows & reaps.  
A grand ol' man like him has stood the test;  
His years & loss of weight, he's done his best.  
We'll find out pretty soon what's next to come;  
If luck is in the odds, it's laser, done.  
Meantime, there's lots of fluids & some food  
That he must daily have to do him good.  
Of course with side effects it's never much,  
And after sessions, brings to me his lunch!  
April 8 ( NaPoWriMo 2017 )  
*The image, taken by me on my little cell, shows some of the bags of Dad's food that he most often gives to me since he doesn't touch the clinic's food that they give free to their oncology patients (he goes in every 2-3 weeks for chemo & hydration sessions).  He knows I never eat enough so he bestows upon me his "lunches".  Sometimes the food is in zip-lock bags with the symbol & words "BIOHAZARD", but for me it's delicious.  And not once has it ever made me glow in the dark!

Update 10/2/17:  It's all over: the powerful and destructive chemo sessions, the strong medications at home, and the injections he'd have to have so his white cell count would be brought down whenever his numbers became elevated, and the insidious pain attacks he'd get from his gut from the liver.  Once his latest PET scan showed how the malignant mass was no longer reacting to treatments and was growing  uncontrollably, all the plugs were pulled.  He just recently was accepted into hospice care where he receives the round-the-clock care that none of us can give him.  I just came out from another (albeit short) hospital visit when one of my sisters had to call 911 where the local fire department came into my apartment to have the paramedics rush me off.  These days our close family have all been met with one emergency or another.  We don't know how many months are left for Dad, but he doesn't seem to be aware what's happening to him.  I've stopped trying to tell this dear man that he's terminal.  I don't want it beat into his mind, it doesn't matter now.   He's where I know he's being cared for even though all he can think about is to get dressed in a good set of clothes and a pair of actual leather shoes (not hospital socks) and hop into the car he no longer can drive, and be the independent chap he once was.  The hero who would pick me up with one arm and grin at his little "sweet pea".  
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 15th July 2017
Forum Posts: 4

A Father's Love

From the day I was born you were my best friend
You loved me unconditionally until the end.
I remember all the times we shared together
I used to think they would last forever.
You voice and your touch
I miss so much.
Everyday without is hard and sad
Because I want back what we had.
The little walks
And the long life talks.
The holidays with those we love
But now you watch us all from above.
I am always looking for signs that you are near
And am hoping that you are there.
Rainbows, daffodils, and butterflies
While I wipe the tears from my eyes.
You watched your babies grow and grow
Your love for us we take everywhere we go.
We now share that love with children of our own
And we'll continue your legacy even when they're grown.
Through our lives you never gave up on us even on our worst day
And that is why your love will forever be in our hearts to stay.
Written by ExoticDreamer
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