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Poetry competition CLOSED 25th August 2017 3:30am
Jadedembers (Starving demons)
View Profile Poems by Jadedembers
RUNNERS-UP: kriticool and Enchantress_Em

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Dangerous Mind
United States 2awards
Joined 23rd June 2017
Forum Posts: 54

Poetry Contest

lascivious - Exciting sexual desires. Expressing or being overcome by lust. lecherous salacious
Write a  lascivious poem ?

Good luck
Anything goes

Lost Thinker
Joined 22nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 14


It hits you quick         
One second you're at your desk, coffee in hand         
The next you're on a spring mattress, fucking         
You can't avoid it         
The feeling of being filled up just to the point of breakage is satisfying
The way you contract around his cock is pleasurable         
The pleasure stems from the impossibility of your reality         
How could your cunt, so hidden and pure,
Accept this foreign object so willingly         
But here it is, dripping with a slick fluid         
The external physical equivalent to the rapid beating of your heart         
And it pulses when it is empty         
Fingers, cock, the Devil knows what else, satisfies it         
But his lips sucking your clit makes you convulse         
Your body shaking from the welcome invasion of privacy         
His fingers are still pumping inside you         
Your back arches and your toes curl
There's fucking and then there's fucking    
And then you're flat on the bed, your breasts pressing into the sheets  
He takes you from behind, both hand possesively grabbing your hips         
And then you're bent over a wood table, your clothing on except for your skirt         
It's hitched high enough to allow for dexterous fingers to toy with your clit until you're begging for it         
And then you're blindfolded, your eyelids fluttering against the fabric  
Hands brush over your breasts, pinch your nipples while teeth mark the sensitive skin of your thighs         
And then you're begging, but you don't know for what as he tightens his grip on your neck  
Your breathing staggers but a familiar heat rushes between your legs         
And then he is taking you without permission, bruising your thighs with his wanting hands and forcing you out of control         
And without control you can breath in the heady scent of sex without repercussion         
Too soon you're thrown back to your desk, your coffee cold in its mug         
The familiar scent of sex hits you         
You close your legs and shift uncomfortably in your seat         
There's fucking and there's  fucking    
And there's the lusty thoughts of your mind
Pinpointing your desires         
An exercise in using simple language focused on the physical while avoiding descriptive similies and comparisons using imagery
Written by Enchantress_Em
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Dangerous Mind
United States 2awards
Joined 23rd June 2017
Forum Posts: 54

Really good stuff here
Let me make some popcorn

Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470

Lascivia (M001)

Fuck me good
Fuck me hard
Let me see the stars
Quench my thirst
Kiss my buds
Touch me where I want
Im so wet
And oh, so horny
Come taste me
Take me
Fill me
Be my lover
If you're as hot as me.

Written by OxyMoronicMe (G.L.)
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poet Anonymous

Related submission no longer exists.

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878


You’re lusting once again,
Lost in thoughts of images and scenarios beyond your reach,
Yearning and burning with a new deep profound desire,
Found in the trenches of your heart we will never besiege.
You’re daydreaming again,
Dwelling in the fantasies that bring all the pleasures known to man,
That your flesh and soul will delve into the depths of primal urge,
Until the agony and the ecstasy come together like some master plan.
You’re imagining again,
Acting out all expressions with great precision and detail in mind,
Savoring each feature and all the elements that awakened your craving,
Waiting for the perfect opportunity and then seek it at the right time.
You’re creating once again,
The naughty machinations of ultimate bliss that shakes the blood,
Those that move you to the core, where sensations always soar,
Where desire builds it up, tears it down and then releases a flood.
You’re plotting once more,
To satiate your forbidden thirst and hunger that seems to never end
To relish and enjoy a feast, but you know you can’t control the beast,
That will ask for more and want some more, over and over again.
So enjoy and appreciate that for what is given unto to you,
The views, the cues, the art of suspense and living with anticipation,
While all the images in your head plan the path you dream to tread,
As you sit there fantasizing, scheming with fixated adoration.

poet Anonymous

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 18th July 2017
Forum Posts: 3

Ale and Smoke

Ale and smoke that scent had a way of bringing back that memory- she at the other end of the room, they locked eyes when he walked in the door- he ordered his beverage and watched her through the mirror that faced him- he watched her- as she too watched him, only her eyes were focused intently and only on his- he felt unable to move for fear he would not find her gaze- so he sat perfectly still letting his drink get warm- His breathing became a little quicker as he watched her move closer- should he offer to buy her a drink- he couldn't make up his mind- he looked down for a moment to finally take that first drink of the now warm ale- his eyes went back to the spot in the mirror where he had left her- she wasn't there- he felt a moment of panic then he felt her touch his shoulder- he turned around and was staring straight into those eye- he started to say something but she put one finger on his lips to keep him from speaking, she smiled took his hand and led him down the hall that led to the ladies room- she guided him into a stall, he felt the rise in his pants as she with her back to him unzipped him- pants falling to the floor- he watched her reach under her dress and pull down her silky panties and hang them on the hook inside the stall door- she puled up her dress and bent over still with her back to him, he felt light headed- she pushed her ass closer to him and he grabbed her hips and entered her she was oh so wet, hot and tight as hell- a quiet whimper left her lips barely audible over the pounding of his heart he could hear in his head-he watched his rock hard dick move in and out of her visibly delicious pussy and she with her hair hanging down the ends moving with each push from him- still no words passed between them- she was getting tighter and wetter and he was getting more excited- he felt like only seconds had passed since he locked eyes with her- she with her palms pressed against the wall of the stall  moving her hips faster- he ready to explode- he touched her dress- so soft it slipped through his fingers and something about the feel of that dress and the smell of their sex mingled with the smell of the ale and smoke from the pub-his cum shot into her wet pussy his body tightened and he felt the walls of her pussy give in to the need to constrict around him-now throbbing and both releasing their essence into and around the other- she smelled like candy- you know how the candy counter smelled as a kid- cherry, orange, grape and lemon- oh so sweet- having cum, they both were a little week in the knees-he didn't want to let her hips leave his hands-soft full snow white hips- he rubbed his hand down to her thigh as she straightened her body and her dress fell down to cover those hips- they both wiped off with the tissue that hung on the wall-she stepped into those silky panties and puling up his levis looked at her and finally spoke- " I'm sorry- we never introduced ourselves" "no need to"- she replied, " you are my destiny and I am yours- we knew each other the moment our eyes met".
Written by that1girlu_used2no
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 577

liliya ~

backtalk against
the pillowy softness
of her thighs,
i immerse myself
in her
boudoir scent of
orange blossom
& powdered vanilla ~
... the taste of
sweet spice
stains my mouth
where it presses to
the crease of her
wanton invitation ...
the bruise & pallor
of my fingertips
find the heart of
her sexuality
to feel
the fluttering chase
& snare of her eyelids
echoed in
the peony pink shiver ...
... she croons profanity
from hitchhiker lips,
sugar & dead sea salt
in the strains
of her breathlessness

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 20th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 218

Morning lust, fullfilled

The alarm rang.
It continued to ring.

She always shuts it off as she gets out of bed.

Then it occurred to me,
The alarm was on my side of the bed.
Or, rather, I was on her side of the bed.

A result of last night's playing.
We had fallen asleep where we lay.
Her on my side and me on her side.

I felt an arm reach across my chest.
(I was laying on my back.)
It was too far for her to reach the alarm.

I felt her begin to slide across me to shut it down.
Her breasts began to slide across my chest.

About the time we were nipple to nipple,
She realized that I wasn't asleep,
She looked me eye-to-eye,
At very close range.

Her eyes squinted slightly.

She began to slide the rest of her body across mine.
In less than a moment, about half way across,
She felt a "barrier" to her hips slipping across mine.

Her comment, "Really?"
Received a wink in reply.

And her comment, "Even after last night?"
Resulted in a kiss.
A deep one.
With tongue.
With my hands on her back,
Sliding down to her tush.

As the kiss ended,
She reached for the alarm,
(slid her hips the rest of the way across mine,
Helped by my hands gripping and lifting her hips,
Pressing my erection between our stomachs)
She pressed the Snooze Button,
And said, "Nine minutes."

She then did something I had not expected.

She kissed me lightly on the lips.
Again. on my chin.
Then my neck --twice, make that trice.
(She left a love bite, under my left ear,
And another one, matching it, on my neck, below my right ear.)

That was followed by,
A kiss in the hollow where my neck met my chest.
And down the center of my chest.

She glanced up at me, winked (broadly), smiled.
And licked the tip of one nipple.

Just as I was distracted by that lick,
She pinched the other one,
Rolled it around between her fingers.

With a wiggle of her hips,
She slid her body on down,
Kissing and nibbling as she went.

When she got to the base of my cock,
Her nibbles stopped,
While her licking began,
In earnest.

Up one side to the tip,
Around the tip,
Kiss on the tip,
A tiny suck,
A slurp,
Then down the other side to the base,
Up. kiss, suck, slurp,and down,
Up, kiss, suck, slurp and down.

With each tongue caressing slurp of my dick,
I felt a massaging squeeze of my balls.

As she got to the base with her tongue,
After, I don't know how many round trips,
I felt her mouth begin to "swallow" my balls,
As her hand stroked my shaft.

That combination of stroking and sucking was.
The most amazingly, excruciatingly,
wonderfully arousing feeling I can remember having.

God, was I going to last even nine minutes?

As her mouth released my balls,
Her hand began a stoking, squeezing manipulation.
That manual manipulation of my balls,
Together with what her mouth was doing to my cock.
Took me toward a throbbing hardness,
A swollen engorgement,
That was nearly beyond containment.

A mouth fucking that would beat the nine minutes,

Except, that she stopped.

I glanced down to see,
That while her mouth and one hand had been working on me,
Her other hand had been preparing herself for what was to come next.

Putting her wet hand again around my dick,
Stroking a couple of times,
She slithered up my body,
Met me nipple to nipple,
Mouth to mouth,
And guided my cock home,
Into her warm welcoming wetness,
Where she settled slowing against me,
Enveloping me with a caressing,
First stroke of perfect pleasure,
As she settled her genital passage,
Against, around my genital member.

"Now, beat the clock."

As I repeatedly drove up into her,
I fully intended to not only beat the clock,
But bring her to,
Simultaneously with me.

As I pulled back for each thrust,
She tightened around me,
And drew herself up and away.

The sensation,
As aroused as I was,
Nearly brought tears to my eyes,
Tears of lust,
To cum,
within her.

I thrust up and in again.
Se met me coming down.

Her eyes met mine,
She was as on the verge as I.

The Snooze Alarm rang.

She raged, "Oh, god, not now".

I answered, "Now."
And forced myself up, in,
And exploded.

It was enough.
She joined me.

Contraction met ejaculation.

Our combined cum,
Running out around my cock,
Deeply homed inside of her,
And puddling under my hips,

Clean sheets,
Would be needed tonight.
Written by J_J_Jay_Jr
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Twisted Dreamer
Australia 2awards
Joined 21st Feb 2015
Forum Posts: 47

Daddy issues

I'm a basic bitch, you know I'm up for it. It's the way you raised me to be.
Fuck me rough, brutalize my cunt. I crave the taste of my salty tears, trick myself into thinking it's your cock juice, c'mon just let me have it, you fucking tease.
I'm crying involuntarily because it hurts.
Your foul breath mutters in my ear about why you hate your mother, grip around my neck tightens the angrier you get.
Ah, shut it and pass me the razor blade so I can shove it in my ass to give you lube. I'm struggling to take your heavy weight on me. I whimper and you strike me across my breasts telling me to shut my sloppy cock sucker up. Mm, daddy you're so big.
Is this what you meant when you said I'm so much like mother?
I guess I'm just another girl with daddy issues.
Yeah, this is dark but I forgot to take the sanity pills you got me addicted to. The withdrawal symptoms are fun, you fat cunt.
Nothing like a little incestuous hate fucking to kiss and make up.

Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 1st Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 141

She Opens

Mania of green
Eyes of fertile springs passing
Iris pine-
& pine in drowsy spells of wine

A cunt's commands clout you
Over your lusting head
& your lusting head

Declarations strip-
Sunned skin sings sweet & stirred
Her silky rogue temptations
Melting nectar for relations

A cocked little impish chin
Encloses your...
Rocking as you gawk

Seed sears to expel
Your greedy-
Greedy need
Heavy needy heat
To sow creamy beads

Milky misdeeds
Written by AtoMikbomb
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Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

.:Barbie Goin Hard:.

It’s all-true -

Barbie is as a Barbie do  
Ken, YOU feel that buzz?  
Cuz what it is; is soon to be what it was  
The Pre-Text that tests a reflex  
Femme Fatale  
Twerking a Kinky Mix  
Slinky Tricks  
All up on The Bone  
If you got the right stuff, this  
Tip-Top Hooker known to getcha-grown  
But for sure, she’ll claim your dicks on loan  

Nuthin but The Big BOOM - Jus get her into The Room  
You’ll see all you wanna see & see it all soon  
Once keyed-in no need to assume  
Barbie about gettin-it-and-gettin-it well groomed  
This thot, droppin-it-hot - You think not?  
Look again  - Naw, you won’t want her to stop
She’ll be @ it again &’ll be about that Tail End  
Go on take the tour she’ll be ya Best Friend  
Real Freak, Barbie don’t pretend

Now & again  
You watchin it pop  
See, Barbie does what she does with what she got  
And YO Cuz, she gets @ it nice - Hot Spice, Maid to entice  
C’mon, get a slice - Whereas whoever she plays  
Barbie, gonna pinch like a vice - Here’s some add-Vice  
NO Excuses - Barbie the greatest but you have to have some uses  
Barbie likes to get affixed to Tricks with Long Yachts built for cruising’s    
The kind them Big Boys constantly choosing  
Them Semen Sailors, each one looking to get drowned  
Each tongue-lashing hoping to have her stick around  
Hoping she’s what they can afford - If so?  
It’s an all aboard - Look - No one ever here gets bored  

Barbie is as- a Barbie does -  
YO, cuz - This one loves them Pre-Cooked Gooses  
Archie Boys all in line, them wanting some “time”  
Lined up like Wild Oats -  
Got them Lambskins, got ‘em all up in they Totes  
But they best have some C-notes  
Cuz, Barbie be doing ‘em, playin it for High Stakes  
YO, make no mistakes - Barbie ain’t about them flakes  
She’s about doin ‘em with what it takes  
That’s the ways & means in which she regulates
Yes sir, good to GO - This is how Barbie makes it all flow  

Talk’ about it -

This thot while onna cot - She plots to ‘get-got’
Like a Sniper with a Red Dot  
Doing so part of her plot - Part of her service  
Look here no time to get nervous  
It’s about knowin for sure whatchu here for  
From ceiling to floor - Barbie, she’s that Cheri Amore  
A role that she embellishes, each performance
For a fact it’s what she relishes  
So you have to know from head-to-toe  
From the very Git-GO  
Barbie, she’ll make The Whole Thing Flow  
Nuthin about Barbie ever too slow - See  
Barbie is as a Barbie do  

It’s all true -  

For sure she the right type - Keep-a- joker real hyped  
But, Barbie claims allergies to being Poor - So, Barbie  
She’ll be out & about and about lookin to Score -
That’s Right! It’s like this - You’ll be added to Barbie’s “Hit List”  
For that Bliss? No you won’t resist,  
Cuz, Barb-B-throwing it - The Way she be throwing-it
Having The WHOLE Team, having ‘em scream YIKEs
Yelling at they own damned self - “DAMN, She‘s like a Poltergeist”  
But yeah, she’s into that Spooky Vice!!  

A special Vamp - Keeping it amped for the Rooks and the Vets  
Just the type you want if YOU feeling regrets  
Loves all Open-Ended Types of Sex  
Toasting-every-Host then puttin ‘em to rest  
Naw, I ain’t a lying - See, Barbie, she like a Vampire  
Swells a Joker up with Flames of Desire.  
This thot stays for hire and some she do for fun  
But, if you know what eye know you’ll be “innit-‘til-she-done”


photo: Lana Wilson

Fire of Insight
United States 9awards
Joined 1st Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 87

A Taste Of Satisfaction

I used to love the way your art presented the photo of my imagery,
The way my head fell to safety against your chest and your fingers traced the curls along my neck.
I gave myself to you in a moment without your knowledge, speaking to you under florescent stars and Smokey haze.
The ease was unfamiliar and to my liking and I found my safety wrapped tightly in your arms listening to your sweet nothings whispering me breathless and hungrily to gather my limbs with your own.
Something in you touched the flame in my desire, and I watered in pleading for your hand ringing my delicate neck.
I told myself limits were but a barrier that wasn't needed, my body but a temple full of secrets your mouth could explore, leaving every inch of my flesh hot, raw, bruised and satisfied.
Even as screams muffled in my throat, your dirty words fed my appetite wanting you even more.
It used to be that the more you filling me burned, the more My body ached and muscles buckled, the more I begged for my limits to be tested.
I loved the evil in your deadly stare, the way you pulled my head back to thrust deeper in my ruins.
You ruined me, gave me a taste of pleasures bound and open,
Pain I attempted replaying to no avail....
You left me in the only satisfaction I'd ever know, soaked and battered....
Bruises scar my insatiable thirst, always wanting what isn't readily available...
How long until you feed the beast you created?
Or am I destined to never know satisfaction again.
Written by Erotic_Goddess
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Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 29th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 4

Very nice

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