Poetry competition CLOSED 2nd August 2017 12:27pm
View Profile Poems by Phoenix_Risen
RUNNERS-UP: snugglebuck and zebrablack

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Unmask Your Mask

Lost Thinker
Romania 2awards
Joined 21st Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 17

You're mine

your golden locks of hair tickling my nostrils
just imagine how hysterical that feels
your perfectly carved deep-set green eyes
glisten while staring at me at nights
that alluring frozen grin on your lips
my boost to heaven as I watch you strip

I know you crave to break free
feel the thrill of a killing spree
leave your wooden box behind
a dumb dream that makes you blind

but let me tell you something
you're nothing
strings hold your hands,

pull yourself together, the show begins in three
act, everything's perfect, you see,
the public loves your fabulous fake life
no one knows about that hidden knife
under the pillow that holds your synthetic tears
and the puzzlement of a world full of foolish fears

I know you wish to have a purpose
different from making others envy us
be engulfed by the searing pain
of the putrefied air you breathe in

come, let me show you something
you're nothing
but an empty silhouette,

your golden locks of hair ruffled by the ocean breeze
held spellbound, so tranquil, yet you're ill at ease
let me fix that for you, please
I will make you wheeze
till you cease
to believe you can get up off your knees

I know you're bleeding out
labeled, too weak to shout
with every second that goes by
you become less like you, my butterfly

let me remind you something
you're nothing
so fasten your tourniquet
you're mine
Written by Daevileyes
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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17139

Daevileyes and jim_carreys_lawyer, thank you for your participation.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17139

Thank you Taryn for your entry.

Starving demons
Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 6th July 2017
Forum Posts: 75

Related submission no longer exists.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17139

Jadedembers, thank you for your entry.

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 20th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 79

The little worm you are

The same shit, on repeat.    
Day in. Day out.
Sick of it.  
All in our shells    
Safe undercover  
When i look you in the eyes.  
The realisation you'll die forced on you.  
I see the little worm you are.  
The face of man is that of terror and fear.  
For what is a man but a sick little beast.  
Breast fed on deceit.  
Written by Beukez
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Strange Creature
Joined 26th July 2017
Forum Posts: 1


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17139

Beukez, thank you for your entry.

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 26th July 2017
Forum Posts: 6

Unmasking the masked

Smell of coffee and cigarettes drifts in and out of my mind
Im staring out through blue eyes bagged by sleepless nights
Looking for a friendly face to help me unwind
But all I see is the masked society laughing at it's sights
Not a fellow unmasked friend, not a one can I find

I can't help but wonder why they wear the masks
Are they afraid of something or simply insecure
Are they just trying to look strong while they do their daily tasks
I guess I'll never know for sure

So I stand here in my lonely mind
And remember all the nights
I've sat and wondered as I drank my medicine to unwind
And pondered the reason for these masked sights
And wonder if I ripped them off exactly what I'd find

Are there soulless bags of meat hiding beneath the masks
Or simply big hearts beaten into being insecure
Do they unmask themselves once their done with their public tasks
Or are their masks glued to them, I guess I'll never know for sure

poet Anonymous

Puzzle Pieces

Im lost within the depths of my mind,
These little puzzle pieces I cannot find
I've been tentatively swimming through the grey matter
I thought I could see a sign, but my brain is in tatters

I've got a social media overload
Lies and altered images numb my skull
Pretty and generic faces with no names
All these stupid fucking little games

I'd rather be alone

Am I left brained, or right
When I'm thinking is it just flight?
My blood pressure rises and my heart
It pounds
I can't block out all of these little sounds
I'm aware of the silence and it's still so loud
I try to float upwards
Soar over the crowd
I tell myself that there is no magic in silence
I tell myself to just breathe and keep it light
But is it fight or is it flight?

I harness the power of the high priestess
And the next day I slip seductively into a slutty dress
Which girl am I today?
The aura of calm or the one who's lost her way?
Am I just a fucking whore?
I want it all and I keep grasping for more
I can't stop rolling the dice and trying
Fight or flight or fucking and crying

I just took you to a place you can never know
See how you didn't expect that though
I'm obsessed with the darkness in this mind
Fuck the puzzle pieces
You are not what I want to find.

Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 21st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 99


In the eye of the storm I saw you

Black heart raging, soul screaming

Broken and undone

Wasted and empty

Your mind betrays you

Dark dreams bind you

Chained by lust

Blinded by your own lies

Who are you when you are alone

Do you cry, do you scream

Do your tears flow freely

Do you feel anything

Behind a mask you hide

A beautiful face shines forth

A trick of the light, vain deception

Just an actor on a stage of dreams

Come now, show yourself

Love still seeks for you

Throw off the mask

No more curtain calls

Time passes quickly

This life calls to you

Cast away your fears

Step into the real

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17139

Holdmyhand, starlight and Phoenix...thank you for your respective entries.

Zebra Black
Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 11th Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 16

who the hell are you

to tell you the truth im a liar
why you may ask it seems dire
its not that i hate truth
its just to be loved that i aspire

i will do anything to save face
so i shine like problems ive solved
and i appear to have magnanimous  grace
but really im not very evolved

ive see  the map of my soul
and for every good moral feature
theres a black vacuous  hole
im just a short sighted creature

my personality is stressed
i make up for it with guile
but i smile and call it finesse
if you knew me youd think me a pile

then theres the struggle with money
i have a job in Satan's mill
i do it for pussy and honey
and work til im over the hill

youll find that im a big talker
but really have nothing to say
secretly im a stalker
the women keep me at bay

then theres the place that i live
im not very clean or neat
its got lots of books and art
but this house it  smells like feet

how about creativity
lets throw it into the mix
oh yes i adore the minds diamonds
truth is im full of tricks

ok what about health
i really try to stay fit
eat right and work out
but sometimes still feel like shit

oh yeah im in relationship
we love each other well
its often like porcupine wrestling
you'd swear its a living hell

i covet secrets so dark and deep
i try to charm you with a smile
please don't find out im a creep
my claws i sharpen with a file

i crave long distance travel
to see the world by plane
im multi cultural
but the french think im a pain

how about having a career
looking smart through all the days
with my nose to the endless grind stone
i work blurry in a daze

ode to the  collective mind
a constant source of stress
floating in the amorphous field
there will never be any rest

oh finally  the place i love the best
subjectivity  and the pleasures of bed
where all my dreams  glitter
and i think what ever i said

trapped in three dimensions
a cauldron of witches brew
im livin the dream, some body else's
and who the hell are you
Written by zebrablack (Zebra Black)
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