Poetry competition CLOSED 7th May 2017 5:40pm
RUNNER-UP: UbiquitousVoid


Scare me...

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 3rd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 14

Poetry Contest

Simple: Create a story to scare me.
Not easily frightened... No stupid shit like "your mom" or "Once upon a time kanye west became president"... good luck!!!!

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

In storage.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17128

Unto God….

It was the day when she at last threw off her mantle of grief, that she came alive. Three years after her husband of 15 years died of a heart attack. A sudden departure that shattered her as if she was fragile glass; she never thought that death would visit people of his age. She felt lost and afraid, as he had been her anchor since she was 20 years old, and out of the orphanage only two years.  

But that morning, three years later, she woke up and for the first time saw how bright the sun shone through her window, heard the breeze rustling the leaves of the mango tree outside, and how the murmurs of leaves rubbing together sounded like a quiet gentle conversation by people unseen.

She got up and for the first time looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. She had a beautiful body, un-scarred by stretch marks and her breasts pert and proud.

She decided that she would take up her friend’s invitation to go out for dinner that weekend. Her friend had been pestering her for months to go out and enjoy life again. Go out with friends and meet new people, come on it’s been three years…her girlfriend had said, and not once but repeatedly.

She wore her tiny red dress, just a sheath that covered her from under her armpit to four inches above her knees, with a small red handbag to match. She felt free, she felt beautiful and for the first time in three years she felt alive.

She walked out of the house and sauntered towards the car-park where her friend was waiting in her car.

Suddenly, pain hit her head from behind and darkness fell.

She opened her eyes and saw a star-studded sky. She could not move, her body didn’t seem to respond to her will to get up or sit up. She just lied there, on spongy ground, screaming within but couldn’t utter a sound.

A hooded figure knelt down near her. He smelled like roses and ashes. She wanted to cry out but she could not even summon a whimper.

He spoke

It is God’s will
for thou shall not suffer
a witch to live  
I still thy heart
thus thou shalt not raise
a false cry
thy hands shall not
with the wicked
be an unrighteous witness
thus, eternal sleep
I grant thee
from sinning
no more shall thou transgress
death I pay upon thee
not for mine own
but for the salvation
of thy soul
this chalice I offer thee
not for thy lips
but for thy throat
unto the gods of darkness...
Jube, Domine, benedicere
Inclinate vos
ad benedictionem

She felt the sharpness of steel on her neck and the stars showered down from the skies.

Fire of Insight
United States 11awards
Joined 11th Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 273

Related submission no longer exists.

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


They come in the night
Demonic army of fright
To pierce the ears
Of those that hear
And blind the eyes
Of those that see

These puss suckers
From the depths of hell
Shall rule the earth
For seven years

Those of that survive
They’re reign of terror
Shall curse that death
Did not prevail

So tonight
Consider the end
A friend

Fire of Insight
Joined 15th Apr 2016
Forum Posts: 236


And as you're driving in your car
Too late now you've read this far
It comes to pass on a winding road
A cruising sedan and a lorry load
And as you go by you hear a shout
This is what she had been talking about
And your mind will ring your ears will pop
Have to pull over for a while and stop
Contemplating how weird life can be
On the back of the lorry a log rolls free

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 20th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 218

At Equinox

I had forgotten      
All of it      
Every bit of it      
Day by day      
Bit by bit      
It was coming back        
I remembered,  
Her email last October 1st.      
Asking me  - - -      
Would I?              
Could I?              
Join her for a "little" celebration/ceremony on the 31st?              
I remembered . . .  
The meadow      
Blood red wine      
Star shaped white silk cloth spread on the ground      
Wine sipping      
Ceremonial stripping      
Erect nipples      
Erect penis      
Lighting the candles      
Lying down in the pentagram      
Her body splayed to the pentagram's points      
Entering her          
Thrusting to the strokes of an unseen clock      
Those were my memories      
Now, on this October 1st      
An email      
A command      
“Be here      
On the 31st”        
I write this      
On a plane      
To Austin      
It is, of course,      
The 31st      
I, quite literally, could not, not be on that plane to Austin      
A car pulled up in front of me at Passenger Pick-Up      
Door swing open      
Voice --deeper, richer than I remembered      
"Get in"      
She drove in silence  
I stared  
Barely recognized her      
Longer hair, red so dark it was nearly black, hid most of her face      
Breasts, my god, I am certain I would have remembered those      
Pearl white skin that nearly glowed      
Cleavage that showed the edge of her nipples      
Her dress, also a deep, dark, almost black shade of red,      
Flowed and hugged her body as if it were a living layer of skin      
Her arms, covered with lace sleeves down to her fingers      
Her nails, polished that same shade of red/black      
The dress, slit up above her waist      
Tunic style held with a silver chain just under her breasts      
And, yet, the fabric stayed close to her body      
Except, as she drove, her movements      
Bared her leg      
As if the fabric willed it so      
Showing, the tunic was all she wore      
Showing also,      
Pearl white glowing skin and a glimpse of red/black pubic hair      
An instant erection      
Painful one      
Pain in my balls      
The ride may have been long or maybe it was short      
I don’t remember      
In full moonlight  
at a familiar meadow      
In its center, already spread, a white silk star shaped cloth      
Like last year      
Waiting for us      
To finish      
What we started      
A year ago      
She whispered      
"Your flight was late      
It's almost time      
Get ready      
I stood frozen      
Her red/black tunic flowed off of her      
without any effort on her part      
pooled at her feet      
She looked at me      
I reached to unbutton my shirt      
She ripped it off of me      
My t-shirt too      
Also, my      
The shredded pile made it clear      
How quickly it had happened      
Both of us naked      
Nipples erect      
Penis painfully so      
She was already wet      
I could see droplets glistening in her hair      
Dampening the inside of her thighs      
"Lay down      
On your back      
Spread to the pentagram      
Like I was last year      
This year, I'm on top.      
She shoved me on to the cloth, down to my knees      
"On your back.    
Tears in her eyes      
I rolled over, splaid myself out      
Open, exposed      
Penis to the sky      
She knelt between my legs      
Bent over      
Touched the tip of her tongue to the tip of my penis      
Slid her mouth down so that all of me was in her mouth      
Deep enough, some of me was down her throat      
As much of hurry as she had expressed      
She took her time moving me in and out of her mouth      
Down her throat      
I was squirming      
The strokes reached      
She pulled back from that thirteen stroke      
She leaned forward      
Her hands reached toward my chest      
Using the nails of her left hand on my right nipple      
Her right thumb, forefinger on my left nipple      
She pinched, pulled, twisted, and lifted      
Pain caused me to gasp      
Buck my hips forcefully upward      
She had positioned herself perfectly      
The force of my upward movement      
Drove my dick deeply into her cunt  
The slamming pain      
Of our pubic bones coming together      
Caused us to jerk nearly apart      
        As an unseen clock struck one      
Nearly apart, but not completely so      
The clock struck a second time      
So too did our pubic bones      
Although the pain this second time      
Matched the first      
It had an ---      
"I want more"      
Obscene sexual pleasure to it      
With each of ten more strokes      
Of that clock      
My dick drove into her pussy      
The obscene pleasure grew      
With it      
Grew a low sort of growl      
In her throat      
In mine      
Mine deeper than hers      
More lustfully, loathsomely, raunchy      
Decidedly more male than hers could ever be      
Our mouths locked      
Our tongues raw from each other's teeth      
Our fingers nearly crushed      
With the force of their interlocking grip      
Our legs twisted and twined around each other      
Our pelvis bones bruised from battering      
Against each other      
While my cock squished      
In and out      
Of her cunt      
Beating on each stroke against her cervix      
With what must have been excruciating pain for her      
It certainly wasn't love      
It wasn't even sex, exactly      
The clock counted off      
We keep perfect time      
It was number twelve we were  
The clock struck twelve      
Our bodies released      
Her cunt contracted, convulsed      
I cried in pain      
My cock delivered      
She gasped at the flood      
Her contractions, milked me of everything my body had to give      
My discharge filled her      
As my penis relaxed inside of her  
Cum flowed out      
A large wet spot grew on the cloth      
Tinted pink with the blood of the violence done to our      
A seeming moment later      
I awoke in my bed a thousand miles north of Austin      
This time      
I remembered everything    
I got out of bed      
Glanced at the mirror      
A deep red/black bruise showing through my dried cum matted dark red, almost black pubic hair      
Dick, still red, swollen from its violent use      
Nipples with red, bloody nail marks      
Pearl white skin      
From the floor      
Curling about my feet      
A pooled red/black cloth      
Seemed to be climbing my legs      
I also noticed      
On my swollen lips      
A smile      
All this seen through eyes      
Whose yellow-green pupils were more cat shaped than round
This group of interrelated poems now has reached six.
Written by J_J_Jay_Jr
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Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983


There you lay bed bound with erratic movement
Like a slowly dying catfish flapping and gasping
Your death rattle a cacophony of gurgling sounds
Speech escapes you but the fear in your eyes does not
You look like a man facing a firing squad or the gallows
I look at you and to be honest, I feel actual revulsion
I feel like I need to explain things to you on your deathbed
This explanation should not be taken as a sign of weakness

“You know, death is never pleasant by its very nature
No one truly wants to die; we’d live forever if we could
One thing is for sure, we all die, eventually everybody dies
There is nothing for you to fear, you die then; it’s nothing
Don’t fear heaven or hell. They honestly don’t exist
I suppose what worries you is exactly the when and how
I’ve been torturing you now for almost five hours.
Power and traditional tools up to the point that you want it
You want it quickly, speedily and as pain free as possible
Sorry I don’t do pain free and depending on your answers
To the following questions I might grant you speed
But don’t expect an apology, I am proud of my work.
this is God's own work”

Do you love me?
Do you really love me?
Do you want to be my lover?
Do you want to join my family?
Are you honoured to be my victim?
Do you love the pain I give you?
Despite me popping your eyes can you see my love for you?
Despite me burning your flesh can you feel my lust for you?
Do you love me?
Do you really love me?

I thought not

Strange Creature
Joined 2nd May 2017
Forum Posts: 4

It is normal for the teenage mind
To equate suicide and wanting to die
With peace of mind

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 1st May 2017
Forum Posts: 4


The satisfying "click" of my victims door alarms me. They would most likely go to sleep after a night like this. This was the first time my "employers" gave me a job I actually wanted to do. The sound of water running now, teeth brushing. This reclusive prick better have enjoyed there last night of laughing, drinking, eating, breathing. There final night, of living. They were in the bedroom now, I was in the closet which was getting uncomfortably warm..... Just as I predicted. My victim has gone into bed without showering. Now I will begin.

I unsheathed the 16 inch knife and grasped its oak handle, which felt good. It fit perfectly in my hands, the blade was carbon steel, non serrated edge. It cut very swiftly and had a considerable amount of heft to it, But not too heavy.

15 minutes later I decided after a night like this, my victim would be close to sleeping. The scraping of fingernails on the closet door was now present, getting louder. The to-be victim stirred in his sleep. My heart burst with the impulsive desire to go savagely ballistic. I grit my teeth and slammed my knuckle on the door knob. "Who in the hell is there?!" The victim yelled, eager for a reassuring thought of it only being their imagination.
As always, they got no reassurance from me. I kicked the door open and stood there, "P-please I.. GET OUT! WHO IS IT?" They demand an answer. There was none. My stationary position turned into a slithering stroll "DON'T COME ANY CLOSER! I can have the police here before you can shit yourself!", the room was dark, but they could still see me, and for once they knew for sure that there was something in the dark to fear.

Within less than one second I leaped onto the bed and my victim screamed once, but only once. I landed on the polyester sheets and swung the blade viciously. My victim kicked and pushed but the last resort was hiding under their bunker of blankets. The blade cut through the fabric and into the flesh, multiple times. The scarlet stained sheets were torn rags.I grabbed for the throat and thrust-ed the blade into the center of the victim.

I put my ear to the mouth, and listened to the air flow out, like the blood from their heart  

(i tried to write a different one but it told me i can not write so much sorry for the length)

poet Anonymous

50 Shades of Pallor

A gatekeeper
ectodermal of layers
nonchalantly soft, tender and smooth

Shades of light
infuse the sublime glow
masking shadows in concocted diffusion

Once adored and revered
a sub-particle of a mass macrocosm
sloughed in expansion of overindulgence

Now on the floor, spewed
in pallor mortis of a fine cocktail
dry and shriveled in dismal putrefaction

Detached from rest
an odorless unrecognizable decay
the rest of the organs recoil and shudder

A justifiable indignation
as hands of the clock rotate
counterclockwise, never resting on the six

Note: previously published.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 5th Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 99

Rain slammed against the windshield like buckshot. The wipers slapped in vain, simultaneously creating bands of smeared grime and the torrents that reduce them into a jigsaw of brake-lights, concrete and ashen sky. Still angered by the thought of my wife with that Neanderthal, I was unconcerned with—perhaps incapable of—focusing on the slow, incompetent drivers around me. Stopping, and going, and slowing, and accelerating. The erratic, herky-jerky motion of the imbeciles that share my world served to heighten my frustration with impatience. I cut the wheel left and right, leapfrogging the other vehicles on the freeway, traveling at a preposterous speed for the hazardous conditions. My mind was screaming. My hands gripped the steering wheel with white knuckles. When the phone lying on the passenger seat rang I looked down at it just before the semitrailer pulled in front of my car.

Although the next instant lumbered obnoxiously, I never saw the Mansfield bar break away under the force of my front end.  I never saw the taillights come through the windshield. I did feel a violent stinging pain on my cheek and left jaw, and a lateral ripping sensation in my neck. But none of it compared to the dread I felt when I saw the phone and the passenger seat were moving in a counter clockwise swirl along with the rest of my surroundings, and the absolute terror of seeing above me, my headless corpse, still gripping the steering wheel, getting farther and farther away.

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

My congratulations to VEE (Rina) & UbiquitousVoid for winning by public votes for their fine entries!

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