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Poetry competition CLOSED 24th March 2017 9:38am
View Profile Poems by snugglebuck
RUNNER-UP: Jade-Pandora

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Sex is Fun

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 23awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625

Poetry Contest

Write a short poem of a joyous or preferably humerous erotic encounter
Many people take sex too seriously; sex is fun, You should be able to see the funny side when things do not go to plan. Both (all) participants should get equal enjoyment,
Some examples:-
Back to the bed for the night
The prospect was a delight
We planned to make love until morning
But we dropped off to sleep without warning
The hair on his girl was bright red
When he persuaded her into his bed
He hoped he would find
Her the natural kind
With a bush in her knickers quite red

He was in for quite a shock
As he quickly removed her frock
Her cunt was shaved bare
Quite devoid of hair
None left not even a lock
Keep them short
As many as you like
New or old

Tony Pena
Fire of Insight
United States 12awards
Joined 6th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1078

No sex No fun

Not enough dollars in the passed hat
for our exotic erotic rendezvous
to escape the New York winter blues
as the landlord of my cold water flat
soaked up my last dime and my wet
dream dried up into a slumber of sand
made worse by her he man rat of an ex
smelling blood and swooping in that day
with a titillating offer of a week’s stay
for a fun loving and frolicking pair
in his love den of a timeshare
just down the road from Disneyland
whereupon she left on the next JetBlue
leaving me with nothing to do
but to crawl under a blanket
with a family of fleas coddling a limp
dick in my hand and cutting cheese until
spring hopefully puts my mind at ease.

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


The windows have all fogged over,    
there's a new-money smell to my hair,

panties coil round my ankle resting    
snug against your head, while    
night descends and takes us where    
the tires fear to tread,    
throwing caution to the wind—
radio blasting "Muskrat Love".

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


surprise! for the man I can't get enough of—
a cinched corset of butter-yellow leather
making my hips wider than they are
no room left for air,
its bone and sinew replace my own,
the stocking top ostrich trim tickles
don't be fooled lover, lying back, head cradled,
or is it I who will be with my talent packaged thus—
we'll have fun finding out
riding crop in hand facing away,
I ease on to straddle you
for a rigorous canter, you knew I would
and when I think I've bested you in your intrigue,
you reach and pull the laces tighter
till I flutter and swoon

poet Anonymous

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geoff cat
Dangerous Mind
United States 33awards
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028

Poetess and Leather

(a sonnet)    
Her words suspend, tight knots in lover’s sling.    
I rise with every harness buckle’s bend,    
With every snap of leather’s rawhide sting,    
With every dig that painted nails could lend.    
Her pony boy would gladly take her bit,    
Her mane and tackle, tail plug’s gracious gift.    
To ride her pleasure, on my saddle sit.    
Our home dressage that shows my measured lift.    
If I displease, then let me feel its cost,    
For this Ring Miss’tress wields a master’s whip.    
So strap and bend, that not one lash is lost.    
Hard lessons earned from teacher’s forceful quip.    
I linger long, this poet’s language gain,    
And focus hard to learn her pleasing pain.
Written by Hepcat61 (geoff cat)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


What’s the problem
Why the pause?
I’m not asking you
To have my baby  
All I want is
A hand job, lady 


So don’t be shocked
And don’t be angry
Just put a dab of
Lotion in your palm
And get handy

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Hell Snuggle buck...
Rub a dub dub
I'll have a go at your nub...
Does it always shrink like that in the tub?

I get you want a handy job..
But for full stroke...i need more than the knob...
Sorry...but you will need
Neil and Bob

They are waiting in the next room ...ha...just kidding

I don't mind a new bruise on the knee
To see the charming Snugglebuck pleased...
I wouldn't want you to think me a tease...


So dry off baby
Don't make me wonder
If I can turn that turtle turns into anaconda
With Calamity as your snake charmer.....


Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Oh my dearest Calamity
Do what ever you want
To my little wiggly

You can hold it
You can stroke it
You can even poke it

But what ever you do
Just don't choke it

He'll just spit up
Then pass out!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16830

It was Fun

sex around the clock
what fun
a honeymoon
worth repeating
lets dance

and sunny side up
and bow wow
what a bone-r

edge of the chair
legs on armrest
o what a nest
placing the...
no not the eggs

flip flop
do hip hop
bopping from the hip
like a pumped up piston
mind the bed post

shower gel
and lots of foam
which one is....
don't swallow!
could be soap

so is sex fun
o yes and more than once
running through the house
getting it on
where we rest
no...not at the oven
bread's a-baking...
o dear!

and to the garden
at twilight
birthday suit well washed
mind the...
garden rake!

poet Anonymous

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Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2077

cafe flesh

i want to suck you off
the barista unwittingly said when she
looked me up and down

would you be so kind
i replied
and ordered a long black

my gaze poured down her curves
spilled over the counter as she
drew my name in the shape of a cock
on the paper cup

the waitress
attuned to the proposition
asked if i’d fancy a slice of raisin toast
melted butter

the depraved tap of pen
against her tooth was a signal
[mister] fuck me in the asshole
was the deciphered code

sounds good
i’m ravenous
was my reply

the barista’s breasts quivered
when she slammed the portafilter handle
emptied the last shot and reloaded
then firmly pressed the tamper puck

cutlery and glass chimed
tables and chairs trembled
when the machine burst into action
grinding aromatic coffee bean
spluttering froth and steam

it was blatantly clear
the customers
they weren't in this joint only for the brew
the women relished the ramshackle vibe
and the men were mystified
by the business of breakfast
Written by case28 (Alexander Case)
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Twisted Dreamer
Canada 1awards
Joined 18th Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 43

Snugglebuck + calamity  = halariously awesome fun !

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 1awards
Joined 18th Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 43

My design

Hello, nice to meet you
Now can i get inside you
Enraged ,I crave lust
I need someone to fuck!
Enslave, I must
Someone to be struck!
Gasping for air Between each thrust!
We stare, We lock eyes,
Then lips Subtle cries.
Between the hips ,A tight grip
My cock so thick,
Forcing you to submit!
My dominance Superior
All are inferior!
I penetrate i rape,
I belittle I infatuate !
Obsessed with bliss
We cum and we kiss!
We lock eyes
Then lips,
Subtle cries
Between the hips .
a tight grip
my cock so thick
You squirm
And you scream
And In pain and in pleasure
You beg for me
For More
For More
For More
I taunt you and tease
I trick you into displease
Then i pleasure you with ease
Then bring you down to your knees
My cock down your throat
Slowly you choke
Heart beating faster Faster
Fear me Im your master
You beg me for more
I love you Sweet whore
You beg me for more
Though i love you no more
Cum on your face
Cum in your mouth
Cum in your pussy
Now get out of my house
Coming back so soon
You must love the abuse
I love to abuse
I love to choose
Sleeping so softly
You skin so silky
I pamper you gently
Im not always so friendly
Though i take care of my toys
Im not like most boys
I am rough but dont destroy
I want you to enjoy
You question my intentions
Confused by my actions
I punish
I reward
I never get bored
You feel so loved
You feel so hated
I am the love
Ill love you for ages
How much can you take
Ill take my time
Ill ease you into it
A beautiful crime
This is my design

Written by Leo_Sunset
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Lost Thinker
Joined 18th Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 13

In amongst the cabbages, on the shores near the sea, even in a tree house surrounded by leaves.Some may call it sex we prefer to say making love.Everytime we do it the connection is beautiful we can reach amazing heights with our imaginary wings, a gift from a dove.In amongst the brambles then afterwards removing needles from our thighs, walking away laughing both feeling like we are on cloud nine 🌈👫

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