Poetry competition CLOSED 7th March 2017 4:25am
RUNNERS-UP: Afroqn73 and mel44



Thought Provoker
Joined 31st Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 143

Poetry Contest

Share romantic poems.
Romance: a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love.

Poems will get comments explaining good features as well as subjective areas of improvement. If you want comments, then put your poem webpage's full url link (or just the 6 digits that are within that url) at the bottom of your posts.

You are allowed to submit a poem that you've written before, even if I've commented on it or it's been in my previous romance contest.

You can submit 3 poems maximum. Don't edit your posts, after the contest has closed.

please send me a private message with any questions.

Here's some inspiration from last competition:

Dreaming of You (Tanka)

My skin dreams of dew  
Watching the fan twirl and whirl  
Flirting with the breeze  
I am like the waning moon  
Night after night missing you

Read With Me

read with me  
let's drown  
in these pages  
each word pulling  
us further in  
so far  
we lose focus  
of breathing  
we just want  
and more  
each page  
burning with desire,  
as well as lost fire  
every word  
vibrating my  
in complete  
rhythm with  
your own  
all of my hidden  
bled upon
the pages  
pouring from  
the soul  
getting lost  
in the passion  
of you  
hands intertwined  
fantasy & reality  
every word  
dropping from  
the pages  
as rain  
the desert soul  
never shall  
there be  
this story  
of us

This Knight

My shield, I have cast aside
My sword, is sheathed and
Sits against your bedroom door
I have abandoned my armor
This knight
Comes to you
Open, vulnerable to your whims
Tonight, I am not a knight
I am only a simple man
With simple needs
That only you can satiate

Thought Provoker
Joined 31st Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 143

the url links are not working in the past competition, so here are my comments:


the empty moments  
turn to days & weeks & months,  
caged eternity—
real life encroaching lovers,
taking leave amid the rain
abandoning us—
we who try to keep time still,
fallen to our knees
surrounded in the deluge,
casting our passions amuck
forsaking us here
where we take what we have left
and forget the rest—
there is 'now' with you alone
as there always was before

the theme of time and eternity is very powerful and emotional, especially within the last 2 lines. The sympathetic tone, for the the encroaching lovers, feels a little weak with the antagonistic verb choice "amuck." but I like the resolution of the struggle, within your last stanza.


i. Hit

I was pleased to be just me
Unaffected, jolly and sometimes, serene
Other times angry, but otherwise happy
Then you came and everything changed

I felt a sudden missing that wasn't there before
I don't want nor need it, but loneliness persisted
In my heart, something constantly grows so painfully
A hallow within, aching to be filled by something

ii. Denial

I looked the other way, walking past by you
Convinced myself that only if I faithfully ignore
Would the malady be gone and I would be cured
Much like a bad wind gushing fleetingly ahead

I am fine, I could take it, if I could just hold it in
I closed my eyes and run blindly away
The further I am, the less affected I'd be
I'll be happy alone, just like before...

iii. Acceptance

Or so I thought, but I was wrong
The more I denied, the more it pains
The more I run away, the more tired I became
I could never be free, distance is just an illusion

What I really needed, is to be with you
No one else would fit this empty hallow
Without you, a half-life is what I would follow
Like a moon without the sun in its horizon

iv. Plead

So wont you, take me with you?
Would you love me as I do?
Forgive my foolishness and embrace me instead
With your eyes in tears and a smile on your face.

Will you accept my heart, broken as it is
Of my own doing and no one else
Please  fill me in and make me whole
Give me air, heal me, make me live a full life!

v. Promise

I swear, never to be afraid anymore
I won't let go, I won't be moved,
I would make us a home, a family...
Together we'd weave the future

Together we will be stronger
Even at times of great struggle
We will survive, you and I
Because we are undivided, as one

vi. Grateful

In the crowded crossroad of life
Chances were given for the both of us
Blessed are we to find each other
Amids the chaos of countless encounters

Thank you for waiting to meet me this lifetime
For just being you, with me, for me... by me
For letting me be the shadow of your light
For making me the glimmer you follow in the dark

vii. Pledge

I loved you from yeterday
Love you still today
And would love you more
Till tomorrow ceased to be
My beloved stranger
Stranger no more

viii. Not the end

The title is a very creative oxymoron where "my" suggests personal ownership or familiarity, yet "stranger" presents a feel of mystery and unknown. This piece was quite uncomfortably long. Nonetheless, the personal piece presents a nice mix of mystery and love, with an interesting emotional (man vs. self) struggle.

broken wings

Too close to the sun I flew
Recklessness was all I  knew
Then along came you
Soothing presence healing my wounds

The half-rhyming is quite good. Your piece feels quite vague: its romantic theme is questionable. But the sudden change in atmosphere is interesting within your 3rd line, shown by its sudden shortness.

#21 Tigress

Beast are you sleeping?  
I gaze upon your beauty-gently entwining my body with yours  
Wrapping your limbs in mine  
Feeling the softness of your fur  
Hearing your soft, slow, rhythmic snores
In your throat the deep rumble of your purrs  
Beast are you sleeping?  
I gaze into your face as your ears and whiskers twitch -I try to imagine your dreamscape with the colors both vibrant and rich  
Do you run through the tall grass wild and free?
Or do you leap high into the air off of a narrow precipice  
Splashing down into a crystal clear blue lagoon fathoms deep?
Yes my beast-weary from the hunt-exhausted from chasing-drained from raging-sleep  
And dream of whatever slumbering beasts dream  
Until the time you are called upon again  
Sleep your sweet, peaceful slumber
While I stare at you in awe
Eyes misty ogling you with childlike wonder

I like your interesting personification of the tigress. The last line felt a little awkward. But the tigress's beast/beauty nature is very fascinating.

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 24th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 414

Ty for ur comments  glad that you enjoyed them...I enjoy the feedback ty so much!!! 😎

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 24th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 414

Kiss Me

I inhale with eyes closed
Lips touch like
The breeze from angels wings

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1813


Josh (Joshua Bond)
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


There are moments of passing
each other like pieces of
stars from two moons colliding.

So far apart, between trysts
as we circle around suns,
fired up, pulled apart by

gravity, then surfing rings
of braided ice, becoming
trails of swelling comet tails.

Bringing our passion's climax
to the brink before we leave
once again when fires fade.

Artwork is done on MSPaint as "mousework", the image & poem are original by Jade Pandora, Copyright ©2016. All Rights Reserved.
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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poet Anonymous

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 10awards
Joined 3rd Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 327


Always my passion  
most precious love I've known  
could not live without you  
caring not to stand alone  
Beside you I am whole  
never more complete  
loving me always  
no others compete  
All the parts of you  
my lover, I adore  
my existence  
soul mates ever more  
Holding you in my heart  
desire embraced  
feel how much I love you  
you are my saving grace
Written by mel44
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Tristan Edgar
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 5th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 12


Love, It’s a peculiar thing, shown by vast commodities  or diamond rings. It kills as well as it heals but it's often said only for cheap thrills. But I must say the love I hold for you is not something you can knock out of a shoe. Our love holds me close and whispers sweet secrets in my ear. Secrets that you my dear need to hear. Love tells me that my forever is held in your hands, it humbles me, makes me see that I'm just a man. Every man needs a woman by his side. One that will be there for him when he may cry. And one that will mourn him when he one day dies. But such a relationship must be mutual for it to blossom into something useful. Lauryn, I swear on my life a love like ours is foreign. You hold the only key to my heart, you hold my world only you could tear it apart. I've given you all of me, everything that you see it's yours. You only have brought my life to a path that I will gladly travel before you, my world was nothing but unraveled. Baby, I am hoping that maybe, just maybe you're the one. To fill a hole In my heart as wide as the sun.  Lauryn love is a peculiar thing and I hope to give you all of the commodities and maybe one day….a diamond ring.
Written by EdgarAllanPoetry (Tristan Edgar)
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Strange Creature
Joined 7th Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 2

I'm trying to enter but I keep getting a dead bug telling me i'm not allowed to have a URL in my post....I dont.....Any advice would be great.

Thought Provoker
Joined 31st Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 143

will judge contest now. but will start next contest only once I'm done commenting on poems.

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