Aspergers Syndrom
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Forum Posts: 38
Dangerous Mind
Joined 28th May 2015Forum Posts: 38
Communicating in general, words having to always be interpreted correctly
and therefore correctly understood, can be very difficult for an Aspergian.
Words without correct punctuation and spelling, expected to always be
both correctly interpreted and understood, is a huge pain in the ass for
an Aspergian.
Many times I am left staring like a deer in frickin' headlights...
~ "Why did he bring all those cats to a Church?"
~ "Why would a snake be wearing a sweater?"
Poetry being written, having to be envisioned, can be a difficult challenge
for an Aspergian.
Poetry read, words needing to be interpreted correctly and then envisioned,
is very difficult for an Aspergian.
'Rigid steel sinks deep to penetrate walls which cascade a candy flavored
rain inside your hungry greed'
~ "a knife into sheetrock dripping with food coloring tainted water inside his
belly?...WTH? I think I'm going to have to make a sexually poetic metaphorical
dictionary...why can't they just say 'his *beep *beep enters her *beep which is
found *beep and ready inside his embrace like I would?' Jesus, this is difficult..."
Communicating in general, words having to always be interpreted correctly
and therefore correctly understood, can be very difficult for an Aspergian.
Facial expressions, words, textures and sounds each giving a sign, understood
by most others can leave this girl baffled and sometimes dumbfounded...but in
some cases far from it...we at time see it all...usually in the unseen...focus is
brought to the distant because of the need for clear...hidden from many others
we can see deep to expose the real.
That need for clarity with brain always racing, seeking to know we are understood
then yields:
~ "Was I the cause? Did I do something wrong? Please let me know....Maybe
nothing is being said because of the expected Q&A repercussions..."
~ "it has to be my fault, after all, this is what I've always been told...I think
maybe I should just leave you alone...
Someone once told me
Childish is
How you are behaving
I tried over and over
Insisting that I wasn't...
Trying to convey
All of the sensations or pain...
Reactions I would have...
Yesterday's news after the second or third...
No longer will I try more than that to explain
Like me or not
It doesn't matter to me
Value is in
Sometimes it's not always easy to see
Walk up to me
Interact with me
Talk with me
Have a conversation...Yes...
One day you may witness an
Unexpected reaction
To fire alarms, pitches, tones, textures
Just give me the time to explain
Understand and find the beauty in everyone else's
Gift others the courtesy you would
Expect for yourself
Many wonderful things reside in
Never forget you could have been a "chosen one"
Think about that before you scowl your face and judge
Copyright © 2017 Schiitaryn McKenna. All Rights Reserved
Communicating in general, words having to always be interpreted correctly
and therefore correctly understood, can be very difficult for an Aspergian.
Words without correct punctuation and spelling, expected to always be
both correctly interpreted and understood, is a huge pain in the ass for
an Aspergian.
Many times I am left staring like a deer in frickin' headlights...
~ "Why did he bring all those cats to a Church?"
~ "Why would a snake be wearing a sweater?"
Poetry being written, having to be envisioned, can be a difficult challenge
for an Aspergian.
Poetry read, words needing to be interpreted correctly and then envisioned,
is very difficult for an Aspergian.
'Rigid steel sinks deep to penetrate walls which cascade a candy flavored
rain inside your hungry greed'
~ "a knife into sheetrock dripping with food coloring tainted water inside his
belly?...WTH? I think I'm going to have to make a sexually poetic metaphorical
dictionary...why can't they just say 'his *beep *beep enters her *beep which is
found *beep and ready inside his embrace like I would?' Jesus, this is difficult..."
Communicating in general, words having to always be interpreted correctly
and therefore correctly understood, can be very difficult for an Aspergian.
Facial expressions, words, textures and sounds each giving a sign, understood
by most others can leave this girl baffled and sometimes dumbfounded...but in
some cases far from it...we at time see it all...usually in the unseen...focus is
brought to the distant because of the need for clear...hidden from many others
we can see deep to expose the real.
That need for clarity with brain always racing, seeking to know we are understood
then yields:
~ "Was I the cause? Did I do something wrong? Please let me know....Maybe
nothing is being said because of the expected Q&A repercussions..."
~ "it has to be my fault, after all, this is what I've always been told...I think
maybe I should just leave you alone...
Someone once told me
Childish is
How you are behaving
I tried over and over
Insisting that I wasn't...
Trying to convey
All of the sensations or pain...
Reactions I would have...
Yesterday's news after the second or third...
No longer will I try more than that to explain
Like me or not
It doesn't matter to me
Value is in
Sometimes it's not always easy to see
Walk up to me
Interact with me
Talk with me
Have a conversation...Yes...
One day you may witness an
Unexpected reaction
To fire alarms, pitches, tones, textures
Just give me the time to explain
Understand and find the beauty in everyone else's
Gift others the courtesy you would
Expect for yourself
Many wonderful things reside in
Never forget you could have been a "chosen one"
Think about that before you scowl your face and judge
Copyright © 2017 Schiitaryn McKenna. All Rights Reserved
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Forum Posts: 5731
Guardian of Shadows
Joined 17th Feb 2013Forum Posts: 5731
(the line is down the middle…)
(both sides must match….)
(focus; the metronome…avoids agitation)
Swing right—swing left
Ignore—the rest
Keeping time—within my chest
(train cars, lined up…the dome keeps them from falling apart)
Not yours—but mine
I hear—what’s behind
(sounds are too loud, fractured…without the glass)
Defensive missiles—fired toward her
(timing, timing, timing…everything in its place…don’t deviate)
(the line is down the middle…)
(both sides must match….)
(focus; the metronome…avoids agitation)
Swing right—swing left
Ignore—the rest
Keeping time—within my chest
(train cars, lined up…the dome keeps them from falling apart)
Not yours—but mine
I hear—what’s behind
(sounds are too loud, fractured…without the glass)
Defensive missiles—fired toward her
(timing, timing, timing…everything in its place…don’t deviate)
john rickell
Joined 16th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 115
john rickell
Dangerous Mind
Forum Posts: 115
A basket by the hearth
Logs beside the door
waiting winter's cold
pine and oak and withy
here beneath the roof
to dry for kindling,
basket by the hearth
with smaller sticks
to start the fire.
A simple scene
barely worth the telling,
wood and sticks and sawdust,
October Sunday morning.
Three swifts chasing flies
missed the bus to Africa.
They're welcome to stay
crowd round the chimney
with robin and the tits
hear carols from the hearth
crackling wood and pine smells
from logs here beside the door
waiting winter's cold on
a sunny Sunday morning
a basket by the hearth.
waiting winter's cold
pine and oak and withy
here beneath the roof
to dry for kindling,
basket by the hearth
with smaller sticks
to start the fire.
A simple scene
barely worth the telling,
wood and sticks and sawdust,
October Sunday morning.
Three swifts chasing flies
missed the bus to Africa.
They're welcome to stay
crowd round the chimney
with robin and the tits
hear carols from the hearth
crackling wood and pine smells
from logs here beside the door
waiting winter's cold on
a sunny Sunday morning
a basket by the hearth.
Written by Kexby
(john rickell)
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Forum Posts: 1873
Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd Feb 2014Forum Posts: 1873
Sir Richard Burton
Speaking 25 languages without a noticeable accent
Sir Richard Burton is a living testament
That Aspergers Syndrome often equals genius
I’ve been fascinated with this man since I was a boy. Most historians believe that Sir Richards’s Burton’s ability to learn and speak a language, without a noticeable accent, could be linked to Aspergers syndrome. Not only could he learn a new language in days, he would also learn the customs and mannerisms of the people who’s tongue he spoke with, in just as short a time. Such Asbergers language genius, who abilities may be linked to this sydrome are, Kit Carson and Golda Meir.
Speaking 25 languages without a noticeable accent
Sir Richard Burton is a living testament
That Aspergers Syndrome often equals genius
I’ve been fascinated with this man since I was a boy. Most historians believe that Sir Richards’s Burton’s ability to learn and speak a language, without a noticeable accent, could be linked to Aspergers syndrome. Not only could he learn a new language in days, he would also learn the customs and mannerisms of the people who’s tongue he spoke with, in just as short a time. Such Asbergers language genius, who abilities may be linked to this sydrome are, Kit Carson and Golda Meir.
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Forum Posts: 318
Dangerous Mind
Joined 1st July 2014Forum Posts: 318
I Am Normal... [ Competiton Poem]
Growing up an outcast as I wasn't like the other kids,
They would laugh at me and tease me for being different.
Though at the time I didn't understand why they were picking on me,
I kept to my myself and was never a trouble maker however I seemed to have the quickest temper.
I fought to defend myself from those who thought it was funny to call me a freak and weirdo just because of the many things they could find wrong with me.
Like I wasn't social no matter how hard I tried I couldn't hang with anyone because I was too shy, but they thought it was weird that I acted that way.
My family didn't understand me nor did those my age understand me,
I was struggling with a inner war I had no idea how to win.
People around me who didn't know me acted like it was a sin to be this way.
They'd stare at me and make up things about me making me feel guilty for something I couldn't control.
I was born this way,
I couldn't undo what God had planned for me.
I felt unloved and defective,
Alone and lost.
I didn't feel wanted nor did I feel like I was needed.
Couldn't figure out my purpose in life if I wasn't like everyone else so I stopped trying to be happy and stayed angry because society only saw me on the spectrum as someone who acted crazy.
But as I slowly progressed and realized my talents I go day by day living my life as if I'm sticking up a big middle finger at anyone who dares to judge me.
I'm not your charity case,
I'm not your basket case,
I'm not some poor unfortunate soul,
I'm just like every other individual on this planet.
I'm just me.
I am normal...
They would laugh at me and tease me for being different.
Though at the time I didn't understand why they were picking on me,
I kept to my myself and was never a trouble maker however I seemed to have the quickest temper.
I fought to defend myself from those who thought it was funny to call me a freak and weirdo just because of the many things they could find wrong with me.
Like I wasn't social no matter how hard I tried I couldn't hang with anyone because I was too shy, but they thought it was weird that I acted that way.
My family didn't understand me nor did those my age understand me,
I was struggling with a inner war I had no idea how to win.
People around me who didn't know me acted like it was a sin to be this way.
They'd stare at me and make up things about me making me feel guilty for something I couldn't control.
I was born this way,
I couldn't undo what God had planned for me.
I felt unloved and defective,
Alone and lost.
I didn't feel wanted nor did I feel like I was needed.
Couldn't figure out my purpose in life if I wasn't like everyone else so I stopped trying to be happy and stayed angry because society only saw me on the spectrum as someone who acted crazy.
But as I slowly progressed and realized my talents I go day by day living my life as if I'm sticking up a big middle finger at anyone who dares to judge me.
I'm not your charity case,
I'm not your basket case,
I'm not some poor unfortunate soul,
I'm just like every other individual on this planet.
I'm just me.
I am normal...
Written by MsRockyJackson
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Forum Posts: 318
Dangerous Mind
Joined 1st July 2014Forum Posts: 318
Your welcome AEMelia, I'm glad I did well :)
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