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Your Reading List.....opinions?

poet Anonymous

Please give us all your opinion of what your Reading List means to You.
I've been having a discussion with another member who shall remain unnamed, about the use of our Reading Lists. We've agreed to disagree
We each read both seasoned and newer members work and comment quite extensively. If I haven't gotten to You, I will
Its my thinking that Listing a poets work is a confirmation of my appreciation for that poets work at whatever level with a belief that they are growing. This should give that poet the attaboy* to continue with some confidence to grow. While also recommending to my followers the work of that poet.

My colleague believes that we should be much more selective about listing, preferring to list only the works she feels are extraordinary works. Thereby, keeping her list short and holding a poets work on her front page for many days, even weeks. Thank her very much if you make her list!

We disagree (agreeably) that readers who visit our page will dig deeper than just a cursory glance at our Reading List and discover some gems. She feels most readers will not and therefore only see the recommendations of the top 5 works. I think if my readers come to my profile they will open my Reading List to see what poets I've listed numerous times but find those gems also.

So, its my impression that 1) the profile page Reading list is too short at just 5 or 6...maybe we can suggest to DUMistress to double it..?
and 2) that the Reading List might get too much use as a promotional tool to impress friends or influence others.
I believe my colleague and I agree on this point

So, tell us what you think/ how you use your Reading List.

Do you try to promote promising new members works?
Do you use the list for self promotion by listing only friends works who then list yours?
Do you use the list to kiss ass of the better known members hoping to be noticed by them and possibly reach their list?
Maybe you pay no attention to the Reading List. Yours or others?

Any comments will be welcome..but be kind and don't call anyone out by name please.

* attaboy
noun: Military in origin, an official recognition or commendation for good work that is recorded in one's personnel file, specifically one that is a positive influence in a subsequent pay raise or promotion.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3273

Whatever makes my list, it's so I can go back and re-read it...

Hence, "reading list". Sometimes I need to read a few times to understand it, or maybe it captured something perfectly for me... I may be smitten with the ink, or just want to treasure beautiful work.

Last thing I consider is promoting the poets, but if an entry leads to more reads, then I'm glad.

As for the profile page, I think a top ten list would be cool, instead of most recent entries...

poet Anonymous

I check out the reading lists of poets I follow because I like to get an idea of what appeals to each.
Likewise, my own list includes works which move me most, regardless of whether I subscribe to the poet, regardless of whether he/she is old or new member.

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 32awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6705

Never really quite used the Reading List as a reading list, or a list of reccomendations, who the heck is following my word anyway? To me it is a poem archive or bunker that I fill up and may look through again sometime. If I really like a poem not only will I give it a like but stash it in the archive that is my reading list.

If I really want to read more of a poet's work then I just go through their Poems page/pages and follow them.

I think the best way of promoting work on DU is the competitions, not just for the winner but also for all involved, as you get a theme and each poet's style infused into that style. The truly well known members are more than likely ones who do not pay much stock in ass-kissing and false praise.

poet Anonymous

Atakti, A-Flash and Viddax Thanks so much for getting this going..:) I'm hoping to get a lot more interest to speak on this.  

Dangerous Mind
United States 20awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2010
Forum Posts: 1572

I agree with Atakti--I use my reading list for myself. If I like a poem enough to want to go back to it, I put it on my list. If that gets more people to read the poem, then it's an added bonus, since I obviously like it enough to want others to read it, but that's not really the root cause for my adding it.

poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14576


I treat my reading list like I'd treat my bookcase at home. fill it with pieces I like and would like to read again, but also if someone comes into my home I can say "oh, you like to read? here's some stuff I've read you might like, have a root through"

Mr A
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 17awards
Joined 24th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 1878

I just add them for the poet's ego.

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 1st Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 205

If i feel a poem ,If it stirs my emotions then i keep it in my reading list.
Some of the poems on my reading list have become personal to me.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 2122

MrAlptraum said:I just add them for the poet's ego.

that's not like you, is it?

Mr A
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 17awards
Joined 24th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 1878

I don't know.

Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2084

lepperochan said:^-

I treat my reading list like I'd treat my bookcase at home. fill it with pieces I like and would like to read again, but also if someone comes into my home I can say "oh, you like to read? here's some stuff I've read you might like, have a root through"

I think that sums it up for me perfectly... except the bit about rooting.

poet Anonymous

If I like a poem enough I feel that I might want to read it again, it goes into my reading list. Therefore, my reading list is full of my opinion of good poetry...

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17049

I have 17 on my list, thats what it says. So if thats what you are talking about Poetik...well its not five or six. Anyway, my reading list is like my books, I keep them as reading materials. I will read them whenever I want, without having to look it up on the authors page again. I don't pick them to kiss ass, either. I am very grateful and happy that I get read, though, don't get me wrong. On the flip side, I like engaging in competitions, because the titles are usually inspiring. The competitions that I have carried out so far has dug out talents that have the wow factor, with a little brushing, in my humble opinion...I went off topic, sorry, but yes the reading list is commendable; its like a folder of materials you want to read again.

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