Joined 18th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 397
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 397
Poetry Contest Description
Write a poem depicting dualism in anyway you see fit.
I want to hear your perspective on duality depicted in some way or form, whether it be personal, philosophical, abstract, physical ..etc.
There are no rules or restrictions for this competition.
There are no rules or restrictions for this competition.

"Gemini Lips"
I looked
at the guy
staring at me
and wondered
about his
sad brown eyes
still twinkled
hidden messages.
Trapped in
a mica-reflection,
his Gemini-lips
unheard by anyone
two lonely guys
at each other
naked in
the bathroom
of silence
running water.
I looked
at the guy
staring at me
and wondered
about his
sad brown eyes
still twinkled
hidden messages.
Trapped in
a mica-reflection,
his Gemini-lips
unheard by anyone
two lonely guys
at each other
naked in
the bathroom
of silence
running water.
Joined 18th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 397
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 397
Thanks for getting this started with your submission Strider.

My pleasure Elrond..it's definitely abstract! :)

It is not wise to admit you are a victim
The bullies are like sharks smelling blood
Similarly to admit you have bullied
Makes you not somebody to love
I was bullied by a teacher when I was 11
She picked on me constantly for no good reason
I told her to go to hell
From school I was expelled
As a teacher I am ashamed to say
There was a student who was the devil's son
Caused me more harm than anyone
I got my revenge subtly, failed school, permanently
So there are really two of us in each person
One is the bully and the other is the victim
Sometimes we do one thing and cry
But when we bully we can cause someone to die.

somelikeithot said:
Elrond said, "There are no rules or restrictions for this competition."
Existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.
Consider (something) theoretically or separately from something else.
The quality or condition of being dual.
The quantum-mechanical property of being regardable as both a wave and a particle.
Maybe, I am a wave, maybe a particle.
Elrond said, "There are no rules or restrictions for this competition."
Existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.
Consider (something) theoretically or separately from something else.
The quality or condition of being dual.
The quantum-mechanical property of being regardable as both a wave and a particle.
Maybe, I am a wave, maybe a particle.

Joined 18th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 397
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 397
Thanks Peacebeuntoyou. That took a while to come up,but thank you none the less. ^_^ Two great entries so far. And, that is quite abstract Strider. I'm working on deciphering it as we speak. :)

We are both male and female
Even when we are XX or XY
Some traits are not totally masculine
Men can be tough yet feminine
There is a man I know
Who will not let his feminine side show
He does not want to forget
He definitely does not want to forgive
Yet he meets his equal
In a woman so strong
She is the leader of her people
She knows how to get along
Nature wants balance
In every way
From the dark at night
To the sun by day
Duality is not bad
When done in moderation
Like justice holding the scales
Taking the middle way
So do not think in black and white
Think in fifty shades of gray!

You do not know me and you never will
I am a shapeshifter with experienced skill
Of turning colours to camouflage
The Chameleon in me that some despise
Before you pass judgment, please hear me out
You do not know what caused this changeling
To come about
Children who are not pleasing face traumatic rejection
Mechanisms of coping involve
Trying different behaviours and see their effects
Changing behavior changes response
The lesson is not lost on the child
Who becomes who she thinks they want her to be
Finally she is acceptable, nice and mild
Just what the teachers and parents wanted to see
So in a dangerous world I change colours
Blend into my background so as not to be prey
To those who would harm me should they find out
Who or what I may really be
I will be the best woman a man ever had
The warmest friend you have ever wanted
The hardest working employee
Whatever your favour, I will be glad
To serve you what you wish for, for a while
Then the rug is pulled out under me
Again and again, the pattern is there
Do not be too comfortable anywhere
Learned to act, learned to smile
Reinvented myself again for a while
Forgot the past and went marching into the future
Lived nine lives, will live many more
As for revenge, I believe that is not mine to give
Karma catches up with all who live.
Death Plane for Teddy
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4409
Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 4409
Please excuse the faulty cognizing of this humble psychosomatic apparatus.
(To perceive new entry: follow time's arrow.)
Joined 18th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 397
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 397
Extremely creative entries Rayheinrich. Thank you for entering :).
poetry in oceans
Joined 24th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 74
poetry in oceans
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 74
not sure if this fits...I hope so
reads like a poem
sounds like a song
and actually mixes in lyrics from
7 biker songs
RIDE...no more wasting away
I don't wanna drive 55 baby
goes against my true natures child
just love moving 8 miles a minute
I must say I was born to be wild
On your steel horse you look so hot
it's chrome wheeled, fuel injected not stock
no stop signs or speed limits down the line
we can run til we drop like a rock
Let's go step out over the line tonight
because nobody's gonna slow me down now
and I guess I lost my way for a while
there were oh so many roads, got lost somehow
I want to get back out on the road again
come on babe, we can climb so high
cause I wanna know if love is wild
let's ride to feel alive, cause, I never wanna die!
reads like a poem
sounds like a song
and actually mixes in lyrics from
7 biker songs
RIDE...no more wasting away
I don't wanna drive 55 baby
goes against my true natures child
just love moving 8 miles a minute
I must say I was born to be wild
On your steel horse you look so hot
it's chrome wheeled, fuel injected not stock
no stop signs or speed limits down the line
we can run til we drop like a rock
Let's go step out over the line tonight
because nobody's gonna slow me down now
and I guess I lost my way for a while
there were oh so many roads, got lost somehow
I want to get back out on the road again
come on babe, we can climb so high
cause I wanna know if love is wild
let's ride to feel alive, cause, I never wanna die!