Image for the poem Misty Morning

Misty Morning

Misty took a scrap of paper
tearing the edges off
she wrote a note proclaiming
just how day had been won
A slight victory
in times of daily battles
as night was worn
like a battle scarf
the favor of saint Angelus...

Stars adorned Her cheeks
their dust falling
from Her sleeves
while the moon held high
upon Her face
perfect space in between

The twinkling of Her eyes
Clair vision tip-toeing
She took to Her knife

Begins the bleeding

Dark trickles beading
to parchment
lacing the page
woven deepened tapestry

Her life and to days
stained by the earth
revolving wrong ways

Penning the shards
erasing the space
reminding Her once

Whence came the light

Then spark led to dark
holding future memory
shoving the dagger
further and deeper
bleeding profusely
found Herself writing
to a brand new day

So to the light
now shining in
Carried Her off
where magic begins

In ever endless

Written by souladareatease
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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