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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

Tyrant of Words
United States 117awards
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Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius perfects early tomorrow morning, May 01, @ 6:32 AM, EDT, 10th House, the natural home of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn.  The Moon is still currently OOB but returns inbound late tonight.

Out of Bounds Moon: inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

This lunar phase is all about staying the course and not giving up on our intentions regardless of how blocked the path may seem. "Seem' being the operative perception because things are not always what they appear.

The lunar shift from optimistic and freedom seeking Sagittarius to visionary and progressive Aquarius can produce an expansion inclusive of the collective. The move from the Fire element to one of Air elevates our mindset to humanitarian concerns and philanthropy that will make a difference in the world.  

Our arena, the 10th house, is the natural home of Capricorn ruled by taskmaster Saturn, the Lord of Karma and timekeeper. This house encompasses discipline, structure, public image, and hard work. This house gives nothing without it first being earned. Aquarius is not without its own disciplinary nature surrounding idealistic beliefs and isn't afraid to work hard for what it wants.

In the zodiac, Capricorn is linked to Midheaven—the point at the top of the horoscope that represents high achievement. As an Earthy Cardinal sign, Capricorn's influence will produce a desire toward leadership and power.

In addition to the Sun squaring the Moon, this lunation also conjuncts Pluto, so expect a transformation through potentially destructive means. With the Sun conjunct Venus in Taurus, however, there's a social urge and appreciation for beauty.

The lunar sextile the North Node in Aries trine the South Node in Libra adjusts our emotional outlook to one detachment regarding personal relationships to focus on professional partnerships that further a mutual goal through a unified vision.

Early evening the Moon sextile Mercury in Aries; therefore, our emotional desire to relax and enjoy a creative or amusing evening is fueled by good conversation and fellowship with intimate partners, friends, or associates.

In the Last Quarter, we act on what we’ve learned since the New Moon, and what came into focus at the Full Moon. The Last Quarter can be a very productive time, especially under the influence of the 10th and Saturn.

We’ve been through enough of this particular cycle to know what we want and have at least some idea how to get it. And the Aquarius Moon and a Taurus Sun are committed, responsible, hard-working energies that don’t shy away from challenges.

Our task for the next few days is to put one foot in front of the other. What is it we know we need to work on? Take a step in that direction. Take another. Then another.

The Aquarius side says, "Be certain you’re working toward a worthy goal. Keep your vision in mind even if you can’t see the crest of the mountain from where you are now."

The Taurus side says, "Smell the roses. Let’s not kill ourselves on the way to the goal. Drink enough water. Get enough sleep. Take breaks. The mountain isn’t going anywhere. Besides, it’s all about the journey anyway."

Simply put, "Stay the course". Keep the big picture in mind. And take care of ourselves along the way. We’ll get there. It's written in the stars.

#art: Naomi Fuks

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Tyrant of Words
United States 117awards
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#Beltane is tomorrow, May 01st.

#BlessedBeltane ( Northern Hemisphere ) and #Samhain ( Southern )! May the warmth of the fire be always warm within the hearths of our hearts! 🔥❤️

My mother's people were traced back to the Isle of Skye, a Scottish island to the west of the mainland, and my father's ancestors were from Aberdeen on the east coast of Scotland.

I remember visiting when we lived in England and all of the new and strange emotions that accompanied that visit. I was only around 10-11 years-old, but I didn't realize then, at such an early age, that that the land of my ancestor's was resonating within me.

The Sky looked different, the ocean moved differently, and the air carried memories that sparked my senses.  My dream was to always return to Skye one day for a Beltane festival to welcome summer and honor Mother Earth properly. A dream I haven't given up on.

For those of you unfamiliar with Beltane, it's an ancient pagan ( pre-Christian ) festival that welcomes summer with the ritual of fire, maypole dances, and flowers.  It's typically observed on May 1st; however, in many places it's celebrated on the Sunday prior to May 1st if it falls on a weekday.

More information for those interested: http://inspiritualservice.com/beliefs-1

Tyrant of Words
United States 117awards
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#Aspecting the Cosmos, Wed, May 01, 2024:

Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius: inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

Beltane: inspiritualservice.com/beliefs-1

Overnight, Venus in Taurus will square Pluto in Aquarius @ 12:29 AM. While this perfects during the majority of the East Coast's sleep, we will be under the influence through the 4th. Some of us may experience a renewed enthusiasm for life, while others may embark on a passionate journey. However, it's important to remain level-headed and, most importantly, to monitor our finances closely.

Midafternoon the Moon in Aquarius sextile the North Node in Aries trine the South Node in Libra: Our emotional outlook may appear/feel detached and/or fickle regarding personal relationships but focused on professional partnerships that further our goal through the cojoining of higher minds with a unified vision.

Early evening the Moon sextile Mercury in Aries: Our emotional desire to relax and enjoy a creative or amusing evening is fueled by good conversation and fellowship with intimate partners, friends, or associates.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):

Venus: 02TAU06, 5
Pluto: 02AQU06, 2
Aspect: Square
Time: 12:29 AM

Moon: 15AQU20, 7
NorthNode: 15ARI20, 9
Aspect: Sextile
SouthNode: 15LIB20, 3
Aspect: Trine
Time: 1:56 PM EDT

Moon: 17AQU35, 5
Mercury: 17ARI35, 7
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 5:47 PM

#art Mercury

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Tyrant of Words
United States 117awards
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Blessed Beltane, everyone!

Moon is currently still in Aquarius but enters Pisces tomorrow afternoon @ 2:53 PM EDT, Thu, May 02, 7th House, the natural home of Libra ruled by Venus, known as the house of face-to-face relationships, such as marriage, partnerships, and open enemies.

It's also known as the side of us that comes out when we're in the company of just one other person; the side of us that relates on a one-to-one basis.

The Moon in Pisces, ruled by Neptune, is a sleepy, dreamy, trancelike state that allows us to escape from the harshness of reality. However, the reality is that the only way we can induce this state is to succumb to sleep, meditation, drugs, or alcohol.

This transit portends susceptibility to emotional assaults, especially when we're in a nostalgic, wistful state, or the most impressionable state.

It's also when we're at our most spiritual because our boundaries have been lowered. This produces compassion, increased intuition, and sensitivity to those less fortunate.

This is the perfect time to hold or attend a sacred circle or some other type of spiritual event or group.

The #Archangels linked to Pisces are #Sandalphon and #Asariel. 🪶

As a messenger of God, Sandalphon holds a unique bond with the Source. This enables him to assist his charges in communicating with God in distinctive and impactful manners, ensuring they receive a response.

Likewise, Sandalphon fosters and supports creativity, not only in prayer but also in poetry, music, and the arts.

Archangel Asariel rules the planet Neptune and the star sign of Pisces. Asariel, also known as the angel of Unconditional Love, governs the planet Neptune and the zodiac sign Capricorn.

His associated color is green, and his name translates to "God Is My Aid" or "Whom God Has Bound By Oath." Asariel is among the 28 angels ruling over the 28 mansions of the Moon.

Archangel Asariel serves as a powerful ally in discerning truth, distinguishing fact from rumor.

He offers guidance and protection during rituals to contact the deceased and facilitates communication with other spiritual entities. Asariel also aids in overcoming bewitchment and dispelling malevolent illusions.

This Guardian Angel instills in you a sense of optimism and faith. Under his guidance, you will grow spiritually. He instructs you to honor The Divine Laws, thereby shaping you into a devoted follower of God.  

For more information on Moon in Pisces transit and natal, please visit: inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

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Tyrant of Words
United States 117awards
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Looking forward to mine today!

Tyrant of Words
United States 117awards
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Bealtaine, May 1st, the traditional first day of Irish summer, stands as one of the cornerstones of the Celtic calendar, alongside Imbolc, Lughnasadh, and Samhain. Named after the Celtic deity Beal, guardian of the sun and fire, Bealtaine celebrates fertility, rejuvenation, and light.

Ancient tradition involved lighting bonfires upon hilltops and often running cattle around them. Their flames served as both sanctuaries of purification and beacons of protection for crops, livestock, and the community.

Entwined with the dance of fire were the colourful threads of May Day customs. Sacred ribbons were tied to May bushes and trees and rhythmically woven around Maypoles and the crafting of May Day garlands.

These pre-Christian practices survived into Catholicism in the form of prayers bound to holy trees and healing wells. Households often made altars to the Virgin Mary at this time, too.

Yet, Bealtaine is not merely a pageantry of agricultural rites; it is also a stage for the dance of courtship. In days of yore, young hearts would converge in a whirl of dancing, feasting, and matchmaking games, connecting the human life cycle with the sacred land we call home.

Photo credit https://uisneach.ie

Tyrant of Words
United States 117awards
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magichearts said:I am not acquainted with anything you are Doing here but I still wants to join your community. I have a question for you to answer as I cant comprehend some of my behaviours. First I believe in meditation as I have experienced some of very delightful experiences through it. I don't do prayers nor I go to any temple or church etc. Whenever I do meditation and by chance I succeed in going deep in it, I always get rewarded with beauty, poetry, love dreams, Peace or something else. But whenever I try meditation second time after getting rewarded prior, let it be the next day or a couple of days after, I feel so lonely, so much as I let the thought of going into meditation pass. And then days pass by but I don't try to go in meditation. I cant understand this eccentric behaviour of mine. Can you please help me to understand why I feel so lonely the second time when I try to do meditation?

Disclaimer: This is my personal experience only, not any medical advice, suggestions, or recommendations. I'm going to start with a well-known quote used by many proficient meditators passed down to me.

"Although the warrior's life is dedicated to helping others, he realizes that he will never be able to completely share his experience with others... Yet he is more and more in love with the world. That combination of love affair and loneliness is what enables the warrior to constantly reach out to help others. By renouncing his private world, the warrior discovers a greater universe and a fuller and fuller broken heart. This is not something to feel bad about; it is a cause for rejoicing.” -- Chogyam Trungpa

Firstly, it is possible in your case that you are connecting with or have simply become more conscious of what is already within you.

No man is an island, and we all possess an innate desire to connect with others. I read somewhere that in ancient times, collective groups often outlived individuals who were considered "loners"; however, in today's dynamics, there is an adequate amount of stress and anxiety from societal expectations that can attach itself to a collective and begin feeling off the other.

In essence it makes one's desire to be alone greater than association.

Secondly, being grounded keeps one balanced from an overwhelm of emotions when communing with others. Also, it's just as important to spend time alone as it is with others, so balance between the two becomes absolutely essential.

Have you ever heard of Dr. Ainslie Meares?  He was a renowned psychiatrist who taught a meditation style that focuses on easing the body and mind into a state of gentle calmness, greatly diminishing or eradicating the stress and anxiety, fear and loneliness associated with the collective.

More than ever individuals can feel lonelier in a crowd than when they're alone. This is all part of a subconscious fear of rejection if we don't conform. Even though we consciously know that such conformation is not who we authentically are.

My personal experience is that being unable to express my experiences and desires, along with the knowledge that I can ultimately only help myself, often leads to a natural sense of isolation ( feeling like no one understands or sees what I see ), thus, loneliness.

At first, the loneliness was debilitating; however, I kept going ( because to honor my father, giving up or quitting is not in my vocabulary ) I began to realize that the loneliness was a part of me, a part of being human. I began embracing it as any other emotion, asking for the lesson I was to learn from its presence.

Once I stopped resisting it, or worrying about feeling it, I realized it was just another thing, another emotion that in observation is allowed to become itself and eventually leave. It's this very lesson that taught me self-compassion and patience with the process.

There's a quote that says, "It's not the destination but the journey that matters."

In that journey, compassion for self and others will always be with you, with us. Because just as we can only love others if we love ourselves, self-compassion leads to increased compassion for others.

The loneliness can be a warrior's tool. You are on a Warrior's journey. When we see and recognize the world and the actions of others for that they truly are, re: human, the world can seem a very lonely place, but only if we reject the feeling itself.

Everyone evolves in their own time, including us.

The loneliness you refer to isn't so much your ego, but the inner resistance to fully experiencing it. This in and of itself is the beginning of the death of ego.

It can be brutal and fraught with many battles. One thing is for certain, and two for sure, until we integrate it, it will return, and return, until we've learnt the lesson.

Because it is what we asked for when we incarnated on this Earth.

In acceptance lieth peace.


Twisted Dreamer
Joined 3rd Apr 2016
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I don't know who you are. But these words are not Ordinary. Who are you Ahawati? Who am I?

Tyrant of Words
United States 117awards
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magichearts said:I don't know who you are. But these words are not Ordinary. Who are you Ahawati? Who am I?

I am just like you, a human being learning the same lessons ( the hard way in the majority of cases ).

Tyrant of Words
United States 117awards
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#AspectingtheCosmos, Thu, May 02, 2024:  Our emotional security in the areas of self-expression will be challenged to step out of our personal comfort zone and consider the collective as a whole.  

Moon enters Pisces @ 2:53 PM tomorrow, Fri, May 03: inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Pluto stations Retrograde in Aquarius: inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

Both of today's aspects involve Pallas Athene, the goddess of Wisdom, War, and Craft, who stationed retrograde in Sagittarius this past Friday @ 9:19 AM EDT 8th House, the natural home of Scorpio, co-ruled by Pluto and Mars, and will remain until July 09, 2024, but not before re-entering Scorpio, where it will station direct.

Because today's aspects involve only her, I waited until today for discussion. In addition to the above, it's important to understand Pallas represents self-defense. This means herself and those in her care; thus, she is never the aggressor in waging war.

Full message plus Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ): http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Pallas and the Centaur, Botticelli.

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Tyrant of Words
United States 117awards
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And retrograde season has begun!

Pluto stations Retrograde in Aquarius this afternoon @ 1:47 PM EDT thru October 11 @ 8:32 PM EDT. This Rx is happening in the 7th House, the natural home of Libra ruled by Venus. This is a house of profound relationships, intimate partnerships and known opponents.

Pluto stations Rx once a year while opposing the Sun, lasting around five months, so this Rx isn't out of the ordinary. Except this Rx will take Pluto backwards into Capricorn for the final time ( hallelujah ) before it stations direct on the anaretic degree ( 29° ).  

Pluto is known as the harbinger of destruction and is all about transformation and reformation.  A Plutonian retrograde is typically a time of inner reflection and re-evaluation of our relationships, particularly our family, friends, and associates, and the power-struggles we may experience with them.

When re-evaluating our relationships, ask yourself how you feel in the presence of each person. Do you feel controlled? Manipulated? Unable to be your authentic self or express your feelings without fear of repercussions?

If you feel this way, Pluto Rx is here to provide the power you need to break the cycle of fear so that you can be free.  

The tool of preference is distance vs engaging in any power-struggle for control. If those whom you feel have dominated, manipulated, or controlled you cannot be reasoned with, or respect your boundaries, then it's time to distance yourself gracefully from them.

If someone pressures you for creating distance, they are operating out of their own fear of not being in control.

We are not here to change anyone's mind or behavior; we are only here to improve ourselves. Whatever action we decide to take should always be for our greatest good which serves the greater good of the whole.

If those whom you wish to distance from are immediate family or close "friends", then distancing may not be possible. We can, however, set boundaries and ignore any passive-aggressive, manipulative, and/or controlling behavior they may attempt.

Even if it's walking to another room and closing the door. Or walking outside and around the block to distance ourselves.

We teach others how to treat us by what we accept. Pluto is here to add power to the dissolution or reformation of our relationships.

But this five-month Rx trek isn't just about our relationships with others; it's about the relationship with ourselves. Are we operating out of fear or love? Do we find ourselves trying to control the behavior of others? Do we catch ourselves being manipulative to get what we want?

Or do we have secret habits that are taking us down the rabbit hole of destruction: addiction ( this could be drugs, alcohol, sex, food, etc. ), hidden prejudice, secret judgments, and so forth.

This is not a time for power-struggles to change others, or they will backfire by evolving into repetitive habits that become more destructive as time passes.

It's a time to clean the slate of relationships that do not add to our quality of life, and habits that prevent us from obtaining the quality of life that we want and deserve. Some are here to teach us how to set boundaries and distance ourselves.

Not all are here to transform into a positive experience that will remain in our life.

Our goal is here is mastery over ourselves: our choices and behavior. None of us are born to subservient to another's power trip, including our own.  

#art Emma Sampil

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Tyrant of Words
United States 117awards
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#AspectingtheCosmos, Fri, May 03, 2024 EDT:

Early afternoon the Sun in Taurus sextile the Moon in Pisces:  There's a potential opportunity to balance a karmic energy and further our professional development through a more compassionate and understanding structure. Our intuition is heightened and ready to guide us.

Late afternoon Mercury in Aries sesquiquadrate Pallas in Sagittarius: There's a karmic echo here surrounding our lack of personal expression or using our voice for fear of being downplayed. Break the cycle and speak up. Share your ideas, inspirations, and wisdom. They will be heard.

Early evening, the Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces: Our intuition is peaked, inspiring self-expression and creativity through patience and acceptance. Our hard work is paying off and we feel confident and passionate. Time for some relaxing fun!

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):

Sun: 13TAU46, 10
Moon: 13PIS46, 8
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 1:54 PM

Mercury: 18ARI41, 7
Pallas: 03SAG41, 3
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 4:50 PM

Moon: 16PIS53, 5
Saturn: 15PIS53, 5
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 7:04 PM

#art Codruța Sali

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Tyrant of Words
United States 117awards
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Something to think about this morning. . .

Tyrant of Words
United States 117awards
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We're approaching the Dark Moon phase, as we do, remember this ^.

Tyrant of Words
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#AspectingtheCosmos, Sat, May 04, 2024, EDT:  Authentic self-expression and trusting our inner truth comes together with destiny, inspiration, passion, and independence through transformation and karmic legacies.

Early morning the Moon in Aquarius sextile the North Node in Aries Trine the South Node in Libra: Rewarding opportunity to further our goals through original and progressive ideas with friends and/or likeminded individuals working for the greater good. Have courage.

Late morning the Moon in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus: Emotional challenge. Transformational expansion comes from stable perseverance. Guard your heart from negative thoughts. Trust your intuition.

Early afternoon the Moon sextile Chiron in Aries: Our ability to actively transform and come to emotional terms with a wound is in acceptance and integration through structure and discipline. Toe the line.

Late afternoon the Moon square Uranus in Taurus: Shakey foundation. Challenge designed to awaken us to an inner truth through sudden change. Spiritual growth can signify growing pains.

Early evening the Sun in Taurus conjunct the North Node:  Authentic self-expression and trusting our inner truth comes together with destiny, inspiration, passion, and independence through transformation and karmic legacies.

#art Piotr Topolski

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