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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Fri, May 10, 2024 ( EDT ):    

OOB Moon: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

Early afternoon the OOB Moon in Gemini sextile Mercury in Aries: We may experience unpredictable emotions, increased restlessness, and a touch of scatter-brained thoughts. While serious communication may be tricky with this fun but fickle Gemini Moon, who likes things light and airy, it's a good time for written communication and day trips to expend the energy and action Aries enjoys.

Mid-afternoon, the OOB Moon sextile Eris in Aries: An opportunity to experience the interaction between raw emotions ( OOB Moon) and discord within our lives ( Eris ),   specifically in how we respond to discordance. Developing the sacred pause, which allows us to breathe into responses gracefully rather than reacting negatively. Self-evaluation of how we meet challenges, re: angel, defensiveness, fear, are keys to the kingdom healing these past wounds.

There is truth and freedom in the wound.

Tonight, the OOB Moon square Neptune in Pisces: What makes this square prickly is that it's occurring on the anaretic degree ( 29° ).  This degree can reveal emotional struggles, communication upsets, a lack of trust regarding our judgment, or with Pisces involved, the escapist urge to avoid their feelings. Learning to sit with our emotions in healthy and confident ways while being vulnerable with those we can trust is paramount to this aspect. A focus on learning something new helps.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):

OOB Moon: 24GEM21, 11
Mercury: 24ARI21, 9
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 1:13 PM

OOB Moon: 25GEM05, 10
Eris: 25ARI05, 8
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 2:30 PM

OOB Moon: 29GEM12, 7
Neptune: 29PIS12, 4
Aspect: Square
Time: 9:48 PM

#art Christian Schloe Digital Art

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The dignified Moon enters Cancer @ 11:14 PM EDT Fri, May 10th, 8th House, the natural home of Scorpio co-ruled by Mars and Pluto. Void of Course Moon: 9:49 - 11:13 AM EDT.

The Moon loves coming home to Cardinal Cancer, who is intuitive, sensitive, and maternal! Ruled by this Luminary, Cancer stimulates emotional rapport between others.

Entering Cancer on a Friday, ruled by #Venus, indicates a day of love, friendship, reconciliation, and beauty.  

Discovering our hidden strength in this house is a sign of spiritual evolution.

The Archangel who oversees Cancer is Gabriel, known as the Messenger of God.

Archangel Gabriel is associated with the color white and blue and governs the Moon, the zodiac sign of Cancer, and Monday. He is also attributed with the direction of the West. Those born under the Cancer sign are watched over by Archangel Gabriel, who bestows upon them qualities of compassion and sensitivity.

Gabriel serves as a conduit, a high-level communicator and messenger, dedicated to conveying your prayers to the divine and spirit loved ones, as well as delivering messages to you. He operates with tranquility, patience, and serenity to guarantee that communication is lucid and accurate. Additionally, Gabriel aids in time management, providing additional time to finish crucial tasks. Should you find yourself pressed for time with a looming deadline and require assistance, invoke Gabriel for support.

Gabriel is also known to watch over children. From their very first cry, a baby communicates feelings and needs, prompting Gabriel to take action. He ensures the development of their skills and aids parents and guardians in understanding their communication level.

Archangel Gabriel operates on multiple levels, enabling us to evolve into conscious spiritual beings engaged in energy communication, which is more profound and intuitive than our physical voice. As the embodiment of divine strength, he instills in us the 'never give up' mindset and guides us in seeking help when necessary.

#art Tammy Cantrell

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Aspecting the Cosmos, Sat, May 11, 2024:  

OOB Moon: Inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

Early afternoon the OOB Moon in Cancer sextile Juno in Virgo and the Sun in Taurus trine Ceres in Virgo: We're feeling very domestic with a focus on home and family, especially intimate partnerships. A good meal and cuddling are always welcome; however, take care with the high emotions that we don't become overly sensitive or needy. Our health is high on the list, a good time to start a regimented routine to maintain or improve it.

Midafternoon the OOB Moon square Mars in Aries: Challenging situation involving tension between domestic security and a desire for independence and action. What appears a stumbling block is really an opportunity to transform it into a stepping stone by facing our fears.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):

OOB Moon: 07CAN25, 12
Juno: 07VIR25, 2
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 12:34 PM

Sun: 21TAU30, 10
Ceres: 21VIR30, 6
Aspect: Trine
Time: 1:32 PM

OOB Moon: 08CAN32, 11
Mars: 08ARI32, 8
Aspect: Square
Time: 2:36 PM

#art Dodi Ballada

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Earlier this week I discussed the Cusps of Taurus; now for the Decanates of Taurus:

FIRST DECANATE: April 20 - April 30

Keyword: Aquisition
Constellation: Triangulum, the Triangle, mystic symbol of truth and harmony.
Planetary Sub-ruler: Venus

Venus is both your ruler and sub-ruler, and its gracious influence is prominent in your character. Though you have strong likes and dislikes, you are not abrasive about them. You have a charming, social touch, and many friends are devoted to you. Your kind and sympathetic nature is easily imposed upon. You have an artistic eye for beauty and design and may possess musical ability. Venus in this deconate indicates a love of beautiful possessions.

Generally, your instinct for value is useful; in time many of your possessions should be worth more than you paid for them. Sometimes you are too materialistic and inquisitive. Your shadow aspects are stubbornness and a refusal to venture out into new areas of your life.

#art: Tammy Cantrell

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Aspecting the Cosmos, Sun, May 12, 2024: Happy Mother's Day! What a beautiful day it's going to be too.  

Lilith Rx re-enters Virgo: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Overnight and early morning the Moon in Cancer sextile Venus in Taurus trine Saturn in Pisces: While the former aspect will be separating by morning the energy will still be palpable. Feelings of love and respect for our heritage and roots permeate this entire day. Expect surprises and most of all the unexpected! Is that a breath of freedom we feel?

The only caveat is midafternoon when the Moon square Chiron in Aries, potentially triggering a wound. Perhaps we are missing our mother, or a child we lost. Perhaps we are delivering flowers to a cemetery. Perhaps we are reflecting on Mother's Day past. Honor the wound, be grateful we can feel, accept the experience, and, if we wish to face it, submerge into the root of it.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):

Moon: 15CAN49, 5
Venus: 15TAU49, 3
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 3:57 AM

Moon: 17CAN34, 2
Saturn: 17PIS34, 10
Aspect: Trine
Time: 7:11 AM

Moon: 21CAN20, 11
Chiron: 21ARI20, 8
Aspect: Square
Time: 2:13 PM

Moon: 22CAN35, 10
Sun: 22TAU35, 8
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 4:34 PM

Moon: 23CAN04, 10
Uranus: 23TAU04, 8
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 5:29 PM

#art Catrin Welz-Stein

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Happy Mother's Day to all! <3  

#CollectiveCasting Card of the Week: May 12 - 18, 2024:  Mercury

The energy of Mercury is embodied in ancient mythology by Hermes, delivery man to the gods. A speedy messenger between physical and spiritual worlds. And like the nimble God, Mercury delivers ideas and inspiration from airy ethers to Earth's creatures, linking it to the senses as the receptors through which you receive information. And like Hermes' ability to come and go between worlds, Mercury helps you receive messages from your subconscious by connecting it to spells, mantras, and any form of channeling or communication. This light, fluid social energy fuels networking and unemotional meetings of the mind.

Energetics: Ideas. Inspiration. Your mind. Channeling. Communication.

Experiences: Thinking and learning. How you process information. Networking. Socializing. Light and unemotional connections.


Lift out of your emotional body and connect with the intelligence of your rational mind. Your emotional world is a verdant and beautiful landscape. It's your greatest teacher, but every so often hover above it and elevate your perspective. In stillness, you're reminded feelings do not define you.

Practice removing your emotional filter from critical thinking and problem solving. Hone your ability to see things as they truly are and think methodically. The clearer you get, the wiser your decision making and the more open your mind for spiritual guidance, channeling, and psychic downloads.

#oracledeck: Heavenly Bodies Astrology by Lily Ashwell

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Black Moon Lilith Rx re-entered Virgo @ 6:16 AM, Fifth House, the natural home of Leo ruled by the Sun.

To incorporate this transit into our understanding, it's necessary be aware of who Lilith is, as well as the properties of the astrological sign Virgo and retrograde in general.

The dark side of the moon, often referred to as "Black Moon Lilith", is all about reclaiming personal independence and free choice. To truly understand this, we would need to know our astrological placement of Lilith, as well as the house she occupies.

These are glimpses into the blueprint of our lives reflecting what type of raw energy is ours to reclaim independently. It's a clue to where we lost our autonomy, and a doorway to recover it.

Because Virgo is the troubleshooter of the zodiac, having an excellent eye for details, delights in helping, and is willing to accept any task, our daily schedules and routines will be affected by Lilith's presence. Here is where we need to guard against extreme behavior and opinions by maintaining a middle balance between sides.

A retrograde is an illusion of a planetary body or point ( such as Lilith ) that appears to go backward. This is a celestial indication that a review is warranted. The actual review or revisiting history could include something we've overlooked so are being given an opportunity to discover it. The sign of the retrograde as well as the house would indicate what we may have missed.

Even though this re-entry is happening in the 5th house, Virgo's natural home is the 6th house, where work and health are related. Being proactive to our daily habits such as food and diet, or any condition which may affect our health, is advised. We should also take care and pay close attention to whether we exhibit lucid sexuality or repression, or fear of failure due to perfectionism.

Sidenote: Wherever you find Lilith in your chart ( sign and house ) is a reflection of her payback demand, some past wrong which must be avenged. Somewhere along your experiences, someone overlooked your gifts or commercialized your talent for their own benefit.  Somewhere along your experiences, you were swallowed whole and spit out naked.  Lilith is here to collect.

The moment has come for a stern self-assessment. Reflect on the ways you may have been undervalued or exploited. Consider how you might have permitted your intrinsic, sacred talents to be downplayed for public exhibition.

In a time where the media landscape is faltering and our shared reality is increasingly vulnerable, it is only those who rediscover their inner fortitude who will have the resolve and strength to overcome.

Do you realize that you are a powerhouse, a dynamic presence, a masterpiece?

Recognizing that the barriers you encounter are mostly self-created, and that you have the ability to surmount them, can shift your life perspective towards greater positivity.

If your Natal BML is in Virgo, take an inventory of your expectations and check for a possible Rx return. Giving love ( or anything else, for that matter ) should be done on an altruistic basis, not with an expectation of benefit to yourself. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, so intellect and communication come natural to this native; however, when Lilith enters the picture, your knowledge may be more of a pretense than genuine expression.

#art: Tammy Cantrell

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Mon, May 13, 2024: Expect intellectual conversation, a push for creativity, a touch of romance, generosity, and a surprise revelation or epiphany.

OOB Moon: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

Moon enters Leo: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Early morning the OOB Moon in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces, Sun in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus: Nurturing emotions, devotion, giving love, and romance or creativity are sparked this morning. Good time to inventory our resources and possessions. Expect a surprise revelation or epiphany that may lead to a freedom we've sought.

Midmorning the OOB Moon trine Pallas in Sagittarius: Good conversation with family or friends is favored, as are short trips. Perhaps plan a brunch?

Late morning the OOB Moon, now in Leo, oppose Pluto in Aquarius sesquiquadrate Saturn in Pisces: Be prepared for a bit of drama or theatrics opposing change. If we open up our imagination, endings are transformed into the endless possibility of beginnings. Seek the lesson in the situation. The teacher is on hand.

Late afternoon Venus in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces: Affection and appreciation for beauty and creativity, as well as good conversation is center stage among friends, colleagues, or family. It's a perfect opportunity to learn something new from others or through self-study.  

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):

OOB Moon: 29CAN16, 5
Neptune: 29PIS16, 12
Aspect: Trine
Time: 5:12 AM

Sun: 23TAU06, 3
Uranus: 23TAU06, 3
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 5:13 AM

OOB Moon: 00 LEO57, 3
Pallas: 00SAG57, 7
Aspect: Trine
Time: 8:36 AM

OOB Moon: 02LEO04, 2
Pluto Rx: 02AQU04, 8
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 10:34 AM

#art Anna Ermolaeva

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Moon entered Leo this morning @ 6:37 AM EDT, 1st House, the natural home of Aries ruled by Mars.

Being a Fiery Moon Sign brings about a passionate, impulsive, and dynamic lunation. Intense emotions are often enthusiastic and optimistic, yet they can also lead to a tendency for drama. Those with Fire Moon signs crave excitement and adventure in their emotional lives.

The positive aspect of this lunar phase is that it enhances our exuberant, creative, open-minded, vibrant, and joyous qualities under this magnetic and flamboyant sign. This lunar placement is particularly delightful as it lends warmth and stability to the Moon's influence and bestows an idealistic quality.

The darker side is that we are also more indulgent, self-centered, conceited, overbearing and bullyish. But still, even its dark side is lighter than others. One of the greatest lessons for this lunar placement native to learn is that in order to change your mind, you must first change how you feel because your emotions are reached through your heart rather than head.

No matter what your Sun sign is, the Leo-Moon qualities of warmth, vitality, and charisma will appear in your personality.

If your Sun is in a Fire sign ( Aries, Leo, Sagittarius ), then this lunation accentuates your creativity and leadership abilities.

If your Sun is an Air sign ( Gemini, Libra, Aquarius ), this lunation adds a dynamic, compelling quality to your people-oriented personality.

If your Sun is in an Earth sign ( Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn ), this lunation adds an even stronger passionate nature and good moneymaking skills.

If your Sun is in a Water sign ( Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces ), a Leo Moon heightens our already powerful emotional impact on others.

Whatever your Sun sign, this lunation imparts a quality of warmth, vitality, and charisma, providing a dose of dignity as well as an affectionate, outgoing nature, and an instinct for leadership.

For more information about the Moon in Leo transit or natal, please visit inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

#art Tammy Cantrell

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Keyword: Evaluation
Constellation: Eridanus, the River Po, a winding content that symbolizes justice.

Planetary Sub-ruler: Mercury

The conjunction of Mercury and Venus, ruling Taurus, endows you with a curious mind and a knack for organization. Your approach is traditionally conservative, yet you have intuitive abilities that could be utilized more frequently. As a systematic worker, you garner trust. You possess a natural inclination for collaboration but also cherish the autonomy to work at your own rhythm, undisturbed. Your intellectual capabilities are formidable, enabling you to simplify complex concepts for others.

Mercury grants you the skill to communicate and write with effectiveness, and possibly with eloquence. However, there are times when you may intrude excessively into the affairs of others, and you might overlook minor details that are significant to them.

#art: Tammy Cantrell

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#Horoscope #deconates #decon #taurusdecan #sunintaurus

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Aspecting the Cosmos, Tue, May 14, 2024:

Midmorning the Moon in Leo sesquiquadrate Neptune in Pisces:  Using our voice to express what we desire in a non-dramatic manner breaks a karmic cycle of remaining quiet out of fear that what we want or have to say doesn't matter.

Midafternoon the Moon trine Hygieia in Pisces: Opportunity to improve our emotional and physical health. Developing healthier eating options of physical exercise is enthusiastically favored.

Late afternoon the Moon inconjunct Saturn in Pisces and the Sun in Taurus trine Lilith Rx in Virgo: Focus on what we want rather than pedantically nitpicking over what we don't like. With a stable Sun shining the light into our shadows, we will be more apt to accept the part of us that we'd normally deny or reject. Healing begins when we accept our shadows and work toward positive adjustments.

Tonight, the Moon square Venus in Taurus: We don't have time for dramatics. Or at least we don't want them. We want to enjoy the beauty of our environments and socializing with good company. Ease the structure for tonight and focus on letting go and relaxing.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):

Moon: 14LEO18, 2
Neptune: 29PIS18, 9
Aspect: Sesquiquadrate
Time: 10:19 AM

Moon: 15LEO50, 1
Hygieia: 15PIS50, 9
Aspect: Trine
Time: 1:21 PM

Moon: 14LEO44, 11
Saturn: 14PIS44, 6
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 7:47 PM

Sun: 24TAU34, 8
Lilith: 24VIR34, 12
Aspect: Trine
Time: 5:43 PM

Moon: 19LEO06, 10
Venus: 10TAU06, 7
Aspect: Square
Time: 7:47 PM

#art  Vladimir Mikolaichuk

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Mercury enters Taurus @ 1:06 PM, EDT tomorrow ( Wednesday ) afternoon, 10th House, the natural home of Capricorn ruled by Saturn.

MERCURY isn't only the Prince of Communication and Messenger of the Gods, he is also associated with the physician and healing; thus, he carries the caduceus, a short-staff wand entwined by two serpents, sometimes surmounted by wings that is now the modern symbol for medicine. He is also the Divine Trickster and Patron of Merchants and short-distance travel.

TAURUS individuals with the Sun in Taurus are known for their practicality, persistence, determination, and caution. They tend to be methodical, requiring time to become accustomed to new ideas. Their appreciation for art and music often leads them to excel in these areas.

Retentive and steadfast, they seldom disperse their energies, but take on responsibilities with seriousness and practicality. Enjoying a life of grace, they possess an innate drive to establish a solid foundation, often anchored in financial stability.

They are headstrong and not easily angered, but once enraged, their fury is formidable. Nonetheless, this does not hinder their capacity for sympathy and understanding. They are loyal as a friend, yet unyielding as an adversary.

10th HOUSE:

The 10th house is the natural home of Capricorn and ruled by Saturn: The teacher, taskmaster, and Lord of Karma.  This is a house of honor and substance revealing our reputation, profession, and standing in the community. Much like the 1st House, it represents our ego, status, ambition, business, and social activities. However, unlike the 1st House, it contains form, discipline, responsibility, organization, limitations, sorrows, and delays.  Saturn represents the principles of truth, wisdom, and aging.

Mercury in Taurus Transit

Transits of Mercury in Taurus often slow down our communication, thinking, and learning, yet make them more persistent and lasting. Our thought processes become practical, solid, and well-grounded. Common sense takes precedence over fanciful ideas.

Communication becomes more deliberate, and our thoughts are more aligned with the five senses per Venus ruled Taurus. The familiar and proven appeal to us more than novel approaches to thinking pertaining to all forms of communication, intellectual processes, reasoning abilities, and self-expression.

Taurus, a fixed earth sign ruled by Venus, shapes our data review process when Mercury passes through it. We become more deliberate, carefully weighing every detail. Although our thinking and communication might become more conservative, it ensures ideas are carefully considered and not quickly dismissed in favor of new distractions.

Concentrating on a single task can simplify our lives, but it may also result in narrow, overly cautious, or rigid thinking. In such times, decisions and thought processes that proceed at a comfortable pace are prioritized without rush. We find ourselves able to handle, and even content with, tasks that are repetitive, routine, systematic, or even dull.

Additionally, it may be a period marked by obstinate thought patterns or viewpoints.

Mercury in Taurus Natal:

As an individual influenced by Mercury and Taurus, you approach projects with thorough preparation. Your mindset is practical, stable, and constructive. Your intellect possesses a certain rigidity, and you hold your opinions in high esteem, confident in their wisdom.

You might find that you seldom value others' opinions. With your exceptional memory and keen observational skills, you tend to listen without engagement; if your mind is not open to change, why consider another's viewpoint?

You often reiterate your points, restating what has been said in different words to ensure understanding. While you possess a sociable nature and a certain elegance in your demeanor, you tend to be somewhat reserved around new acquaintances.

You find more pleasure in reading a book while lounging in a comfortable, overstuffed chair than in being the center of attention at a crowded gathering. You read extensively, and it is through this experience that you learn the lessons you cherish in life.

Mercury in Taurus bestows a talent for financial matters. With an appreciation for beauty and value, those with Mercury in Taurus tend to thrive as art and antique dealers.

#art Tammy Cantrell

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Before the Moon enters Virgo tomorrow, we'll experience the First Quarter Moon in Leo @ 7:48 AM EDT, 3rd House, the natural home of Gemini ruled by Mercury.

The lunar phase of the moon can be seen as a symbol of growth and planning.

The moon is burgeoning toward the fullness of her light. This is called the "yang" phase, a masculine reference which implies strength and determination to achieve the fullness of one's goals.  

In alignment with the Spring months - it's a time of work and preparation to reap the harvest of labor. Rest will come in the symbolic winter, or "yin" phase of the Moon.

It's also a great time to re-evaluate the plan we've drafted in order to reach our goals. While this Lunar stage has already gone from new to waxing crescent, it now observes a sacred pause to briefly consider its next phase: Waxing Gibbous.

Taken symbolically or metaphorically, perhaps it's a lunar sign for us to observe a sacred pause in our own life. Be proud of how much we've accomplished and just double-check our headings. Make sure our inward compass is pointed in the right direction. It would be shame if the needle wasn't magnetized, and we found ourselves going in circles.

Regardless, the focus is growth and forward movement through the unknown phases of darkness until fully illuminated. This darkness could include doubts or fear; and those emotions/thoughts should be honored as they rise.

The purpose here is to shine the light on them by giving them the space they need to express themselves prior to releasing them to transmute into something more positive for you and humankind.

The Moon in Leo can be emotionally dramatic. If this is a natal aspect, natives do try to stay out of situations that do not involve them personally; however, for the circumstances in which they do decide to become involved, they can develop an attitude of resentment towards interference and/or criticism, as they are emotionally attached to anything that belongs to them or reflects on their ego.

The keyword for navigating this moon is "humble", as in we should remain such throughout this phase. There is a tendency to act pompously, and a lack of objectivity due to our ego could produce the opposite of what we desire to achieve, especially in our current or potential relationships with others.

Remaining grounded will ease any disheartened emotion we may feel when meeting challenges. Nature is the best medicine for connection; however, if that isn't possible for you, you can create a natural atmosphere within your home by relaxing or meditating to nature sounds or even relaxing music.

#art Tammy Cantrell

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Wed, May 15, 2024: Today there is a time for everything. . .

First Quarter Moon in Leo: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

Mercury enters Taurus: http://.com/planetary-transits-2024

Midmorning the Moon in Leo sesquiquadrate Mars in Aries: Guard against impatient and impulsive decisions where finances and possessions ( property, et al ) are concerned. There is something to be learned from a repeating pattern if we slow down and pay attention.

Early afternoon the Moon square Jupiter in Taurus: Potential challenge, emotional drama over what we want and the perceived lack of immediate opportunity to obtain it. This is all Timing. Outlining a structured plan and dedication to implementation will pay off. Whatever we focus on will expand.

Late afternoon the Moon inconjunct Neptune in Pisces: Avoid becoming too critical of personal attempts. Focus on gratitude and being of service to others and ourselves. Those are the quickest steps to manifesting our dreams and goals into reality. Don't resist what we cannot change - embrace what we can.

Early evening Mercury in Taurus inconjunct Pallas Rx in Sagittarius, the Moon, now in Virgo, square Pallas Rx trine Mercury:  An adjustment in our beliefs to more positive outcomes can transform a challenging situation into an opportunity or partnership. We can find manifestation shortcuts using wisdom and intellect. Most importantly, will know exactly when to utilize them.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ): http://inspiritualservice.com

#Art Paula Belle Flores

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Moon enters Virgo this afternoon @ 5:34 PM, EDT, 12th House, the natural home of Pisces ruled by Neptune • V/C Time: 12:41 - 5:33 PM EDT.

The Moon in an Earth sign like Virgo symbolizes the essential possessions that provide protection and, as a result, a feeling of stability. Earth is the foundation of our existence, the vessel for our soul, and the sanctuary that offers us refuge. It embodies presence and patience, recognizing that a journey is a series of small steps, and that success is the accumulation of these efforts. Earth is pragmatic, dependable, and sensible.

The shadow of this energy is stopping at face value and failing to see the wisdom in Earth's simplicity. And while Virgo can appear too critical and nitpicky at times, they are quite simplistic, and should take care not to come across as high-strung, standoffish, argumentative, and a bit hypochondriac.

Too much Earth can create a stubborn, narrow mind or an overly serious and goal-oriented perspective. Too little Earth and nothing gets done or we become delusional and out of touch with reality.

Regardless of your Sun sign, possessing Virgo Moon qualities means having sharp mental acuity, a robust sense of practicality, and a smart, reflective approach to life.

If our Sun is in an Earth sign ( Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn ), practicality and industriousness are even more pronounced and you are very money conscious.

If our Sun is an Air sign ( Gemini, Libra, Aquarius ), this lunation lends a sharper intellect and a propensity for originality.

If our Sun is in a Water sign ( Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces ), a Virgo Moon will add a greater dimension to our emotional nature because we are blessed with a rare combination of psychic truth and hardheaded realism.

If our Sun is in a Fire Sign ( Aries, Leo, Sagittarius ) this lunation lends strength and endurance to support your expansive creativity; this is an excellent combination for politicians and actors.

Regardless of our Sun sign, the qualities of a Virgo Moon—cautiousness and seriousness—are reflected in our personalities. These traits endow us with sharp mental acuity, robust communication skills, and a thoughtful, intelligent approach to life.

For more information about the Moon in Virgo transit or natal, please visit http://inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

#art Tammy Cantrell

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