Non-Fiction Prose by Top Critiquers
Non-poetic writing including diary extracts, journal entries, letters, essays and art
Poems written by Top Critiquers
The Ides Of March
It is I. Time caught up with me, folks. Burning the candle at both ends finally claims it spoils. What sleep I do get, is restless sleep. I’m supposed to use a CPAP machine, but I haven’t been sent any new face-masks in months. Go figure.
Well we’re in the middle of our health benefits being castrated, so I’m not fucking shocked. “Beware The Ides Of March.” to quote a line from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. I slid the one in on you, didn’t I. lol.
I’m not a huge Shakespeare fan, respect him, I do though. I always remembered the line from when we read the play...
Well we’re in the middle of our health benefits being castrated, so I’m not fucking shocked. “Beware The Ides Of March.” to quote a line from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. I slid the one in on you, didn’t I. lol.
I’m not a huge Shakespeare fan, respect him, I do though. I always remembered the line from when we read the play...
56 reads
Progressive Rock Scene In France
During the mid to late 1960's the world was changing. The younger generation was fed up & angry with the government and the Vietnam War. In the US & UK numerous psychedelic rock bands began to emerge. This hippie movement was gaining momentum and spreading their message with music. Bands like the Jefferson Airplane, The Grateful Dead, The Vanilla Fudge, King Crimson, Donovan, Cream, The Soft Machine, Pink Floyd, and countless others began touring at home and abroad. Many of these acts began performing in smaller venues in Holland, Germany, Italy and France.
Similar to the...
Similar to the...
81 reads
There's no doubt the
subject would be
The category would be erotica
(That is if YOU agree).
This means I have the
most amazing subject
in the whole world,
My only challenge would
be in trying to decide
what I'd leave out...everything
about you from A to Z
is so wonderful, different,
and amazingly unique.
It won't take too much time
because my heart is overflowing
with wonderful truths and
experiences with amazing
Possible chapters would be:
A chapter on...
There's no doubt the
subject would be
The category would be erotica
(That is if YOU agree).
This means I have the
most amazing subject
in the whole world,
My only challenge would
be in trying to decide
what I'd leave out...everything
about you from A to Z
is so wonderful, different,
and amazingly unique.
It won't take too much time
because my heart is overflowing
with wonderful truths and
experiences with amazing
Possible chapters would be:
A chapter on...
600 reads
Letting Go, But Not Letting Up

45 reads
a weekend with goblins and gargoyles
A questioning blankness falls over me. When arriving in this place there seems to be an absence of all things urban. A handful of streets scattered houses. Faint scent from manure invades my nostrils. Desolated mysteries might await me. Agricultural display from farmsteads in the distance.
I check into my hotel. a plain bare building. To my amazement it is totally silent. It seems like I am the only guest. I go in through the mahogany French doors entering a darker lobby where there is an old fashioned bar serving as a reception also. Walking up to the bar I am yet unsure if I can...
I check into my hotel. a plain bare building. To my amazement it is totally silent. It seems like I am the only guest. I go in through the mahogany French doors entering a darker lobby where there is an old fashioned bar serving as a reception also. Walking up to the bar I am yet unsure if I can...
93 reads
Mob Mentality
fear of being singled out makes most people a coward...
every one of us is unique
but we are brainwashed and shamed not to stick out
to the point of not being able to think outside of the box
when mob mentality singles out an odd one from the herd
the whole group lays into that one out of fear
and for popularities sake, the odd one is cursed at and beaten down
thinking I'm glad that wasn't me
they are warned with cruel chastisement not to shine
finally, setting aside their own morals and beliefs
for the want of...
every one of us is unique
but we are brainwashed and shamed not to stick out
to the point of not being able to think outside of the box
when mob mentality singles out an odd one from the herd
the whole group lays into that one out of fear
and for popularities sake, the odd one is cursed at and beaten down
thinking I'm glad that wasn't me
they are warned with cruel chastisement not to shine
finally, setting aside their own morals and beliefs
for the want of...
200 reads
Anal Cabal
Prince Nala lie back
on an abaca hammock
enjoying fresh bacca
and masala under a gossamer
cabana aside the Ganges River—
natural light seeping
through its beautiful weave—
acacia-branched shadows
moving as smoke atop the fabric.
As servants tended blains
upon the soles of his feet,
he supped while contemplating
penning an alcaic verse
for his Princess Damayanti
( having been chosen
as her wedded husband
so many years ago...
on an abaca hammock
enjoying fresh bacca
and masala under a gossamer
cabana aside the Ganges River—
natural light seeping
through its beautiful weave—
acacia-branched shadows
moving as smoke atop the fabric.
As servants tended blains
upon the soles of his feet,
he supped while contemplating
penning an alcaic verse
for his Princess Damayanti
( having been chosen
as her wedded husband
so many years ago...
1308 reads
Dear Diary,
I’m a grown woman with the mental age of a twelve year old tween.
I’ve started reading and writing poetry. Dont ask. I don’t know why? Kind of wish I was better at it. There are a shit ton of people on here who know what they’re doing. I’m not one of them.
I ate my weight in cookies today because I was mad. Super mature decision. I’m sure I’ll throw them up later.
I’m working over time to present the world a nice version of me. Epic. Fail. I want a drink and I wish I smoked. But that’s dumb I’d just end up with a headache and stinky breath....
I’ve started reading and writing poetry. Dont ask. I don’t know why? Kind of wish I was better at it. There are a shit ton of people on here who know what they’re doing. I’m not one of them.
I ate my weight in cookies today because I was mad. Super mature decision. I’m sure I’ll throw them up later.
I’m working over time to present the world a nice version of me. Epic. Fail. I want a drink and I wish I smoked. But that’s dumb I’d just end up with a headache and stinky breath....
1028 reads
letter to the universe’s absentee father
dear god
this is the closest I’ve come to prayer since the bottles stopped bringin me to my knees. I don’t believe in you…and you don’t believe in me. but sometimes I find myself callin out to that abandoned throne. my cries echoin back at me in the emptiness of your absence. I tried to believe but they lost me when they said we are made in your image. seems bit backwards. you are made in our image. twisted. broken. selfish. cruel.
we are lot alike. you and i. how else do you explain floods and rainbows. plagues and manna. the violent jealousies. the need to be...
this is the closest I’ve come to prayer since the bottles stopped bringin me to my knees. I don’t believe in you…and you don’t believe in me. but sometimes I find myself callin out to that abandoned throne. my cries echoin back at me in the emptiness of your absence. I tried to believe but they lost me when they said we are made in your image. seems bit backwards. you are made in our image. twisted. broken. selfish. cruel.
we are lot alike. you and i. how else do you explain floods and rainbows. plagues and manna. the violent jealousies. the need to be...
102 reads
Fear Everything
I was taking a walk awhile ago and I wanted to tell you how sometimes I fear everything so you would have some company ...
#curse #fear
#curse #fear
457 reads
A lonely figure
Away from the stage
Working, writing
Page after page
Telling a joke
An ear in the wall
Silent laughter
Eerie encore
Away from the stage
Working, writing
Page after page
Telling a joke
An ear in the wall
Silent laughter
Eerie encore
198 reads
If the recent events in the middle east answer any lingering questions, such as what exactly does organized religion organize for, then now the answer is clear…they organize for violence.
There is no such thing as a Levantine religion of peace.
Subsequently to this we must wonder what it is about the Levantine oriented beliefs that so virulently promote violence, not only in the middle east, but worldwide.
And the answer to that is the enabling idea of an afterlife, and all the phantasmagorical promises that come with it. Once a rube is conditioned...
There is no such thing as a Levantine religion of peace.
Subsequently to this we must wonder what it is about the Levantine oriented beliefs that so virulently promote violence, not only in the middle east, but worldwide.
And the answer to that is the enabling idea of an afterlife, and all the phantasmagorical promises that come with it. Once a rube is conditioned...
#philosophical #tradition
#philosophical #tradition
244 reads
DU Poetry : Non-Fiction Prose by Top Critiquers: Short Stories, Diary Entries and Letters