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Poet Introduction
I have been writing poetry for awhile. I usually just let the words, images, and shit build up until I can't take it anymore. I do rap battles. I live in music.
Favorite Poets/Writers
Let's see...I like everyone from Byron, to Yeats, to Ginsberg and Kerouac, to Dylan, to Eminem...About Me
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There's a lot. I'm into a lot of things besides writing: designing clothes and jewelry, reading history and philosophy, travelling, dancing (pole-dancing, hip hop), drawing, anything artistic, seriously into music and like making my own beats, anything that fuels the fire in my voice, and a good man on the side. I try to use this all to cope with depression and past abuse whether by someone else or by my own hand. I continually strive to get better with each day.
My Reading List
Full Reading List
"If 'Glovin' you is Wrong..." The Fantastic Lore
by Poetikmind (_---_)
Broken wings
by diablia363 (Alisha Ranstrom)
three sides to every story
by diablia363 (Alisha Ranstrom)
Why do we want what we can't have?
by MrLimitless
Meditation of Madness
by DeanD
house of open rooms
by toniscales (Lost Girl)
My Groups
Poets I Follow
All Poets I Follow (13)lepperochan
whispellc20 (THE LEGEND)
Lost Thinker