scheming_catalyst (fickledheart)

Strange Creature
United States
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Member Since 10th July 2011
scheming_catalyst joined 4859 days ago and last visited 4760 days ago
Comments 3
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About Me

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My name is madeline, I am a catalyst. I consider myself to be logical and analytical. My passion in life is psychology, the human mind completely intrigues me. I believe love is a word you define for yourself. I believe personalities reflect your mind and your story. I have a relatively open mind. I am a lesbian. I am a hypocrite, I contradict myself, I play games, I lie. I am flawed; it's only human nature.

I love to listen to people whom have suffered and I believe I can be of help to them. My passion in life is psychology so aim to help anyone I can, without cliche words or spiritual talks about God haha. I've helped people on the verge of suicide, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, manipulative situations, and other problems. So feel free to talk to me, I'll listen.

I write about humanity, myself, different perceptions of life, observations, darkness, love, emptiness, situations through the eyes of others, and other things that I feel are intriguing.