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About Me
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My style is a rhyming narrative rather then free verse. I write about people or things that amuse me. Much of it revolves around the delivery of a “Roast, or a Eulogy” which can be found on the PoemStranger’s YouTube channel. Other topics expose my political leanings or just the way I see things in general. For more visit
I’m kinda like Dan Rather with the info I gather. It’s a powerful seat where I sit
I can make you a hero or grind you to zero all to the whim of my wit.
It’s a standing tradition with a touch of sedition…and none of it has to be true.
A few outrageous acts, some falsified facts. It becomes what I wish to construe.
Poem Stranger
I’m kinda like Dan Rather with the info I gather. It’s a powerful seat where I sit
I can make you a hero or grind you to zero all to the whim of my wit.
It’s a standing tradition with a touch of sedition…and none of it has to be true.
A few outrageous acts, some falsified facts. It becomes what I wish to construe.
Poem Stranger
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Silk Velveteen Purse
by marielavoue (Gypsy Red)
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Thought Provoker