Narocia (Tesana)

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Read Poems (12)
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Member Since 24th April 2014
Narocia joined 3783 days ago and last visited 678 days ago
Comments 15
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Poet Introduction

Hiya, I'm Narocia but go by many pseudonyms. I don't poet often, but when I do I usually post it here. I usually scribe things 'bout my feelings and thoughts since poetry is a good way to get things off my chest.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Shakespeare and Robert Frost

My Reading List

Full Reading List
Do-it-yourself epitaph by sodium589
About You by PsychicApocalypse (Darker Half)
Bloody Valentine: Part 2 by PsychicApocalypse (Darker Half)
Bloody Valentine: Part 1 by PsychicApocalypse (Darker Half)
Sinister Mind Entry by PsychicApocalypse (Darker Half)
Sinister Spirits by PsychicApocalypse (Darker Half)

Poets I Follow
