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Poet Introduction
Real life stuff. I express myself, my feelings, emotions, and experiences, all through my poems. Love them or hate them, they're my way out, and it's no one's place to judge.
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The Last Night-Skillet
Blacklist-Bring Me The Horizon
The A Team-Ed Sheeran
The Diary-Hollywood Undead
~These songs tell my life story~
Look's can be decieving. Scars are not cuts. Girl on girl, girl on boy, boy on boy; I don't see the difference. There are no strangers, just friend's you haven't met yet. Everything happens for a reason. What you say about me actually says nothing about me, but it say's alot about you. To judge someone else shows your own insecurity in yourself.
I'm weird.
I'm loud.
I'm a hypocrite.
I laugh at my own jokes.
I cry over little things.
But at the end of the day, I'm happy with who I am.
You could take away my house,
You could take away my possessions,
You could take away my education,
You could take away everything,
But you'll never take away my freedom.
You'll never take away my love.
And you'll never take away my happiness.
Potato's gunna potate,
Tomato's gunna tomate,
And hater's gunna hate.
Blacklist-Bring Me The Horizon
The A Team-Ed Sheeran
The Diary-Hollywood Undead
~These songs tell my life story~
Look's can be decieving. Scars are not cuts. Girl on girl, girl on boy, boy on boy; I don't see the difference. There are no strangers, just friend's you haven't met yet. Everything happens for a reason. What you say about me actually says nothing about me, but it say's alot about you. To judge someone else shows your own insecurity in yourself.
I'm weird.
I'm loud.
I'm a hypocrite.
I laugh at my own jokes.
I cry over little things.
But at the end of the day, I'm happy with who I am.
You could take away my house,
You could take away my possessions,
You could take away my education,
You could take away everything,
But you'll never take away my freedom.
You'll never take away my love.
And you'll never take away my happiness.
Potato's gunna potate,
Tomato's gunna tomate,
And hater's gunna hate.
My Reading List
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Just Me
by ThatOneBlackGuyy
by emoboi24 (Nik-Forever)
The one who is.
by emoboi24 (Nik-Forever)
blood to bleed
by PerfectXxXTragedy
satanic show
by pure_emo117
a little story about a big part of my life
by pure_emo117
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LoveBites (Brookiee-Baaby)
Lost Thinker