Forum Posts
Group Posts 38
Poet Introduction
I've been writing for a while now and really enjoy it. I hope my writing is relatable and understood. Small significant wounds relentlessly is how these demons die.
Favorite Poets/Writers
Some poets on here, Daphne Du Maurie, r.h. Sin, Edgar Allan Poe, Emily Dickinson... too many to nameAbout Me
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We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. - Anais Nin
The people we are at sixteen are not the people we are at twenty-six ... - Ruth Ware
He was a gentleman, but he was the devil at the same time. - Penelope Sky
That child of hell had nothing human; nothing lived in him but fear and hatred.
- Robert Louis Stevenson
Finding religion does not always improve a person ... - Daphne Du Maurier
What the hell was going on inside her head, that she could look so frightened and sound so composed. - Minette Walters
A black thought that has been swirling around in my subconscious drifts to the surface, big and heavy, stirring up a maelstrom of other thoughts on its wake. - Melanie Raabe
...she'd go with her instincts and keep hope close. - Christopher Coleman
Don't drag me through your nightmare. Don't tear apart what I am. You've got your demons, they parallel mine. You're not the victim, your my parasite.... - Beau Bokan
I'm just scared of ghosts.... And home is full of them. - John Green
Silence surrounds me, but there's screaming inside my head. - Alices Ashes
Words are like keys. If you choose them right, they can open any heart and shut any mouth.
- The Minds Journal
... Real beauty is incouruptible, never mind how profane or ugly the setting. - Minette Walters
The people we are at sixteen are not the people we are at twenty-six ... - Ruth Ware
He was a gentleman, but he was the devil at the same time. - Penelope Sky
That child of hell had nothing human; nothing lived in him but fear and hatred.
- Robert Louis Stevenson
Finding religion does not always improve a person ... - Daphne Du Maurier
What the hell was going on inside her head, that she could look so frightened and sound so composed. - Minette Walters
A black thought that has been swirling around in my subconscious drifts to the surface, big and heavy, stirring up a maelstrom of other thoughts on its wake. - Melanie Raabe
...she'd go with her instincts and keep hope close. - Christopher Coleman
Don't drag me through your nightmare. Don't tear apart what I am. You've got your demons, they parallel mine. You're not the victim, your my parasite.... - Beau Bokan
I'm just scared of ghosts.... And home is full of them. - John Green
Silence surrounds me, but there's screaming inside my head. - Alices Ashes
Words are like keys. If you choose them right, they can open any heart and shut any mouth.
- The Minds Journal
... Real beauty is incouruptible, never mind how profane or ugly the setting. - Minette Walters
My Reading List
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Someone I Loved (And Still Love)
by eswaller
The Libertine
by DanielChristensen (The Fire Elemental)
by UbiquitousVoid
by crimsin (Unveiling)
Bedlam~with the beautiful Jadedembers
by smackdownraven
Surviving Rock Bottom
by eswaller
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Jadedembers (Starving demons)
Fire of Insight